gil-estel · 3 years
love this episode in [checks notes] season five where it's all but explicitly stated that Sam left hunting primarily as an act of rebellion against John and since getting back into it he's realized that he actually enjoys it and doesn't want a white-picket-life with a blurry wife whereas Dean actually does crave that domesticity and desperately wants to get out but won't admit it because he doesn't think he's allowed to
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gil-estel · 3 years
okay a button has been pushed SO
being thrown around for a couple of hours a day takes a toll on your body. the types of falls i take are generally softer than what you see in tv/film stunt work, but general all around muscle aches, definitely a lot of hip pain. People who came up taking harder falls typically have bad knees, bc of where the force of the impact is being distributed
Repeated pins/joint-manipulation techniques CAN permanently fuck you up, but in my experience the pain is generally more short term unless you've actually torn a ligament
On that note, a big issue with soft tissue tears is when they go untreated (specially if you don't get an MRI) and eventually all the cartilage wears away and you have bone rubbing against bone in the joint :)
hamstring tears + broken collar bones are pretty common forward fall injuries. Knee injuries happen if you drop someone on your knee.
Your body is really good at adjusting to new levels of pain. After a while your wrists will stop bruising when people grab them and you won't feel every place your body touches the floor when you fall.
Mornings you're stiff as hell and everything hurts, but the best way to loosen up it to get back into the saddle
A couple of months of "rest" and a lot of the minor day-to-day pains will have a chance to heal and go away once you aren't compounding them. anything that sticks around after time off is the stuff you have to worry about.
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gil-estel · 3 years
there was a comment on twitter about how teachers have been "on vacation" for the ten months we've been virtual and i just—thinking about HOW MUCH LONGER it took to make power points and nearpods and google forms and find online resources that are developmentally appropriate and trawl the library for ebooks and,,
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gil-estel · 3 years
[legal disclaimer: we all construct our own Secret Good Supernatural in our heads and the bits of canon that you incorporate into yours may be different from the ones that I incorporate into mine but that doesn't make it any less valid.]
tbh my rewatch has been really enlightening because it seems to me that a lot of fanon characterizations of cas (especially like, human!cas or retired!cas) stem almost exclusively from endverse!cas and s7scrubs!cas. which like, you do you. but i think I, personally, find those characterizations to be off-putting because they're explicitly presented by the narrative to be trauma responses. like, cas doesn't behave that way because he's "letting loose" or whatever, it's because he's attempting to dissociate from his present reality. and it's difficult for me, in turn, to separate those elements of his characterization from their canon narrative circumstances. but as I said. To each their own.
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gil-estel · 3 years
what if jack likes ahsoka not because he identifies with her himself, but because he recognizes cas in her. her s5 arc, is, in particular, especially castielian:
being a soldier who is betrayed by a friend, causing you to become disillusioned with the community by which you were raised. making the decision to leave the only family you've ever known. having to carve out an identity separate from that while simultaneously knowing that you'll never be able to fully leave that part of yourself behind. the guilt of seeing your people massacred and feeling like you might have been able to do something about it if only you hadn't had left. having to murder your brothers, your comrades in arms—not because you want to, but because they're trying to kill you and the people you love. your unrelenting faith in a man whom everyone else keeps telling you is fated for evil. believing the best of him even when he doesn't believe in it himself. refusing to abandon him a second time—even if it means your death.
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gil-estel · 4 years
okay I'll bite
homophobic!jimmy novak is absolutely hilarious
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gil-estel · 3 years
i think a discussion of race in supernatural really is inextricable from a discussion of its refusal to confront hegemony and entrenched institutional power
like, institutions (heaven, hell, BMOL) are often the enemies, but ultimately the story focuses on overthrowing individual avatars of those institutions instead of fundamentally dismantling the oppressive structures upon which they are based
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gil-estel · 3 years
"dean does bad things but you can love him anyway because you know that it's just the writers being stupid"
—my mother, certified dean girl
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gil-estel · 4 years
also. let's not forget that live action almost entirely* rules out the possibility of luke and leia making an appearance, even though it makes narrative sense for those characters to interact with whichever Force sensitives appear in stories told after ROTJ
*i mean i wouldn't put it past Disney to recast or use CGI, but i think it's more likely they'd do that in a feature film than a tv series
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gil-estel · 3 years
Brains are so weird, like, I'll impulsively spend [REDACTED] on another quarterly subscription box because I had a stressful day but a $50 pair of white-gold earrings that I'd probably wear every day? too rich for my blood 😔
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gil-estel · 3 years
ahdjdlk i was going to make a joke about forming parasocial relationships with 40 year old men from red states and then i realized.........I CAN'T BC I LIVE IN A BLUE STATE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
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gil-estel · 3 years
the chrome mobile app's new tab-grouping feature is seriously enabling my "fifty million ao3 tabs open at once" habit
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gil-estel · 4 years
can't believe the mandalorian managed to perfectly capture the experience of trying to troubleshoot a small child over zoom
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gil-estel · 4 years
*dons my tinhat and clown paint*
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so bo-katan, ahsoka, and the darksaber are being introduced as key plot points in the mandalorian to spark a resurgence of interest in and new viewership of Rebels in advance of the announcement of a sequel series—
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gil-estel · 3 years
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feels like i need to do one of those "get organized with me | extreme desk organization" videos or sth
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gil-estel · 4 years
I'm just being whiney at this point....but what I'd really like is "crossovers" between mediums.
film, live action tv, animation, novels, comics
where each aspect of the story is told in the medium that most suits it but they all tie together into a cohesive narrative whole
but that would require actual work on the part of the creators and the story group and wouldn't be nearly as profitable or attract as many casual fans 🙂
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