#esther and speirs are quite the dynamic duo
wexhappyxfew · 1 year
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" You were the one that interviewed Eisenhower."
Esther quickly turned her head upwards to find an officer - she didn't miss the Lieutenant's bar shining on his collar nor the bar hidden on the cover slipped through his belt - his face aglow with the only light of his cigarette, eyes darkened with an evening shadow and his voice rough, like gravel, yet sharp, like a knife. It demanded to be heard and to be listened to. Esther took a moment to look at him; he wasn't looking at her, instead his eyes appeared off towards another part of the crowded PX, but she slowly reverted her own gaze forward again and let out a deep breath. If he heard, she didn't bother. It was Lieutenant Speirs. Who had yanked Private Kavanagh from training one morning and let Colonel Sink tear him a new one with a worthwhile amount of latrine duty on top of it.
" I did most of the talking, less of an interview, more of a debriefing, sir." Esther offered, sipping the beer bottle in her hands thoughtfully, her eyes crawling out to the crowd; Mercy with Bill and Joe at the dartboard, heavily improving - she promised one day to teach Esther. There were a few Easy men milling about at the bar and at tables filled with laughter and smiles. Esther sat like water ready to boil. She briefly heard Lieutenant Speirs let out a low chuckle and rounded on her and leaned against the chair in front of her where her legs were kicked up.
" I think we've met before." he said, catching her gaze and she gave him a nod.
" Told a man that he either speaks or you'll make him." Esther said," A fine 'how do you do'." Lieutenant Speirs smirked at her.
" Yeah, I can promise you that he's been gone for some time already; couldn't take the feel of dirt up his nose." Lieutenant Speirs said," If you catch my drift." Esther slowly nodded as she took another sip of the liquid, letting it run down her throat.
" Officers don't usually come out Friday nights." she said to him, watching as he flicked his eyes to her and then took a sparing glance around the lively bar.
" Heard something about a move to Benning, figured I'd get my last sip of beer before I start jumping outta planes." Lieutenant Speirs said cooly before placing his cigarette back onto his lip. A smirk rose on Esther's features the slightest bit.
" How the hell you get an interview with Ike?" he asked her, challenging her gaze for a second of time as she took another sip of beer," You don't just sit down with the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces."
" He was Chief of Staff at the time." Esther said with a casual look his way," If that matters any." Lieutenant Speirs smirked.
" You sat down with Ike." Lieutenant Speirs said with a casual shrug," That's enough to be curious about."
" Seems I was persistent enough." Esther said, tapping her fingers against her beer glass, noncommittal," Whether that mattered, I'd ask Eisenhower himself if he were here."
" I'll take your word for it." Lieutenant Speirs said with a nod, before looking at her fully again," Supposedly your face's been in the paper more in the coming weeks."
" So you've been keeping tabs on me?" she pondered as she finished off her beer and sat back in her chair and watched him with a tense gaze, challenging his word nearly against her own. Lieutenant Speirs watched her for a minute and then let out a dry chuckle and pushed up off of the chair back and crossed his arms.
" Tabs is a word for it, more like these people sitting at their desks gotta whole lot to say about someone whose actually going out and doing something for the war effort." he told her and she sent him a look. He had a point.
" They'll do their job and I'll do mine, sir."
Esther Armstrong and Ronald Speirs in an [Upcoming] excerpt of Chapter 11 of And Then The Dawn Came
taglist of possibly interested people!: @mads-weasley @thoughpoppiesblow @cetaitlaverite @icantdecideofthename @sergeant-spoons
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