#ethan paye
ketamineharry · 4 years
Be Alright - Ethan Payne/Harry Lewis Part 1/?
Requested: No
Authors Note: This is a multi-part story, if you’d like to read part two you can find it here and you can also find the third part here!Thank you for reading xx
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When Ethan had rung you and asked you to come over in the early hours of the morning, you had agreed. Usually, you told each other everything. Yet here you were, standing in his flat — looking at who you assumed was your boyfriend, but the face of a stranger was staring back at you. It all felt so alien. To further avoid that feeling, you glanced down at the floor, still unsure as to why he had asked you over so early.
“Y/N.” He said, softly. A certain tone to his voice that you had never heard him use around you, he sounded unsure. The Ethan that you knew and fell in love with, was confident. The man that stood in front of you, was anything but.
As you looked at him again, his eyes were blurry and filled with tears. A sullen expression adorned his features. Quickly, he turned away from you. To anyone else, that would have been typical Ethan. But to you, the person he had shared every emotion with for the past three years; it was like a slap in the face. Something was up, you just needed to know what it was so that you could help him fix it.
You tried to grab for his hand, an attempt to soothe him. But his reaction was to just pull away. None of this made any sense. Especially when just a few days prior, he was all over you. Expressing how much he loved you.
“Ethan, whatever has happened… I can’t help you, unless you tell me what it is.” You whispered softly, trying your best to get through to him.
“I made a dumb mistake. The cigarettes that you found on the counter, they weren’t Charlie’s… they were Carmen’s.” He admitted, as his voice began to break. His hands trembled as he tried to reach for you. Now he wanted a comfort that you just couldn’t provide.
You could feel the colour beginning to drain from your face. Your stomach churned, threatening to empty the contents all over his white rug. The man that you adored, had cheated on you. Not with just a random girl either, one of your closest friends. The air in the flat suddenly felt toxic. Like the longer that you stayed, the longer that you were going to poison yourself.
You needed to get out of there fast, but you couldn’t bare the thought of going back to your flat and being on your own. Where there were reminders of Ethan, everywhere. As you left the flat, you checked your phone to look at the time. With it being 2:33 am, you knew that there was only really one person you could rely on being awake.
You ordered an Uber to Harry and Freezy’s apartment. As you sent a text to Harry, to let him know you were on your way over. Once you had done that, you were left alone with your thoughts. Which is precisely where you didn’t want to be. The thought of Ethan, all over someone else, that someone else being one of your friends knocked the wind out of you. It made you feel so physically ill, that you weren’t sure how you were going to cope.
In what felt like the blurriest set of events, you were stood outside Harry and Freezy’s apartment. Slowly, you knocked on the door. You glanced at your hand, it was so pasty white; it was almost as if you were looking at someone else’s hand. In a weird out of body experience, where everything that had happened, was happening to someone else and you just had to watch. Take it in. Hope that it was just a nightmare that you had conjured up and that when you woke up, Ethan would be hovering above you, ready to reassure you that it was all just a dream. Then he would make sure that you knew that he loved you and order in a McDonald’s breakfast as an extra comfort.
When you stepped inside of the apartment, however, the familiar yellow glow of the lights hit you. Harry wrapped you in his arms. For the first time, you felt a sense of security and allowed yourself to cry. Ethan had broken you, but you were adamant that he wasn’t going to see the evidence of that. Although Harry seemed to say the worst things at the worst possible times, he remained silent — allowing you to just cry and let out all of the built up emotions that had accumulated in the short time it took for you to hear Ethan confirm that he had cheated on you, and end up at Harry’s flat. Harry rubbed comforting circles in your back, as he tried his best to soothe you.
“I don’t know if this will help,” Cal said, as he placed a shot glass in your hand. A clear liquid filled it to the brim. You had no idea what it was, and you didn’t really care either. You knocked it back, wincing slightly as the burning liquor made its way down your throat.
“We’re going to need more of whatever that was.” You exclaimed, as you slammed the shot glass back down on the table. A comfort being found in alcohol certainly wasn’t the best sign, but at this point you would have taken anything you could get.
The boys shared a knowing smile.
“That’s what we like to hear.” Cal remarked, as he took you in for a side hug and led you to the sofa.
“We promise, everything will be alright.” Harry said, comfortingly as he joined you both on the sofa. He placed several beverages in front of the both of you. You weren’t entirely sure how confident you were in that statement, but it was nice to know that your friends believed it.
The rest of the night passed by in a drunken haze. As you buried your feelings deeper, with each bit of alcohol you consumed. Ethan being pushed further away from your mind. Perhaps, healing wouldn’t be as hard as you thought it would be.
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correctsuccess · 4 years
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10 Questions About Biden’s Plan To Cancel Student Loans [ad_1] President-elect Joe Biden (Photograph by Ethan Miller/Getty Photos) Getty Photos Do you've gotten questions on Joe Biden’s plan to cancel scholar loans? Right here’s what you have to know. Scholar Loans Will you get scholar mortgage forgiveness? When will you get scholar mortgage forgiveness? These could also be a few of the questions you've gotten in... #betsy_devos #biden #biden_student_loan_forgiveness #biden_student_loans #cancel_my_student_loan #cancel_student_debt #cancel_student_loan_debt #cancel_student_loans #cancel_student_loans_biden #cancel_student_loans_joe_biden #chuck_schumer #college_debt #consolidate_student_loans #debt_crisis #devos_student_loans #donald_trump #elizabeth_warren #forgive_student_loans #great_lakes_student_loans #heroes_act #ibr #icr #income_based_repayment #income-driven_repayment #joe_biden #kamala_harris #law_school_debt #medical_school_debt #navient #navient_student_loans #pay_off_student_loans #paye #payoff_student_loans #refinance #refinance_student_loans #refinance_student_loans_calculator #repay_student_loans #repaye #sallie_mae_student_loans #stimulus #student_loan #student_loan_cancellation #student_loan_consolidation #student_loan_debt #student_loan_debt_cancellation #student_loan_debt_crisis #student_loan_debt_forgiveness #student_loan_default #student_loan_forgiveness #student_loan_questions #student_loan_refinance #student_loan_refinance_calculator #student_loan_refinancing #student_loan_refinancing_calculator #student_loan_repayment #student_loans #student_loans_default #trump_student_loans #will_i_get_student_loan_debt_cancellation #will_i_get_student_loan_forgiveness #will_my_student_loans_be_cancelled #will_my_student_loans_get_cancelled
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Be Alright Pt 3 - Ethan Payne/Harry Lewis 3/3
Requested: No
Authors Note: This is a multipart story, you can find part one here and part two here! Thank you so much for reading xx
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Harry held your hand tightly as you entered the cocktail bar, his thumb rubbing comforting circles into the back of your hand. He knew how much of a big step this was for you, especially considering that you hadn’t left the flat since arriving about a month ago. You were led to a booth outside. The fresh autumn air whipped around your face and hair, the breeze forced you to huddle together — the simple act of intimacy felt nice after such a long time.
You ordered a pornstar martini whilst Harry ordered a pina colada. He made idle conversation while you waited for your drinks to arrive, which blanketed you in a sense of normality. For the first time in a long time, any thoughts of Ethan were absent from your mind. The waitress placed your drinks on the table, along with a complimentary portion of nachos.
As you took a sip of your cocktail, you reached in for some of the nachos. Harry must have had the same idea, as your hands brushed against each other. A warm sensation rushed throughout your body as they connected. Quickly, you pulled your hand back. Surely it was far too soon to feel any sort of connection with anyone, including Harry.
“You have these ones and I’ll order another portion for myself.” Harry offered, nudging the plate in your direction.
“We can just share y’know. I don’t have germs.” You jested, as you nudged him playfully.
He agreed on sharing, as you both grabbed a nacho and cheersed each other before crunching down and eating it. Soon enough, you had both ploughed your way through the dish and diminished the nachos. Content that you both had a full stomach, Harry grabbed your hand and led you out of the building.
“There’s something I want to show you.” He told you, as he ushered you into an Uber. The drive was fairly short. Once the driver had pulled up, Harry got out from the other side of the car, and helped you out. He took your hand and led you up a hill. The scene before you was beautiful, you could see houses and monuments. The autumn sunset illuminating it all in shades of yellow and orange.
He took your arm and pulled you in for a hug. His frame enveloped you, with him being significantly broader and taller than you; it made you feel safe. Eye contact was made, for the first time tonight. Although you had spent a month with Harry, in your most vulnerable state — you felt shy.
A small smile tugged at the blonde’s lips as he looked down at you, his hands perched on your lower back. He placed a small kiss on top of your head.
“I’m so proud of you.” He said, breaking the comfortable silence that had intoxicated you both.
“What for?” You questioned, as you buried your face into his jumper. Trying to protect yourself from the cold evening air, and the deep blush that had now crept up and found its way onto your cheeks.
“You’ve made so much progress in so little time. You are so strong.” He mumbled into your hair, as he rested his head on yours. Warmth being exchanged between you both as you maintained the hug.
“I wouldn’t have gotten through it, if it wasn’t for you and Cal.” You explained, as you looked up at him. His blue eyes gleamed in the orange light that had previously illuminated the city. He looked beautiful.
Before you could stop yourself, you closed the space between you and gave him a delicate kiss. His hand cupped your cheek, as your arms snaked their way around his neck. Surprisingly, nothing felt rushed. It didn’t feel wrong; or like it was a rebound. It was perfectly timed. Just you and Harry, everything else was pointless in that moment. The moment belonged to the both of you.
As you pulled away, you leaned in and rested your head on his shoulder. His breath was hot on your neck. Neither of you said a word, as you just wanted to appreciate what had just happened.
“You have no idea how long I have waited for a moment like that, with you.” He whispered.
“It’s cold out here, let’s go back to the flat, there may be more where that came from.” You teased, as you grabbed his hand.
Outside of the apartment felt different now, as you both stood there, revelling in the last moments that you would have harbouring that you had a secret kiss. Harry leaned into you, once again he cupped your face and pulled you into him. Your lips latched against each other, a small smile made its way onto your face as the kiss deepened.
A cough knocked you out of the brief bliss that you both felt, as you turned around to see Ethan. He looked at you in horror. His mouth agape.
“So… how long did it take for you to move on to my Mrs then Bog?” Ethan questioned, his fists clenching.
“She’s no longer your Mrs mate,” Harry said, as he stepped in front of you. An attempt at trying to protect you from whatever was about to happen.
“Oh that’s right! You have to try and make a move on my sloppy seconds. What’s next, are you going to try and bed Carmen?” He taunted.
Before you had a grasp on what was happening, Harry stepped forward and punched Ethan. His fist connected with his nose. Blood flowed from his nose, as Ethan cradled his face.
“She is worth so much more than that. You’re the one who fucked up here mate, not her. So do us all a favour and fuck off, yeah?” Harry warned, as he took your hand and led you inside.
As you felt the familiarity of the flat and the normality of everything falling back into place, Harry turned to you. A small smile plastered on his lips.
“I know this is fairly soon into what this is, but I promise if you want to pursue this. Everything with me will be alright.”
You decided to reply by pulling him in for another kiss. His lips started to feel more and more like home. It was true what they said, they can’t steal the love you were born to find.
“About time.” Cal called, from the other side of the room and he was right, it was.
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Be Alright Pt 2 - Ethan Payne/Harry Lewis 2/3
Requested: No
Authors Note: This is the second part to Be Alright, you can find the first part here and you can also find the third part here! Thank you for reading xx
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Harry and Cal, had kindly let you stay at their flat for the past two weeks. You had been blanketed in a sense of depression and loneliness. Despite being around the two men who constantly comforted you and allowed you to drown your sorrows in the alcohol they had purchased; you still couldn’t get over the fact that you were no longer with Ethan. That wasn’t the hardest thing though, the hardest thing was the betrayal you had to harbour. The betrayal that not only Ethan and Carmen had handed you, but the betrayal that you had bought among yourself — Ethan had always had the reputation of being a ladies man, yet you decided to give him a chance.
Harry crashed down on the sofa next to you, he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He grabbed your phone off of the coffee table and passed it to you.
“I think it’s time for you to go through everything and delete it. You need to get over this donny and you won’t be able to do that with photos haunting you on your camera roll and on Instagram.” He said, as he broke the silence between you.
You nodded, as you unlocked your phone. Ready to erase the last three years. You started off with your camera roll, the smiles that reflected back at you, sent a wave of pain through your body that you didn’t know existed. How long had he been messing around behind your back? You weren’t even sure if the smiles were genuine anymore. Ethan had destroyed every ounce of faith that you once had in your relationship. A month ago, you were convinced that you were the happiest you had ever been. A month ago, you felt secure not only within your relationship, but within yourself.
Now, here you were questioning everything. Even as you deleted the photos, you couldn’t erase the memories. At least not yet. That’s one thing that he would always have over you, for at least the length of time that it took you to move on and forget. Never mind the psychological damage he had caused.
“I keep telling you it’s going to be alright. But I want you to know that things will get easier. Freezy and I have already said that you can stay here for as long as you want… plus, you’ve made such a massive step by deleting those photos.” Harry continued, trying to instill some sort of hope back into you.
Freezy came bounding out of his bedroom and made a beeline for the fridge, and retrieved a can of beer and some pastrami. He looked over at you and Harry, a cheeky smile tugging at his lips.
“Y/N. I just thought I’d let you know that I’m filming with Ethan later on, but Bog can take you out for a Nando’s or something so that you don’t have to see him.” Cal explained, as he made his way over to you both and plonked down on the sofa.
“No, I want to see him. I need to confront him and try and get some closure. I hate feeling like he’s gained all of this power and control over me, and that there’s nothing I can do. He can fuck right off if he doesn’t like the fact that I’m here.”
It was around two in the afternoon when Ethan finally rolled up at the flat. A sense of anger immediately gripped you. He had taken such a good relationship and poisoned it. He had made you question yourself. He made you blame yourself for an action he decided to make. He had plagued your life to the point where you couldn’t go back to your own flat. Yet here he was, so brazen and so normal. Above all, you were angry that he was ok, when you really weren't.
He made his way into the lounge, which is where you were. Curled up in a thick, fluffy blanket, watching your comfort show. Trying your best to convince yourself that everything happened for a reason and soon enough, you would be happy.
“Y/N.” Ethan called, breaking the silence. Even your name in his mouth felt wrong now. Which was strange, because not long ago it was your favourite sound.
“You look great.” He continued, which you both knew was a lie. You had been finding it hard to regularly shower, brush your hair and get fresh clothes on every couple of days. Harry or Cal would help you when they could, but their busy schedules meant that they were restricted on when they could physically do things for you, such as brushing your hair out.
Ethan however, looked amazing as much as you hated to admit it. He was freshly showered and dressed in a white jumper, black jeans and the trainers you had gotten him for his birthday; only a few months prior. As he stood there, he looked so much like the man you once knew.
Against your better judgement, you stood up and made your way over to him. You just needed to make sure that you weren’t imagining things. Ethan was just a few inches away from you now, a small smile on his face. Tentatively, you placed a hand against his cheek. It was ice cold, you assumed it was due to the crisp autumn air that billowed at the windows at night.
While you shared that moment together, it felt like your Ethan was back. The man you fell in love with. The man you knew that you were safe with and for just a brief moment you were reminded what happiness he had provided you with.
“Carmen and I have been on a few dates… I didn’t know you were going to be here, but I guess it’s better that you know because things are going well.” He mumbled, as he broke eye contact for the first time. Instead he chose to look at the floor, presumably too ashamed to even look at you.
Immediately, you dropped your hand from his face. You wanted the ground to swallow you whole. No matter how badly Ethan had broken you, you still loved him. If you were honest with yourself, you were still in love with him. So to know that he had already moved in, despite being the one to cheat felt like another slap in the face. One last final blow.
Without any thought, you found yourself in Harry’s room. A pillow covered your face as you sobbed. You could feel your whole body shaking. While Harry just sat there and allowed you to cry, never making you feel bad. Just allowing you to feel what you needed to, in the presence of a friend that you trusted.
“I tell you what, we’ll go on a night out tonight… just us two. You’ll forget about that little ginger prick in no time.” He said, giving you a playful nudge.
You had absolutely nothing to lose, so you agreed. Perhaps alcohol would provide the comfort you needed once more, because after what had just happened; you needed it.
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Holiday - Ethan Payne
Requested: Yes by @wroetobehzinga ~ Hiiiii girl✨✨ Pls can I request like, holiday abroad with all the lads and gals, but reader & Behz can’t stand each other to begin with??? Then when they’re all on a night out they sort of end up confessing to liking each other idk??? Thank u x
Trigger Warnings: None
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As you stood in the airport with your best friends, Freya and Talia you were beyond excited. After the long and treacherous year of the lockdown, you all needed to escape and be wild for a week or so. While you were waiting for the long line to board the plane to Ibiza, Talia instructed you to place your passport on top of your luggage so she could take a picture and post it to her Instagram story.
The minute that Talia posted the story your phone vibrated.
‘@TaliaMar tagged you in a story.’
You clicked on the notification and saw the photo, you reposted the picture on your story before locking your phone and getting onto the plane.
Once you had boarded, Freya instantly got her camera out. Filming the three of you. As she turned the camera to you, you poked your tongue out and threw up a peace sign.
Once you had gotten through security in Ibiza, you were met by Josh and Simon.
“Lovely to see you girls.” Josh said, wrapping Freya into a hug.
“We’ve missed you.” Simon continued, engulfing Talia in a hug too.
“Hopefully I’ll end up having some sort of holiday romance.” You joked, as you rolled your eyes playfully.
The five of you placed an order for an Uber to collect you from the airport and drive you to the hotel. Thankfully everyone was staying there, which meant that if the party wanted to continue long after the clubs were shut.
The drive was fairly short, and filled with nonsensical chatter. Some of which was regarding what everyone was planning to wear on the first night out. Just from the energy in the car, you knew that the first night was going to be massive.
You lugged your luggage up to your hotel room, unlocked the door and heaved the suitcase on top of your bed. Being the completely disorganised person you are, instead of unpacking your suitcase, you decided to try and throw together an outfit. You settled on some light blue jeans and a burgundy velvet top, pairing them with some white strappy heels.
You applied minimalistic makeup, just a bit of lipgloss and mascara, it was going to be sweaty and hot. The last thing you needed was your face to start melting in the middle of the club. You grabbed a bag and your phone, and walked the short distance to the club that everyone was meeting at.
As you walked in and found everyone, you couldn’t help but feel your face drop. The ginger curls, the glasses and the opened t-shirt were dead giveaways. You knew that he was going to be here, but you didn’t realise you would still hold this much resentment towards him.
“Who invited her?” Ethan asked, eyeing you up and down.
“Intoxicated already Ethan? Classy as ever.” You quipped, going to grab yourself a drink from the bar. As you paid for your drink, and grabbed it in your free hand, you made your way back over to the group Ethan was still harping on.
“We didn’t even want you here, you were just invited out of sympathy and because we were offered a deal on the hotel if we had over eight rooms.” He said, as if it were a matter of fact.
“And you were just invited along because someone needed to be the designated photographer.” You snapped.
No sooner had you finished the sentence, when you felt a cold liquid spray all over you. Ethan had chucked his drink at you. Thankfully, it was your clothes that took the biggest hit as Ethan, even without your heels was slightly shorter than you.
“I’ll take you to the toilet so you can freshen yourself up… come on Y/N.” Freya said, taking a hold of your hand, she glanced over at Josh before you both headed to the toilet.
“Why does he hate me so much?” You asked Freya, as she grabbed you a handful of tissue to wipe yourself off with.
“Babe… he doesn’t hate you. He just doesn’t know how to behave properly, especially after he’s had a drink and has a bee in his bonnet.” She laughed, handing you the tissue. Keeping some for herself so she could help dry you off.
The rest of the holiday was much of the same. You got to visit loads of places with the girls and had fun filming for their respective YouTube channels, but when it came to going on a night out, you were filled with dread.
Every single time Ethan would make sure you felt uncomfortable and like you weren’t wanted, and every single night you would go back to your hotel room wishing you hadn’t attended.
Which is why, on the final night to keep the peace and the memories of the amazing holiday you’d had with your friends, you decided to stay at the hotel. You’re not sure you would have forgiven yourself if the tension between you and Ethan ruined everyone’s final night.
You sent a text to Talia, just so no-one was surprised when you were a no show for the final night. Instead, you opted to get into some pyjamas, tuck yourself into bed and watch some Netflix. You ordered a pizza on your phone, before engrossing yourself into the show you were watching.
A knock on the door snapped you out of your thoughts regarding what was going on, on said show. You jumped out of bed, grabbing some cash from the side to pay for the pizza. As you opened the door, you see Talia, Freya and the rest of the sidemen boys standing behind it.
“If you don’t want to come to the party, the party will come to you.” Talia said, as she thrusted a bottle of vodka into your hand. You took it and placed it on the bedside cabinet.
The hotel room was small, and you weren’t sure it was going to be able to fit everyone inside. But you were so taken aback by the gesture, that you didn’t really care. As long as everyone had a good time.
You cracked open the vodka, and everyone was on the shots. Everyone was at least a little tipsy, if not drunk.
“Let’s play spin the bottle.” JJ said, placing an empty plastic water bottle in between the group.
“Ethan you’re up first.” Josh said, nudging him slightly as he made eye contact with you.
Ethan spun the bottle and it landed on you. As much as you didn’t want to kiss him, because he was a bastard, you were never one to back out of games. If you were playing, you were playing to win.
Ethan walked up to you, cupping your face in his hands as he leaned in to kiss you. Your lips met and instantly your body broke out in goosebumps. His hot breath tasted like vodka, but the longer he kissed you the more that you craved him.
He broke away from the kiss. Leaving you breathless. You definitely wanted more.
“If you’re lucky… there’s more where that came from.” He teased as he sauntered away.
He was a cocky prick, but maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought you did
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Thank You For Stopping By - Ethan Payne
Requested: Yes ~ used to be in a relationship with one of the boys, you break up and reunite a few years later? feelings never really went away, every relationship since has failed, you're my one true love yada yada yada (any boy u want icon)
Authors Note: For anyone interested, this is based on a spoken word poem called When Love Arrives by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye
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In year seven, you were adamant that you knew what love looked like. He wore a shark tooth necklace and knew how to play all of your favourite Oasis songs on the acoustic guitar. His hair swooped to the side, the envy of any boyband member. He was taller than you and always wanted to take photos for Instagram that made everyone else envious.
When love finally arrived, in the form of Ethan Payne. He was a troubled teenager, grieving the loss of his father. He was off the rails and was constantly getting himself in trouble. Dabbling in drugs, drinking his life away on the weekends and hardly ever attending the college. Nevertheless, he enticed you. He became the reason that you lied to your parents, always relying on your friend Jess to cover for you when you wanted to hang out. You couldn’t imagine what your loving, but ultimately overbearing parents would have had to say if they found out that you were meeting up with — never mind dating, someone like Ethan.
The first kiss you shared was messy, teeth getting tangled together. Still, you could feel the spark charging through your body for every second your lips connected. Hand pressed against his face while his hand was wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you closer into him. It was safe to say that you got lost in each other.
When Ethan had finally decided to break it off with you, in what felt like some sort of amateur disappearing act. It hurt. The relationship had only lasted for a few months, but, it felt like there was a longevity to it that hadn’t been explored. The hurt that hit you, was unlike anything you had ever felt. The worst part about it was, your friends had been warning you for weeks. If you had listened to them and jumped ship before he was able to, maybe it wouldn’t have stung so badly. The reality of the situation was that you were loyal to a fault and you couldn’t have left Ethan without a valid reason.
The breakup had left you with songs that you could no longer listen to and wounds that you had no idea how to heal. You found new love, love that was willing to tell you just how beautiful you were over and over again; no matter how much you were sick of hearing it. But somehow failed to tell you when you needed to hear it most. This love baked you cookies, but would eat most of them for a midnight snack. This love wasn’t perfect, but they sealed the Ethan shaped hole that was burned into your heart when he decided to walk away. In spite of all of this though, you still longed for the excitement and adrenaline that being with Ethan provided.
Which is why it didn’t surprise you when after the end of your most recent relationship, when Ethan reached out to you and asked to meet up after such a long time… it felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. It didn’t take much to get you to agree, if anything the least meeting up with him would do is provide you with closure. With closure, at least then you could move on.
You were sitting outside a coffee shop, nursing a cappuccino in one hand. The other hand around your phone, scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. A tap on your shoulder knocked you out of your thoughts. Ethan. From a quick glance, he looked so much better than when you had last seen him. He had lost weight, his sense of style had improved by leaps and bounds and he wore glasses that seemed to frame his face perfectly. He was even more beautiful than you had remembered.
“Y/N!” Ethan beamed, knocking you out of your thoughts. You stood up, to greet him. As you did, he engulfed you in a hug. The smell of his cologne instantly hit you. The man that stood before you, was certainly the boy that had broken your heart many moons ago.
You both sit down, hands connected; almost as if either of you let go, you’d wake up from some sort of fever dream. A comfortable silence embraced you both for a while. Until the harsh reality hit. It had been five whole years. Five years of wondering what had gone so wrong without so much as a single hint of explanation.
“Why did you just ghost on me like that?” You asked, daring to break the safety net of the silence. Ethan recoiled, lifted his hand from yours and crossed his arms. Whatever it was, it was clear that he felt uncomfortable about it. So much so, he had to comfort himself.
“I was trying to protect you. You were so oblivious to the way that I was treating you, I relied on you to break me out of a deep sense of grief that I was experiencing. No adult should have to deal with that, never mind a fucking child.” He mumbled, voice shaking.
“I feel so bad for what I did. I know it’s no excuse for it, but I was young and naive. I loved you more than anything. You kept me grounded and actually reminded me in my darkest times that it was alright to like myself, because of how much you adored me.” He continued. A sheepish grin spreading over his face.
You didn’t really know how to comprehend what he was telling you. It was certainly a massive relief on your part that he was willing to be so open without you having to prod too much to extract the information that you needed from him.
“So why did you want to get this done now?” You inquired.
“Because it’s time for the both of us to move on… properly.” He responds, matter of factly. You tried to not let the punch that his words served you with show on your face. But, Ethan knew you better than anyone. He was definitely able to see that something was up.
“Listen Y/N… a wise person once forced me to watch their favourite spoken word poem. If I remember correctly, it goes something along the lines of, ‘love arrives exactly when love is supposed to and love leaves exactly when love must’. We’ve both been holding on to each other for so long.” He confessed.
“I remember that. I thought spoken word poetry was for geeks though.” You jested, trying your hardest to lift the mood. Ethan laughed, his belly laugh, the one you had etched into your memory from the moment you first earned one from him. It was bitter-sweet, although you loved hearing it, deep down you knew that this would be the last time you ever would.
“Yeah it is. But I suppose when you love someone you try and get into their interests, geeky warts and all.” He smiled, regaining his composure.
As the afternoon went on, you shared jokes and reminisced about your adolescence together. Five years ago, you would have never comprehended that closure could feel this good.
Soon enough, the conversation weaved its way back into a silence.
“How did the end of that poem go?” Ethan asked. The pain now evident on his face. It was hard for the both of you. You both understood just how pivotal you were to each other’s understanding of life in its purest form, from way before the adult worries of bills and jobs had made themselves apparent. Letting go of that, meant letting go of your childhood in essence.
“If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. Turn off the music and listen to the quiet.” You offered. The poem that you had enjoyed for many years now plaguing and haunting you as you sat in front of the man you had loved from the sidelines, for years.
“I just want to thank you for everything you were to me. But most importantly, thank you for stopping by.” He whispered, leaning forward to kiss you on the cheek, before scraping his chair back on the concrete.
As he walked away, you knew it was over. But you were comforted by the fact that the next time love rolled around, you would have the door wide open, freshly baked cookies on the side for them to have as a midnight snack. You would be ready.
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ketamineharry · 4 years
Happier - Ethan Payne  Requested: Yes ~ Hiiii bestest bitch💖💖💖 pls can I request unrequited love with Behz so likeeeeeThe reader has feelings for him but they aren’t mutual and he only realises he feels the same when he sees the reader with someone else after they’ve finally moved on??? XBREAK MA HEART GIRL XLove u x
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It had been a month since you had last seen Ethan. Since you had discovered you had feelings for him, around six months ago your relationship had never been the same. The usual dynamic, for years, had been ripping jokes and constant banter. That was until he hit a severe depression and nearly took his own life; although he was one of your closest friends, it hit you a lot harder than you would have expected. Perhaps, that’s what kickstarted your feelings for him, you weren’t quite sure. The dynamic changed from that moment, you had made sure that Ethan had known just how much you cared about him, which undoubtedly increased your feelings tenfold.
After you had plucked up the courage to tell Ethan the intensity of your feelings, Ethan pulled back. He just didn’t seem to handle it well, or at all. He had left your flat, and you hadn’t heard from him since. Meanwhile, you had really hit it off with your neighbour Callum. It was certainly unexpected, but love is supposedly unexpected. Within the few months that you had been with Callum, your relationship had already gone from strength to strength. 
To celebrate your six month anniversary with Callum, you had both decided to really spoil yourselves and head to the new Italian restaurant in town. As you fiddled with your little black dress, and applied your lipgloss, Callum walked into the bedroom, placing a hand on the small of your back as he placed a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“You look breathtaking tonight,” he mumbled into your hair. You grabbed your bag from the chair in the corner of your bedroom. “Ready?” You ask, as you interlock your fingers with his. Heading out to the car, an instant breeze hit your skin. It was February and you had skipped out on a jacket, not the wisest of decisions. 
The journey didn’t take as long as you had anticipated, traffic was minimal — even when there were longer car journeys though, you barely noticed because every second that you spent with him, felt like gold dust. 
As you entered the building, you were hit by just how romantic it all was. The lighting was low enough to create just the right atmosphere. Candles adorned the walls and a huge chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling. A waitress came to greet you, she complimented your outfit as she showed you to your table. 
Sitting down, you hear a familiar laugh. Fuck. Anyone but him, any day but today. As you turn your head, you see Ethan and the rest of the Sidemen boys having a spectacular time. In the same VIP area that Callum had booked for your dinner date. The waitress takes your order for a starter, you had opted for something simple. Cheesy garlic bread. She hadn’t asked you what drink you wanted though, which struck you as odd. Maybe she had just forgotten. 
A senior member of staff, approached your table with two champagne flutes filled to the brim, and a champagne bottle. “On the house,” he says, shooting a quick smile at Callum before leaving to tend to other tables. 
Gingerly, you took a sip of champagne. You swirled it around in your mouth a little, trying to coat your tongue with it so you could get the full flavour. That is, until you felt something hard clink against your teeth. You swallowed the liquid, being extra careful not to swallow the object. You picked up one of the red napkins and spat it out, revealing the object to be a ring. An engagement ring. As you looked to your side, Callum was on one knee, and the entire restaurant lulled into a deafening silence. 
“Y/N, Y/L/N these past six months with you have been the best of my life, you have been such an unadulterated joy that I didn’t expect. You are a tornado of fun, energy and chaos. You remind me that there’s equal power in losses and wins. You are beautiful and courageous. You are everything I have ever dreamed. Will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?” He asked. 
With tear filled eyes, you nod. In no way were you expecting a proposal this soon, but everything just felt right. Callum was the person for you. However, you couldn’t shake the feeling of red hot daggers being shot at you from behind. You knew it was Ethan. Why he was so pissed off, you had no idea. Surely, if he was as good of a friend as you thought he was, he would’ve been happy for you. 
He stormed out of the restaurant, jacket in hand. Not daring to even glance your way. This was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. “I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” you say, excusing yourself from the table. You needed to confront him and see what the fuck this was all about. It wasn’t amusing anymore and, in all honesty, you missed him. You missed your best friend.
As you followed Ethan outside of the restaurant, you could see him perched against his car. Jacket sprawled across his lap, phone in hand as he aimlessly scrolled. 
“Ethan, we need to talk now.” You demand, crossing your arms. A reflex, partly due to being cold and partly because you felt an indescribable amount of anger you felt towards him at that moment. Why couldn’t he just be happy for you? 
“No, Y/N just fuck off. Fuck off back to your fiance and leave me alone.” He shouts, turning his back to you. What the fuck had caused all of this? You just didn’t understand, and maybe it was best if you never did. 
“Fine Ethan, I’m done. We’re done.” You say in defeat, you just didn’t have the strength to fight with him anymore. Both of you needed to move on with the next stages of your lives. Of course it was going to hurt, you had been friends for years, you had talked about being at each other’s weddings, being an aunt and uncle to each other’s children and for it all to just end like this. It felt wrong. 
“No Y/N, wait.” Ethan called, causing you to stop in your tracks. “I guess I owe you an explanation. I guess I was too quick to jump the gun all those months ago. You were and still are such an important part of my life…” He says, placing a hand on your waist. “I just didn’t realise I reciprocated those feelings for you until tonight, until it was far too late.” He glances down at your hand, seeing the diamond ring reflect in the moonlight. Tears began to well up and fall from his face, before he turned away from you completely. 
“Just know that if he breaks your heart like lovers do, that I’ll be waiting here for you.”
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correctsuccess · 4 years
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Biden Has ‘Moral Obligation’ To Cancel Student Loans [ad_1] Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Picture by Ethan Miller/Getty Photos) Getty Photos Elizabeth Warren says Joe Biden has a “ethical obligation” to cancel pupil loans. Right here’s what you could know. Pupil Loans Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) now says that cancelling pupil loans is a “ethical obligation,” and never solely an financial obligation. “If we do not ... #betsy_devos #biden #biden_student_loan_forgiveness #biden_student_loans #cancel_my_student_loan #cancel_student_debt #cancel_student_loan_debt #cancel_student_loans #cancel_student_loans_biden #cancel_student_loans_joe_biden #chuck_schumer #college_debt #consolidate_student_loans #debt_crisis #devos_student_loans #donald_trump #elizabeth_warren #forgive_student_loans #great_lakes_student_loans #heroes_act #ibr #icr #income_based_repayment #income-driven_repayment #joe_biden #kamala_harris #law_school_debt #medical_school_debt #navient #navient_student_loans #pay_off_student_loans #paye #payoff_student_loans #refinance #refinance_student_loans #refinance_student_loans_calculator #repay_student_loans #repaye #sallie_mae_student_loans #stimulus #student_loan #student_loan_cancellation #student_loan_consolidation #student_loan_debt #student_loan_debt_cancellation #student_loan_debt_crisis #student_loan_debt_forgiveness #student_loan_default #student_loan_forgiveness #student_loan_refinance #student_loan_refinance_calculator #student_loan_refinancing #student_loan_refinancing_calculator #student_loan_repayment #student_loans #student_loans_default #trump_student_loans #will_i_get_student_loan_debt_cancellation #will_i_get_student_loan_forgiveness #will_my_student_loans_be_cancelled #will_my_student_loans_get_cancelled
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riilsports · 8 years
Locals dominate weight throw, Knights’ Djero a double-winner at East Coast Invitational
January 14, 2017
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   Central High sprint star Donatein Djero dominated both the boys’ hurdles and dash events at the sixth annual East Coast Invitational on Saturday at the PCTA track. Djero, a senior, clocked 6.51 seconds in winning the dash ahead of Amityville’s Terry Hinds (6.58). In the 400, it was Djero again, going 50.25 for the gold. Knight teammate Austin Wolo finished second in 50.86.
    The girls’ 20-pound weight was taken by Ponaganset’s Gianna Rao with a mark of 58-9.75 (17.92). In the 25-pound boys’ competition, it was Woonsocket’s Jared Briere with a winning throw of 67-11.50 (20.71). The Barrington girls’ 4x800 relay was victorious on Friday night with a time of 10:13.90. West Warwick’s Ivan Goretoy put the boys’ shot a winning 50-5.50 (15.37). And Classical’s Julio Almanzar mined gold in the boys’ pole vault with a height of 13 feet (3.96).  Anthony Shepard, a South Kingstown senior, went 22-8 (6.90) to win the boys’ long jump.
    Hendricken’s 4x800 and Toll Gate’s sprint medley relays were also triumphant, as was North Providence’s Nate Coogan in the boys’ 800 meters.
Top finishers (Medals to first 6)
    WT (20-lb./9-kilo) - 1, Gianna Rao, Pon. 58-9.75 (17.92 meters); 2, Molly Botts, CE 50-0.25 (15.24); 3, Sam Andrews, Linc. 48-10.50 (14.89); 5, Annika Kelly, Barr. 47-10 (14.57); 6, Joan Mata, MP 47-4.50 (14.43); 7, Sydney Polando, Barr. 45-9 (13.94).
    SP - 4, Ani Armenakyan, TG 38-3 (11.65); 6, Andrews 35-5.75 (10.81); 8, Keyarsa Harris, Cent. 33-0 (10.05).
    HJ - 5, Alex Montagano, LS 5-0 (1.52); (tie) Rachel Mews,Cent.; 9, Kayla Ezeama, Smith.4-10 (1.47).
    LJ - 8, Emma Santee, West.16-4.50 (4.99); 10, Virsavia Goretoy, WW 16-1.50 (4.91).
    PV - 5, Alexandra Guertin, Smith. 9-0 (2.74); 7, Lauren Richardson, Barr. 8-0 (2.43); Theresa Di Nobile, Smith. 7-0 (2.13).
    Two mile - 2, Sydney Bagus, Smith. 11:36.91 (= 10:45.4 @ 3000m).
    Mile - 2, Grace Connolly, LS 5:06.73 (= 4:43.8 @ 1500m); 6, Emily Kane, LS 5:12.90 (= 4:49.8 @ 1500); 9, Ellie Lawler, SK 5:18.86 (= 4:55.4 @ 1500); 11, Shayna Cousineau, CE 5:21.65 (=4:57.7 @ 1500); 12, Kate Zitzmann, Barr. 5:26.70 (= 5:02.3 @ 1500); 15, Claire Hanlon, BV 5:29.28 (= 5:04.6 @ 1500); 16, Randi Burr, West. 5:29.66 (= 5:05.1 @ 1500).
    800 - 2, Leinni Valdez, Hope 2:20.62; 3, Lisbeth Valdez, Hope 2:22.36; 10, Gabby Celico, LS 2:30.01.
    400 - 2, Laura Murphy, EG 58.74; 5, Isabella Gentil, EG 1:01.17; 11, Aliya Barrows, BV 1:02.77; 13, Sydney Federico, West. 1:03.88.
    55m - 5, Murphy 7.53; 8, Santee 7.65.
    55mH - 6, Casey Gannon, TG 8.98.
    SHR - 2, Barrington 37.81; 3, MSC 38.23.
    4x200 - 2, Westerly 1:49.55; 4, W. Warwick 1:51.37; 5, Central 1:51.65; 7, Classical 1:51.68; 8, La Salle 1:52.30.
    4x400 - 3, Westerly 4:15.94; 4 MSC 4:16.30; 6, La Salle 4:20.02.
    4x800 - 1, Barrington (Lily Gagliano, Lily Sefranek, Kate Zitzmann, Tea Bishop) 10:13.90; 3, MSC 10:18.36; 4, Bay View 10:19.13; 5, Toll Gate 10:24.49; 9, Coventry 10:52.59.
    SMR - 2, Barrington 4:37.78; 5, Bay View 4:44.83; 6, Classical 4:47.65; 7, Barr. “B” 4:50.10.
Top finishers (Medals to first 6)
    WT (25-lb./11.36-kilo) - 1, Jared Briere, Woons. 67-11.50 (20.71 meters); 2, Kevin Fofana, Class. 63-10.50 (19.46); 3, Ivan Goretoy, WW 63-7.25 (19.38); 4, Aidan Matos, Cent. 62-4.75 (19.01); 5, Dilyn Cote, Woons. 61-11.50 (18.88); 6, Jacob Greenless, Woons. 60-11.25 (18.58); 7, Abe Salako, BH 59-0.75 (18.00); 8, Jacob Furland, Class. 57-5.50 (17.51); 9, Evan Grivers, Linc. 54-10.25 (16.71); 10, Jason Hoskins, Cov. 54-2 (16.51).
    SP - 1, Goretoy 50-5.50 (15.37); 2, Jon Buchanan, Class. 49-8.50 (15.15); 3, Kwity Paye, BG 48-9 (14.85); 5, Grivers 48-3.50 (14.71); 6, Xavier Truss, BH 46-11.50 (14.31); Derek Jacobs, West. 46-9.75 (14.26); 9, Cam Croce, LS 44-4.50 (13.52); 10, Briere 43-6.75 (13.27).
    HJ - 2, Augustus Karweh, Cent. 6-0 (1.93); 3, Quin Wilson, WW 6-0; 4, Mike Bittner, BH 5-10 (1.77); 5, Jon Upshur, Woons. 5-8 (1.72); 7, Nick Iarussi, Woons. 5-8.
    LJ - 1, Anthony Shepard, SK 22-8 (6.90); 10, Josh Correia, Woons. 20-6 (6.24).
    PV - 1, Julio Almanzar, Class. 13-0 (3.96); 2, Thorin Cardente, NK 13-0
    Two mile - 4, Jeff Pichie, Burr. 10:06.85 (= 9:22.0 @ 3000m); 8, Andre Solomon, NP 10:19.93 (= 9:34.1 @ 3000).
    Mile - 3, Ben Drezek, Cumb. 4:28.03 (= 4:08.1 @ 1500m); 4, Nick Cehelsky 4:29.09 (= 4:09.5 @ 1500); 5, Matt Walker, West. 4:29.37 (= 4:10.9 @ 1500).
    800 - 1, Nate Coogan, NP 1:59.57; 3, Nik Reygadas, TG 2:00.57; 5, Elijah Akindolie, Hope 2:01.07; 7, Tim Champlin, Char. 2:03.26; 9, Walker 2:03.89.
    400 - 1, Donatien Djero, Cent. 50.25; 2, Austin Wolo 50.86; 4, Zach Padula, WW 53.06; 7, Liam Skelly, NK 53.74.
    55m - 1, Djero 6.51.
    55mH - 2, Ethan Famiano, BH 7.79.
    SHR - 4, Hendricken 32.38; 6, Cumberland 34.83.
    4x200 - 1, Central (Donatien Djero, Tony Vega, Jones Mallay, Austin Wolo) 1:34.50; 3 W. Warwick 1:36.3; 4, Hendricken 1:36.31; 5, Central Falls 1:37.30; 7, Westerly 1:37.98; 9, Chariho 1:39.09.
    4x400 - 2, W. Warwick 3:31.60; 5, Toll Gate 3:40.35; 7, Central 3:41.83; 8, Westerly 3:43.17; 9, Barrington 3:43.18.
    4x800 - 1, Hendricken (Harry Antone, Bob Merlino, Jordan Dagrin, Jeff Venter) 8:12.89; 2, E. Greenwich 8:13.70; 3, La Salle 8:37.76; 5, Cumberland 8:47.45; 6, Central 8:48.06; 7, Classical 8:50.65; 8, Toll Gate 9:03.49; 9, Coventry 9:04.60.
    SMR - 1, Toll Gate (Cehelsky, Reygadas, Wyatt Jenks, Connor Marot) 3:46.79; 2, W. Warwick 3:48.97; 7, Classical 4:07.19; 8, Cumberland 4:07.44; 9, Sanchez 4:14.82.
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South Kingstown’s Anthony Shepard wins the long jump and qualifies for nationals with his jump of 22'8". 
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