#eugene sims x you
kormiato · 2 months
Hi! Its me again! I wanted to ask if you could write some hcs for Eugene and Delsin dropping off their male s/o (or gender neutral if you preffer) to college and getting a lil clingy cuz they wanna spend time with their bf, and maybe both being a lil worried about how their s/os Friends are going to react since both delsin and Eugene are conduits?( it turns out fine cuz their s/o's Friends are pretty chill and fun).
Thanks in advance! Have a nice day!.
OH. MY. GOD. IT'S BEEN SO DAMN LONG SINCE I'M SO TERRIBLY SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG, I WAS OUT OF THE TUMBLR ALL THIS TIME, I'LL BE BETTER, I SWEAR. Anyway! I love that you still give me requests, you're literally the best! I send a big warm hug to you through the screen and I hope you have a nice day as well. (I hope that I got your request right btw)
Eugene Sims and Delsin Rowe dropping off their s/o to college (Male!Reader)
You were looking like a zombie as you were brushing your teeth. Sleepy, slow zombie. You went to sleep at 3 am and woke up at 6.30. It wasn't that surprising that you were so sleepy, right? But why did you end up sleeping so little? The answer is simple. Delsin and Eugene. You were up at night playing games, eating pizza and laughing with your boyfriends. You can't say you regretted it, since it really helped you relax and have fun. But right this moment you just wanted to fall asleep with your head in the sink.
As you were almost falling asleep while standing in the bathroom, you saw a head popping out of the doorframe. "Heya! Wow, you look like a wreck." Delsin's voice ringed along with the following slurp of his coffee. You just chuckled along and smiled, glancing at the man from the corner of your eye.
"Good morning to you too, Del." You muttered in response, your voice is slurred from the sleepiness and the brush in your mouth. You finished with your morning procedure and splashed your face with cold water to wake up faster. That's when you smelled a coffee right under your nose. And noticed a coffee mug that Delsin holds for you, smiling as he does so. "There you go, pretty boy." He says with a small wink and chuckles softly at how cute you look right now.
You thanked him and took a sip of your coffee with a satisfied hum coming from you right after it. The coffee was just the way you liked. Perfect way to start a day. As you walked in the kitchen you saw Eugene who was as sleepy as you were while drinking his own coffee. It seemed like you all know who'll be responsible for driving this time.
You tried to tell them both a countless times yesterday that they don't have to drop you off to college and that you're a big boy and you can get there yourself. But they just won't listen. They just wanted to spend some more time with you and make sure you were safe, they were almost begging you to let them drop you off to college next time (mostly Delsin was the one begging, Eugene looked like a small pleading kitten without any words, just by one look at this boy). So you couldn't turn down such a sweet gesture.
As you both got in the car that obviously Delsin took from Reggie, since there was a police siren on top of it, you almost started to fall asleep. The sound of the car moving slowly was soothing and quiet, making you sleepy again. And Delsin noticed it. So he turned on the music. He turned on a Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd and that made you wake up once again. You wanted to frown and be annoyed because it startled you, but you couldn't when you saw Delsin smiling, nodding his head and tapping his finger against the wheel to the rhythm and mimicking the guitar parts while you were standing on the red lights. It was too fun and cute and eventually you started nodding your head as well, tapping your finger against the car door. Eugene didn't seem to mind and just smiled as he saw both of you fooling around.
It was a fun ride, filled with jokes, laughter and music. It was so fun that the three of you haven't noticed that you got to the college. Delsin parked the car (carefully ofc, he knows that Reggie won't give him head pats for damaging his car) and the three of you got out of the car. You were smiling, happy that you got to the college in a good mood thanks to your boyfriends. You hugged and kissed them both, thanking them for giving you a ride and accompanying you. They were both only happy to do so. Though Eugene looked a little nervous. Which haven't go unnoticed by both you and Delsin.
"Hey, Eugene, what's wrong? You seem a little... Restless." You said softly, your brows slightly furrowed in concern. He just rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly looking away and then at the students at the gates. Eugene seemed uncomfortable by something.
"Well, it's just... We're conduits. Won't there be problems because of it?" The boy muttered quietly. Delsin seemed to frown as he realized that too. He wasn't afraid of someone being against him and Eugene just because they're conduits, but he didn't want you, their boyfriend, to have problems because of it. He wanted to offer Eugene to just go back home to not create any problems, but you stopped them with a laughter. "Come on, guys. It's gonna be fine. I promise. My friends are nice people." You assured them. But it didn't make their worries go away completely.
That's when one of your friends appeared, waving at you in a greeting, a smile on their face. "Hey! We've been waiting for you!" You heard one of your friend calling for you and when you looked in direction of their voice you saw a group of your friends coming your way. You smiled and greeted them happily. And Eugene, meanwhile, involuntarily took a small step to the side to hide behind you and Delsin. He was for sure uncomfortable and anxious about this whole thing.
Yet, well, people should be blind to not see that you were not the only one standing there. And your friends' interested piqued. They started smiling even more and asking who are they, while lightly teasing you in process with phrases like 'hey, I didn't know you came here with your bodyguards or something'. It made you laugh and blush a little. You really liked your friends, they were fun and accepting. That's why you happily introduced Delsin and Eugene to them.
Delsin immediately put on the cocky smirk as he shook one of your friends' hand, appearing almost flirty. You knew that he does it just to get a reaction out of you. Which he does perfectly well, because you nudged him in the side with your elbow, making him laugh out loud as well as your friends.
Eugene didn't talk much and just said a small "hello". He looked pretty adorable, you must admit, but you also didn't like him being nervous, since it made you feel concerned and protective of him. You gently took his hand in yours to ease his nerves, which helped a little. And your friends noticed Eugene's nervousness as well. "Hey, what's wrong?" One of them asked. The three of you got silent and you looked at Delsin and Eugene as if asking for a permission to tell your friends the truth. Delsin just shrugged at this, as if to say 'go on'. So you took a deep breath and said, "well... Delsin and Eugene are... Conduits."
Awkward silence hung over all of you, making it a little uncomfortable. But it was only for a second before your friends sighed in relief and laughed, saying that they were scared it was something serious. That statement made Delsin and Eugene look at each other, then at you and then at your friends with wide eyes. They were used to people being disgusted, or afraid with conduits. Yet here your friends are, actually... Accepting it. Not that they minded, of course.
"So..." Delsin broke the small laughing moment between your friends. "Just to make sure. It's chill, right? We're chill? No... like, hate or something?" he asked, trying to appear nonchalant, yet still wanting to be confident that it's all okay and there's no problem about it. Your friends smiled with a nod.
"Sure, why the hell should it not be okay?" one of them replied simply, as if it's obvious. Yet... if for them it was okay and nothing serious, you could feel Eugene visibly relax, his grip on your hand relaxed as well as his face. Delsin got relaxed too, letting out a breathless laughter, as if sighing in relief. He nodded multiple times as if to say "yeah. Yeah, we're safe, we're okay, we're chill".
This sight made you smile with a warm feeling blooming in your chest. You felt like you dropped a very large backpack from your back. You was right. Your friends are really nice and that made you proud of having them. And also you felt like the luckiest man in the world to have Delsin and Eugene. Conduits or not, they brighten your days and you want people to accept them, to love them as much as you love them (though they better love them platonically, you won't like them having a crush on your boys, that's for sure). And now, there's a few more people in their lives that do so. "How about we meet after college and go out somewhere? My treat," you said nonchalantly, to change the subject and lighten the mood. And when everyone agreed, you thought to yourself that this will be a great day after all.
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