ronaldmuchatuta · 2 years
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#Repost @pavilionofzimbabwe with @use.repost ・・・ Memory is a chasm, the more you start digging, the more unearthed traumas emerge, and the sinkhole collapses within itself, as it does. #thisismemory The figure is of memory, is memory and is constantly descending into the chaotic material of itself. A downward shift to an inferno that is known as past; which from the viewer's perception, somewhat invasive, the wellspring of grief erupts. #labiennaledivenezia #BiennaleArte2022 #IlLatteDeiSogni #TheMilkOfDreams #VeniceBiennale #pavilionofzimbabwe #biennaleBOOM #biennaleartevenezia #biennalearte #contemporaryafricanart #ididnotleaveasign #nonholasciatounsegno #ichhabekeinzeichenhinterlassen #jen'aipaslaissédesigne #nodejeunaseñal #eunãodeixeiumsinal #我没有留下任何迹象 #لم أترك علامة @muchatuta @alminerech @themelrosegallerysa @labiennale (at La Biennale di Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch90hFjK3gv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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