#even Adramas
deathlygristly · 5 years
We finished Strong Girl Bong-Soon tonight. It was so sweet and cute and I liked it. :)
The spousal person and I have enjoyed watching these kdramas quite a bit. I think our favorite is still Second 20s, but really all of them have been cool. Well, okay, so Love Alarm is more just straight up silly, but that’s part of why we like them, because they’re silly.
Also the spousal person has always been a fan of romantic comedies. And I admit I like the romance too. :)
Then we do the silly things they do in the shows and laugh a lot, like we go “Stare!” and stare at each other and then laugh because it’s so weird, and then we try kissing while still staring and it feels so weird, lol.
Then I threaten to watch him while he sleeps and like, I don’t know, make his hair blow around by breathing on it, lol.
This one character said something about crushes not lasting forever, and I was like “No! I will always have a crush on you!” and he said “I think she was talking about one-sided ones.”
And we talk about which dude is the best fit for the main girl, which we have decided that in Love Alarm really they need to end up in a poly relationship, and maybe Strong Girl Bong-Soon should have ended that way too.
And we sigh at the red flags the dudes sometimes show, like jealousy and possessiveness, and we look up Korean culture things that are referenced in the shows and we learn about them together. :)
Is all comfy and nice. :) I highly recommend lifelong mutual crushes if you can get it.
Oh, also we’ve started calling American shows adramas, and commenting on how if it was an adrama the cops would be beating and shooting and killing people all over the place instead of gently arresting serial killers without even showing a gun.
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