#even heroes was draining me...... i had to make myself delete it bc i was just getting addicted lol
bisexualroy · 5 years
sorry i disappeared! i just kinda fell out of fire emblem... can’t really get back into it. love the characters, love my boy roy, but the game itself just doesnt interest me much anymore
not deleting the blog, but i’m not gonna be posting anymore as of now! could come back one day, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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txdoroki · 4 years
guess whooo its bunny (@frxggie) again bc i wanted to make a vent post bc i just got dumped but im on hiatus so here mack's followers you get fed
You were sitting on your bed, happily texting your friends. It was a Friday night and you were just relieved to be done with school and stuff for the week since you were having a pretty rough time and just needed a break.
You sent a text over to your boyfriend, Bakugou. He'd been kind of distant lately but that was okay with you. You knew he was a busy man. You had always put a lot more effort in than he did but again, you didn't mind. As long as you had him.
You jumped as a knock sounded on your door.
"Come in!" you called.
Your face lit up as that familiar blonde spiky haired boy poked his head in.
"Katsuki!" you said, jumping up, running over, and placing a bunch of kisses on his cheek.
He lightly hugged you with one arm. He looked slightly nervous. Maybe he was about to ask you on a date or something? He always got nervous when he showed you affection- and your 10 month anniversary was next week! But nothing could have prepared you for the words that came out of his mouth next.
"Sit down." he said.
You sat on the bed, confused.
"Y/n.. I'm drained."
"I'm sorry baby, how can i he-"
"You're draining me."
He seemed to realize what he had just said because his hands flew to his mouth.
"N-No! It's not just you- it's hero training and school- all while juggling you and your mental illnesses. I think I'm developing some myself."
"Katsuki..?" you said, looking up at him with watery eyes.
"Y/n.. would we still be friends if we were broken up?"
You almost started to cry- you felt an anxiety attack coming on and almost couldn't breathe. But then you remembered- your mental illnesses drained him. You knew that those words would sit with you forever- but you couldn't show it.
You put a fake smile on.
"O-Of course.. so is this it..?"
"Y-yeah.. I think it is."
You nodded.
"Do you need to talk? Rant? I'm here for you if you need it."
"A-Actually that would be nice." he said.
He began to pour out to you, you comforting him while trying not to cry. He finished ranting and took a deep breath.
"Well, see you in class on Monday, Y/n. I'm sorry it ended like this..."
You nodded and waved him goodbye. Then you sat on your bed, staring at the floor in shock.
It's not real. It didn't happen.
You let out a frustrated scream into your pillow and began to sob. You ripped down all the pictures of the two of you hung up around your dorm. You deleted them off your phone and changed his name from "Suki <3" to "Bakugou".
Not even two days before he promised he'd never leave.
Am I that draining? Is it my fault?
You couldn't wrap your mind around it. You decided it was better to just go to sleep. You laid in your bed staring at the ceiling, willing sleep to take over, but it just wouldn't come.
You looked around. You never slept with your LED lights off or with no night light. But you didn't wanna be awake. You didn't want to look at anything. So you turned every light off.
You didn't get much sleep.
I give out so much love. But I never receive it in return.
Did I hurt him that bad?
Why didn't he say something sooner?
Your thoughts were racing all night- so on Saturday morning, when the sun shone through your blinds, you were shocked to find you had been tossing and turning all night- it was 7:30 AM.
No use in sleeping now- might as well get up.
You got up and got ready, ready to fake being okay until you could crash in your pitch dark room again.
Although you didn't understand why he had done this, you couldn't hate him- after all, before you were dating you were friends, right? So you should be able to just go back to that. .....right?
a/n- lolzies not me using direct quotes from how my partner dumped me last night <3 oh and yes, my partner and i's 10 month was next week :/
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