#even if i wanted to mask up and go to a cafe i couldnt bc i work in healthcare admin and that'd be compromising pt privacyyyy
ourlordapollo · 10 months
Been working from home for like a week and a half bc of some HVAC issue at the office and I can feel my sanity slipping through my fingers
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starryseo · 6 years
torn. | han jisung + lee felix
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pairing ↠ jisung x gender neutral!reader, felix x gn!reader
genre ↠ fluff? bit angsty- royalty au!
wc ↠ 5501
summary ↠ how can one follow their heart when it’s split in two?
warnings ↠ none!
a/n ↠ instead of writing 2 different fics for their bdays i’ve given u the best of both worlds :) enjoy :)
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being the only heir to the throne was extremely difficult
you had to go through so many different classes, formal events and gatherings in a single day
and it was vvv stressful
your parents insisted on you joining in on their meetings with other higher-ups so you could understand how to deal with each person
and although you knew it was only going to benefit you when you inevitably took over
you really just wanted a break
time alone was so fleeting and you hated that
whenever you had time to relax or enjoy yourself, you’d be too tired to actually do so properly
as much as you enjoyed some of the lessons, like archery (your personal trainer minho was definitely a Sight to see) and cookery (bc mrs han would always let you eat the food you made)
it was extremely tiring and you wished for just one day where you could do absolutely nothing
you always envied the people that werent of your status, people that didnt (quite literally) have a kingdom thrust upon their shoulders
they got to enjoy the finer things in life: normal conversations with their families; they could go out wherever, buy things for themselves and admire the country’s scenery
instead, you were stuck with only ever having meetings with your parents to discuss upcoming deals, people showering you with unwanted gifts to woo you over, and accompanied walks out into your garden
you couldn’t even walk in your own garden alone
there was, however, one special thing that you did look forward to seeing everyday
and that came in the form of an 18 year old boy
han jisung.
han jisung was as close to perfection you thought anyone could get
having practically grown up with the boy, you thought you knew everything there was to know about him
and vice versa, of course
he was your confidant
the only one you could go to when your stress was too high and you had no idea how to cope
he’d seen you through a lot of bad days but his smile alone could always brighten up your mood
he was extremely caring
always putting your needs before his own despite you insisting he treats you as an equal
you knew he didn’t do it bc of your status, it really was just how he was as a person
even to complete strangers, he was always so nice, helping them out without a care
you really wondered how he could be so carefree when outside the castle
this one time he had snuck you out of the castle during your lesson with him
you looked so sad when you came to the stable for your horseriding lesson and his heart ached as soon as he saw your frown
and almost instantly he knew what to do!!
since your horseriding lessons took place inside the castle, your bodyguard didn’t stay with you, entrusting jisung with your safety instead
and he decided that an impromptu trip to the great Outside was exactly what you needed!
so, sneaking out through the back of the stables, donning jisung’s jacket, hat and a face mask, you both escaped the castle
this side of the castle was for the common people that worked inside, like the maids, chefs, stableboys, and when mrs han, your favourite cookery teacher and also jisung’s mum, saw you trying to leave, she simply smiled, waving for the common guards to let you through
he shot a thankful grin at his mum before grabbing your hand, taking you out of the castle
when he wasnt training you and the horses, he spent his time going out of the castle, bringing back small things from his adventures
you didn’t like people showering you with riches, but the small flowers and hand-made bracelets jisung brought back were exceptions to that
he weaved expertly through the hustle and bustle, taking you to a quaint cafe nearby
your grip on his hand tightened - what if people recognised you? word would spread and you would be in so much trouble!
yet, as soon as jisung rubbed your hand soothingly, turning to give you a reassuring smile, all your worries vanished
this cafe was one you frequented (when you escaped your royal walls with jisung)
so when changbin, the owner’s son, saw jisung and a ridiculously-disguised figure (you) walk in, he snickered, ushering you two over into the backroom
he snuck some food and hot drinks to you both during his shift as you snuck away
although you always had to be on alert, jisung’s relaxed demeanour rubbed off on you
you enjoyed doing things like this with him, not caring about your next lesson, or the plethora of princes/esses you had to impress next
you loved just sitting on the floor with him, sharing a plate of cookies and all your secrets
“thank you for this, ji” you sighed, leaning your back against the wall as you sipped on your drink
“don’t worry ‘bout it!” you scrunched your nose when he grinned, cookie crumbs lining the corner of his lips
you raised your hand to wipe away the crumbs, but as soon as your finger touched him, he jumped back
“how indecent, sunshine! the royal highness touching someone as lowly as me? what would your parents say?”
you rolled your eyes at his joke, leaning your head on his shoulder
“you, lowly? you’re better than nearly everyone in that castle, ji”
“what do you mean ‘nearly’? i thought i was your best friend!” he nudged you, a massive pout on his face
 “well, you are my best friend, but that’s nothing compared to minho’s face, seriously,,,”
“yeah, im definitely telling your parents this now”
“hey i was joking,” you smiled, poking his side so he would laugh instead of pouting more, “you’re my favourite person in that castle”
“hey lovebirds, shouldn’t you be heading back to the castle?” changbin popped into the kitchen, hanging up his apron, “you’ve been here for almost an hour”
at that, both your and jisung’s carefree attitudes were gone like the wind, eyes wide and bodies rigid as you realised you had to leave. now.
as quickly as you both could, you ran out of the cafe
you don’t know when jisung reached back to hold your hand, pulling you along with him, but a sudden warmth filled you, and you were sure it wasn’t bc of the unexpected exercise
you arrived just a split second before guards had come into the common house, demanding to know where you were since you weren’t waiting by the stables like usual
“i’m fine, i was just a bit hungry so i asked mrs han for some food!”
your bodyguard nodded at that, waiting for you start walking so he could guard you
just as he went ahead to open the doors, you turned around, waving wildly at jisung who was already returning the gesture, and you mouthed a quick ‘thank you!’ before following your guard back to the castle grounds
han jisung was like a sunrise, you always thought
not only because he could brighten your days with the smallest of smiles, but because he was a wisp of fresh air from your tedious life
he always had a trick up his sleeve, something new and surprising to ignite your life, just like the sun rose and breathed life into everything it shone down upon
whenever you saw him, you were sure you could literally see him glow, a heavenly light outlining him because there was no way on earth jisung was anything less than an angel
he was, in simple terms, stunning
even tho he couldnt understand exactly what you went through on a daily basis, he tried so hard to relate to you, knowing exactly what to do to make you feel better
and for that, you couldn’t be more grateful
weeks had passed and your life went as it normally did until one thursday evening
the dining room was filled with its usual quietude, cutlery clinking against plates as you ate your food in peace
although you wished your parents would speak up more, ask you how your day went and not be so focussed on business, you took notice of their tired eyes and held-back yawns
nonetheless, you enjoyed simply being in their presence without deadlines looming over you and the constant nagging from your counsellors
just as you were about to break the silence your father spoke up
he cleared his throat to catch your attention before speaking, “tomorrow, the royal family from our sister country will be coming over to stay”
“o-oh? why?” you furrowed your eyebrows at your father’s announcement
it had been a while since you had last seen that family alone
of course you saw them whenever your family held large events but they hadn’t visited, and stayed over, at your castle in a while
“conflict has been rising at the borders, and you know we cannot be having wars start between our countries”
you nodded and your father continued eating, ending the talk there
you headed straight to bed after that, but you found it hard to sleep because your mind kept wondering back to the family that were arriving soon
or, more specifically, the prince
lee felix.
you woke up grumpily the next morning, having stayed up a few hours later than usual simply because you couldnt sleep
the knocking at your door was getting louder and you could barely hear your maid, hana, yell out your name
grumbling, you got out of bed, pulling open the door. “what’s the matter hana?”
“your highness, the lee family has arrived, why aren’t you ready?”
“i just woke up-”
“oh goodness!” you watched her panic, stuttering something about how your parents would have her head for your lateness, eyes wide in fear, and you laughed to ease her worries
“hana, please, calm down. i’ll wash up, but could you get my clothes?”
she nodded before scurrying off to piece together your attire and accessories
and you made the quickest run ever to get yourself cleaned and presentable
of all days to oversleep, you sighed, shaking your head to push away your fatigue
you groaned at the clothes hana haid lain out on your bed; they looked uncomfortably rich and you couldnt wait to get out of them already
you tried to walk into the dining hall as quietly as possible, but the conversation that was going on stopped as soon as you entered, 5 pairs of eyes on you the second you stepped past the door
you walked forward, bowing your head and greeting the family in front of you, them returning the gesture
king lee smiled as you sat down, joking, “how nice of you to finally join us!”
you stuttered out an apology, looking away nervously, but he shook his head to dismiss your worries
your eyes flittered to felix who was sitting in the seat furthest away from you
he was already looking at you, smiling when you caught his eye and you adored how his eyes crinkled at the corners
you had zoned out as the adults talked and, occasionally, when you and felix made eye contact, he’d pull a weird face
you bit your lips to hold back your laugh but he joined you in grinning
after finishing breakfast, your mother proposed you take felix on a tour of the house as the adults talked over the issues at hand
"anywhere you’d like to go in particular?”
“surprise me, your highness” he nudged your side, eyes eagerly wandering around the halls of your home
you rolled your eyes at what he called you, “since when have you been the formal type?”
he shrugged, smirking, “just thought it was fitting,” he winked at you before walking ahead, “let’s go to the gardens!”
“thought you wanted me to surprise you...” you mumbled, picking up your pace to catch up with him
he waited by the doors leading outside, just so he could hold them open for you and when you thanked him, he let out a teasing, “anything for you, your highness”
“i have a name for a reason, felix, please use it”
“but i like calling you ‘your highness’, your highness”
“it sounds so... so weird though, we’ve known each other since we were kids, we practically grew up together”
“better get used to it then, your royal highness”
you let out a horrid groan at his insistence on the nickname
if there was one thing you remembered about felix
it was that he was stubborn as anything
when you were kids this trait usually transferred into competitiveness and a desire to constantly beat you - he would always beg for rematches if you ever beat him
now his persisting nature made you want to poke him until he stopped, but, since he was your guest, you would try to hold off on doing that for as long as you could
“oh, you remember jisung, right?” you asked, leading him down a familiar path
when you were younger and felix visited, the 2 of you would play outside in the garden and then sneak away to the common area to play with jisung too
the visits became infrequent as you grew older, but jisung was always acting as a waiter at formal events, so the 2 boys still would have seen each other around the castle
“of course i do”
it was a normal reply, and yet you sensed some sort of underlying bitterness when he said that because the ever-present smile on his face wilted slightly at the mention of the other boy
you brushed it off as you overanalysing - felix really had no reason to hate jisung, and you’d never seen the 2 of them fight, nor had either come to you, complaining about the other
you led him to the common house, knocking on the door to the entrance, before going in
you greeted the people lounging around there, snickering slightly as they rushed to welcome felix in properly
you noticed how some of the staff blushed as felix smiled at them, nervously giggling in front of him and you cringed slightly
you held back your laguh as they grew nervous in his presence, but he didn’t seem to mind, his grin growing larger as though he knew what effect he was having on them
“hey mrs han, where’s ji?”
“good morning, your highnesses, he went out to get some food, he should be coming back soon”
“is it alright if we wait here for him?”
“of course!” she smiled, eyes tired but still shining - you admired her pure enthusiasm and the hard work she put into everything she did
she swatted off the other workers that were lazing around so you could sit down
“it’s a pleasure to see you again, prince felix,” mrs han said, placing a plate of warm cookies on the small table in front of you
“the pleasure is all mine, mrs han,” felix beamed, “and might i say, you look like you haven’t aged since the last time i saw you!”
“you are too kind, my prince,” she laughed at his compliment, “he’s a keeper, isn’t he, y/n?”
felix turned to you when mrs han said that, throwing you an exaggerated wink
“he’s a real catch,” you said, voice monotoned and he nudged you at your lack of enthusiasm
“c’mon your highness,” felix teased, lifting your hand to press a kiss in the back before ending with a wink, “admit it.”
you dont know why your hand warmed at the contact, nor why you felt a weird fluttery feeling in your stomach at the overused action, yet you didn’t exactly hate what you were going through
before you could reply, you heard someone clear their throat to break the conversation
“ji!” you exclaimed, jumping from your seat, “felix is here!”
“so it seems,” he murmured, eyes unmoving from felix’s face
you turned to felix, only to see him staring straight back at jisung, eyes unblinking
you looked at mrs han, raising a brow, confused at their awkward behaviour, and she just shook her head, mumbling, “boys...” before grabbing the bags from jisung’s hands and walking off
“alright,” you clapped, breaking both boys out of their stare-off, “let’s go outside!”
“you two go ahead, i’ve got something to do,” jisung murmured
“please, ji, we came here just for you,” you pouted, pulling his wrist to make him join you
“i’ll come later, i swear, y/n,” he replied, lightly squeezing your hand in promise
you nodded before leaving with felix, but you couldnt help feel something was off about him
he hadn’t called you by your name in years.
you and felix had decided to stay outside, sitting on one of the benches just to catch up with each other
mrs han had, kindly enough, sent someone over with a basket of food for you to snack on as you listened to felix talk about his friends
“i’ve missed this, you know?”
“missed what?” you asked, quickly swallowing a bite of your sandwich
“this, us, the two of us being with each other”
“o-oh” you mumbled, staring down at the food in your hand, “it has been a while hasn’t it?”
you tried to skirt around the topic, not knowing exactly what he meant or why he would miss you so much
you were avoiding his gaze, but you could still feel his eyes peering at the side of your face
“please look at me,” he whispered, and you dont know what exactly it was about his voice, but despite your sudden shyness at the topic, you felt compelled to look at him
he slowly grabbed your hand, the touch warming you instantly as he rubbed circles on the back of your hand
his eyes were glistening under the sun, roaming all over your face as soon as you turned to him
all you could focus on was him
his eyes
his freckles
his lips-
“hope i’m not interrupting anything!”
thank god for jisung bc you dont know how much longer you could stay unmoving under felix’s intense gaze
as soon as you looked at your best friend, felix had turned away too, scooting away from you and you wondered if he’d been that close to you the whole time
“you came!” you cheered as enthusiastically as possible, but felix’s actions were just replaying in your mind and jisung could tell there was something off about the both of you now
jisung had run the short distance left to you, sitting himself in the gap between you and felix
“so, sunshine, why’d you so desperately want to see me?”
“i wasn’t desperate, you fool, i just wanted all of us to hang out together, like old times”
“ah yes, the dream team plus felix,” although he was only joking, smirk on his face clearly showing that, only you and jisung had laughed at that
“hey, i was just kidding,” he said, nudging felix when said boy just carried on staring at the ground
“i gathered” felix grumbled, sighing before standing up, “i need to use the bathroom”
“i can show you-”
“i’ll find it myself.” he cut you off, walking in the direction of the castle
“whats got the prince so grumpy?” jisung asked rhetorically
you shrugged, his actions still reeling in your mind
“let me guess,” jisung started, “he got all moody as soon as i came, right?”
“now that you mention it, yes, he did, but what has that got to do with anything?”
in all your time knowing the two boys, they had never argued in front of you; the three of you always played together nicely, albeit they both were closer to you than they were to each other, but you just assumed that was because they never knew each other that well
now that you were all older, you hoped they had grown out of their childish ways, but apparently not
“um, everything??” jisung spoke, like everything he was saying was clear as day, “he’s probably jealous of us because i’m pretty sure he likes you.”
you laughed at that
felix??? liking you?? that was CrazyTM even for that wild child
“seriously jisung i dont know how you came up with that, but that was a good one”
“for once, y/n, im not joking”
your chuckles died down when you noticed he really wasnt laughing with you
your eyebrows furrowed, confusion already lacing your words as you asked “why would he even like me?”
“beats me,” he joked, shrugging his shoulders and, despite that being a harmless, dismissive action, it hurt
so much
sure, jisung was your best friend but was there really nothing about you that he liked?
you hated how much a small gesture like that got to you, but you couldnt stop the sadness bubbling inside of you even if you tried
“wow, thanks,” you scoffed, dusting off your clothes before standing up, “i’m going to see if felix is okay.”
“wait, y/n-” he jumped up, pulling you back to him by your wrist. “i didn’t mean it like that, i-”
“it’s whatever, jisung,” you tugged your hand out of his grasp before walking back to the castle
you wanted to hear him out, he looked so desperate to talk to you, but your mind was hazy with so many different thoughts and emotions you just need to get away from him
so you walked back inside, taking your time as you climbed the staircase to the room that felix was staying in
you knocked on his bedroom door, entering when you heard a low, “come in”
he was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows resting on his knees as he stared at the ground, his hands covering his face
you rushed over to him, quickly shutting the door behind you, before you crouched in front of him
gently holding his wrists, you moved his hands away from his face
you brushed away his hair that had fallen in front of his face, glad to see that he wasn’t crying
but his crestfallen expression wasnt heartwarming either
he had barely glanced up at you, finding the carpet much more intriguing to stare at
“talk to me, felix, what’s the matter?”
“nothing, it’s stupid,” he sighed, falling back onto the bed. once again, he covered his eyes with his forearm.
you lay down besides him on the bed, staring at the ceiling
you both stayed like that for a while, completely silent, but it was comforting just being besides felix like that
jisung’s words were running through your head and, although you felt bad for leaving him like that, you were curious as to whether or not there was any truth behind his words
could lee felix really like you?
“hey, felix?”
he hummed, arm unmoving, to tell you he was listening
“has this got something to do with jisung?”
he let out a long sigh before turning onto his side to face you
you mirrored his position, staring at his face to see him doing the same
he bit his lip, closing his eyes as though he was contemplating what to say
when he finally opened his eyes again, you listened to him intently
“in a way, yes?” he started, chuckling a bit, “this is going to sound so stupid, but, i guess i just envy the two of you.”
you furrowed your brows, pouting slightly at hearing his confession - why did he feel jealous though? jisung was right about that part-
“stop doing that,” felix whined, his own lips pouting
your eyes widened at his sudden exclamation, “doing what exactly?”
“stop being so cute”
“i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long, but jisung likes you too and it kills me because i know that you’d pick him over me any day”
you couldnt believe jisung was actually right.
felix seriously liked you?
liked you as more than just a friend??
your thoughts were going haywire, his confession playing like a broken record in your mind
“i-i didn’t know-”
he laughed at that, facing the ceiling once more, “that’s kind of the whole point of a crush”
you were stunned.
how were you even supposed to reply to that??
“it’s hard not to like you, really.” he started, and you noticed his cheeks turning rosy with every word he spoke. “you’re so down-to-earth, unlike a lot of the other royals we meet who are conceited and full of themselves, you’re so kind to people, but you won’t ever let them push you around or take you for granted, y’know? and you’re always hands on, you love helping others out even when your parents or mrs han are telling you not to; god, i could go on for eternity about the little things i like about you y/n...”
by the time he had said all of that, he was facing you once more, hand slowly coming to rest on your cheek as he stared closely at you
“do you remember the first time we met?”
small smiles crossed both of your faces as you thought back to childhood memories
“of course i do, at the hwang palace”
hwang hyunjin was like a brother to felix, despite being the prince of a different country
the two were practically inseperable - whenever there was a formal event taking place, you would always find one right beside the other
you remembered that day very clearly. it was one of the first times you had actually left your country for a function. before that, your parents had kept you at home to review work since they thought you were too young to be out at large, noisy social events
so when you rocked up at the hwang party, hiding behind your dad’s leg as he greeted other kings, hyunjin and felix took the initiative to grab your hands and literally drag you away to the other kids there
hyunjin disappeared a little while after to beg the cooks to sneak you kids some food
and felix whisked you away to hyunjin’s room
at first you were scared (bc 2 boys were dragging you away and your parents were just smiling at you to have fun)
but you realised they werent all that bad. felix made you feel really welcome as he shared the food already in hyunjin’s room
you both played with the toys and half-built fort felix and hyunjin had already set up
and by the time hyunjin had come back with a massive bag full of sweets you were 100 per cent you didnt ever want to leave these two
you were literally on the verge of crying when hyunjin’s maid came up telling you that you had to go
you and felix were literally begging your parents to stay but to no avail :(((
that continued on for years after that until the 3 of you had grown up and it was no longer socially acceptable for 3 royals to go into a bedroom together for hours on end bc who knows what would be going on in there
you’d still catch felix sending you sly grins when you met him in the hall and he’d always jokingly ask you to dance with him
and each time you’d send him away or run to hyunjin to save you
spoiler: he never saves you
so you’d end up dancing with felix and it would be so bad
you knew he could dance bc he had put on performances at his own family’s events
but here you two were too busy laughing and chatting away to try to not step on the other’s feet
“i was so sad when hyunjin came back up, y’know?”
“why? we were in his room,” you laughed at his childish behaviour
“because,” he whined, “we were having so much fun together and you were the first kid that actually came up and joined us, everyone else stayed with their parents”
“i mean, i didnt have much choice did i? you two dragged me upstairs to play with you.”
by now both of you were staring at the ceiling again, thinking back on many childhood memories
“it wasn’t love,” he started, “we were 7 i dont think i even knew what love was then, but i could just- i don’t know, i could tell there was smth about you then. and when we met up after that i think i just fell for you a bit more each time.”
it was so odd hearing felix talk about how he liked you
the boy was always joking around, a grin plastered on his face, but here he was speaking so earnestly and it left you completely speechless
you couldnt lie to yourself
you had thought about felix in some romantic way before
as you grew up your parents would always make comments about how you and felix were so close
add that to the fact that both of your parents were very close too
you honestly thought you’d end up marrying felix one day to satisfy your parents and your nations
of course the topic of marriage wasnt for another few years but these thoughts had bombarded your mind every now and then - more so when your father announced the lees would be coming over
but right now, as you lay besides him, mind an utter mess, you had no clue how to respond to him
all thoughts abruptly stopped as soon felix spoke
“can i kiss you?”
your thoughts went wild after that, but somewhere in that mess you vaguely remember nodding before one of you moved close and the other even closer, diminshing any distance between the two of you
it was short but lasting
his hand came up and rested on your cheek, barely holding onto you like you were the finest china he had ever laid hands on
so scared to break you, yet unwilling to let you go
his touch was warm and comforting, like a sunrise, appreciation and love washing over you in blissful waves
you pulled away from him, his eyes slowly opening at crinkling at the edges as he grinned
“you dont know how long ive wanted to do that for”
you laughed at his excitement and the smile on his face, but the door slamming shut broke you out of this joyous moment
you had a sinking feeling you knew who was there and without wasting a second you got up
your mind barely registered felix calling your name out as you ran out, quickly catching up to jisung who was halfway down the stairs already
“ji, please wait!”
“why?? you seemed perfectly fine up there with prince charming!”
he stopped where he was, turning around and watching as you ran down until you were just a step in front of him
“can you just- can you please just talk to me, ji.” you sighed, holding onto his wrists gently so he wouldn’t run away again, although you felt he wouldn’t try anyways. “what’s wrong?”
“me! i’m what’s wrong!”
“i don’t underst-”
“god, y/n, i’m in love with you!”
and you froze.
you were glad jisung was holding onto your arms bc you lost your grip on any rational thoughts
you felt his hand slowly leave yours, instead trailing up your arm, your shoulder, your neck, until he reached your face, thumb running over your rosy cheek as he brushed away the stray hairs
“i’m sorry you had to find out like this,” he started, voice so quiet but so loud in your mind. “but i’m not sorry i feel this way. i probably should,” he chuckled, “but i don’t.”
you vaguely remember his fingers weaving through your hair as he pulled you closer to him, his breathing light as he murmured a small, “may i?”
and you nodded.
you dont know who moved first or who closed the gap between you, but you remember him.
his lips brushing yours gently before he pressed against you with more passion
his other hand dropped your wrist, finding sanctuary on your waist as he drew you closer and you gravitated towards him so naturally, so easily, he smiled into the kiss
your hands found purchase on his chest, his heart’s rythmic beating playing like a melody in your palm and you grinned too
soon enough you broke away, faces mere centimeters apart, both of you blushing and beaming
“you’re so stunning, sunshine” he breathed, not breaking the tranquility of the moment
and you couldn’t help but look away shyly, his gaze too endearing and intimate for you to handle
when you look back up his eyes are focussed on the top of the staircase and you worry your parents or staff are there, fuming
but when you turn around your heart dropped because there, at the end of the staircase, is felix.
hhhhhhhhhhh do i even need to explain how sorry i am that this took literal months to post??? the ending was killing me bc i didnt know how to write it and then personal stuff came up but nOW it’s finally done!!!! im gonna get smth up for jeongin’s bday too (lets pray i can actually post it before february ends). hope u enjoyed reading this!!!!
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0823960 · 6 years
This is it. This is what’s been on my mind. I’m sorry that this is what I have to resort to, but I really have trouble speaking my feelings. and you know that. but i’m working on it. Lately, i’ve been really down. and you probably could tell because it’s been very on and off. I know that within the last few weeks, you noticed that my mood would change. you even point it out but I just mask it with a “yeah i’m okay” or “i’m just tired.” but now I can’t take burying it. Truth is, you haven’t really been making me feel my best. you haven’t been making me feel truly loved. and that’s weird because you always tell me how much you love me. constantly. and I appreciate that because I need it. sometimes I need to hear your validation. but other times I need to actually feel it. and I think it’s been hard for me to feel it bc there are so many emotions going on inside me, but instead I choose to ignore them because i’m either just digging up stuff from the past or I think that i’m just being weak. and honestly, that’s all taking a toll on me and us. and yes that’s my fault. it’s my fault because I choose to not talk about it with you. but it’s also yours, because recently you haven’t been making it comfortable enough to talk about it with you. I know, it’s hard for me to say that. and probably even harder to hear, but it’s true. and I’m sure you never meant to make it like that. but there actually has been a few times that I tried to build up the courage & tell you how i’ve been feeling. you just couldn’t tell bc I nonchalantly transitioned with a “i’m gonna quit my job.” in that moment, that was me being vulnerable & hoping that you would ask me why I felt that way. instead you just said, “no you’re not.” and completely disregarded everything. I know I set myself up for that bc I should’ve been more clear with how I wanted that conversation to go. The other time I wanted to genuinely vent about how all that cbfl stuff was making me feel, but you just said hey i’m just the music guy. so please tell where in any of these conversations do you make it welcoming enough for me to really tell you how I feel. Little did you know that all of those things have been messing with my mental health. All of this plus, everything that went on with us last month. i’m sorry but it’s been hard to not think about what’s happened with the first cbfl household and that cafe thing with your friends. I think about that everyday. I think about it because still to this day, i’m hurt about it. i’m hurt that it happened, and hurt that we’re just kind of pretending that it didn’t happen. well maybe just for you. because for me, it’s been on my mind every. single. day. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. How am I supposed to feel like you love me when all of this happens to me. How am I supposed to feel like you love me when you say things in an angry way towards me. How am I supposed to feel like you love when you always just make me feel like i’m wrong. I’ve resorted to being obsessed with you wanting to have sex with me just so even for that moment, I could feel that you love me (yeah tough pill to swallow. I hate that I feel this way). I’ve even found myself wanting some distance from you. That day I did niah’s make up, I was so ready to leave just so I could breathe for a second. That whole day you kept making me feel so dumb. I hated it. So I feel like that’s just what I need again. I need a break so I can remember that you can’t be the one to save me, because He already did. I need a break to remember that the love that i’m seeking to feel, should come from Him. But I don’t want a break. I don’t want to run from you. I want to run with you. Because this isn’t between us. This is between us and the problem, and I know we can get through it. because we always do. We’re gonna run to heaven together, even if it means having to go through hell first. But I’m gonna need you to meet me halfway because I can’t be the only one that wants something better.
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