#even just to see her scared of leon. its a change in the status quo. very very cool.
zannolin · 2 years
sorry notsorry for ada posting i just keep thinking abt how when leon's under the influence of the plagas and tries to kill her it's the first time she's ever seemed genuinely scared in a resident evil game/movie (that i have seen) (i have not seen re6 yet to be fair). usually even if she's in a not great position, she feels like she has everything completely under control. she wasn't nearly this scared when she was injured and unable to walk in re2r, or when she was hanging out over the void with only leon to hold onto. it's so interesting because she barely seems to lose her cool but after that happens? she's so freaked out! she's visibly ruffled! she's like oh yeah let's split up (as though they were ever together enough that game to call that splitting up). she recovered just fine especially once it was clear leon was no longer hosting a plagas but MAN she was out of there so fast. i'm putting her on a slide under my microscope and taking notes.
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