#even the stuff that he DID affect didn't leave a profound mark so its strange that he was treated that way
timeisacephalopod · 5 years
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Found this and its a great sum of how I feel about Steve. With a narrative that overindulged him, a narrative that never let him be wrong even when he demonstrably was, it felt like his character had no impact on the world. His actions never had consequences and without that ripple out it left him in a completely stagnant state, or worse, a negative state that was ignored or passed as heroism. Its worse when you consider how genuinely interesting Steve Rogers is, how his trauma affected his actions, how Bucky and being dropped into an unfamiliar future led to the devolution of his character in an understandable and rather heartbreaking way, only for this characterization to be tossed aside for ‘yes, clearly he is a hero he’s Captain America.’ 
It got tiring and frustrating to watch, totally ruined Steve for me as an on screen character. Which is a shame, given that he would have been one of the most interesting characters in the MCU had he been allowed to realize his potential instead of being completely stagnant and lacking almost any impact as a character.
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