#even tho when i eat to many my mouth starts to hurt💀
sedittedice ¡ 11 months
Your art tastes like Citrus candy :D
I love citrus things :3
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nimmie-nugget ¡ 9 months
~Hantengu Clones x Disgust Clone Reader~
Reminder: drink water and eat a full meal! Turn on dark mode if it’s currently night where you live~ wouldn’t want ya eyes to hurt right?~ —go to your profile and press the icon that’s on the VERY right, then click “General Settings” and scroll down a bit till you see “Color Palette” and there should be a few options for ya there!—
Warnings: ooc, not proofread, your not gonna like Karaku’s part, you might shit your pants
Note: I’ve had this in my mind for quite a long time!!! Google better be right for the kanji’s I have next to the clone’s names or Istg- This doesn’t mean I won’t stop doing Tokito twins content tho! I’ve been posting some other things instead of Tokito content so i just wanted to reassure~ don’t worry Tokito enthusiastic’s! Your emotion is disgust and your color is a mix of Yellow and Green~ Platonic ofc or else self love has a new meaning💀 Enjoy <3
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Sekido 怒
You CANNOT come to me and tell me this is not toxic. 💀🖕
Both of you argue the most out of the clones
There was a time your argument got WAY out of hand ‘n both of you started using your BDA like crazy!
Your always pointing out his lil flaws
Tho Sekido’s clothes are more tolerable.
You tease him but not as much as Karaku
Long story short both of you want each other to die 😣
“Why not you fix your hair before you start talking?”
These two lines kinda giving sibling energy- 👆
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Karaku 愉
Your grossed out by the fact he doesn’t wear proper clothing.
Just one touch and you go
Teases you A LOT. You and Sekido most likely teamed up once just to get him to shut up 😬
I think he just considers you a whore at this point-
Considering you always look at his abs ‘n shit but your just trynna tell him to wear some clothes in the most judging way possible 😭
How did he even miss that gaze full of disgust!? HECK it’s your emotion-
“I know you like this Y/n~” he says as he licks his hand. Bro’s a cat fr💀
You gave him the most disgusted look ever that day.
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Urogi 嚸
He’s too much for you to handle-
Your losing your sanity yeah tots like you didn’t lose it years ago😃
Let’s just say your BDA is to be able to mind control-
The moment he uses his BDA you instantly use your BDA on him if your near.
Tho despite you literally being disgusted of him in every single way, you still hold some respect for him.
You groan as you activate your BDA “I don’t have time for this! And keep ya mouth shut would ya?! Your voice is disgusting.”
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Aizetsu 愁
You must admit he is quite tolerable then the other clones but that’s what makes it more disgusting.
You two have a pretty decent relationship.
Tho his outfit…it’s disgusting.
You don’t really hold…much disgust towards him???
Tho it’s just probably because he doesn’t annoy you much as the other clones.
Your the only clone who doesn’t tease him or act serious.
That’s the explanation to him latching to your arm 24/7 👆💀
“…Y/n don’t yell…that makes me sad…” he said clutching onto his staff
“This disgusts me. You disgust me.”
Yep, ya had to use your BDA to get him off.
But why ya gotta be so mean!!? >:(
But hey! Aizetsu’s confirmed to be a cat 😼
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Zohakuten 憎
Let’s just say ALL of the clones are in a black void when Hantengu is in control 😶
Never though I’d say this but this relationship is WAY more toxic then yours with Sekido 😰
Your always commenting on how disgusting he is.
Roast him like a Roblox kid 😎
Tho you won’t be getting away just easily.
Considering he’s the STRONGEST of the clones you’ll def be beat to pieces 😭
“Ngh!…is that all you got? Your unreliable dragons can’t do shit to me! Utterly disgusting.” You say with a grin.
Hell you faced so many tortures that day- tho what scared ya the most was the fact that your regeneration slowed down 😰
Like- HOW!?!?
You swore to never go overboard with HIM ever again 🫡
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My Only (Kakashi Hatake x Reader)
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Warnings: Minor Naruto spoilers, alcohol mention, angst, self-doubt
Word Count: 1471
Request: Hi! Can I request kakashi angst. Reader and him having secret arrange marriage since team 7 is kids era. Maybe only team 7 accidentally know about it. Maybe cause kakashi use the reason to keep her safe. Kakashi also never told her he love her. But breaking point for their relationship is when there has been rumors about hokage him and someone else. Then she saw that person accidentally trip or something and kissed his fabric covered lips or something like that. Also pls let her have a male friend that he is jealous of too haha. Super Dramatic and cliche secret relationship 💀💅🏻 pls hurt my heart ❤️ sorry if it’s too details. Thank you tho -(@vesta-ro)
A/N: I changed it up a little bit from the request to fit my writing style better; I hope you still enjoy!
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You loved your husband. He was strong, one of the best shinobi in the entire village. He was attractive too, and you found yourself staring at him more than you would like to admit. Yet, you were having doubts. You shouldn't have to remind yourself that you love your husband.
You had been married for many years now, tying the knot not long before Sasuke left Konoha. You'd kept the ceremony low-key. In fact, you'd kept the entire idea low-key. The only people that knew were your immediate family and Kakashi's team. Even then, that was more than Kakashi had wanted. He just knew that Naruto would slip up with his big mouth and tell everyone about your relationship.
You hadn't been as bothered by it then. But as you looked back, you started to scrutinize every step you had taken in the process.
In the very beginning, you and Kakashi had just been friends. That all changed after one night of too much sake. Both of you had lowered inhibitions, but you didn't regret anything that happened when you woke up in his bed the next morning. You had always had a bit of a crush on your friend, and there wasn't much room to complain in terms of his performance.
One night turned into two, which turned into a couple nights a week, and eventually the two of you became a regular thing. you would go over to his place to eat, hang out, and spend some 'quality time' together. The more time you spent with him, the more you realized you were falling in love with Kakashi.
The long nights became less of a priority to both of you, falling into the soft lull of a relationship. You didn't mind; you were happy to find that he wasn't just using you. It took a long time for either of you to make anything official, but after you let the word "boyfriend" slip around him one day you both decided it had gone on long enough to put a label on it.
Before that night, you had understood the sneaking around. If anything, you thought it was hot to sneak around with Kakashi. The thrill of nobody knowing about you was part of the fun. But as you settled into life together, the thrill faded. You didn't understand why you couldn't tell anybody about the two of you if you were in a committed relationship.
"It's for your own safety," Kakashi told you, running his fingers through your hair as you laid in bed with him. "You're a civilian, and with my job I have a target on my back. I don't want you to get wrapped up in it if I can't always be here to protect you."
At the time, that response had made you blush and kiss Kakashi. You were satisfied, thinking that he cared enough to keep you a secret for your safety, even if he didn't want to hide you.
Now, you were more skeptical. If the two of you weren't a secret, he would be able to protect you instead of pretending he barely knew you. It just didn't quite add up. You knew you should have listened to Guy, always telling you that Kakashi was trouble. Maybe if you had listened, you would have been dating him instead.
You sat down on the edge of your bed, resting your face in your hands as tears threatened to fall. Everything had been perfectly fine until today. Sure, there were aspects of your relationship that you wish could have changed, but you understood why they were in place. However, after you overheard rumor in the market that Kakashi was seeing someone else, that all changed.
You continued running through events and scenarios, trying to figure it all out.
You and Kakashi used to be so close. You would tell him you loved him, and eventually he would even say it back to you. Even though you couldn't tell anyone, you took great pride in knowing you heard such a phrase from Kakashi himself. Now those words seemed so far away. You hadn't even realized when he had stopped repeating it to you. As you thought about it, the time seemed to stretch further and further back until you couldn't even remember the last time he had.
Eventually, you grew fed up of sitting around, waiting for Kakashi to come home to see you. You were upset, angry, and tired of your own thoughts running rampant in your mind. You knew your Kakashi, and you had no reason to doubt him. This must have all just been a trick by your brain to make you paranoid after you heard that rumor.
You cleaned yourself up, wiping away your teats and fixing your makeup before deciding to head to his office.
Walking towards the building, a sinking feeling grew in the pit of your stomach.
What if he really is seeing someone else? You thought. What if I forced him into a marriage he didn't want, and he's looking for a way out?
You pushed those thoughts from your brain. you had no space for them right now, needing to focus on the positive so you would be able to get to the bottom of this.
You had barely walked in the main door before hearing a high-pitched giggle.
"You're so funny!" Said the voice in a pitch so perky it almost made your head hurt. A familiar voice laughed in response.
"I know, I've been told." Responded Kakashi. You couldn't help the bitter taste that made its way to your mouth. Surely this just had to sound worse than it was.
Rounding the corner, you made it just in time to see a tall woman by your husband. She was gorgeous, flowing hair and shining eyes. She reached out to him, placing her hand on his upper arm as she talked to him. he made no move to get her to remove her arm, if anything you thought he seemed to enjoy it.
You spun on your heel, figuring your worst fears had come true. He was with another woman.
You sped home, walking as fast as you could without drawing too much attention to yourself.
You slammed the door when you got home, running upstairs to gather your things. There was no way you could stay another night in this house when it wasn't a home anymore. Grabbing your suitcase, you started grabbing any essentials you needed as well as enough clothes to last at least a couple days.
"Y/n?" Came your husband's voice from downstairs, startling you. You had hoped to be out of here before Kakashi got home.
His footsteps came up the stairs towards you. Ignoring him, you continued to pile your stuff into your suitcase.
"What are you doing?" Asked Kakashi as he stood in the doorway. "Do you have a trip coming up?"
You ignored him.
"Y/n, did you hear me? What's going on?"
"I saw you today." You responded sharply, not looking at the face you used to adore. "She's pretty." Kakashi only looked at you in confusion.
"Who?" He asked.
You scoffed, "it doesn't even matter. She's the least of my concerns now. Even though clearly you care more about her than you ever did for me."
You felt Kakashi's strong hands grab your shoulders and spin you around to face him.
"What are you talking about?" He demanded. You immediately burst into tears.
"You keep me hidden Kakashi," you cried. "I have been nothing but loyal to you, and you still hide me away even though you let another woman put her hands all over you in public." His face softened at your words. He knew it upset you, but he thought it would be for the best. Seeing your reaction now, he realized he had made the wrong decision. "You don't even say you love me anymore."
If his face had softened before, those last words broke him.
"Oh Y/n," he said, pulling you into his strong arms as tightly as he could. "I love you. I love you so much. I've just been so busy with my new duties as hokage, I wasn't even thinking."
You sobbed into his chest.
"You hid me before then Kakashi. You can't blame that on being hokage."
Kakashi kissed your forehead.
"I know my love." He said. "I was wrong. I was more wrong than I have been before in my life. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it." He pulled away from you so that he could look into your eyes, "I promise, I'll tell everyone tomorrow about everything."
"Really Kashi?"
"Yes Y/n, really. You're my one and only, and it's about time the leaf village knew that."
A/N: I'm sorry it's a little clunky. My neighbors are blasting music so loud I can feel the bass and it's making it hard to focus ):
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