#even though i kinda don't like the 'perfectly facing forward' pose
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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I'm experimenting with some emotes for Kun3h0 since I never got that far with the last model. I feel like I should have at least one "negative" emote, so she's not smiling during sad or somber moments.
Ya know, for all the times that I've redone Kun3h0's model (which I think is 4 now), I think only the first one had a "real" alternate emote (the happy "peace sign").
The last one technically had two, but one was just looking to the side while idle, and the other was looking at the viewer.
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So I know you’ve given the old black dragon from Dungeons and Dragons a redesign in the pats but I thought I would ask for your thoughts in the redesign coming soon in the new handbooks. There is a video on YouTube where one of the designers is interviewed about the new dragon designs. He says they designed the dragons more as characters then creatures which likely influenced a lot of the design choices. They want this thing to look evil. Do you think the design has improved? I also want to know if there any major changes you would make. I know in the past you had issues with the horns.
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comparison time! old and new!
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(image description: a side by side look at the old DnD 5e black dragon design and the new black dragon design. the old one is more multi colored and shows a variety of design choices that are common for making dragons look "cooler" but have no real function. the new design is more cohesively colored a very matte black with a white face and is anatomically more similar to a giant crocodile with long legs. end description)
I absolutely think the new design is so much better. the horn problem has been solved!!! my issue with the horns in the previous design was mostly that they just overlap the mouth! even taking into consideration how wide they might be, they line up directly with the open mouth and extend further forward than the mouth, making them a pretty huge impediment! but now the horns curve below the jaw and don't extend beyond it, so they're a lot less cumbersome! overall, this design and posing also makes so much better use of illustrative shape language, look at how little the body parts overlap each other! much cleaner. I appreciate the bony looking spines with minimal membrane between them, as opposed to the old version that just had the big sail fin on the neck for no reason. I kinda miss the striped coloration of the old one, but this new design is far more cohesively colored and so much more focused on really making it look like a black dragon, with nice subtle greens on the underside for that good ol fashioned countershading. I also like that the face is white to give it that skull-like vibe instead of shrinkwrapping the face to make it look like the underlying skull. overall, there is way less shrinkwrapping on the new design, it no longer feels like the skin has been vacuum sealed to the skeleton and musculature.
That said though, even considering the intention of making it look evil more than making it look like a real creature, why in the year 2024 are we still skimping on dragon wing membrane near the torso, making the wing fingers extend so far beyond the membrane, and adding random wing holes instead of making use of more interesting battle scars all over the body?
here is a very quick paint over to alter that and show how the design could just be tweaked a tiny bit and not lose any of its coolness while adjusting the things i have a pet peeve for
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(image description: same as above, but now on the new black dragon design I have colored in the random holes in the wings, erased the overly extended wing fingers, and added more surface area to the wing membrane where it meets the body. end description)
could absolutely be done better, this was just my quick sloppy solution. even just adding a little more wing membrane would be good enough, I don't know why there is still this insistence on leaving such a massive gap between the body and the nearest wing finger. or leaving so much finger extended past the membrane. what are those fingers there for. why do they still have big claws. these dragons have proper forelegs, they clearly aren't using those big cumbersome wing hands for anything other than flying, and the thumb is perfectly useful as a gripping tool all by itself. the fingers only get extended like that for the Look, but i think there are other ways to make the wings look cool. like giving them interesting colors and patterns on the membrane! why not extend the facial coloring here to the wings? enhance the skeletal vibe by making the underside of the wing arms all pale, maybe put some striping on the membrane? that would be neat!
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bubble-popping · 17 days
day 21 i'm so consistent :) we'll see how long it rly lasts. more cryptid c!dream :D
He decided his best shot, since the thing could fucking teleport, was consulting an expert in the field. "Ranboo, I need your help." The chill of Snowchester was nothing compared to the literal Arctic, especially with his many layers of clothing and furs. The dual-toned ender hybrid stared at him, wide-eyed and speechless for a long moment. "Um. That's... probably the last thing I expected you to say. What, uh, what do you need my help with?"
"I have a pest problem, Ranboo, and I require your specific level of expertise." He explained so eloquently, yet Ranboo seemed even more confused than before.
"Oookay? Um, lead the way, I guess? I don't have anything special to do today, sooo..."
Exactly twenty minutes later, the two were trekking through the snow towards Techno's cozy cottage.
Techno looked over the horizon and smirked. "Perfect. It'll be here soon."
And the way he said that had Ranboo even more on edge, reluctance in his voice when he asked, "Um, what is it?"
"You'll see. It always come out at night," the pinkette said, nonchalant and cryptically terrifying at the same time.
"Oh. Okay."
The feeling of dread only worsened as they sat in Techno's living room in utter silence, not even a crackling fire to quell the awkwardness and tension. However, Techno just looked deep in concentration. His eyes were closed, body leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. He almost looked to be meditating, if not for the serious crease in his brow and stiffness in his muscles.
Ranboo really wanted to ask what the hell was going on, why he of all people had to be here, and how it was possible that The Technoblade needed help with something. Finally, after far too long of suffocating silence, Ranboo opened his mouth to speak-
Only for a sudden smash! to startle them both. Techno sprang to his feet and took Ranboo by the arm, hauling him up as well and pointing a finger to his lips. "Stay quiet. Don't spook it."
Ranboo quickly nodded his head and made no complaints as the clearly unhinged man led him to the basement trapdoor--resolutely ignoring how horrific that truly sounded--since he very much liked the fact that his head was attached to his shoulders.
Techno produced a torch from his inventory, marginally adding to the light of the torch already there. Some feet away, near the back of the room, laid the pieces of a broken glass bottle. As they walked closer to investigate, Techno grabbed his sleeve, halting him in his tracks, then gestured with his torch something off to the side.
Well, someone, actually.
Someone that Ranboo thought he recognized, though he wasn't sure why.
He addressed them, a simple greeting, but in a foreign tongue Techno could never hope to understand.
They jolted, retracting from rummaging in a chest to stare unblinking at the two. Their ears were perked, tail raised, the same pose they usually took just before they vanished.
Except, this time, they broke into a wide grin. They responded, just as indecipherable and not too unlike the guttural sounds of regular endermen, but in what Techno assumed to be an enthusiastic tone.
Ranboo too smiled, pointing to himself before pointing to them. Again, they replied, having lost interest in the chest enough to fully face them.
"So, what's up? What's it sayin'?" Techno interrupted, reminding Ranboo of the whole reason he was brought here in the first place.
"Oh! Right, so, this is a Farlands enderman, Farlander for short. They're super rare, especially so close to the server spawn. I'm not really sure why or how he got here-"
"Ranboo, Ranboo, it's great yer makin' friends and all, but can ya ask why he keeps trespassin' on my property?"
"Uh, I can try? I'm actually pretty bad at speaking Enderian besides the basics. I can understand it perfectly, even though he's got kinda, I guess what you guys would call an 'accent,' but anyway, holding a conversation is a whole different-"
The Farlander spoke again, surprising the duo to see he'd gotten closer.
"Oh, perfect! He understands English!"
"Wow, that's really convenient. Well, what'd he say?"
"He said he really likes honey."
Techno blinked, glancing between the two enders. "What does that have to do with my basement?"
At this, the Farlander took out a glass bottle as if demonstrating something while he explained.
"He saw how mad you got about what he did to the hives so he got the idea to harvest the honey in bottles like he saw you do before," Ranboo translated.
"That's it? Ya just wanted honey? Ya coulda just asked!"
He deadpanned and muttered something.
"You wouldn't have understood him. Plus, he didn't say this, but you'd probably be pretty freaked out if he just appeared one day trying to ask for honey in Enderian."
"I was pretty freaked out when this thief snuck into my basement and started stealin' my stuff! It wasn't about honey then, now was it?"
The Farlander fidgeted with his nails, sheepishly saying something under his breath.
"He was just really hungry and needed food, but he's sorry for scaring you."
"Scared? Of this oversized fluffball? Not a chance, I was merely confused. But nonetheless, I accept yer apology."
He beamed, showing off sharp canines, as his tail wagged behind him.
"Well, seems like you guys have this figured out now, so I'm gonna-"
"Ah-ah, not so fast, Ranboo. I wanna know what this guy's plan is! Are ya just gonna keep stealin' from me?"
The Farlander seemed to have a sad look on his face when he spoke now. Ranboo placed a hand over his heart, clearly touched by what he said.
"He'd gotten separated from his haunt in a blizzard. He tried looking for them, but hasn't found a single trace, so now he's alone trying to fend for himself."
"Yeah, sounds exactly like the kinda tragic backstory a traitor gives ya before stabbin' ya in the back."
"I'm... not gonna try to unpack all that, but it is serious for endermen to stay with their haunts until they're ready to go out on their own."
"I fail to see how's that my problem."
"Yer the other enderman here! I dunno the first thing about takin' care of-"
Their argument was interrupted by the Farlander abruptly throwing his arms around Techno's shoulders and hugging him. The pinkette scowled at Ranboo's smug expression.
"Looks like he's already made up his mind."
And that was how Techno accidentally acquired a roommate.
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Hey girlie, I was just wondering if you could write me an poly! Lost boys x reader who is an dance teacher for kpop groups and she is very strict (just like this https://youtu.be/fBUVTOUtrcw on YouTube Lisa being even scarier on youth with you) and she is ver shy and sweet towards David, dwayne, marko and Paul.
(if you don't want to write it, then you can skip don't worry I understand!)
I'm sorry this is a bit short, but I hope you like it!😊
Two Sides Of The Same Coin.
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: none
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Stalking around the group of young adults, I can't help the shiver that runs up my spine, my head still caught up over the fact it feels as though I'm being watched by someone other than my dancers. Forcing this down, I flick my eyes around the room, still seeing nobody sat there, returning my focus back to the people rubbing through the choreography. A sigh of frustration escapes me as I see them struggling over a particular step.
"Stop, stop, stop! What was that?" I halt them, calling out loudly to get their attention, "Last I checked, that's not the step I taught you, is it?"
One of the guys in question swallows, wiping some sweat from his forehead, hair falling into his face as he goes to reply.
"We just don't get it, that particular bit. Can you show us again?" He explains carefully, as if treading on eggshells around me, something that sends a brief flare of triumph through me.
"If that's what it takes for you to get it right, then sure. Get into formation and watch me. Then you're gonna shadow it exactly as I did it, slowly so you get it properly." I order them, moving to stand in front of them, "Make sure you're in time with each other, or we'll be running through the whole dance as many times as it takes for you to become in sync with each other. Got it?"
They nod, breathing heavily as they get into their correct formation, watching me closely. I move into position, before fluidly going through the small series of movements that make up this particular part of the dance, showing them exactly how it's done with practiced grace. Having done that, I go through it more slowly, emphasising each part and explaining it as I do so, making sure the group of people know what they're doing, somewhat glad to see a few looks of understanding. 
"Now you do it. I want this nearly perfect." I inform them, standing in front of them with my hands on my hips, my face stern.
In near unison, the dancers slowly shadow the part, making sure to do it properly, mimicking my fluidity to a point, most of them performing it very well. Watching them, I observe that there aren't too many flaws with what they are doing, knowing that they'll need to run through it a few more times before they get it down.
"Ok, now do it again, but at normal pace." I order them once they've finished, ignoring the low groans.
They complete it with only a couple of mishaps, none of which are too serious, prompting me to give them the next exercise.
"That was good. A bit messy at times, but good." I acknowledge, nodding at them, "Now I want you to do the whole routine, without stopping at all, full energy. If I catch any of you slacking, we start again."
The dancers can't help the exhausted looks of dismay, many of them quickly grabbing a drink of water before they get into position, staying still until I press play on the music.
Instantly, they all surge into motion, moving in beautiful unison through the mesmerising movements, most of them looking as if they're enjoying themselves. Each part is performed nearly perfectly, a small smile tugging at my lips at the sight of them all doing well, the hard work finally paying off. Some of them stumble over a particular part, so I make a mental note to go over that again the next time we practise. Other than that, they do well.
As the music comes to a halt, the group of youths are all covered in sweat, panting heavily as they finally break out of their finishing poses, hands dropping to knees in exhaustion. Once again, triumph flares up in me, a strange satisfaction coming to me from the sight of them all tired after the work.
"That was good. There's a few parts we'll work on, but for now you're free to go." I dismiss them, waving them off as they grab their stuff and trail out, each of them glad to be getting to a shower.
After a moment, I go to take my own bag, intending to drive home before I get a shower, not willing to share with the members of the group.
"Well, looks like we finally got to see the other side of the coin." A smug voice says behind me, my body tensing at the sound of it.
Turning slowly, I instantly feel a blush come to my cheeks, my eyes dropping to the floor as I catch sight of the four boys standing at the far end of the hall.
"I never saw that coming." David adds to his previous statement, his smirk evident in his voice as they all come closer, watching me.
"I, err…" I struggle to find words, scratching at my arm as I glance back up at them, "I never saw you come in."
The boys chuckle, exchanging knowing looks.
"You wouldn't have." Dwayne informs me, "David used his mind tricks to keep us hidden from you." 
Understanding dawns on me, my brow creasing into a frown as I realise they must've seen everything.
"Oh." Is all I manage to say, unable to stop the heat rushing to my face.
"Damn, (Y/n), never knew you had it in you." Marko wonders aloud, looking me over, impressed.
Smiling shyly, I let my eyes flick up to meet his briefly, before they find my feet again.
"Thanks." I murmur, turning again to grab my bag.
"Wouldn't mind seeing that side of you a little more." Paul flirts, quickly covering himself up as he realises what he's said, "Not that there's anything wrong with how you normally are!"
Sighing, I turn back around.
"Did you guys want something?" I question them quietly, playing with the handle of my bag.
"Just wanted to see what you're like at work." David chuckles, stepping forward to wrap an arm around my shoulders, "It's impressive what you've got going on here. Those guys respect you."
Looking up at him, I fight off a timid smile as the others come closer, each of them grinning at me.
"Really?" I query, a little unsure.
"Yeah definitely." Paul reassures me, taking my free hand in his, playing with my fingers.
"You're kinda scary like that." Marko adds, winking to show he means no harm by the comment.
"Am I?" I'm somewhat shocked by the observation, unaware that I was so intimidating.
"Yeah, you are." Dwayne grins, taking my bag from me and hoisting it onto his shoulder.
"I had no idea." I murmur, eyes widening a little.
"It's like I said," David smirks, " Two sides of the same coin."
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 years
Tizzy Dissects Rogercop Part 3
Back on my Adrien is a smart cookie bullshit, but look at him quick thinking while for all he knows Ladybug is a pancake and his ring is about to be taken,
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What a smart boy!!! His plans may not be complicated like Marinette's but he gets the job done! We kinda see this is reflektadoll 2, using the simple straight forward solution instead of Marinette's somewhat overly complicated plans. Also, the freaking dexterity to pull that off? He's hanging by his arm 200 ft in the air on a robo-car and tosses his staff, with his feet, into the exhaust. Amazing.
Also, we don't talk about this enough,
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Who are you????
Who is this man? Dude literally leaped off a building and danced in the middle of the street (who taught you that?? Your DDR machine???? wha-)
Then he strikes this pose, surrounded by the entire Parisian police force, (this man, I can't)
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And he just like, kicks butt and defeats the entire police force by himself. Legendary, we stan.
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Who is this man....
Adrien Agreste, top model in a furry suit, ready to throw hands with the mayor of Paris and his daughter, you get 'em dude.
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This has nothing really to do with this episode but I love the ladynoir in this picture, look at Ladybug's face. Anyone who says she hates him can fight me out back right now.
When Adrien looks back on all the crazy shit he's done in his life I hope he is proud because I for sure am. Boy starts off his day with disappointment, struggles with Plagg being Plagg, has his partner almost die, becomes a wanted criminal, and is still able to put a smile on his face when this is all said and done?? Sorry this kinda turned into stan adrien hours but do you guys hear me? I love him.
Marinette is also great in this episode, it perfectly shows her personality and how she thinks and is confident in herself. From her not so great side, excusing Adrien from blame because it's Adrien and then accusing her classmates the same way Chloe was, (though in a very less mean and valid way) to her trying to get through to Rogercop even though she knows it's useless and giving Chloe some slack at the end cause she's just that kind of person.
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Like look at her face! She is such a sweetheart I love her so much.
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In conclusion, Rogercop is a pretty good episode, stan Adrien, Marinette and Plagg, and lastly, fuck Gabriel.
Thanks for watching folks.
Part 1 Part 2
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f-nodragonart · 4 years
Y can't I just put my dragon's wings right above the shoulder? Couldn't the shoulder muscles deal with flying? I don't think putting wings behind the arms is a good idea bc the front half would hand down? Can I put the wings in front of the shoulder?
well u *can* do anything you feel like. this is just an advice blog (focusing mainly on anatomy/biology b/c that’s what our specialties gravitate towards), and as a creator, u can take or leave our advice as u please! the world is yours to design!
but if u specifically want to go for biological accuracy, then yeah, wings directly above the front limbs would generally be a no-go. 
I’m just gonna copy-paste a section that focuses specifically on this topic from my much longer post abt vertebrate wings, so hopefully this clears up any questions u’ve got abt it:
Many fantastical flying creatures are hexapodal, with at least one set of wings along with four other limbs. This poses an interesting dilemma for artists, as there are no real-life animals with this sort of setup: how do you anchor the wings to the body?
The key to answering this is to keep in mind a critical note about wings that I hope I’ve made distinctly clear in my rambling in all previous sections– wings are intricate, fully-fledged limbs. Not only that, but the fact that they’re locomotive limbs means that they must be anchored VERY solidly to the body (since, y’know, they’re throwing around the mass of the whole body from the points where they’re anchored). Wings CANNOT be treated like pasted-on decorations, if you want them to function correctly.
This in mind, my most important tip here is to absolutely NOT anchor the wing shoulders DIRECTLY ON TOP of the front limb shoulders.
For one, the wings will ALWAYS need quite a lot of chest/shoulder muscular connections. Wing shoulders need a LOT of muscle (relatively speaking) to power flight, particularly on the downstroke, so those shoulder muscles connecting down onto the chest need plenty of open room to anchor to the body. Plus, these muscles generally stretch a fair way down the chest cavity in order to help hold/stabilize the chest cavity in-flight (I’ll discuss this a bit more in the following Overall Integration section, but flying bodies are generally stiff and compact for optimum flight design). And this need for muscular space is without even considering whether a particular design requires a keel or not!
Also note the needs of shoulder movement, depending on the design. Bat flight is highly versatile in part because of their rolling shoulders and general high range of shoulder flexibility. If bats couldn’t flex their shoulders to the same range due to there being a whole other set of limbs in the way (or even having to share a clavicle setup with another pair of limbs), they wouldn’t have near the same range of versatility. While this would likely be less of a problem for bird (and potentially pterosaur) flight due to the fused clavicles and subsequently less-versatile flight, I still think this would pose some issues for flight in general, if the wings had to function around a whole other set of limbs.
Setting aside the problems the wings themselves would face, the wing muscles would also interfere with the front limbs, in this hypothetical setup! If the front limbs were anchored properly to the base chest cavity (as they would absolutely need to be if they were to be used for anything involving locomotion, like walking/running), the wing muscles/bones stretching over/around these limbs would interfere with their range of motion, and likely their overall locomotive power as well. Now I could potentially see the front limbs perhaps detaching from the base chest cavity over time, and instead anchoring on top of the wing chest muscles (a little far-fetched still, but not impossible). However, without a strong anchor to the core body, these limbs would have very little strength (certainly not enough to hold up the body, in-motion or not) or range of shoulder motion, if any at all. thus, if anything, these limbs would likely be used for display or very light object manipulation at most. Think teeny T-rex arms, and you’ll get the picture (and even then, T. rex arms are still anchored to the chest cavity and have significant scapulae, soo..).
There’s no reason that wing musculature would warp itself around a set of limbs when the wings would simply not function correctly if there was another set of limbs in the way. And if the front limbs were evolutionarily ‘important’ enough to keep in the first place, there’s no reason that the front limbs would be forced to function nestled within fully-realized wing musculature (which, I must reiterate, would likely not be fully-realized in the first place if there were other limbs in the way).
Now, for quite a while I held onto the theory that wings could ONLY be anchored behind the front limbs rather than in front. I still believe that anchoring the wings behind the front limbs is the anatomically ‘safest’ way to go, especially for artists new to anatomy and creature design, but I’ve recently changed my opinion on the plausibility of wings in front or arms due to exactly one(1) piece of anatomical artwork-- Drferox (collaborating with Shinydinosaurkingdom’s excellent artistic skills~) designed this Pegasus whose front limbs are actually behind the wings, and it actually works!! This may not seem exciting to anyone else, but I’ve literally NEVER seen this idea executed in a way that convinced me it was anatomically plausible, so I’m a little flustered. (if you’d like to see more of Shinydinosaurkingdom’s art and read up on Drferox’s explantion for their design decisions, I’d HIGHLY suggest checking out the link and digging into their blogs!)
Anyways, I’d like to note to other artists here that the ‘front’ limbs on this Pegasus have been shrunk down and pushed quite a-ways back from the front of the body, to the point that they’re useless for locomotion. This gives the chest muscles of the wings the proper room needed to stretch down onto the keel, and for the wings to rotate comfortably. If you want your dragon to be quadrupedal, I still hold that the best way this could work is with the wings behind the front limbs (unless you want your creature to have a sorta ‘insectoid’/virus-lookin stance, which actually sounds kinda sick). However, if you like the idea of a bipedal hexapod, then this approach with the front limbs behind the wings seems an excellent idea!
Of course, this is all under the assumption that the wings have fully evolved perfectly into the hexapodal body plan. Evolution does not happen overnight, and it’s perfectly plausible that a set of “pre-wings” would not yet be properly based behind (or in front!) of the front limb shoulders in a certain species’ ancestry. This idea is best described in Swirlix’s discussion of potential hexapodal evolution from the lobe-finned coelacanth. But note, again, that this is a step along the way to powered flight, not the fully-realized structure for powered flight.
~end quote~
though one bit I do want to clarify, that I don’t think this section covered-- exactly how far back are you imagining the shoulders of the wings, when the wings are behind the front limbs? in most scenarios, it seems plausible to have the wing shoulders just a bit behind the front limbs-- with enough room for the wing shoulders to rolls forwards, of course, but not necessarily feet behind the front limbs, y’know? in this case, there’s not much of the front of the body to be left hanging in the first place, especially if the ribcage is stiff enough to hold steady and handle flight forces. this especially becomes a non-issue, in my mind, if the propatagium (leading-edge membrane) attaches up over the front limb shoulders, thus providing active lift to that area of the body
-Mod Spiral
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 5 years
Right For All The Wrong Reasons Duncan Shepherd x Fem Reader (18) AU
Dedicating to @langdonsinferno for our mutual love for the film American Beauty, couldn't resist writing this concept hope you enjoy!
A/N: Used some of the main elements to the plot of the film American Beauty with some adjustments and changes. Duncan Shepherd becomes disillusioned with his existence and begins to hunger for fresh excitement in his life. As he experiences a new awakening of the senses, his marriage to Claire Underwood-Shepherd was a dead end heading nowhere but when their daughter Alexis brings her friend Y/N around Duncan's fantasies get the better of him, bound and determined to get what he wants he let's his lustful thoughts become reality when he seduces the barely legal 18 year old fulfilling his wildest desires.
Warnings: Cheating, Lust, Fantasizing, Barely Legal 18 Year Old Reader, Fingering, Masturbation, Oral (Fem Reader Receives), Virginity Loss, Rough Sex, Choking, Dominate Duncan, Submissive Fem Reader, Mention Of Divorce, Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Absolute Dirty Smut
Word Count: 4,361 Words
Note: Lyics used in this fic are from American Woman by Lenny Kravitz and Beach by Mew
Duncan Shepherd becomes disillusioned with his existence and begins to hunger for fresh excitement in his life. As he experiences a new awakening of the senses, his marriage to Claire Underwood-Shepherd was a dead end heading nowhere but when their daughter Alexis brings her friend Y/N around Duncan's fantasies get the better of him, bound and determined to get what he wants he let's his lustful thoughts become reality when he seduces the barely legal 18 year old fulfilling his wildest desires.
They were always fighting. There were screams, a loud crash and shattering glass. I quickly escaped to my room and closed the door
He  was outside.
I turned on the music, so I wouldn't have to hear anything from downstairs. I brushed my hair. It was dark and long, much like raven's wings or maybe just a black veil draped over my head. The mirror reflected sad eyes of a little girl, hiding behind that veil. The veil had been put on at the very moment of birth, since my family was never a family, but a nest of cruel and uncaring people.
I went to the window and eyed the front yard. He was there, I knew it, even though I couldn't see him. Carefully I let the music carry me, lyrics letting me sway to the beat.
"It's hard to make sense
Feels as if I'm sensing you through a lens
If someone else comes
I'll just sit here listening to the drums"
I had closed my eyes. The notes flew through me like a force of pure emotion, so raw and so deep that it almost hurt. I could've stayed like that for a long time but I knew that was not what he expected.
I opened my eyes. Then I slowly took off my top, revealing the skin beneath it. There was no need for a show, he didn't want that. I didn't want that. Or at least I thought I didn't. My real wants and needs had blurred with his, making me obey him blindly. Still, he didn't force me to do anything. It was all up to me to make my next move.
I took off my bra. When I revealed my breasts, I saw a quick move somewhere in the night. He was there, watching me, I was sure of it now. I swirled a stray of hair around my finger, then let go of it. I traced the line from under my jaw right down to my waistline, feeling the breastbone, the navel and the fabric of my skirt. Then I stopped.
"The world is like you
Here time's the charm
Like a dog it's breathing
They're just as lonely
And we all make mistakes once in a while"
//Seated in the bleachers, next to the high school BAND, is a group of about twenty TEENAGE GIRLS, dressed in pale blue and white uniforms. Among them, Alexis sits next to Y/N Y/L/N. At eighteen, Angela is strikingly beautiful; with perfect even features, h/c  hair and a nubile young body, she's the archetypal American dream girl.
On the gym floor, the girls perform. They're well-rehearsed, but too young to carry off the ambitious Vegas routine they're attempting.
Duncan Shepherd leans forward in his seat.
He is focused on Y/N now. Everything starts to SLOW DOWN... the MUSIC acquires an eerie ECHO…
He watches transfiixed.
Y/N looks directly at us now, dancing only for Duncan. Her movements take on a blatantly erotic edge as she starts to unzip her uniform, teasing us with an expression that's both innocent and knowing, then... she pulls her uniform OPEN and a profusion of RED ROSE PETALS spill forth…
Y/N, fully clothed, is once again surrounded by the other girls. The HIGH SCHOOL BAND plays its last note, the Dancing Spartanettes strike their final pose, and the audience APPLAUDS.
Claire Duncan's wife claps along with the rest of the audience while he just sits there, unable to take his eyes off Y/N.
The game is long over. Y/N and Alexis come out of the gym. Duncan and Claire  stand at the edge of the parking lot. She crosses reluctantly toward her parents, followed by Y/N. “Congratulations, honey, you were great.” Duncan praised his daughter. “I didn't win anything.” She states offhandedly with a shake of her head. “Hi, I'm Duncan.” He extends his hand to his daughter's new friend. “Hi.” her voice is melodic Duncan is drawn in, though she comes across shy he senses something about Y/N, something beyond the shy front Y/N has in place.
“This is my friend Y/N Y/L/N” Alexis introduces you to her parents, her parent's looked like the high class version of the typical 9-5 office job type of couple. Claire is well reserved and has made quite the name for herself in D.C. in the political profession, Duncan Shepherd was tall handsome dressed in a $10,095.00 Giorgio Armani business suit. The 5 o clock shadow that adored his handsome face and every  hair on his head was perfectly in place, the scent of his cologne Killian's Black Phantom waived through the cool night air. Duncan was old enough to be her father at the distinguished age of 35 and though it was inappropriate Y/N already found herself attracted so strongly that it was impossible to deny. She couldn't help all the dirty overly sexual thoughts that already flooded her mind, but then again neither could Duncan despite the 17 years age difference their minds seemed perfectly in sync.
Later that night….
Duncan and Claire were in bed, even in a deep sleep Mrs. Shepherd looked determined. Duncan is in that boundary between sleeping and awake he stares up at us.
A solitary single red rose petal falls slowly through the air.
Duncan's POV
'It's the funniest thing’
The red rose petal lands just in view on Duncan's pillow.
Duncan POV
‘I feel like I've been in a coma for about twenty years, and I'm just now waking up.’
More rose petals fall to the bed surrounding him, in his dream induced haze he smiles up at the almost life like vision that played out before him.
Duncan's POV
Y/N, naked, FLOATS above us as a deluge of ROSE PETALS falls around her. Her hair fans out around her head and GLOWS with a subtle, burnished light. She looks down at us with a smile that is all things…
A few days later Alexis brought Y/N over after school, it was Friday night the initial plan was a sleep over and girl time.
The two were in the living room in front of the large screen streaming music videos from YouTube. “Oh, shit. They're home. Quick, let's go up to my room.” Alexis clicked the tv off tossing the remote aside. “I should say hi to your dad I don't want to be rude.” Y/N called from behind her shoulder sauntering towards the kitchen. “Besides I could use a drink, you want me to grab you one?” “Yes there is root beer thanks.” Alexis responded hastily disappearing.
Duncan is in the kitchen faced towards the open refrigerator. “Nice suit.” Her voice rings out immediately causing him to snap at attention to face her, He is instantly transfixed.
Duncan's POV
‘Y/N leans against the counter, twirling her hair.’
“Your looking good Mr Shepherd.” There is a saying that says flattery will get you no where but to him hearing anything come from her lips would get her anywhere even if it was naked in bed with him to play out all his wild dirty fantasies. In the eyes of the state 18 is considered an adult so in all honesty it would be consensual. She slowly moves towards him, “the last time I saw you you seemed kinda wound up.”
Duncan's POV
‘She reaches inside the refrigerator to grab a bottle. As she does, she moves to place her other hand casually on Lester's shoulder. He sees it coming. Everything SLOWS DOWN, and all sound around in that moment  FADES…’
‘Her hand as it briefly touches his shoulder in SLOW MOTION. We HEAR only the amplified BRUSH of her fingers against the fabric of his suit, and it's unnatural, hollow ECHO…’
Duncan snaps back into reality, the hear and now. Y/N grabs two root beers from the fridge smiling at him. His eyes narrow just slightly with that mixture of sexy yet dangerous.
Duncan's POV
‘He cups her face in his hands and kisses her. She seems shocked, but doesn't resist as he pulls her toward him with surprising strength. He breaks the kiss, looking at her in awe, then he reaches up and touches his lips. His eyes widen as he pulls a ROSE PETAL from his mouth right before we…’
Real time...
Y/N is back against the counter, drinking the root beer. Duncan stands by the refrigerator, gazing at her, still lost in fantasy.
Later that night….
Claire  lies sleeping. Duncan is awake, staring at the ceiling. After a moment, he gets up, taking care not to disturb Claire, and walks toward the bathroom.
‘Across from us, in a PEDESTAL BATHTUB, is Y/N. She smiles and beckons us, and we MOVE CLOSER. ROSE PETALS float on the surface of the water, obscuring her naked body.’
‘Duncan leans down by the bathtub like a man in church. “You've been working out, haven't you? I can tell.” She arches her back looking up at him provocatively. “I was hoping you'd give me a bath, I'm very very dirty.” ‘
‘Duncan  gives her a hard look, then slowly slips his hand into the water between her legs. Her eyes widen and she throws her head back...and we…’
‘His hands run over my body and I let out a soft sigh. I need to ease the ache between my thighs. I need him touch me, to tease me. I need to cum. Wanton desirous thoughts invade my mind. The feeling overwhelms me and I can't do anything else until I'm sated. I let my thighs fall open as he slips his fingers into my cunt. Heat envelopes them as he slide two inside.’
‘My cunt throbs with pleasure. I feel you inside me, filling me. He  slide another finger inside, greedily filling me, thrusting them in and out to keep rhythm with my hips. I lift my leg, needing him to push deep, feeling the velvet walls of my cunt squeezing tight around his fingers. My arousal surges. My legs tremble. I wonder if you can feel me. Feel how my body knows just how to respond to your touch.’
‘My clit throbs. He presses harder, stroking me. His fingers are slick against me. My body begins to succumb. I don't want to draw it out any longer. I need it too much to let it last. I need to be greedy. I need to be satisfied. His fingers move frantically over my clit. My cunt pulses harder. I feel the heat building inside me. I gasp again and a small cry escapes my lips. I can't control my hips as they buck up against his hand. My heart pounds as I feel pleasure flood my body. Hot breath rushes from my lungs as I cry out. Warmth pulses over his hand and I careen into bliss. Can you feel it?’
Real time…
Claire, her eyes wide, listening to the rhythmic BRUSH of Duncan's hand as he masturbates under the covers. She flips over and faces him, “what are you doing?” A beat passes “Nothing” he responds frustrated. Claire switches on the bedside lamp, “you were masturbating weren't you?” “Don't be ridiculous Claire I was not.” He turns his back to her letting out a loaded sigh. “Yes you were” she challenged. He turns to face her trying to appear innocent but gives up. “Alright so shoot me I was whacking off!”  Claire gets out of their bed repelled Duncan can only laugh. “That's right. I was choking the bishop. Shaving the carrot. Saying hi to my monster” Claire shakes her head “that's disgusting.” “Well, excuse me, but I still have blood pumping through my veins!” Yelled argumentativly.
Duncan's POV
‘ Claire this hasn't been a marriage for years. But you were happy as long as I kept my mouth shut. Well, guess what? I've changed. And the new me whacks off when he feels horny, because you're obviously not going to help me out in that department.’
//American woman, stay away from me… american woman, mama let me be… don't come a  hangin' around my door... I don't want to see your face no more...//
Duncan has retreated downstairs to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator he grabs a beer and starts to head toward the family room.
Duncan's POV….
‘AS we MOVE SLOWLY around a corner, Y/N comes into view, standing at the STEREO, holding a CD case. She's been crying; her face is puffy, and her hair mussed. She regards us apprehensively... then puts on a slightly defiant smile.’
‘ ‘'He leans against the wall taking a swig of his beer, “Not at all, bad night?” “No not really just strange” she replies. “Believe me couldn't be any stranger than mine” he stated with an exasperated huff. She smiles. They stand there in silence; the atmosphere is charged.’
‘ “Alexis and I had a fight…. It was about you.” Y/N admitted. “She's mad at me because I think your sexy.” Duncan grins. He is sexy. “Do you want a sip?” You nod. Duncan  holds the bottle up to her mouth and she drinks clumsily. He gently wipes her chin with the back of his hand “so are you going to tell me what you want?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. “I don't know.” It was a lie she knew exactly what she wanted. “You don't know?” ‘
‘His face is very close to yours was this really happening--or was it mere imagination… “what do you want?” She asked him her eyes locked on his. “Are you kidding? I want you. I've wanted you since the first moment I saw you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Y/N takes a deep breath just before Duncan leans in to kiss her cheek, her forehead, her eyelids, her neck… “you don't think I'm ordinary?” “God, fuck no… you couldn't be ordinary if you tried.” Duncan presses his lips to yours in a seductive kiss, it was wrong but felt oh so right in a variety of ways.’
‘Y/N lays back on the couch as Duncan moves in over her. He pulls her jeans off and gently brushes his fingers over her legs, then moves up and caresses her face.. He  starts unbuttoning your blouse. Slowly he eyes every inch of her skin. Duncan pulls her blouse open, exposing her breasts. He looks down at her, grinning, unable to believe he's actually about to do what he's dreamed of so many times, and then… “It's my first time.” Duncan laughs surely she is kidding right? ‘
‘ I laid down and he was sort of kneeling over me as we kissed. “You’re a lovely girl.” Duncan's voice was kind of firm. I imagined he was expressing irritation with me for earlier telling him about being insecure about my looks. I  felt uneasy for a moment. I was embarrassed that I was wearing an old plain white bra. I looked up to see if he was staring at my breasts, but he was to my surprise looking at my face. I wondered if he thought they were unattractive or if maybe he didn’t like breasts. “I don’t think you ever  did tell me.” he broke the silence. I pulled off my skirt and underwear, and then he moved his head down. For a while I stared at the wall, and then I caught a glimpse of his head down in between my legs. I wondered what he was doing.’
Duncan's POV…
‘ I was kissing and licking everywhere  between your thighs I could tell you were getting turned on. I moved on to the clitoris, I starting with gentle licking and sucking. I look up to see you “does that feel good, babygirl?” You were unable to respond but by your blissed out expression it was clear I was doing something right. “You look so hot right now, at my mercy, so young so vulnerable” I paused for a moment then I asked you, “Did any guy ever do that to you before?!” ‘
‘ “Do what?” my voice came out nervous betraying the brave front I often gave off. “Eat you out.” Duncan responded seductively. Despite the dim lighting I could see the smirk on his face. I had felt his face and hair rubbing against my thighs, it kind of tickled but at the same time it turned me on. I felt an unrelenting pressure build in my abdomen it was driving me insane. I could smell my pussy juices on his breath. ‘
‘ He moved in to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me, but I didn’t want him to think I would want something like that, so I turned my head to the side to dodge him. But he tried again, grinning big, and we kissed and I was excited by him forcing a kiss on me and forcing me to taste myself on his tongue. Then two of his fingers went into my dripping pussy and it hurt tremendously.  My eyes snapped shut and I started to moan both from pain and out of feeling an obligation to make him think I was enjoying it (and in all honestly I really was), and feeling like I wanted to excite him by moaning and groaning.’
‘ I peeked my eyes open and saw his face was right over mine, watching my reactions.  he was grinning god how he looked so sexy right then. “God, you’re wet.” he moaned. He took his fingers out and held them up to the light. They were drenched, completely covered in my arousal.’
‘ I writhed beneath him in sexual bliss, nothing mattered in that moment than how this felt, how my body responded to his. My body was a map but every inch, every curve he knew it almost like committed memory. I was made for him and he knew it, I knew that there would never be anyone else that could ever make me feel like this it was like ‘devine appointment’. He was experienced and he knew just what to do and boy he did it well. I embraced the desire to quench the sexual fire that burned throughout my body setting every nerve ending on a blazing rage of intense fire.’
‘ “Cum for me babygirl.” His voice was firm yet commanding. My body detonated. The heat that had built up inside of me for what seemed like forever  and had been centred entirely on my most sensitive areas and it burst out. Warmth and tension coursed through every vein as my heart leapt for joy and pumped my blood explosively. My skin tingled as a wave of goose bumps rode a shiver along my body stretching out to every extremity as my breath caught in my throat. I could feel fluid blasting out of my exposed and knickerless core and soaking my thighs further as an orgasm ripped through me.’
Duncan's POV….
‘ “Do you like that? Do you like I make you feel.” I own every single piece of your body, and we are attached to each other as one. I love how your skin tone matches your lips and make your hot eyes look brighter when you look me directly in the eyes telling me that you know I'm have you, I have you right where I want you. I want to cover you in marks and hickeys hearing you moan uncontrollably.’
‘ “ I want to make love to you, rub my cock on your clit, make you beg for it for me to put it inside of you. But I'm not going to until you say please daddy fuck me. Over and over again, I want to make you drip babygirl.” Your frustrated state was almost endearing, your face was flush, I heard your needy please leave your lips like a prayer. “Please daddy fuck me, I want to feel every inch of you rip me apart. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't walk straight for weeks afterward.” You begged me.’
‘ “Well since you put it that way…” my body was in overdrive, in an almost inhuman speed I was out of my pants discarding them off to the sidelines. “I want to choke you while I fuck you relentlessly, I think it's only fair to warn you that this won't be sweet and slow but it will be hard, fast and deep. I don't intend on showing any mercy.” I smirk at you before I slammed into you without warning giving you no time to adjust to my size. I want to ruin you, rip you apart, test your limits.” ‘
‘ Pelvic bones got heavier, shifted somehow. Y/N not only  experiences multi-orgasmic fireworks, but a more realistic longing for the act of sex to last longer, to “feel more.” ‘
‘ When we had danced and I lost myself—in him, in the music, in the shapes on the wall—I was also intensely aware of myself physically. I felt as though my pelvic bones got heavier, shifted somehow. And when he had pushed into me on the mattress, I was wet, though I hadn’t known I would be. His warm slide in and out felt not like the intrusion, but like something that was already part of me. I hadn’t any sense of wanting him to finish: I’d reached and pushed against him to feel more. “Deeper…” I managed to call out breathlessly. I felt his hand reach up to grab my throat closing in around it with just enough pressure to add to my already heightened senses.’
‘ It’s hard to experience desire while at the same time controlling it. We were trying to lose control, I couldn't explain it but I trusted him. His dominance is merely a way to show his control, to push my limits, to break me. Would he hurt me intentionally, or cause any harm? No the kind of delicious pain I was feeling was more a way to drive me crazy, the right amount of pain mixed with pleasure was nothing more than absolute complete and total bliss.’
‘ We were moving purposefully, into and against each other, I was holding the top of the bed, my eyes falling back into my eyelids, and we were trying to follow our desires, such as we understood them, and we could tell we were close to something. I watched these images in gold and red and white as Duncan’s fingers fluttered and moved as our bodies molded into one. When my body began to tense, his understood and our bodies seemed to move like a well oiled machine, my rhythm matching his thrust for thrust.’
‘ I was waiting, craving almost desperate as I felt my release very near. No violence was committed, it was clear he desired it as much as I did, it was consensual like an unspoken agreement between us both. I was savoring this saving every last moment between us that we were sharing, I committed it to memory. I have been stripped and I entered the pit and I didn't want to ever come up out of it.’
Duncan's POV…..
‘ Y/N was poised to melt, to completely shut down underneath my touch. I owned you ever single inch. Because of the intensity of this moment we shared it was an unspoken happiness of pure sexual and wanton bliss. Her head flung back fuck she looked absolutely gorgeous. When I locked my gaze with her she was fixed on me eyes glassy.’
‘ My breathing became loud and shaky I moaned out. Our bodies were in the extremes of pure unbridled pleasure, it's like we weren't in our own bodies anymore like we were possessed taken over by desire. We worked at a deliberate frenzy to chase our ultimate release. She wrapped her legs around my waist lifting up at just the right angle allowing us a feeling that both of us enjoyed. “I am close… I….” I gave my go ahead, dropping my dominant personality just slightly “go ahead cum for me babygirl.” I coaxed you. I felt your pussy walls clench around me as your release covered my cock causing me to near my release within not even half a second afterward. We road out our orgasms and attempt to regain normal breathing again. I laid down next to you, our eyes connected both of our blissed out expressions giving us a natural high. With damn near fifteen years of marriage with Claire it was evident that the passion between us had fizzled out making the act of sex nothing more than going through the motions. But tonight with us it sparked something between us something unquenchable, I knew this was the first time but it surely wasn't the last. We had both had a taste and if it was the last thing we would ever do it damn sure wouldn't at all be the last especially if I had anything to do about it. Claire was now nothing more than an inconvenience, an unpleasantry and she would be dealt with. Our marriage was dead and undoubtedly within less than 24 hours I would see to it to have her served with divorce papers. It was time to live life my way on my terms fuck everything else because nothing or noone was going to stand in my way.’
‘ "You are as beautiful as a raven; wrong in all the ways but still the only right for my eyes." I broke the silence between us. "And you are not a dream, because if you are, then I am one too." I scrutinised her for a brief moment. After that fell the silence once more. For the first time ever I smiled at you, then looked away and the moment passed. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.’
//"It is sweet outside
Where it seems magical
And if nothing works
We'll do nothing
Save yourself tonight
Asleep in the dark
I hope we're on time"//
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