#even though it's only in felix's supports that felix tells him to stop being so reckless with his life and all that
hyunebunx · 1 month
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ⏖ ’ show don’t tell with skz !
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⁺ 𖹭 . genre: fluff
⁺ 𖹭 . a/n: how the boys say i love you without saying i love you. hope you like it <3
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𝜗୧ chan 𝜗୧ - “I’m here for you.”
And he always means it. No matter how busy or stressed he is, if you call Chan comes running. Being your shoulder to cry on is his full-time job, to be honest.
This doesn’t only apply to when you’re going through something though. Chan is there for you when things are hard, of course, but he’s also always present when you accomplish something, doesn’t matter how small it is.
The most supportive boyfriend who never forgets to celebrate you. It’s such a normality in your relationship that you only realize how thoughtful and amazing he is when you look back, and his face comes to mind for every major event that took place in your life in the past year.
Is the epitome of ‘ride or die’ and you can’t change my mind.
𝜗୧ minho 𝜗୧ - by always looking out for you.
No matter what you are doing, Minho’s eyes will always gravitate towards you. To ensure you are safe, that you aren’t struggling with anything or feeling uncomfortable. Or so, he says, but in reality, he really enjoys just observing you in your everyday life, every action of yours adorable in his eyes.
If you are struggling, he’s by your side in a heartbeat. Most of the time, you won’t even realize he’s there until whatever was giving you problems is taken care of.
You can’t open something? Minho’s got it. You’re struggling with work? He’s quietly thinking of a solution and writing it down. You’re stressed? He’s already prepared your favorite snack and is on his way over.
Minho loves quietly yet his actions don’t let you forget about that love even for a second.
𝜗୧ changbin 𝜗୧ - by peppering kisses all over your face every opportunity he gets.
To him, you are absolutely adorable and sometimes, he gets this urge to just smother you with all of his love all at once. What’s ‘playing it coy’? Changbin’s never heard of her.
He’s usually one who doesn't shy away from expressing his love verbally, however, there are times when words just aren’t enough.
So, he’ll randomly lean towards you and start small, with a kiss or two on your cheeks before giving in and not stopping until he’s kissed every inch of your face.
He doesn’t play when it comes to you so, he’ll only stop when he shows you exactly how strong the feelings he carries in his heart are.
𝜗୧ hyunjin 𝜗୧ - by keeping a picture of you in his wallet.
I mean, of course, this is Hyunjin we are talking about. And the picture in question is one he took himself on one of your many dates.
Switches it out once every couple of months and sometimes, even keeps two at a time. He can’t help it – you look so beautiful and radiant, that being greeted by your smiling face every time he opens his wallet lifts his spirits instantly.
When he misses you, he’ll absentmindedly open his wallet for no reason just to see your face, even though he’s aware he can call and see your beaming smile whenever he pleases.
Swiftly sneaks a picture of himself in your own wallet so you can match.
𝜗୧ jisung 𝜗୧ - by dedicating every song he writes to you.
Being loved by you is the best thing that’s ever happened to him and nobody can convince Jisung otherwise.
That’s why, every time he sits down to work, his head is full of thoughts of you that just never go away. His heart is so full of love, he can’t help but at least attempt to put all of that into words.
Has written dozens of songs about you and the magical way you make him feel and they all sound like something that would play at the gates of heaven, just dreamy. The purest form of love.
Grabs his guitar and serenades you only with the songs he deems worthy of your attention.
𝜗୧ felix 𝜗୧ -  “you look tense, let me give you a massage.”
That’s what he says but, in the end, he pampers you until you have to physically stop him. A hand massage, a face one, Felix becomes your personal masseur.
When you do stop him, he just moves on to hugging and cuddling you, leaving the occasional kiss here and there.
He can’t be too far apart from you, it physically hurts him. Has to touch and feel you near at all times, no matter what you’re doing. Links your pinkies together and just follows you around like a puppy.
Will do your skincare and even wash your hair for you, anything. Just ask.
𝜗୧ seungmin 𝜗୧ - “this reminded me of you.”
No matter what he’s doing, if he spots something in a store that makes his thoughts rush to you, he’s stopping that activity and going in immediately.
Doesn’t care about the money – the gifts can range from jewellery to random, sometimes ugly souvenirs he finds abroad at a gift shop. His mind works in mysterious ways, you can never know what silly thing would suddenly remind Seungmin of you next.
“You.” And it’s either the ugliest keychain you’ve ever seen or the most beautiful flowers, there’s no in-between.
Gets you a stuffed puppy so you can also be reminded of him at all times, just like he’s constantly thinking of you.
𝜗୧ jeongin 𝜗୧ - by quietly wiping your tears and holding you when upset.
He’s the type that won’t say anything and just bring you into the warmest, most comforting hug ever. His bear hugs will have you melting in his arms, making you feel super safe.
So gentle and soft-spoken, literally handles you like you’re made of glass when he sees something has truly upset you.
Will wipe your tears and listen to whatever you have to say, giving you his full attention. Also gets you water and helps you remove your makeup, or fix your hair when you feel better.
Won’t let go until he’s convinced you actually feel better and even then, an eye is still on you while he intertwines your fingers and goes on about his business.
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writeonwhiskey · 2 months
the skz house: ch 22
a/n: i am continuously blown away by your support. thank you for sticking with me through this. as always, thank you @bahablastplz for editing!
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[ read chapter 21 here ]
Chapter 22: Of Seungmin and Karaoke
Your frustration with Chan hardly subsides over the next couple of days. Thankfully the rotation announcement was on a Thursday, so you don’t have to worry about sleeping in his room the rest of the week. You assume he’s keeping to himself in his room because you don’t see him around the house all day Friday. The next time you see him is at the dinner table on Saturday.
You’re seated at the opposite end of the table, conversing with Hyunjin, Felix and Charlotte. You can feel Chan’s eyes boring into you damn near the entire time, but you refuse to look in his direction. After that night in his room, you have to wonder if you constantly caving to him is what’s putting both of you in this position. If you resist and stand your ground, maybe it will make it easier for you both to pretend you feel nothing.
But you can’t understand why it’s so hard to do. You’re trying to be an active participant in the conversation, but you have to keep telling yourself not to look up at him. The fucked up thing is that neither of you are in the wrong here. And that just makes it all the more confusing.
He’s not wrong in suggesting that you should try to distance yourself from him in preparation for what’s to come. However, he could have gone about it in a completely different manner. He instead retreated back to asshole Chan mode with how he spoke to you. A defense mechanism, perhaps. It was a failed defense, though. Your Chan slipped through the cracks—the way he stopped you from leaving his room...the way he fucked you as if you’re the only thing he needs to survive. His body calls to yours and it always responds because you need him just as much.
After dinner, a handful of the boys offer to wash the dishes since the girls have to get ready to change rooms tomorrow. None of you give them a chance to change their mind as you all stand from your seats and file out of the kitchen towards the den. Chan, having left the table a few minutes before, stops you in the hallway by lightly grabbing your arm. The other girls glance back at you, and you motion for them to carry on without you.
“Y/n,” he says softly.
Your heartbeat quickens when he breathes your name, the skin on your arm where he’s holding it feels like it’s on fire. You don’t turn around to face him, but you don’t pull your arm away either. You allow yourself a moment to take in the heat and passion that’s radiating off him.  
“About the other night,” he continues, “I’m sor—”
“Don’t be,” you cut him off, shaking your head. “You’re right. We should want to do this. And I’m going to give it a try.”
You don’t believe the words you’re saying, even as they fall from your lips. But you have to be the stronger one. You must be the one to push him away. If you stop giving in to him, maybe it will be easier for you both to accept your separate futures.
He lets go of his hold on you and you take a tentative step forward. He doesn’t attempt to stop you; and it fucking hurts.
You start thinking back to your trip together—maybe you shouldn’t have asked him to go. You shouldn’t have asked him to pretend with you. But you’ve never seen him happier or more authentically himself. Would this all be easier if you never knew how he felt about you? Yes. Do you regret him telling you? Absolutely not.
You leave him behind in the hallway and join the girls in the den. You take a seat on the last empty papasan.
“Everything okay?” Charlotte asks.
“Yeah…just Chan being Chan…have fun with that, Allie.” You keep your tone light, wanting it to sound like a joke.
They carry on with their conversation about switching rooms tomorrow and how best to cope with the rotations. To your knowledge, no one else in the house knows how Chan truly feels about you. They have no clue that this entire rotation debacle is your fault, and you want to keep it that way.
The girls seem quite rational in their discussion. Rhiannon reasons that since none of you can be with them in the future anyways, what use is there harboring any jealousy? Someone else, in the real world, will have them after you.  
Allie agrees, saying you’re all just a blip on the radar of their life, which hurts to hear, but is a fact. She digs deeper by stating that they’ll go on and forget about all of you.
Charlotte chimes in that the SKZ house has presented a once in a lifetime opportunity. A house full of undeniably attractive men that you all get to experiment and discover yourselves with without any judgment.
Unfortunately, you cannot deny any of their logic.
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Sunday afternoon, the house is abuzz as you and the girls shuffle your belongings around. You make a stop in Chan’s room to grab your linen. You make a beeline for your bed, pull the sheets off the mattress and bundle them up with the pillows and all. You hold them close to your face on your way out, obstructing your view of him. It’s less painful when you don’t look at him.
You throw your sheets in the washing machine then head back up to Hyunjin’s room to get your clothes. You take enough outfits and underwear to last throughout your time away. Before you depart, Hyunjin kisses you and tells you that you’ll always be his favorite, to which you roll your eyes.
The idea of Hyunjin being with Allie doesn’t bother you as much as you thought. He’s a lover, through and through. And Allie’s a sweetheart—all the girls are—and she should experience what it’s like to have a man spoil a woman the way Hyunjin can. You know he can do those things with her without any inhibitions, and it doesn’t mean he cares for you any less.
Chan on the other hand…
No. You don’t want to imagine him doing the things you’ve done together with anyone else. It has to happen, you know that, but you can push the thoughts out of your mind any time they surface. You will have to tell yourself it’s for the greater good or some bullshit like that.
You choose to stay with Seungmin tonight, since it’s Sunday. Although Changbin would be an entertaining distraction, you feel closer to Seungmin. You also feel that with the rapport between you two, he’ll be less likely to make a move on you. You don’t know if you’ll be ready for that in week one…or even week two.
When you first walk into his room on the second floor, it’s brighter and cleaner than you expected. Like, pristinely clean—everything properly in its place. Not a gym bag or dirty sock in sight. His bed is against the wall with two windows on either side, overlooking the front yard. Your twin bed is to the side of his.  
You can’t shake how weird it feels being in his room…to be bringing your belongings in here. As you finish putting your sheets on the bed next to his, you hear a knock at the door. You turn around to see Seungmin sauntering in with his new, short haircut and a smile on his face. 
“Welcome,” he greets. “You have enough room for everything?”
“Yeah…Rhi cleared out a drawer for me.”
“Good. Make yourself at home…get comfortable.”
“Comfortable with the idea of being passed around between you guys?” you scoff.
“I didn’t say it like that. Do you not want to be here with me?” he asks blatantly, walking towards you.
He comes to a stop in front of you and you instinctively take a small step back. You’ve never been this close to him before. In a bedroom. His bedroom. He wraps his arm around you, placing his palm against the small of your back. He pulls you closer to him and your breath catches in your throat at the sudden move.
“I don’t know,” you manage to get out.
You can see so much of his face now that he’s cut his hair. There’s no denying that he’s handsome, attractive even. Your body feels flushed all over, but you can’t tell if it’s from the proximity or something else. His dark brown eyes meet yours, reading you for a moment, gauging your reaction. Can he sense your apprehension?
“The separation is meant to be a lesson,” he tells you. 
“A lesson in detachment?”
“It teaches us that the work towards our futures outweigh any joy, pain or sadness we may feel or experience in the present.”
You don’t like the way he recites that as if it’s been drilled into his head from a young age.
“Does my hand here make you uncomfortable?” He draws your attention back to how close the two of you are standing. He presses his hand harder against the small of your back.
“I don’t know,” you answer truthfully. 
“You don’t know a lot apparently,” he teases as he drops his hand. He turns around to walk to his bed. “We have time to figure it out, though.”
“What if I’m simply not attracted to you in that way?”
He sits on his bed, facing you, and cocks his head to the side. A crooked smile plays out on his lips as if what you just said is ludicrous. 
“Sometimes attraction can grow,” he answers. “You just have to be open to it.”
“What if I don’t want to be?”
He’s silent for a while. When he responds, his tone is compassionate.
“Then you’re setting yourself up for a lot of pain at the end of this semester, y/n.”
He doesn’t mean to hurt you with what he says. You know that. None of them do when they’re simply stating the facts of the situation. However, they’ve had much longer to come to terms with this than you.
“I know…you’re right.”
“Don’t stress yourself out over it,” he shrugs. “This rotation isn’t only about physical attraction. We don’t want just sex from our assignees. It’s more than that. You can connect with multiple people in multiple ways and still find value in the differences.”
You remember how Hyunjin explained everything from his perspective at the start of all this. Seungmin seems to have his own take on it, too.
“So, you won’t hate me if we don’t fuck?”
He laughs.
“No. But I do sleep better at night when I’m holding someone.”
You chew on the inside of your bottom lip, mulling it over.
“I can maybe agree to that. Maybe.”
He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. You grab the pillow from your bed and throw it at his face.
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The first time you see Hyunjin and Allie together is a little jarring, but not upsetting. They’re sitting next to each other on the couch, his arm is draped around her shoulder. Allie seems comfortable with him, as you expected. He has a natural way of putting people at ease. He winks at you, and you feel yourself smiling in return.
You don’t see much of Chan, except in passing or if he decides to have dinner at the table with everyone. You haven’t spoken to each other since that day in the hallway. You wish you could say the heat you feel whenever he’s near is burning out, that it feels cold between the two of you, but it’s the exact opposite.
It's hardly working.
Your first two nights with Seungmin, you sleep in your own bed. You two stay up talking about the most random things. On your last night with him for the first week, you climb into his bed with him and bring your own blanket.
“Really?” He remarks as you crawl towards him.
“Take it or leave it,” you reply.
“I’ll take it,” he concedes.
He waits for you to get situated, then cuddles up behind you. There’s enough blanket material between you, though, so you can hardly feel where his body is pressed against yours. You let out a breath and try to relax. Laying like this, you’re not uncomfortable with him, which is a relief. It doesn’t feel wrong, necessarily, but it doesn’t feel quite right either.
“So,” he says quietly. “I’ve decided on my useless superpower.”
“Worse than being able to teleport only an inch at a time?”
You’re starting to enjoy your nightly nonsensical conversations. It’s a nice change of pace. You can unwind from the day with the unseriousness of it all.
“I can identify any poison—even if it’s tasteless or odorless. But I have to ingest it.”
“And are you immune to it?”
“No. I’d die.”
Your body shakes with laughter. He chuckles behind you and pulls you closer to him.
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Thursday, February 8th is Jeongin’s birthday and your first night with Changbin. You take a few of your things to his room on the third floor, down the hall from Chan. His room is just as you expected. A little messy, but he calls it organized chaos. After you put your things away, you both go down to the basement to join the others.
As you reach the last few steps, you immediately catch sight of Chan sitting at the bar. His back is towards you and he has a drink in front of him. He looks over his shoulder and your eyes lock for a brief moment, but you quickly avert your gaze.
“What’re you drinking?” Changbin asks.
“Whatever you’re having,” you shrug.
“That’s my girl,” he grins, walking behind the bar to pour you both drinks.
Chan knocks back the brown liquid in his glass and refills his cup.
You slip past him, trying to ignore how erratic your pulse becomes, and make your way to the back area of the basement. The TV is on and karaoke mics have been connected to it. The lyrics to the song are displayed on screen, but Jeongin and Seungmin know the words by heart as they face the ‘audience’ and belt their adorable little hearts.
You take a seat on the couch and let your eyes roam around the room; everyone is in their mixed-up pairings. Charlotte is sat between Felix and Lee Know in deep conversation. Rhiannon, now with Jeongin and Han, is seated in Han’s lap, watching the performance. You don’t see Hyunjin and Allie though.
Changbin sits next to you and passes the drink he made. You take a sip and make a repulsed face.
“It’s my special concoction,” he beams.
“It tastes like death.”
“Only the strong can handle it,” he taps his cup against yours before taking a drink.
You take another sip and grimace.
Felix and Charlotte are next up on the mics. They do a hilariously horrible rendition of ‘Summer Lovin’’ from Grease, but you cheer them on anyway. Changbin wraps his arm around you as you both watch and sing along. The more time that passes and the emptier your cup gets, the easier it is to relax against him. And you can’t lie, for as buff as he is, he’s oddly soft and comfortable to lay on.
You nudge Changbin to go when the mic is free.
“I’ll show you how it’s done,” he says. “This is a crowd pleaser—this one is for you, y/n.”
He queues up his song and as soon as the beat starts playing, you can’t hold yourself together. He chose ‘Run the World (Girls)’, by Beyonce and his performance does not disappoint—accompanied by dance moves and all.
Hyunjin and Allie come into the basement then and Hyunjin falls to the floor in laughter. Changbin doesn’t miss a beat and keeps putting on the show of a lifetime. You glance behind you; Chan is still seated at the bar and even he has a small smile on his face.
“Who’s next?” Han asks when he and Lee Know finish singing ‘Take On Me’ by a-ha.
“Chan-hyung” Jeongin shouts and points at him.
You look behind you and Chan is adamantly shaking his head.
“For my birthday,” Jeongin adds to guilt trip him. “Stop being boring and old.”
Lee Know stalks over to Chan, grabs him by the arm and pulls him into the room with everyone else. Chan takes the mic from Lee Know and lets out a sigh. With him in front of you, you feel yourself inch away from Changbin the slightest bit.
“For your birthday,” he agrees, clearing his throat. “What do you wanna hear?”
“That new song you were finishing up last week,” Jeongin says.
“No, not that,” Chan scrunches up his face and shakes his head. You notice him wobble a bit with the motion and wonder how much he’s had to drink.
Jeongin stands from the couch and connects his phone to the karaoke speaker.
“Yes, that. It’s my birthday.”
The song starts to play, and Chan is facing the TV, though no lyrics appear on screen. The sound of his vocals surprises you. You heard the song from their chapter project, but this sounds so different. His voice comes out passionate and effortless all at once. And the lyrics. You can’t help but hang on to every word that comes out of his mouth.
“We’re pulling at each other like magnets, the rules are telling us to ignore them.”
He was working on this last week?
“All that I want is you, even if I’m a fool. Why do I fall for you? No turning back once we’re connected.”
He turns around to face everyone as he continues singing. His eyes land on you and you set your cup down. A weird feeling is growing in the pit of your stomach, making you feel uneasy and nauseous. Thankfully, he doesn’t stare at you long enough to draw attention.
When the song is over everyone claps and Jeongin thanks him with a hug. He accepts the embrace, hugging him back, before making his way back to his lonely seat at the bar.
Rhiannon drags you up next and you agree to do ‘All About That Bass’. If it weren’t for her at your side, you’d be absolutely mortified. But you’re having a good time, it takes your mind off the previous performance. Towards the end of the song, though, you spot Allie next to Chan at the bar. She’s standing between his legs, one arm on his shoulder and he has one on her waist. You wonder what they’re talking about. You can’t help it.
You turn away from them and stare at the lyrics on the screen, even though you don’t need to read them. It’s just easier to look at right now.
When the song is over, Hyunjin takes his turn—doing ‘Versace on the Floor’ by Bruno Mars. Changbin acts as though Hyunjin is singing specifically to him throughout the performance.
The next time you look behind you, Chan and Allie are gone.
It’s nearly one in the morning when everyone else starts to disperse. You and a stumbling Changbin return to his room. You notice Chan on the couch in the living room, but he doesn’t say anything to anyone as you all pass by.
“Only the strong can handle it, huh?” You say to Changbin when you enter his room.
You only had one cup—you lost count of how many he had. Too many, judging by the way he’s struggling to remain upright and take off his belt at the same time.
“Here, let me,” you say, going to help him. “Be still.”
He drops his hands and lets you unbuckle his belt. Once you have it off, he immediately begins to unbutton his pants. You shake your head and turn around, not wanting to see him accidentally expose himself. You hear his pants hit the ground, then the sound of him falling onto his mattress.
“The room is spinning,” his voice is muffled.
You retrieve his water bottle from his desk and take it to him on the bed. You help him get beneath his blankets before making him drink from the water bottle. When you move to stand, his arms lock around your waist.
“Can you play with my hair?”
Of all the men in the house to want to be babied—you would not have guessed it to be him.
“Drink some more first,” you tell him.
He does as he’s told, and you position yourself on the bed with your back up against the pillows. He nestles his head into your lap, and you stroke his soft, dark locks. It doesn’t take long for him to doze off.
You slip away from him and change into your pajamas before heading back downstairs to get water for yourself.
On the first floor, you see Chan in the living room. He’s still sitting on the couch; the TV is still on but now muted. He turns to look at you. You keep your eyes locked in front of you and continue into the kitchen. Of course, there aren’t any more water bottles in the fridge when you check there first. At least it means everyone was staying hydrated tonight.
You go to the pantry and retrieve as many water bottles as you can hold at once. When you turn to exit, Chan is standing in front of you. He reaches for your waist and pulls you against him.
“Why are you doing this to me?” he asks huskily, eyes dark and glazed over.
[ read chapter 23 here ]
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a/n: i won't make you wait too long for chapter 23, it's already complete. it's chan's POV and will rehash some of the things we saw here, and then pick up where this ends! i'm sooooo excited for you all to read it.
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thrwne · 1 month
The way 3x03 is my favorite episode of the season so far
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Mathias not only being schooled on his driving by his parents but having to hear his mother ask him if he will get back together with Sara 💀 and hear talk about how well she is doing for herself blah blah
They seem so disappointed in his life decisions I feel really bad for him. Let him be and don't force him to move to Bergen, he doesn't want to
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The best boy!!!!!
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Mathias' parents not wanting to let go is bittersweet. They love him so much but they need to let him figure himself out on his own too
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Everyone's reaction to seeing each other here is funny help
Erik hanging out with Øyvind at his house is very interesting. And Olivia is really sweet and even asks if Felix is coming to the party
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Mathias and his lil' plant!!! And you know he's looking at Erik here 😭
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Erik offering to help because he's still a sweetie (and he wants to hang out with Mathias) 🥺
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More Mathias with his emotional support plant 🪴
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Shut uuuuuuuuuup Erik stop flirting with him like this if you're not gonna kiss him 😭
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Erik you don't have to squeeze past him like this
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The way Erik kept yapping and Mathias was just trying not to show his feelings I'm-
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Erik my man why are you doing this to him
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Erik explaining why he's friends with Felix I'd rather get stabbed in the heart thanks
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And of course they get interrupted when Mathias was gonna ask Erik something important... (it's coming in 3x05 I know it)
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Mathias not attending the party (he only came downstairs when Olivia told him that Erik had left 💀). Olivia clocking that something is going on between Mathias and Erik and telling him about her two moms lol. And her being surprised by why the heir of Vesterøy Seafood would want to live in a crappy dorm rather than in a mansion
This was a very nice talk though but knowing what's coming is 💀
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Where the hell have you been, loca?
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manicpixiefelix · 8 months
Whatever you do, don't envision Reader and Felix driving a vintage convertible through the Tuscan countryside. Top down, wind in their hair, the scent of lemon groves, music playing from the radio.
Perhaps they're on their way to a private party or they're ditching one 🤭
Felix and Reader are holding hands or he's got a hand on their thigh, loving the way they look so carefree.
(stumbling out of my inbox covered in fluff: i don't know where this came from)
There's no prying eyes in moments like these, no-one to perform for, no performers masquerading as his friends or friends of the family trying to steal his attention. Its all on you, and you've never performed for Felix the way the rest of the world has.
He loves you for it.
He loves you for many reasons, of course, but this is one of his favourites.
The sun has just set, the sky painted a burning orange before it fades to sweet lilac and then night, stars beginning to brighten in the sky, and you haven't stopped smiling since he'd pulled out of the parking lot of that god awful party. His darling parents were being progressive with none too subtle purpose, and while both you and he loved their ongoing support, sometimes it was a bit much. More than a bit much. It was suffocating.
But he has no phone service out here, only you beside him with the map he keeps under the seat, pointing out a quaint town an hour away with some kind of hotel situation, and his hand on your thigh. The radio is loud and bright, though you still complain about the CD player in his car -
"I spent good money on a tape deck that works, bought actual, brand new tapes -"
"Where the hell did you get those?" He laughed, but was endeared by your efforts, even as you talked over him, pointedly ignoring him.
"- made you a whole mixtape, and you went and replaced the take deck in your card with a bloody CD player!" You threw your hands in the air in mock dismay.
"I had the CD player put in when dad gave me the car," Felix half smiles, glancing at you for just a moment out of the corner of his eye, "years ago," he reminds you. Seeing the way you're trying so hard to keep up your show off being miffed, despite the sheepish smile curling at the edge of your lips, he gives your thigh a squeeze and looks back at the road.
Slowly, you uncross your arms, sitting back in your seat with a faint, playful pout. When you rest your hand on his, it's warm.
"Made a whole proper cover for it and everything, to put in that plastic cover-thingy they all come in."
"I know," Felix agrees, "I like how you styled the track list on the back," he can't help but smile, picturing it in his mind, "and it's a good set of songs."
He loves the goofy smile he knows you're wearing without even having to turn and look at you. Something about how genuinely you've always reacted to his praise has always warmed his heart; you'd always had a knack for telling his performative, placating praise from his sincerity. He's known you too long and too well by now to offer anything but sincerity when you both know it's rightfully deserved.
"I'll buy you a car with a tape deck just so we can listen to my road trip mix," you say it so casually that he's not quite sure if you're joking. But then you pet his hand, laughter ringing out from you, into the perfect Summer night, "kidding, Fi; I made it for you, listen to it wherever or whenever you want," he catches your easygoing shrug out of the corner of his eye, "or never. No skin off my nose." For a few moments, you distract yourself, tapping out inconsistent beats along his fingers, the back of his hand -
"Unless you want a car with a tape deck," this time he's sure it's not a joke. Its as casual as if you'd offered to simply buy him a beer, no real larger thoughts behind the offer. No part of you is performing the way anyone else would; not trying to bribe, or buy, or placate, or charm, or flaunt your wealth;
"You've just now reminded me why my parents are so adamantly pro-Gay Marriage," Felix couldn't help his laughter, and you sat back, watching the road ahead with a wry smile.
"Your parents are so adamantly pro-Gay Marriage because they desperately want me to pick if I'm to be legally recognised as one or the other, so they can marry me off right now to either you or your sister, but are too deep in their support of me to feel comfortable asking that," you turn to look at him with something forlorn in your eyes despite the smile on your lips, and Felix, despite how much he loved his parents, also knew you were absolutely right.
"No matter where in the world I am," Felix grins, as the lights of the town ahead begin to glow in the distance, "the minute -the absolute moment- mum finds out the two of us can legally get married, I bet you I get a call telling me to come home so she and dad can give me the family ring," and beside him, you're cackling with laughter just picturing it, "at three in the morning, I'll be in Australia or some place, high as fuck in the bush or something, and I'll have to deal with mum acting like she hasn't been plotting this arranged marriage shit for years!"
And the two of you laugh, because you're barely twenty, and the idea of a future beyond your youthful hedonism is overwhelming if you don't laugh about it. Politics, and real world issues, and the future neither of you want to think about, are all absurd, and laughable, and easy to push to the back of your minds. Like the cassette mixtape Felix keeps in his glove box even without a tape deck, because he knows he'll never lose it there.
You take Felix's hand from your thigh as you lace your fingers with his.
And you laugh.
And neither of you knows if it's because the idea of getting married feels preposterous, or maybe a little inevitable.
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blueb3rryjongseob · 1 month
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Skz Maknae!Line
reacting to you receiving an award.
read hyung!line here!
synopsis: you're a really popular soloist. Think PSY, BTS and BLACKPINK. yeahh. You've been invited to the 2022 MAMA Awards Show. (Idk how the MAMA works so just pretend) and you're dating skz. (obv. not all the members but ykwim)
a/n: i wrote hyung!line back in May so I forgot everything so if you see any repeptitive reactions that seem similar to hyung!line just ignore it!! Hyung!line was alot better than this ngl😭😭
Genuinely seemed happier than you when you're name got called.
"And the 2024 MAMA Artist Of The Year goes to..Y/n!"
Literally flew off his chair. Chan had to tell him to quiet down cause he was the loudest out of all the crowds and auidence's applauses. You stopped wondering why you two have dating rumours long ago.
Didn't even reach home yet and he praised you. After the Awards Show when you both met back up in the car, he kissed you on the cheek (not on the lips just incase anyone was spying on you). "I knew you could do it, gorgeous.."
Takes dating rumours very seriously, so he didn't overdo it when you're name got called. His eyes literally sparkled and he clapped vigorously, pearly whites on display.
"Damn..with the way you're looking at her..no wonder STAY had their suspicions about you.."
When you got home, he congratulated and praised you soo much. "Strawberry, I knew you could do it.."
You both sat on the couch, rewatching the MAMA live recording. Teased him for how he smiled when he heard your name for Artist Of The Year. You were so thankful the screen had changed to him.
"Lixie..we spoke about this, hm? What would STAY think of you smiling like an idiot just because I won?"
Didn't react at all. Even the rest of Stray Kids were shocked. "Seungmin-ah, I know you both agreed on keeping the relationship a secret..but seriously? You're not even gonna clap for her..?" Chan whispered to him. All eight of them had gotten familiar with you, and they know you'd be heartbroken if you were rewatching the MAMA live recording only to see Seungmin with a stupid poker face.
This was, until, you had said the show stopping part of your speech, where not even Seungmin could keep his face straight.
"And lastly, aside from my VOICES (your fandom name), there has been someone else who stayed up with me for countless nights, fighting sleep just to be with me in my studio, re-recording songs and practicing choreographies with me. "
Your eyes flickered up to the crowd, immediately finding Seungmin's, before you looked back down at the audience.
"My dear, dear, boyfriend..Seungmin of Stray Kids, none of this would be possible if it weren't for you." And you ended your speech with half a heart against your cheek and the small korean heart in your other hand. (Like yall know how the idols do it right😭😭😭)
Ofcourse, there was dead silence. Before the audience practicaly roared. Cheers upon cheers upon cheers. You couldn't even hear yourself think.
Seungmin was flabbergasted. The night prior, you had asked him what he thought about making the relationship public. He wasn't against the idea, but he didn't think you'd actually do it.
Literally so happy. He couldn't contain his excitement. Had an excuse for being so elated. Aside from dating, you guys were friends since trainee days.
"Ofcourse, thanks to my lovely....friend! I.N. of Stray Kids, my biggest help. Never stopped supported me, ever since trainee days. You and the boys deserve this more than me, ba- Jeongin-ah!"
Teased you soooo much after. You almost exposed their relationship twice. Had such a huge blush on his face, though. The screen changed to him at the same time, he had almost got caught smiling like an idiot.
this was so bad GOODBYE😭😭 Hyung!Line was sooo good so pls go read that one. My fav for this tho, definitely Seungmin's. As I told yall, i'm Seungmin biased so i did a lil more for his. Now i feel like I need to do a Seungmin drabble/ scenario or smth with how idol life is now that you guys are public. If yall want smth more for any others, send askk. Also, don't judge how used 'strawberry' as a pet name😭 I think it's superrr cute and i tell yall to call me Berry so it works.
Thankyou so so so so so so sooooo much if you read and reached this far! As I say, please interact with this post to ensure that you'd get many, many, many, many, many more amazing posts like this!!
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facioleeknow · 9 months
He loves me, he loves me not • Bang Chan
Does he like you or are you friends delulu?
WC: 1906 Genre: smut, fluff, lifeguard!au, highschool/college!au (implied)
TW: kids, smut, not proofread, shuhua x soojin (gidle)
AN: this wasn't supposed to contain any smut but Dahlia (@comet-falls ) made me think about Chris on his knees in the most inappropriate time (Brat).
Taglist: @bahng-chrizz
Working a summer job wasn't the worst thing you ever did, by far but it wasn't exactly how you planned on spending your summer. Especially if the job in question was at the snack bar at the local community pool. You wanted to spend your summer lazing around towns and spending way too much time at your best friend’s house, not yelling at kids not to run around and trying not to melt under the scorching summer heat. 
The job, though, even if it resembled largely your own personal hell most of the time, had its perks. First of all you had free entrance at the pool and the keys which meant that if you wanted to swim late at night you could and you were sure the owner didn’t mind. And second the lifeguard assigned to keep the little demons at bay was Christopher Bang, and he was dreamy. 
It wasn’t like you and Chris went back but you two knew each other as you had a mutual friend, Lee Felix, who was probably the sweetest and kindest person you knew. The friendship between you and Felix was weird, he was a literal angel and you were the biggest people-hating person you knew, he loved the sun and hot weather and you hated light and suffered if the temperature went past 15°C; but he never pointed the differences out and he was one of the closest friends you had, except for Shuhua of course.
You were extremely thankful to Felix, and not only because he went past your discrepancies but also because he was the one who found you the job; thanks to him you were able to freely ogle at Chris with heart eyes and a slightly open mouth.
“God he’s so hot,” you whined. That day was particularly hot so Chris had discarded his tank top and was only in his trunks, basking in the sun. The sight was glorious.
“Can you stop drooling on a man? It’s embarrassing,” Shuhua sighed and kept fanning herself with a random newspaper you found behind the bar and gave her. Her and her girlfriend Soojin finally agreed to visit you at work after you complained for weeks about how excruciating it was to stay around little kids all day without support. She had been side-eyeing you all morning for simping like that for a man, insisting that it wasn’t very girlboss of you and you insisted back that you knew but he was different, he was actually nice, which earned you an even more sour look.
“Leave her alone, I’m sure you were like this when we weren’t together,” argued Soojin, looking fondly at the other girl. 
“Oh my god, she was even worse and I had to sit through it all the time and of course I couldn’t say anything,” you agreed with Soojin which made Shuhua whine quite loudly.
“Excuse me miss,” a little voice interrupted your conversation, “ can you give me another ice cream?”
“I’m sorry sweetie, but you already ate two and your mother told me not to give you any,” you forced a smile. That kid came everyday and demanded all the ice cream and when the mother said no he threw one hell of a tantrum. 
You tried to resume your conversation with the girls, hoping that the kid would spare you that day, but as soon as you turned the child started screaming and crying for ice cream. Like. Every. Damn. Day. Shuhua scoffed once again and looked at him with that one scary stare she always had.
“Kid, didn’t your mother teach you not to interrupt adult’s conversations?” by the tone of her voice you could tell that your best friend was really ticked off and not just pretending to make the kid quiet. You kinda felt bad for the kid, being on the other end of Shuhua’s annoyance wasn’t something enjoyable. At all.
While you were thinking about that time when you had fucked up really bad and Shuhua yelled at you, the kid sprinted towards the counter, grabbed your phone and then started running in the opposite direction.
“Are you fucking serious?” you mumbled to yourself. as fast as you could you got out of the little snack hut and tried to run after the kid, who was extremely fast and wasn’t wearing shoes which gave him better grip on the wet floor. However you were way taller than him and his little legs could only do so much, your hand started grazing his shoulder and you were already tasting victory when your forehead collided with a hard metal surface. The elevated lifeguard seat. Your luck couldn’t be any better. You fell backwards.
Your head hurt like a bitch, that pole was very sturdy even if it looked rusty. You closed your eyes, the world was spinning a little bit. You could feel people looming over you and faint shouting a bit more far away from you. Soojin and Chris were both kneeling beside your slumped form.
“Are you alright?” Soojin whispered worriedly. You groaned, the last thing you needed was a gigantic bruise in the middle of your forehead.
“My phone.”
“Shuhua went to get it, don't worry.”
A big warm hand gently patted your head and started brushing hair away from your face.
“Are you sure you're okay?”a male voice asked. Chris. Your eyes shot open. He was smiling at you and it was the sweetest smile you had ever seen in your entire life.
“Yeah,” you sputtered. Your whole body was on fire, and not in the good way.
Chris put his muscular arm around your shoulders and helped you sit up. The closeness between both of your faces was making your heart beat wildly.
“I'm going to get some nice, wouldn't want a bruise to ruin your pretty face,” he winked at you playfully.
Soojin raised an eyebrow at you but your mind had escaped your current body and was metaphorically running in a flower field.
Maybe the summer job wasn't that bad.
From that day Chris would always exchange small talk in the morning with you when the pool was quiet and the kids were still sleeping. Sometimes he would catch you staring and he'd send a wink your way paired with one of his adorable smiles which made you extremely flustered. Shuhua and Soojin insisted he liked you, you insisted that he was being nice because you had a mutual friend. But after what happened earlier that day you were starting to toy with the idea.
It was extremely hot and everybody was struggling except the kids that still ran around like it was any other day. The snack hut felt like a furnace but the shadow it provided gave you at least some protection. Chris on the other hand didn't look so good, he was wearing a cap to protect his head against the sun but the heat was getting to him and you could see that. Your hand instinctively flew to the small fridge behind you and grabbed an ice cold bottle of water. 
The walk to the chair was agonizing, your nerves we're so taut that you could play violin on them. The universe though, must have not liked you getting close to that particular spit because once again he sent a kid against you. The blonde, giggly, snotty child ran into your brand new t-shirt (a cat shirt) ice cream first and then proceeded to smear it across the front of it. 
“Hehe, sorry,” he giggled and then ran away.
“I like you shirt,” chuckled Chris, now in front of you. You decided to ignore his comment and handed him the bottle.
“It's really hot, you should drink plenty of water.” 
He took the bottle and smiled again, that man was all smiles.
“Go to the staff room, you can wear my shirt, I have the tank anyway, I don't need it.”
You froze. You? Wear his shirt? Your brain was shutting down.
The staff room wasn't far but it was separated from the pool which meant you could freak out as much as you wanted. Chris' bag laid open on the bench in front of you, his shirt was neatly folded on top. It was a plain black shirt and it smelled of laundry detergent and baby powder. 
“Oh my god, he's not stinky like other men, I love him,” you whispered to yourself while you admired the shirt.
Maybe you were starting to like your summer job.
When you told Shuhua about the shirt incident she was adamant he liked you but you were still very reluctant to believe that. She kept bugging you and insisting that you should ask him out and that he was definitely into you. But still, being the stubborn woman you were, you kept to yourself and the summer swiftly came to an end. The last day of the job had a bitter taste to it, how would you survive without your hot lifeguard to gawk at? You didn't know.
The pool wasn't open, you were only supposed to put all of the pool chairs inside and lock up.
It was hard work and it was still very warm but you were getting paid, so you had to do it. Chris had other plans, he sent you in the staff room to make “inventory” while he carried inside all the chairs.
He's taking the chairs inside all by himself
His muscles look so sexy
I'm feeling hot and bothered rn ngl
Just fuck already
“I wanted to surprise you but it seems like you were the one who surprised me,” Chris chuckled from behind your shoulder. 
The gasp you let out was inhuman. You were screwed. As a way to escape the situation you started to slowly back away from him, but soon your back hit the wall effectively trapping you. 
“You think my muscles are sexy?”
You nodded slowly.
“Feel them then.” His warm hand gripped yours and gently guided it to his arm.
“Very impressive,” you stuttered trying so hard not to faint on him.
Chris had his eyes fixed on you, he had this look, dark and intimidating. It was hot.
“Can I touch you?”
Your lips met in a soft chaste kiss, it was almost innocent, but his hands wandered your body. He gripped and kneaded your flesh feverishly. His plump lips trailed down your jaw and stopped at your neck. His link tongue darted out to lap at the skin.
Your mind was clouded with so much pleasure from only his mouth on your neck that you didn't notice his hand had slipped past your underwear until he pressed on your clit lightly. He had made you gasp twice that day, but the second one was for a completely different reason.
You were so wet it was easy for him to slip his fingers inside you. You instinctively threw your head back and smacked it a little too hard against the tiled wall.
“Careful baby,” he groaned. His fingers slipped out of you and a whine escaped your lips but your voice got caught in your throat when you saw what he did next. He kneeling. In front of you. And looking at you like you were a goddess.
“We should go out sometimes,” he said while he yanked your shorts down.
You definitely loved your summer job.
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hearts4sungie · 2 years
you’re friends with stray kids but which friend in the group are they?
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the supportive friend
• encourages you whenever you need it
• both lean on each other the most
• on your best and worst days, he’s there for you to hug.
• thats not all! you both are lunch date buddies!!
• you guys take turns on choosing where to eat and who pays (though he insists he should)
• the lunch dates are a good way to make sure each of you are eating everyday
• you also bring him snacks and drinks when he’s overworking himself at the studio
the teasing friend (act surprised)
• teases you 24/7
• its his way of showing he’s comfortable with you
• teases you extra hard on days he feels you’re not paying attention to him :(
• you throw light jabs back (but tbh you like to give him the illusion that he has the upper hand)
• uses his humor to make you feel better on bad days or when you’re in an uncomfy situation
• minho secretly likes it because of the pout you always give
the flirty friend
• has the biggest platonic crush on you
• sneaks a compliment in almost conversation
• there isnt a time when you and the boys go out that changbin isnt wrapping his arms around your waist
• you enjoy it (hello?? ofc you do, binnie is so hot and sweet)
• you like to flirt back but ultimately get too shy
• he’s the friend who helps you escape bad dates or people uncomfortably flirting with you
• #1 yn protector
the gossipy friend
• whether its on the phone, facetime or in person.. you guys are telling each other the DRAMA.
• the rest of skz hate when you guys are next to each other bc you guys cant stop gossiping
• as you guys should!! hyunjin just knows too much idol drama! and you want in!
• even have code names for people, including the rest of skz
• you guys also stay up late binging kdramas
• hyunjin insisting the only way you guys can comfortably watch kdramas is if you cuddle
• bestest best friends
the fun friend
• if you need to feel stress-free, its jisung you go to, vice versa.
• you’re each others happy pills
• inside jokes for dayssss
• the members are lowkey jealous that you and jisung have so many inside jokes
• watching anime and playing mobile games is a must between you two
• jisung loves that he’s who makes you this happy
• feels prideful and brags about it to the boys
• “i took y/n out.. again. we had sooo much fun”
• “whatever you say, jisung”
• have a secret handshake with each other
cuddle buddy
• you know that friend you have where you can act however you want with? free of judgement? thats him.
• “where’s felix” “probably latching on to y/n”
• being in lix’s arms brings the fuzziest feeling to you
• felix loves skinship so whenever you ask him for cuddles, he gets excited
• you have a special message you text if you ever feel like cuddling and he’s not there
• 🧸?
• you always have open arms for lix too
“we hate each other but not really” friend
• this ongoing facade you and seungmin have is what makes your friendship special
• banter is how you guys express your love
• “get away, you smell”
• “that not what you said when you were hugging me last night, seungmin”
• “i hugged you because you begged”
• after every offhand comment, there’s a smile placed on both your faces
hype man
• “jeongin can you tell me how this outfit looks”
• will hype you up and make you feel the best
• jeongin loves making you feel good about yourself
• takes you shopping and never lets you pay
• lets you borrow his clothes
• you also hype him up before award show or concert
• you help jeongin not be insecure about how he may sing or dance
• “thanks, y/n. love you”
pssst you can send requests whenever. hope you enjoyed!
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defrosted69 · 1 year
My Hype Boy (Part 2)
***YOHOHOHOHO I'm Back with Kim Minji part 2 since you guys wanted a part 2. I hope I gave you guys justice about this one so here yah go***
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The winds was howling loudly as the autumn breeze blew the leaves of the trees around the campus. Your eyes widen as you gasped for air catching your breath. Your heart was beating so fast as you touch your face realizing that all that sweet scenes that happened was nothing more than a dream. A mixture of dissapointment and happiness filled your thoughts and this only confuses you.
"Woah, You're finally awake mate"
The voice of Bangchan said as you looked around your sorroundings and you notice that you were sitting on a wooden bench along the campus park. Felix looked up to after playing with his phone and spoke.
"You look like you had a rough nightmare. Did you fuck someone?"
"Oh fuck off Felix. Wait, are you dating Chaewon?"
You asked making the man laugh and shook his head in amusement.
"That dream must have been good huh? You really think I have a chance with Lesserafim Chaewon? An Idol. Me? A student? Hmm?"
You sighed in relief knowing that you weren't still out touch from reality. Even though your heart was still beating fast, your mind was occupied on the thoughts of Kim Minji.
This was your first time dreaming about Minji and it felt really weird considering the words that she said in your dreams. But you also want to believe that your dream was the reality because the way she showed her loved towards you felt so real. Some might say that being to tired out explains why some of our dreams become a reality. You could only sigh as you pick up your sling bag and stand up from the bench.
"I must have slept like a log, anyway, what's your plan boys?"
"Mate, we going to the concert remember? Felix planned this day for months. Don't tell me ya forgot already?"
Chan said making you sigh and shake your head. Your dream really messed up your thoughts of process so much. This slowly began to worry as you as you were afraid that this dream could eat up all your thoughts and emotions making you drained and tired.
"No of course not. I still have my ticket here."
You patted your jean pocket with you as the two nodded their heads. The two were big fans of IZONE especially Felix as he was there for them when they were still in a survival show, now with their new contract and Sub-group named Lesserafim and IVE. This didn't stop Felix though as he still continued to support them even with the new additions.
"Shit, I can finally die in piece if Chaewon waves at me"
Felix looked up day dreaming as usual as there was no point of you talking to him once he entered that state. Meeting Felix and Chan was one hell of a experience but it also brought upon smiles on your day especially when the three of you do some stupid shit together. The three of you left the university and headed to the concert hall immediately. The line was to be expected to be long considering this will be one of the groups biggest concert ever.
But by some luck from Chan, you three were able to buy VIP tickets but of course this made you and Felix raise an eyebrow at him. The VIP tickets cost a lot and it's supposed to be sold out immediately Considering the group is hot right now and Chan, with no disrespect to him, isn't the guy with a lot of money. Of course you could just add in that he may have earned this for a long time and he was just sharing his blessing to you two. But whatever the reason was, you were thankful to him because in reality, you were also struggling financially.
The sun was ready to close out the day and the line that almost looked like half of Han river was slowly moving as they were finally letting the people inside. VIP Tickets were the first one to enter because they were given the chance to be close to the idols. The three of you moved along the VIP lane and showed your ticket to the guard. He let you three enter the big dome and as the dark hallways engulf you, your mind suddenly shifted to Minji. A short memory that flashed into your mind.
The harsh howling of the winds and rain splashing to the windows of the house showed how powerful the storm was. The weather reports have already warned the citizens of the incoming storm as everyone has prepared themselves to the incoming natural disaster including yourself. And by that, I mean you barely didn't anything but charge your flashlight and phone. Your parents are both attending a business meeting for a week and it will be just you and Minji at the house hold. Considering the current weather, there was no point of attending school.
"Now what should I do-"
"Oppa!! Where's the flashlight? Minji's asking by the way."
You sighed after hearing her loud voice. Pham Hanni was apprently stuck in your household until the storm passes because of their sleepover. Of course you don't mind Hanni at your home because seeing Minji smile and all happy being with her friend satisfies you. But the thing that didn't sit well with you is that, Hanni has been lately getting clingy towards you too. Of course you found it weird at first because there was no absolute way you made her this clingy towards you. But thinking back, there is that one incident where you did help Hanni out.
Although you weren't sure this was the incident that set her off to be this clingy towards you, it was the best moment that could trigger this phenomenon.
It all started back then when you were fetching Minji up from her school. Ever since that bullying incident, you promised yourself that you would pick her up from her school and Minji couldn't be more ecstatic to hear those words by you. Even though you have been through her school before, you still felt nervous as you were sweating a little bit. But that nervousness and worry immediately disappeared once you saw Minji smiling happily and dashing towards you. She immediately hugged you tightly as you felt a warm presence around her.
"Hey Minji, how's schoo-"
"Yah, Minji. You said this is your brother, how come you look like you have a brother complex?."
An unfamiliar voice was behind Minji and there you saw a smaller girl who was eyeing you in confusion. But her stares immediately tell you that she was either worried for Minji or, she finds you a creep. Minji immediately looked at her and gave her one stern look. The girl shrugged her shoulder and said
"What? I'm saying the truth here. You said you loved your brother but I didn't expect it to be this."
You widen your eyes as Minji and Hanni was staring at each other as if the two were communicating telepathically. Of course it wasn't possible but seeing her understanding Minji who couldn't speak, speaks volume of how much the girl understand and know Minji.
"H-how come you understand her… Errr, what's your name again?"
Hanni scoffed and shook her head showing her dissapointment. It was then you realized that the girl infront of you was the girl you talked to when you first arrive at Minji's school. You mentally slapped yourself for your mistake as you immediately apologize to her.
"Ah, I'm sorry Hanni. I.. I didn't recognize you at first."
"Well I didn't expect you to be this cute. Not that I meant that you weren't cute before but it's just that you're cuter now. Fuck what am I even saying? I'm sorry…"
You bowed your head apologizing towards the said girl but this in turn did a different effect on her. Hanni was too stunned to speak as a pink color was slowly appearing on her cheeks. Her heart was slowly beating faster and her gaze was suddenly stucked with you. Minji didn't like how her friend was suddenly blushing as she held you tighter and stared at Hanni with a annoyed yet adorable glare.
"So, shall we go?"
You snapped the two girls off their own thoughts as Minji smiled at you and nodded her head. Hanni managed to brush off her weird thoughts and crossed her arms near her chest.
"I'm only joining you guys because I don't want my best friend getting bewitched by you."
You could only chuckle at her silly assumption and just let her be. You have thought that the girls are just entering their puberty stage and their emotions are in shambles. Nonetheless, the three of you left school with Minji clinging to your arm and Hanni pulling her away from you whenever she has the chance too. You were lowkey thankful for Hanni's effort of pulling Minji away from you because you were getting uncomfortable with it.
Time pass by and the three of you managed to get closer, even though Hanni was still suspicious of you. You managed to let her be comfortable with you. Now this is where you probably assume where Hanni began to change her attitude towards you.
It was a beautiful autumn afternoon and you were on your way home. Minji texted you that your mother picked her up allowing you to have more time for yourself. The soft breeze passing by and the brownish dried leaves on the floor gave you an idea of what you were gonna do in the afternoon. Your legs began moving to wherever your feet takes you as you unwind your mind along with nature. The trees that looked shaved due to the weather made you smile as you admired it's aesthetics. Your walk abruptly came to a halt when you saw a familiar girl clutching to her right ankle and closing her eyes. You saw how she bit her lips stopping herself from making any noise.
"Stupid banama peeling. Who even throws their food on the floor! Damn it…"
Hanni was in deep pain as her ankle had turned in a way she didn't expect it. She slowly noticed how her ankle began to create a swell and the pain only doubled on it. She bit her lips not wanting anyone to hear her pathethic call for help as tears began to flow down on her eyes. This day was surely terrible for her somehow as all bad luck just happened to happen to her.
In the morning, Hanni and Minji were together walking the hallways when Hanni accidentally bumped into someone holding a box of water paint. The paint flew to her uniform and mind you, the uniform she was wearing was her favorite because it held a sentimental value but it was now ruined because of someone's clumsiness. The other student apologized but hurriedly ran away with all the paint as if the student was chasing time. Minji helped Hanni cleaned her uniform as the girl could only sigh.
During lunch time, Minji and Hanni were at their usual seat in the cafeteria when the two spotted the guy that Hanni likes. Of course this made her heart beat like crazy as Minji just gave her best friend a smile of encouragement. Hanni pulled out her mirror and checked herself before putting in some lip tint to show the redness of her lips. But all that preparation went all down the drain when she saw a sight that broke her heart into thousand pieces. The guy she liked smiled towards the popular girl in the school and even held hands and embrace each other as if they missed each other a lot. This scene was probably gonna be a traumatic experience for her as Minji felt bad for Hanni. She gave Hanni a pat to the back and a warm comforting embrace.
And lastly, this afternoon, she had to go home alone because Minji was gonna get picked up by her mother for their appointment to the doctor. Hanni didn't mind going home alone but after everything that has happened to her so far, she perhaps needed someone to hear her day or just someone who would stay by her side. She thought that maybe walking home would relax her but that ended in her spraining her ankle as she stepped on a banna peel.
"This day sucks ass-"
"Hanni? Are you okay?"
Hanni immediately recognized that voice as she could feel her cheeks turning red due to embarrassment. From all the people she just have to meet. It has to be with you.
"I'm fine… Just, j-just relaxing that's all."
She was clearly lying as you can see her hiding the sprain on her ankle. You pulled out your handkerchief from your pocket and opened your bag taking out an emergency instant ice pack. Hanni widen her eyes when you suddenly kneeled down to her level and grabbed her hand slowly removing it from the injured ankle.
"W-What are you doing?"
"You obviously sprained your ankle. Walking it out would only make it worse as the swell is already starting to show. Now hold on and let me cook."
"What? No, I'm fine Y/n-ouch! Yah!"
You gently poked her swollen ankle and she winced in pain and glared at you. You gave her a warm smile as you placed the ice pack on her injury and wrapped it with your handkerchief ensuring it tightly.
"It's not to tight right? Or do you want me to loosen it?"
"It's alright…"
You stood up and sat next to her as the two of you didn't spoke a single word. You just let the howling winds make the sound and people walking by as you waited for Hanni to speak. It didn't take that long as Hanni grew tired of the silence.
"How did you know I was here?"
"I was just walking by. This was my usual route when going home. What about you?"
"Well, my house is just a few minute walk here so…yeah..Anyway thank you for helping me. I need to go now."
"What? No you should-"
Upon applying pressure on her injured ankle, she lost balance as the mobility of her right ankle is altered. She began to slowly descend down with her back falling into a soft pair of arms. Hanni was now locked eyes with you as she was in your arms with her heart beating faster again and pink color tint was forming on her cheeks.
"You shouldn't move with that kind of injury Hanni. Alright, sit down first."
"B-But why?"
"Just sit."
This was her first time seeing you look so serious and concern for her. It was a sight to behold because she usually sees you in a more loser like state but seeing this side of you made her remove those thoughts away. She listened to your instructions as she sat back down on the wooden bench. You moved your back to your front side and turned your back towards her, kneeling down. Hanni widen her eyes as she even felt more embarrassed.
"Wha-What are you doing?"
"Well since you can't move. I'll be the one moving for you."
"N-No that's embarrassing. I'm no longer a kid."
You chuckled at her remark and said
"With an injury like that, this is the only way for you to move anywhere from your spot. Unless you want to be carried bridal style instead?"
It was your turn to tease her making Hanni fuming red. She has no choice, even though it was eng for her, she has to accept your offer because she clearly can't walk with her injury. In the end, she hopped on your back and you two began walking away. It was very quiet between the two of you as Hanni was in deep thoughts thinking of you.
"Are you always this nice to everyone?"
"Hmm? What do you mean?"
"What I mean is what I said. You seem to care for Minji a lot. Is this how you bewitched her that she's so clingy to her brother?"
Hearing her words made you laugh a little as this made Hanni a little furious.
"Yah, I'm being serious here."
"Okay, Okay calm down. I don't know if bewitched is the right term for it. I'm just really looking out for Minji because she deserve nothing but the best for her. She went through a lot in the past so I make sure that her present is far more better."
Hanni had to acknowledge your statement because it was true. Being friends with Minji made her learn a few things from her. She was a very good listener dispite the fact that she can't talk. She's a very soft hearted person and cares about the people around her. Her soft smile and warm aura just captives anyone and would melt with her behavior towards everyone. Of course sometimes, this would make Hanni feel self conscious of herself.
"What about you?"
"Huh? Me?"
"Yeah. Why did you become friends with Minji?"
She never really thought about that question before. Initially, she thought that it would be nice to be friends with someone preety and cute and as time goes on, she realized how much Minji was crafted to be perfect in everything. She would be lying if she said she felt jealous of her.
"I wanted to be friends with her because she felt lonely before. Honestly speaking, being friends with her is a blessing and a curse…"
You notice how her voice trailed off as you just walked slowly letting her speak.
"Being with Minji, I had a wonderful time being with her and somehow we just click. But there are times we're I…. Well, honestly speaking, I feel jealous of her sometimes."
"I know your her step-brother and all and I shouldn't be speaking like this to her but sometimes, I really feel like that. She got it all. She got the looks, she's smart and she's so kind and yet I don't even have one of those…"
You can feel the pain in her voice when she said those words. You actually felt a little bad for Hanni because what she's feeling is what you're feeling whenever you see the famous students in your school. They have the looks and charisma, if not those, they have the brains and charisma that makes anyone believe under their palm. It was quite exhausting seeing those things but as time goes by, you began to appriciate what you are and what you have.
"That's not true Hanni. Who said you don't have the looks? You're preety cute actually."
Hanni widen her eyes as her cheeks began to turn red. But what's she's afraid of was the sound of her heart beat going faster and faster. A sudden came to her mind and all memories of her being with you flashed in her mind.
It felt like she was going through time seeing the moments that the two of you shared. All though it wasn't obviously a lot, there was a lot of times you actually looked out for her and for Minji. The way you made sure Hanni was eating well, was studying well, heck, even the time when you scolded her and Minji for staying up late instead of sleeping flashed on her mind. She already knows the feeling that was lingering on her.
It was the feeling of admiration.
Perhaps maybe even bigger than admiration.
Perhaps it was love.
"Y-You're just saying that…"
"but it's true Hanni. You're very pretty yourself. So don't look down upon yourself and say you're not."
Her heart was not gonna take it anymore if you spoke more about her. Her heart was about to burst from her chest and her cheeks was already red as it. In the end, she just stayed quiet while you carefully carried her in your back. The walk was rather longer than expected. Perhaps it was because of how the two of you converse more than usual that it felt like the walk was longer but enjoyable.
You finally stoped at her house as you gently lowered yourself allowing Hanni to stand up properly. The icepack worked like magic as the swelling somehow got small and her ankle was almost back to its original size.
"Can you walk?"
Hanni nodded her head as you smiled a little and grabbed her bag that was on your shoulder and gave it to her.
"Well I hope you get your ankle treated well Hanni."
"Ah, Y-Yeah…"
Hanni locked her gaze upon you as you stared back at her.
"Is there something you forgot?"
Hanni gulped. This was her first time seeing you in a different light and right now, her heart was beating so fast. She wanted to say the words thank you but her mouth was visibly shut down. Instead, she instinctively took one step but her ankle wasn't really there yet making her lose her balance and landing into your chest.
"Woah, Are you okay Hanni."
Instead of responding, Hanni hugged you tightly as you blinked a several times. Pham Hanni, your sister's friend who was always suspicious of you was now hugging you tightly as if there was no tomorrow.
"Thank you, Oppa…."
Hearing the word Oppa made you smile as Hanni was now finally, Finally comfortable with you. She was now finally okay with you. And that was a very rewarding feeling. But unknown to the two of you, Minji who wanted to visit Hanni in her house saw the scene unfolding on her very eyes. Let's just say she was left speechless after seeing that and her heart broke into thousand pieces.
You were now at the end of the dark hallway and what greeted you was the giant arena filled with fans showing off their lightstick and a like. Felix and Chan were immediately on their fan boy mode on as you just smiled and watch the 16 idols appear on stage. As they appear, the loud cheers and chants can be heard all around the arena as Felix and Chan was shouting at the top of their lungs.
"Chaewon!! I love you!!"
Felix shouted as he made a heart shape out of his arms. Maybe they were at the VIP seats that Felix's effort was seen by his bias and smiled sweetly at him and showed a finger at him as well. Felix was losing his mind when Chaewon did that as he shouted and shook Chan like a mad man. Seeing your two friends going berserk is entertaining.
Your sorrounding held to a halt as the noise was muffled down. A voice that you haven't heard in a while made you turn around and as if everyone surrounding her was gone, she stood there standing so pretty.
Hearing her name made her smile and waved her hand at you. It's been so long that you couldn't even recognize her anymore but it's a good thing because Hanni was now a beautiful woman than she used too. But as much as Hanni is treated by the universe as the main character, a familiar female entered the frame that Hanni couldn't help but look to her side as both girls widen their eyes.
Hanni said making you widen your eyes in surprise. Kim Minji, your step sister was infront of you and this time, you weren't dreaming anymore. There she stood and looked at you with her iconic soft smile.
"M-Minji is that you-"
She didn't let you finish your sentence as she dashed towards you hugging you tightly making you unable to do anything.
"C-Can you talk now?"
You asked her but she just smiled at you and softly shook her head. But then she suddenly changed her attention to Hanni who was in disbelief seeing Minji again.
The two stared at each other not saying anything as the thickness and atmosphere between the two girls were sharp that anyone that cut in between them would feel frighten by their stares. even though the two of them share a past together, they were both competitive with the person they love.
Pham Hanni, the girl who was annoyed at you at first change her perspective of you when she saw your kindness. she has never searched for anyone else except you because her heart was already sealed with yours. she changed for the better and the universe granted her wish to see the person that melted and conquered her heart.
Kim Minji, the girl carved the goddess. Nothing will ever change the fact that she continued to be a big part of your life and now, she's seekinng more than just seeing you. she wants to be with you along the journey called life and show you the love she kept for so long just for you.
Chan was trying his best controlling his wild Friend Felix as he was about ecstatic seeing his bias notice him.
"Yah mate. Calm down, you might broke a bone or too with your excitement."
"What can i say?! Chaewon has been staring at me all the time and she's giving me smiles everytime I look at her. I just wanna die man."
"Calm your dick down. You still don't want to die just yet-hey look."
Chan changed his attention to you and Felix saw the problem you have at hand as he himself couldn't believe it.
"No way, Y/N has two princess on his palm."
"It's not just any princess, It's that Freshman beauty Pham Hanni. Blud is so lucky-"
A person in black shirt who towered between them gave the two a hear attack. Felix was just joking earlier about dying because he wasn't ready yet to die.
"You two are asked to be at the backstage."
The man simply said making Chan and Felix look at each other in disbelief.
Felix asked as the man sternly looked at them making them sweat bullets. Chan was calling out all the angels and saints for him to be saved from this while Felix was asking for forgiveness for all the wrong doings he had done.
"Izone wanted to see the two of you."
The two boys said.
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pearl484-blog · 1 month
A twisted Fairytale
Marinette once thought that dating Adrien Agreste was like a fairytale, but now it's become dark.
Part 3 of the death of Adrien Agreste
Ao3 link
my entry for day 12: fairytale
Being with Adrien was like living a fairytale. He was sweet and kind and patient. He didn't mind gove her space when she needed it snd support when she didn't. He worked around all her problems, which Marinette knew she had many. He was beautiful, sexy, and perfect.
The only problem was his control freak of a father. Except, he was worse than a cranky, CEO. HE WAS HAWKMOTH. It shouldn't have felt as good as it did to beat the snot out of her boyfriend's father, but with each hit, Marinette thought of London, and Adrien, and all the akumas he'd unleashed. It felt good , giving into that anger, that rage.
Then, she remembered Chat Noir. Sweet, silly Chat Noir, who'd never hurt a fly. He'd never approve of Ladybug acting like that, giving into her rage. So Ladybug stepped back and gave Gabriel the chance to do the right thing. Gabriel decided to venom her and make the wish so he could die.
Looking back, Marinette could understand why. If Gabriel hadn't done that, Nathalie would've died too, and Adrien would've been forced to move to London regardless. In a way, Gabriel was trying to make up for everything he'd done by letting Adrien stay in Paris with her.
Then, Gabriel had requested that Marinette let Adrien remember the good things he'd done, and Gabriel had done good things, especially before...
Well, that was in the past. Now, Marinette was going to help Adrien remember the good things, like all the compliments he'd paid to Adrien, or the breakfasts he'd made for him, and...well, Marinette wasn't sure what elde there was, but Gabriel wasn't her dad. Even though he'd been strict, Adrien had loved him and Marinette wasn't going to take that away from him.
Besides, Gabriel was dead. What good would come from telling everyone that Adrien’s dad was Hawkmoth?
Ladybug had enough experience with bad press to know what would happen. People would all line up, looking for someone to blame, and they'd twist Ladybug’s words to hurt her sweet Adrien, who hadn't done anything wrong.
Ladybug couldn't tell anyone that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Not without disrespecting his last request, but she couldn't let Adrien believe that Gabriel was missing either. Dhe knew how much his mother going missing had hurt him. No, Adrien had to know that Gabriel was dead...even though the Miraculous Ladybug should've resurrected him.
So, Marinette told another eensy weensy lie. That Gabriel had sacrificed himself to stop Hawkmoth. It was the only way that Ladybug could see to explain his death without ruining everything.
That was, until Adrien found out the truth. Not only did he find out that Gabriel was Hawkmoth, but also that he was a senti-monster. Marinette had never wanted that. She knew how badly that had messed up Felix. Who knew what it would do to her sweet Adrien?
Besides, Felix was currently the one with the Peacock, and while Marinette didn't trust him, she didn't want to take the Peacock away from the poor guy either, especially since he knew her secret identity. Anyways, from what she knew about Adrien and Felix, they didn't get along as much as they should, and there'd almost certainly be a fight once Adrien realized the cousin he didnt trust held his life in his hands.
Except, Adrien hadn't broken down like Marinette had expected. Instead Adrien had come back and did the interview. Marinette had begged him not to. She'd pleaded for him to delay it, just for a little, until Marinette could confirm it with Felix, but Adrien wasn’t having it.
It didn't matter how crazy it sounded or how much it contradicted what Felix had told her, Adrien had enough proof for himself. So he'd conducted the interviews, and threw Marinette under the bus.
Then, as if to make it worse, after the interview, he'd started pulling away, giving her the silent treatment or making little comments behind her back. Sometimes, he'd even stay the night at Nino's without telling her.
Then, he went to the funeral. Without her, but with Nino and Chloe.
Marinette didnt know what happened next, but she only remembered lying on the bed drunkenly clutching her bottle of wine as she cried into her phone, asking Alya where it all went wrong.
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 12
My thoughts below. So, about Claude . . .
Please just tell me I don't have to kill Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, Rodrigue, Annette, Gustave, Mercedes, Dedue, or Dimitri :(
Oh, Arval. Forgot about all of that lamo.
Are we circling back to TWSITD and the origins of Shez's powers? It really hasn't played any role in GW so far. In AG, Shez brings it up all the time (with Dimitri always saying it doesn't matter) and in SB the whole "we only promoted you bc we don't trust your power, sorry now we do" thing.
Nadar . . . doesn't want us to call off the attack. He's really a bloodthirsty jerk, isn't he?
Is Claude JUST now figuring out that taking out the Kingdom is a bad idea for the Alliance?
At least Claude's not stupid enough to not realize Edelgard won't take over the Alliance next. Begs the question then, why?
That's what I mean. This is all potentially interesting, I just think Claude's plans are all really stupid.
So, Claude sided with the Empire because he hates the church that much and actually believes all that shit? Or does he really think Edelgard will stop her war when Rhea's dead? (because she definitely does not in Houses when Rhea's captured in her prisons)
I DO like this for Dimitri though. I'm REALLY curious to see what he does. Is it too much to hope that he'll dump the church to rescue his people from war?
IDK, I just love the idea of a Dimitri willing to sacrifice anything - even his sense of right and wrong (since leaving Rhea to die when all she's done is help him IS wrong) to spare his people pain.
But I'm predicting he'll be too stubborn or not trust Claude or Sylvain furious at his father's death will ruin it
But it's also really cool to see Dimitri kinda backed into a corner with no "good" way out.
I can forgive Hopes giving Edelgard a boring af plot, writing Claude like a moron, and making me kill Blue Lions members, but if they miswrite Dimitri here (or Sylvain, kinda worried about that too tbh), I'm really going to be pissed
Also, like if Claude's plan is really just to gank Rhea to stop Edelgard's rampage, that means he really did all this twisting around just to try and stop one woman's murder rampage - why not just, like, take her out? If this is all really about the least death possible, isn't assassinating Edelgard the fastest way to keep more people from dying?
God, please, please, please have Dimitri dump Rhea to spare his people (I'd feel awful for Rhea, but I really, really hope Dimitri proves to be someone who would spare his people any pain, even at the expense of himself - when he's sane at least lamo).
On the flip side, I'm dying to play GW. It's plot may not make any sense and my opinion of Claude has tanked, but you can't say it's not entertaining.
Kinda sad they only go to B. They were cute together in Houses. Seems some of the ships got turned up to 11 and others got dialed down.
Lorenz is contemplating his existence in a world where commoners don't rely on the nobility.
He's struggling to see from the commoner's POV, so he wants a commoner to serve as an advisor. Honestly, Lorenz, pretty good call.
The way Lorenz talks about Leonie and her choices, it makes it sound like history was trending towards commoners and nobles not being so rigid without Edelgard doing anything.
Leonie turns down Lorenz's offer because she wants to be a mercenary.
Lorenz wakes up after getting injured. Marianne thinks it's her fault, which I saw coming.
Lorenz thought he imagined Marianne asking for help, but she actually did.
Marianne realizes she wanted to live, hence why she called for help. So she's feeling guilty that the end result is Lorenz got hurt.
Lorenz is encouraging and is happy Marianne opened up to him.
Honestly, a better support for him than a lot of the Hopes ones.
Balthus is . . . really hung up on the idea of wrestling Dimitri, isn't he?
So some NPC talked about how the Kingdom is getting attacked on all fronts. I can't be the only one who finds it amusing that Dimitri with his smaller army and surrounded by enemies is doing a better job than Edelgard with her massive one lol.
When Hapi proves way smarter than Claude, knowing how massively stupid Claude's plan of "let's kill everyone they love and then force whoever is left over to listen to us! I'm sure they'll be thrilled." Hapi's like, eh, not sure this will work.
Man, Ashe is just miserable when you recruit him. I do find it kind of heartwarming in a weird way how miserable all the recruitable Lions end up being (even in Houses, moreso than the other houses at least). Ashe and Felix taking the cake, but Mercedes was regretting her life choices the last SB chapter too.
Aww, Yuri is worried about Ashe and finds Claude cruel for forcing him to fight against the Kingdom.
Holy shit, Shez really spitting facts to Claude's face, telling him his plan is a giant disaster (Dimitri won't fall for intimidation tactics, and Edelgard won't stop attacking people even after she runs out of excuses.) As insufferable as all of the Golden Deer are in this game, at least we've got stuff like this pointing out how cruel and stupid they're being.
Lamo, take only one unit into the map, as if that's a challenge. I literally only use Lorenz. This'll be easy in AG too bc Dimitri's such a beast. Dreading it in SB though.
Annette is still alive here at least :( And Rodrigue. And Gustave. (we're with the Blue Lions discussing Claude being ... GW!Claude)
Sylvain thinks Claude's an idiot lol. Dimitri and Sylvain are sussing him out.
I love how Dimitri is the only character who's goal is to avoid bloodshed among the lords. The other two are, uh, yeah.
Oh.... is Dimitri actually going to run over the church? Like I wanted? When Dimitri's the best character in GW lol.
Dimitri looking out for Sylvain, knowing how angry he is with Claude.
I had to fight Ingrid :(
Lysithea catches Shez assuring a younger girl that she doesn't seem like a child, but an adult.
Predictably, Lysithea gets angry, because it's Lysithea, but to be fair, she's upset because Shez said the same thing and thinks Shez is being insencere.
Shez admits that it's not cool, what she did, but she's bad at advice and keeps using the same lines she's learned from stories lamo. I love Shez.
Honestly, Lysithea is kinda right to get mad here, at least I get it unlike some of the times with her.
Lamo, Shez can borrow another line from a story. I'm gonna piss her off bc I can lol.
Lysithea buys it. I wonder if it's the same line lol.
Having mercenary talk. I had Shez choose to ask for help. Shamir offered once she's free.
Shez comments how mature Shamir is. Shamir comments how relaxed Shez is (but it's a positive thing, not like a judgment).
They bond over having lost trusted allies, including the ones at the beginning for Shez.
Kinda boring, but honestly these two are almost too well matched, like not enough tension and just too normal lol
Hilda wants to gossip, but Lysithea only goes on about how awesome Holst is, so she's not interested.
She thinks he should be more careful as head of household, but Lysithea points out that he has no choice.
Hilda is worried who Holst is married. There's an ick here where Lysithea thinks that's because he's too focused on Hilda.
Hilda just talks about who Lysithea might marry, which, yeah...
Hilda offers to help Lystheia out, and some, um, implications that she'll be Lysthesia's new family - she says big sister, but there's def some ship teasing
They made Hilda really flirt with all the girls this time lol
Hapi finds Claude easier to talk to than Edelgard and Dimitri.
Props to Hapi for telling Claude not to unload his trauma on her.
Hapi's like if you're bitching, why not just quit? Lamo.
Hapi says she'll support him.
Honestly don't remember if I've seen this in SB already or not.
Bernie likes Marianne's painting, but not her own. This is true vice versa, because of course it is.
Marianne compliments Bernie's horsemanship.
Two shy girls compliment each other, then get shy.
Then Bernie asks what Marianne wants to do after the war and Marianne becomes a Disney princess, wanting to sit in the woods with animals. Bernie wants to finish a story. Honestly, both girls picked amazing options I too want.
Bernie's story is about Marianne lamo. But Marianne isn't mad, she just wants to read it.
I really find their friendship cute, ngl.
Also, Bernie supports Dimitri, so there's no way she's NOT writing fanfic about his life because it's a never drying well there.
Lorenz asks Raphael why he didn't just stay at his family's inn instead and joined the war instead
Raphael wants to keep his family safe, and thinks that following Claude will bring peace to the world (lamo) so that's why
Lorenz is more grounded, saying that all he's doing is exposing his family to the dangers of war
Which, Lorenz isn't wrong, but he also starts prattles more about nobility need to do everything and commoners nothing
But like, does Lorenz really think you can make an army out of nobles only, because, like, that just doesn't happen
Raphael is touched lamo, thinking Lorenz is concerned
Raphael just challenges him to a muscles competition
It is amusing to see Lorenz try to give his spiel and Raphael just keeps doing his own thing
Like ALL of Lorenz's supports in this game is this though, he's more repetitive than Bernedetta at this point
Lorenz is bragging about himself, Constance is in the sun so she's . . . not
You know, I was thinking just how insufferable Lorenz would be in my playthrough because he's like 10 levels ahead of everyone, a god on the battlefield, always MVP - he like trounces everyone so he's be bragging and he'd be right - I wish Claude had to deal with this, watching Lorenz win the war for him and have to put up with Lorenz being Lorenz over it
They overdid it a bit with her sunshine personality - like Dimitri and Marianne are very realistic about a lack of self-worth, but Constance just comes across like a joke (and maybe that's all she's supposed to be)
Poor Lorenz is just confused and wants the normal Constance
I do have a soft spot for when male characters are desperate for the snotty side of a female character to come back (like, really just talking about Rutger and Clarine)
This is going on for too long though without any change
Lysithea mistook a mercenary Leonie talked to for a bandit
But he's just someone who loot dead bodies on battlefields
I always found that kind of distasteful
Lysithea feels torn because she wants to learn about commoners more, but doesn't seem comfortable talking to people who steal coins off dead people, which same
Lysithea of course wants to know about commoner sweets
And Leonie talks about how they can't afford noble treats and likes commoner snacks (hopefully different from Chole's folk food lamo)
Shez is snooping on Yuri's letter. I love that Shez is a snoop.
Yuri's pissed though, lamo. He threatens Shez's life though. That's a bit . . . much.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read it lol.
She's ill so he was visiting her.
He's a bit needlessly sometimes.
Lysithea thinks there's something wrong with Ignatz.
She guesses right that he's unhappy, but guesses wrong that he wishes he ran his father's company instead of his brother.
He slips up that he admits he's only a knight to please his family.
Awww, Lysithea offers Ignatz the opportunity to live in Ordelia territory and does whatever he wants to afterwords.
She was actually really sweet in this support.
Also, anyone else realize that Ignatz is proof that the church/crests/inheritance isn't the one forcing children to do things they don't want to? It's human greed?
Claude left a meeting because he was bored of people arguing. Hapi also left a meeting.
Oh, interesting, Hapi asks Claude if he would walk away if someone could take his place. Claude says no that he wants to get a lot done and can't let anyone else do it. So a really uninteresting answer.
Linhardt got a gift he doesn't want so he offered it to Leonie.
Lamo, Linhardt forgot the meeting he set up with Leonie.
He gives her a notebook already full, so she wants to give him something in return.
She gives him a rock that turns out to be part of an ancient relic and he gets thrilled.
Linhardt comes to the conclusion that they value the complete opposite things, but they decides they're actually not a special pairing lamo.
Ugh, not looking forward to this.
Wow, imagine that, the Kingdom isn't bringing them a welcoming party. Like, did Shez really expect that?
They're a bunch of psychos. They're all excited to go kill people because they're strong warriors.
"Let's see if a crushing defeat can get through Dimitri's thick skull." Because you like tried talking with him so many times before???
What is Claude smoking? He's never tried anything but bloodshed of innocent Kingdom people to accomplish anything in this route?
I see what people mean when they say this is one of the most unlikeable casts ever.
Gustave's middle name is Eddie. Not Edward. Eddie. Suffering through GW is worth knowing that.
Also, fuck, I don't want to fight Annette and Gustave, who are only defending their home.
Thank fuck, Annette retreated. Having SB flashbacks where I had to kill Annette. Annette.
And thank God that Gustave did too.
On the flip side, I sort of wish GW wasn't so wish-washy and they all died. At least SB has the guts to show there's consequences for your character's actions. But GW like to pretend only Annette and Gustave matter and it'll be ok to slaughter thousands of low born people of Faerghus every single level because they're not named.
Dimitri evacuated his citizens. I think he's literally the only lord who did that lamo. (I remember distinctly Edelgard not doing that in VW, and I don't think Claude did in CF or AM? Could be wrong about Claude).
FUCK. Dedue. If he doesn't retreat, I swear to God I can't finish this.
Oh, God, not Sylvain too.
Wait, what the fuck, Claude. His "defense" against Sylvain accusing (rightly so) Claude of invading his home and murdering his parents is that "we're all risking our lives here." I guess Faerghus is 2-for-2 whenever someone is actually allowed to criticize people who are invading them.
At least Sylvain retreated.
Dimitri appeared to defend Faerghus. I swear whoever wrote this game didn't care at all about the Golden Deer.
Oh, a cut scene. Also pretty sure Shez called Dimitri Faerghus' strongest soldier.
Well, at least Dimitri being an utter and complete badass in this game continues since Claude admitted that he could never win against him. And he needed Hilda and Lorenz to just push him back, not even defeat him.
Oh, great, more backtracking. Claude has to retreat. Does this mean I have to fight Dimitri again?
You're right, Hilda, it's the same thing all over again. God, this gets old.
It would be funny if it was the Empire, but it's probably just TWSITD. It's pretty funny Claude is the one who learns the least in Hopes vs Houses.
At least Annette and Sylvain are still alive.
Gotta love also how damn badass Faerghus is in general, fighting a 3-way battle and not losing.
Dedue is here too, my beloved.
I love seeing Claude taking another L and having to retreat again.
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kasienda · 8 months
tell us about Adrino fake-dating? 👀👀👀
Adrino lends itself to this trope so well in my opinion in that they are super comfortable in each other's spaces, and Nino is generally on board to do anything and everything to 1) earn Adrien more freedom, and 2) piss off Gabriel.
My personal beef with fake-dating is that it's often written where two characters are already in love and already KNOW they're in love, but are too nervous to say anything yet. And I struggle with the whole thing being able to solved at any point with one conversation. (Though it doesn't stop me from reading or enjoying them. Just makes me want to tear my hair out when reading! Haha!)
BUT! If I'm writing my own, I wanted to explore them both not having feelings yet (or at least not being aware of said feelings), and that they figure it out through the process of pretending! And when it's time for it to end, they both realize they really really don't want it to.
So I started writing one. And I'm not sure if I will every finish or post it because it kinda feels like a generic romantic dramedy to me? I feel like I just am making the dolls kiss! Haha! Like, it's an aged up no-powers AU. I don't usually write things without identity shenanigans! And I don't have anything unique to add to this trope at the moment, BUT I've been having fun with it this week especially since I've been home sick. So maybe!!
Here! Take my whole opening scene:
“Tomorrow's photoshoot was rescheduled to Thursday morning, your father canceled dinner tonight, but promises he’ll be available tomorrow—“
Adrien snorted. 
“And you’re to escort Lila Rossi to the gala this Saturday as her date.” 
Adrien dropped his spoon. “That will not be happening. I will go to the gala, but Lila Rossi will not be my date.” 
“Your father agreed to—“ 
“Any agreements my father made on my behalf are null and void if he didn’t get me to sign the contract.” 
One of the benefits of reaching his majority. Now, if only he didn’t need his father to keep paying for university.
“Adrien, I know you don’t like Lila—“
That was an understatement if ever there was one.
“—but your father is not going to take your refusal lightly without any repercussions. Especially if you offer no explanation.” 
He had offered an explanation. Lila Rossi was a snake and Adrien knew better than to let her anywhere close to him.
“It’s only one evening,” Nathalie continued. 
One evening that would turn into many. But he could read between the lines. Nathalie needed a reason. His father wanted him to date someone now that he was old enough for it to garner media attention instead of generate a scandal. 
“You don’t understand, Nathalie. I can’t bring Lila because I already have a date.” 
It wasn’t true, but it could be.
Nathalie sighed. “And does this date have a name?” 
Adrien contemplated dodging the question. He would have preferred to ask before he dragged any of his friends into the spotlight that might include his father’s ire, but Nathalie would argue on his behalf better if she didn’t think he was lying.
He wished he could ask Kagami, but she and Felix had gone public two months prior. He couldn’t throw Marinette under this bus because her career in fashion was only just beginning and getting tangled with his name would only make things more complicated for her. He was already providing her with all the connections and contacts she would let him, and he didn’t want to bring attention to that special attention by bringing her in as a date. Alya was attending university in the UK, and Luka was on tour with his father in the US. 
Which only left him one option anyway. And in many ways it was the best option because Nino was the most willing to do whatever was needed to get Adrien out from under the thumb of his father. 
Adrien glanced down into his hands, trying to sell nervousness that he absolutely did not feel. “I can tell you since you’ll know on Saturday anyway, but Nathalie, I’m hoping I can count on you for support.” 
She actually looked up from her tablet. A good sign. 
“It’s Nino,” he said softly. 
“Nino Lahiffe?”
Adrien nodded. 
“Doesn’t M. Lahiffe have a girlfriend?” 
Adrien shook his head. “Not since Alya left to go abroad. They decided they didn’t want to do a long distance relationship.” 
That much was true. The break up had been amicable. 
“And how serious is this relationship?” 
Fuck. It needed to be serious for Nathalie to pull out all the stops, but how long would Nino put up with the song and dance of it. 
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, I hope we last, but we haven’t been dating that long. So far though, it’s been amazing! Nino and I have always just… clicked, you know?” 
“I will do everything in my power to see that you get a fair chance.”
He swallowed at the sincerity in her voice. 
“Thank you, Nathalie.” 
She nodded and left. 
He whipped out his phone and pulled up Nino’s contact. Nino wouldn’t likely be awake for another few hours so Adrien wasn’t going to call him, but Adrien could at least warn him. 
Nino’s phone buzzed on the table beside his head. Nino groaned and rolled over - away from his phone. He really should have kept up his maman’s policy of charging his phone in the other room. 
But an alarm clock was yet another thing Nino really couldn’t afford since he had moved out on his own. He was barely breaking even as it was. 
The phone buzzed again and he sighed, fumbling blindly for both it and his glasses. 
He blinked dumbly at the text on his screen, and then read it again. 
I had to tell my father that we’ve been dating. That we’re going to the gala together this Saturday. I’m sorry. I know you wanted to surprise everyone the  day of. Please forgive me. Call me when you’re awake. 
The implications were concerning in more than one way. 
Nino tapped out a response immediately. 
there’s nothing to forgive, love. It was bound to happen eventually.  I still need help with my suit though if you’ve forgotten.  Can we talk in person? I miss you.
I’ll be by in a few hours.  Can’t wait to see you. ❤️ 
Adrien was laying it on thick. Definitely not a good sign.
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dis-trict9 · 5 months
THANK YOU TO @skzoologist AND @dean-a-mean-tae !! THEY BOTH GAVE ME IDEAS AND TIPS :]
☆ General ☆
Name: Asher Hutch (애셔 허치)
Stage Name: Ash (재)
Nickname/s (used by members/family/friends): Cuddles, Ashy, Koala
Nickname/s (used by STAY): Hutchy, Teddy
Date of Birth: June 26, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Place of Birth: Bonn, Germany
Ethnicity: German-Korean
Height: 5’6” (167.64 centimeters)
Weight: 137.6 lbs (62.4 kg)
☆ Face ☆
Hair (length and original color): Black, prefers to keep mid-neck
Eyes: Left: blue, Right: green
Extras (blemishes, scars, etc.): Freckles sort of like Felix’s; all over his cheeks and nose, a mole on the upper right corner of his lip
☆ Facts ☆
He’ll mindlessly bounce his leg up and down or tap his foot, when he comes to his senses though, he’ll stop, fearing he was bothering someone with the constant subtle ‘click click’ noise
He has a kitten and is always looking forward to seeing him when he gets back to his home
He was 15 when Skz debuted
He trained for 2-ish years 
He loves listening to girl groups and giving them support, his favorite is (G)I-DLE.
He has a very feminine sneeze but no one really knows why nor do they really mind, they just find it funny (his siblings and friends)
Ash has a younger brother and 2 older twin sisters, his brother is named Parker and his sisters are Tatum and Hayden
He used to wear brown contacts because he was self-conscious of his heterochromia
He has naturally pink cheeks
He has a baby-blue bunny that he can’t sleep without
When he got a phone for the first time, his sister Hayden, got him a Miku phone case so when that phone died for good, he was really sad but only because of the phone case (luckily though, he got a similar, if not better, Miku phone case and has it on his phone now)
If he’s sick in bed with nothing to do, he’ll mosey into the living room or a room with a comfortable laying place with a TV and either binge The Seven Deadly Sins or South Park
He keeps his 3 friendship bracelets on from his best friend whom he met in 6th grade and will often call that friend despite the time difference
If he had to marry a male idol who wasn’t in his group, he’d pick Beomgyu from TXT
He’s very afraid of any bug unless it’s the common beetle which isn’t very common for him because he’s only found them about 1-2 times
He kept most of his essays from 7th-8th grade because he missed all the teachers from those grades
He’ll cry for no reason whatsoever and will likely cry more when someone asks him what’s wrong because he has no idea why he’s crying, he just is
Once, in 7th grade, he jokingly asked his science teacher for a Diet Coke and she gave him one but she told him to not tell anyone or let anyone see it because she technically wasn’t allowed to give soda to students.
He hates wearing clothes so he’ll often wear shorts and a tank top unless he’s outside in fall-winter
Speaking of seasons, his favorite is Fall
If he had to pick between Pepsi and Coke, he’d easily pick Coke, specifically Wild Cherry Coke
Back at his home, he has almost 3 walls of squish mallows and even more that are crowding under his bed and on his bed
He used to be horrified of thunderstorms but after he hadn’t had one in a while, he was really happy when he found out that around his area, a very gnarly one was going to hit in a few days (but soon regretted it and went back to being scared)
If he could, he’d adopt a bear cub and raise it as his own baby, preferably a brown bear
His friends make fun of him (playfully of course) for cosplaying so many female or feminine characters like Felix Argyle/Ferris, Elizabeth Lionis, and Grelle
He gets his nails done professionally every few weeks and if he gets bored of the design but doesn’t have time to get them done professionally, he’ll ask on of the other members to help him paint them because of how shaky he is
He gets really happy whenever he finds a Cotton Candy Bang energy drink because he can never find them anywhere
He uses the 🩵 emoji the most
He gets really happy when he sees blue as it's his favorite color
I would add so much more but this is getting long
☆ Skzoo ☆
Representative Emoji: 🐻
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(Ignore the goofy ah skzoo art, I got mad at it and almost dropped the idea)
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ur-boyfiend · 7 months
our specific prompt list no. 2 ; (link) create something based on a song that makes you feel like going on a date
People Watching by Conan Gray // jeongchan w/ a side of changlix
this has been ROTTING in my drafts hnshdsdhdsh,,, i ended up cutting out a chunk at the end which might see the light of day as a part two if it's lucky
wc; 3.2k
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jeongin yawns as he waits for customers, it's been a slow morning and he was up late last night working on an assignment for one of his classes.
he jolts slightly when he feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see felix, who wordlessly hands him a coffee and nudges him out from behind the counter. jeongin smiles gratefully, opting to sit at the counter so he can still talk to felix.
he takes a sip of the coffee and immediately feels better, though he's not sure if that's just some kinda placebo. either way he's grateful for the boost as he takes another drink.
"so," felix starts, turning to look at jeongin, "what's kicking your ass this time?"
jeongin rolls his eyes "it's my chem professor again, i checked my assignment like three times before i submitted it and he still sent it back because it needs 'more work', but he won't tell me what the hell he wants me to do!"
felix snorts slightly, he'd been in the same class before, "that professor just hates everyone. don't take it to heart."
"i'm not taking it to heart, but i am about to take it to the dean."
"honestly? go for it. i'm sure there's plenty of students who'd be willing to back up your story, myself included."
jeongin laughs, "thanks for the support."
"that's what friends are for," felix answers, grinning at jeongin as he ruffles the younger boy's hair.
jeongin swats felix's hand away, but before he can complain about it the bell over the door sounds, alerting the pair to a customer.
felix turns and puts on his best customer service smile, which is easy for him since he's basically sunshine in human form. jeongin envies his ability to not look like he'd rather die than work another shift as he takes a longer than necessary drink of the coffee he'd been neglecting.
jeongin can't actually see the person ordering because of the way the café is set up, all he can see is a mess of curly blond hair. he finishes his coffee off and ducks behind the counter again, chucking the now empty cup into the bin and glancing at the ticket felix hands him.
he makes the iced latte quickly, before handing it back to felix, who sets it on the counter under the 'order pickup' sign.
"latte for chan!"
jeongin glances up out of habit when he hears felix's voice, but his eyes catch on the person who walks up to the counter. he smiles, revealing dimples, and jeongin swears he can feel his heart stop for a second before it starts beating twice as fast.
trying to hide the blush he can feel taking over his cheeks, he turns and pretends to tidy the setup behind the counter. it's not entirely an act, neither he nor felix is particularly neat, but because of how few customers they've had it's not nearly as messy as usual, and jeongin finishes up quickly.
he exhales slightly when he hears the bell above the door sound again and looks up, only to be met with a smirking felix.
"what?" he can feel the blush returning, but tries to ignore it. felix, however, does no such thing.
"oooh innie's got a cruuuush-" he squishes jeongin's cheeks, quickly being swatted away again.
"no i don't."
"mhm, tell that to yourself after looking in the mirror for a sec."
jeongin rolls his eyes, "how would i even have a crush on him? we didn't talk and i barely saw his face."
"and yet you look like a tomato?"
felix laughs, but returns to where he'd been idling near the register, switching the topic back to their classes.
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this time felix is the one yawning during another painfully slow shift a few days later. jeongin makes a coffee for the blond as well as one for himself, since his chemistry professor is still out for blood.
"so, what's your excuse?" he asks felix, raising his eyebrows.
felix yawns again, taking a gulp of coffee before he answers, "movie marathon with jisung."
"jeez, at least i had a good reason for almost falling asleep on shift."
"i wasn't even scheduled to be on shift today! but hyunjin called in sick and i kinda need the overtime pay right now."
jeongin frowns, "did something happen?"
felix tries to smile at him, but it's paper-thin. "one of my sisters got sick, it's nothing that bad," he adds quickly, seeing the worry on jeongin's face, "but i wanted to help since my parents are both super stressed about it, and i don't need the money nearly as urgently as they do."
jeongin nods, "that's fair," then after a moment of consideration, "wanna go for lunch after shift?"
felix laughs slightly, "is that you trying to make me feel better?"
"yes, and me trying to make sure you actually eat something, if you pass out again i will cry."
felix scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, last time he'd been particularly stressed he'd barely slept and had forgotten to eat, and the combination ended with him passing out. jeongin had a breakdown when he heard, and felix promised to not let it happen again.
felix finishes his coffee and tosses the cup in the trash, then turns back to jeongin, "where do you wanna go?"
jeongin shrugs, "i don't care, wherever works."
once again they're interrupted by the door, felix's mood shifting when he notices who it is. jeongin follows felix's actions and recognizes the person felix had teased him about before. he groans internally, knowing felix won't let this chance to annoy him go to waste.
as jeongin waits for felix to take the order, he notices the two chatting, seemingly close. jeongin walks up behind felix and gently smacks him on the back of the head.
felix jumps slightly and turns to glare at jeongin, who just glares back.
eventually felix rolls his eyes and turns away, and jeongin snorts quietly, "i win."
felix just sticks the order ticket to jeongin's forehead, "good job dumbass, now do your actual job."
jeongin pulls the ticket off his face, "i could say the same to you, mr social butterfly."
felix tries to smack jeongin but the younger quickly ducks out of the way and moves further out of range as he starts working on the ticket. it's the same as before, and jeongin finishes the drink just quickly as he had the first time.
before he can turn and give the drink to felix, he's being pushed towards the order pickup area. he rolls his eyes but knows that he won't win this one and doesn't feel like inconveniencing someone just because felix is being petty.
he sets the coffee on the counter and glances at the name, even though he still remembers.
"latte for chan?"
the person in the corner looks up when his name is called, putting his phone in his pocket as he walks to the counter.
jeongin smiles at chan as he picks up his drink, "have a nice day!"
chan smiles back, "you too."
this time felix doesn't tease jeongin immediately, but jeongin can tell that the blond is watching him closely, and that he won't just let it go.
jeongin turns to felix, pointing at him when he opens his mouth, "no, nope, not right now, you can mock me at lunch."
felix grins, and jeongin gets the gut feeling that he's made a mistake.
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chan's visits have become regular, sometimes he comes alone, sometimes he comes with friends. jeongin has noticed how felix stares at one of the people chan comes in with often, another student named changbin, and teases him for it anytime he's being teased about how he acts around chan.
because of them being on even terrain with teasing, there's an uneasy truce between the two. jisung had tried to tease both of them at least once, but as soon as minho was mentioned he quickly shut up again.
it's another slow shift, jeongin is convinced that felix invites chan to the café whenever it's slow since the two have become friends, so he's not surprised when he sees chan walk in, changbin close behind.
chan says something to changbin that jeongin doesn't catch, but the shorter turns red and punches him in the shoulder, which just makes chan laugh loudly.
jeongin is acutely aware of how his heart stutters when he hears chan's laugh.
as he's taking the pair's order, felix comes out of the breakroom, immediately blushing when he sees changbin.
he's more dressed up than usual because one of the people he dances with is planning to drag him to some art gallery after his shift. when he told jeongin the younger just snorted and gave him a pat on the shoulder, wishing him good luck.
jeongin notices that chabgbin turns the same red he had when chan was teasing him before, and makes a mental note of it.
jeongin turns to felix and sticks the order ticket to his forehead, getting flipped off before felix removes the paper.
neither one of them really needs the ticket since the pair's order is the same as always, but they enjoy annoying each other and sticking order tickets onto each other's hair or clothes is an easy way to do that.
unsurprisingly, felix starts changbin's drink, so jeongin starts on chan's, handing it to felix when it's done. felix sets the drinks on the counter, not needing to actually call out their names since they're the only two customers, but he does anyway.
"order for chan and changbin!"
out of the corner of his eye jeongin notices two things, one, that felix is holding a pastry bag with changbin's drink, and two, that chan basically shoves changbin towards the counter from their table.
changbin takes the drinks and the bag, he and felix both being almost painfully shy as they interact. jeongin rolls his eyes, but doesn't actually say anything.
when changbin gets back to the table and sets chan's drink down he smacks his friend on the back of the head, which chan ignores in favor of zeroing in on the bag changbin is holding.
jeongin can't actually tell what they're saying, but from how red changbin's face is turning, and how much chan is laughing, he has a pretty good idea of their conversation.
when he looks back at felix, he sees the blond hiding his face behind his hands. jeongin snorts, always ready to make fun of his friend.
"so, what dumb thing did you do this time."
felix mumbles something, but his face is still hidden and jeongin can't actually hear what he's saying.
"you what now-"
felix looks up, redder than jeongin's ever seen him, "iwrotemynumberonthebag-"
they're both silent for a second before jeongin starts laughing, and felix returns to hiding his face in his hands.
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rainy days are always busy in the small café, and the regular two person shift jeongin and felix work turns into a three person shift when felix desperately texts jisung to come help.
all three of them are working as fast as possible, but they're still barely keeping up. when chan and changbin come in and see the chaos, they both just sit at the counter and chat instead of adding to the trio's workload.
all three baristas are anxious, and all three have their own way of dealing with it. jisung is rapping something under his breath, jeongin is singing quietly, and felix is dancing around as he works.
when there's finally a lull in the flood of customers, they all sigh in relief.
jisung snorts, leaning against the counter, "we should start a band."
jeongin flicks him on the side of the head, "yeah that'd definitely work out, it's not like we all have a metric fuckton of other things happening or something."
jisung puffs out his cheeks, looking more like a squirrel than ever, and felix laughs. "is it possible to agree with both of you?"
jeongin shrugs, "yeah probably."
"okay then i agree with both of you."
jeongin glances behind felix to chan and changbin, "what do y'all think?"
the two had been talking about something else but break it off to look at jeongin when he addresses them.
chan tilts his head, "think about what?"
jisung grins, "we should start a band!"
chan and changbin both light up when the topic of music is mentioned, felix and jeongin glancing at each other warily. they already know how excitable jisung is about music, and hope just a little bit that neither of the other two get too invested in the topic, but those hopes are quickly shattered when they all start talking faster and faster.
jeongin turns to look at felix, "are they having a conversation or a rap battle right now?"
the aussie laughs, shrugging his shoulders in response.
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the next time chan visits he's alone, which neither felix nor jeongin were expecting. he'd been coming in with changbin almost every time he'd been at the café recently, and jeongin can see the worry on felix's face as he gets out his phone.
jeongin figures he's texting changbin and takes his place behind the register. chan's order is the same as always, and their interaction is almost scripted at this point.
so, when jeongin hands chan his drink and chan gives him a lopsided grin in return, asking for his number, the younger boy stops functioning for a second.
chan laughs, but not mockingly, jeongin thinks it sounds almost affectionate. jeongin blushes fiercely, and tries to hide his face.
"give me your phone and i'll add it."
chan nods and hands jeongin his phone, who adds his number, but leaves the contact name blank.
"you can put whatever," he explains when chan looks confused.
he doesn't expect for chan to label his contact "cute barista 🩷", and he turns the same color as the heart at the end.
felix comes up to the pair and makes a shooing motion at chan, "get lost, you're distracting the workers."
jeongin rolls his eyes, "says the one who was on his phone for like ten minutes."
felix pauses for a moment before shrugging, "yeah fair enough."
"i do have to leave though, before changbin kills me." chan gives jeongin another lopsided grin and waves, jeongin just barely remembering to wave back.
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felix raises an eyebrow when jeongin comes onto shift, seemingly walking on air.
"what's got you so bright today?"
jeongin grins widely, "chan asked me out!"
felix makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, "took him long enough."
jeongin tilts his head at the blond, not sure what he means.
felix sighs, "don't tell chan i told you this, but according to binnie he's been talking about you almost since his first visit here."
jeongin blinks several times before turning bright red, prompting felix to laugh loudly, getting a punch in the shoulder in return.
"well, hopefully today's shift goes quickly, you should leave a few minutes early, i'll cover for you."
jeongin shakes his head slightly, "no, it's fine."
"it wasn't a question, dummy."
jeongin rolls his eyes, but doesn't object further.
the two work quickly, using their freetime to talk about this and that. after some prodding, felix admits that he and changbin have a date planned for later that week, blushing fiercely as he does.
jeongin annoys him about it for a bit, but eventually topics shift again. their shift takes just as long as usual, but since nothing out of the ordinary happens, and he's at an all-time high, it feels like it only takes minutes to jeongin.
five minutes before he's supposed to clock out, felix nudges him towards the breakroom, "get your bag n stuff, i told jisung to come in early so i can fix up your hair."
jeongin rolls his eyes slightly, but doesn't object. he steps into the breakroom just as jisung walks in, he initially looks less than happy about clocking in early, but his face lights up when ne notices jeongin.
"baby bread has a dAAaaaAAAaaAAate," he singsongs, and jeongin blushes again.
jisung and felix quickly swap places, jeongin dropping onto one of the chairs in the room to let felix do whatever he's planning for his hair.
felix works impressively quick, humming in satisfaction after only a few minutes. when jeongin reaches up to feel his hair, his fingers brush across a braid, done tightly to the side of his head.
this time it's jisung's turn to stick his head through the doorway, "chan's here is jeongin ready."
felix gives a thumbs-up, shoving jeongin towards the front of the café. jeongin feels his breath catch when he sees chan, and he gets the strong urge to run his fingers through the older's hair.
felix and jisung share a knowing look, and jisung tells jeongin to "go get your mans."
jeongin smacks the back of jisung's head in return, but steps out from behind the counter anyway, giving a middle finger when felix wolf whistles.
chan laughs at the trio, affection floating behind his eyes, and offers jeongin his hand , "ready?"
jeongin takes his hand with a smile, pausing for a moment to appreciate chan's dimples, "ready."
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jeongin looks up at the sound of the bell over the door, smiling when he sees chan and changbin walk in. felix also looks in the direction of the door, lighting up when he sees his boyfriend. jeongin rolls his eyes affectionately, but he's in the same situation, so he knows he has no room to talk.
by the time the two have gotten up to the counter jeongin already has their order in, but makes sure to confirm it with them in case they want something other than the usual.
felix hums as he works, and jeongin can practically see the hearts in changbin's eyes. he makes chan's drink as felix makes changbin's, the two taking their usual seats at the counter, the baristas leaning on the counter as they talk.
"y'know," felix starts, "it's getting close to christmas."
jeongin grimaces, which makes chan laugh.
felix just rolls his eyes, "ok mr. scrooge."
changbin laughs at his boyfriend's attitude, standing up slightly to give felix a quick kiss when the freckled boy pouts at him.
"we should do something christmas break," chan suggests, the other three nodding in agreement.
"do what though?" changbin is the one to ask, and gets no immediate response.
"i was gonna go home for christmas, i haven't seen my family in a while and my sister's been on-again off-again sick for a couple months now," felix is the first to give an answer, and chan hums in agreement.
"i haven't seen my family in a while either, i wouldn't mind going home for a bit."
changbin and jeongin glance at eachother, each appreciating how their boyfriends light up when talking about australia.
"well, i guess i'll be working some serious overtime before break starts," jeongin laughs, changbin nodding.
"me too."
the aussies turn to them, looking confused, and jeongin laughs quietly.
changbin offers a short, "plane tickets," in explanation, jeongin tilting his head in the older's direction as agreement.
"you're not getting rid of us that easily."
the aussies laugh, and chan ruffles jeongin's hair, "wouldn't dream of it."
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Chin or hush from those prompts for any wayhaven couple you so choose 😊
Chin for Kasey/Mason, with a bonus of Kasey & Adam brotp. :D (Hush is here with Janine/Felix)
There were times Kasey wondered why she bothered with combat training. For all her eyerolls whenever Adam or Mason spouted off about supernatural superiority, they were... not wrong. Unfortunately.
She yelped and just managed to dodge a swipe at her head. "Don't actually hit me, you--"
Adam caught her wild swing back, letting her hand drop soon as he stopped the attempted hit. "You are thinking too much," he scolded. "While it's good to approach a fight tactically, you are trying to plan as if fighting another human."
Kasey crossed her arms and arched a brow at him. She'd take the lecture if it meant she got even a teensy break, but not without a little pushback. "And what, the rules don't apply?"
"No," Adam said, mirroring her stance. "Not when the difference in ability is so severe."
"Thanks for sugarcoating it," she snarked.
" I believe I have known you long enough to note you dislike being coddled, but I can put it in even harsher terms if you prefer," he retorted. His expression softened fractionally. "It does you no good to underprepare, Agent."
"Isn't everything I do underprepared for dealing with the supernatural?" Kasey growled in frustration as she raked hair out of her face. The shiny new title made her lack in certain areas sit even heavier in her thoughts.
"That's why you have us," Adam said. "To support you, protect you, train you."
"I'm shit at fighting anyway, Adam. Even before you throw in all the supernatural benefits." She smacked the back of her hand lightly against one of his massive biceps. Though those were probably hard work more than anything.
"Which is why you train." He let his arms fall, hands swinging at his sides. "You will not magically improve without practice. Returning to my initial point; you cannot try to plan your fight with a supernatural as you would a human--watching for patterns or tells. You will have to trust your instincts. Even that may not be enough--"
There it is, she thought dryly.
"--but it should at least buy you time. Now." He squared his shoulders. "Try again."
Even with the pep talk, such as it was, Kasey didn't manage to land a single hit over the next half hour. She came close a couple times, but didn't actually make contact. Adam landed every light tap (and held a few back from contact) aimed at her. He finally called it when she cursed with yet another miss.
"Finished rubbing it in?" Kasey panted, beelining for her water bottle.
He chuckled, the bastard. "You are improving, Kasey."
"Says the man who hasn't even broken a fucking sweat," Kasey groused.
"I said you were improving," Adam shrugged, "one of the benefits to age--few opponents are a challenge."
"Yeah, yeah," she huffed. "Go... beat up an elephant, or something else big."
Adam shook his head, but he was smiling as he turned to leave. "I will see you later, Agent."
Kasey grunted an affirmative, mid-swig from her water, and watched him go. She couldn't help being annoyed at herself, despite his encouragement. She knew being human limited her going up against supernaturals. She knew there was only so much she could do to minimize that, short of becoming a vampire herself. Didn't make it any less annoying to get handed her ass in a fight, she mused, eyeing the training equipment scattered around the room.
With a final deep drink from the water bottle and swipe at her face with her towel, Kasey pushed off the bench and strode for the punching bag. She had improved enough to know how to throw a decent punch in a few different ways. She practiced all of them, unleashing a salvo against the bag until she sensed a presence behind her.
"Adam said you were done."
She suppressed the instinctive flinch and skipped heartbeat at unexpected company, throwing on a smirk before she pivoted. "Aw, sunshine, you miss me that bad?"
"Yeah," Mason said with a shrug, and the casualness of it put her on her back foot for a moment before he matched her smirk. "You're more fun than anyone else around here."
"Felix will be crushed, but right back atcha," Kasey winked.
"So, if you wanna keep working up a sweat, why not do it with me?"
She huffed a wry laugh, stumbled a little when the punching bag swung into her back. "That would be more fun..."
Mason studied her for a moment, raking one hand through his hair. "Why are you still here? Beating people up has never been a special interest of yours."
"I dunno," Kasey shrugged, "just felt like I need more practice for my new line of work. Beating people up seems to happen a lot."
"Only since we met you, sweetheart," Mason snorted.
She chewed the inside of her cheek, debating the next part. "I want... I want to be better prepared. For the future." She ducked past him to start collecting her stuff, the words not ones she wanted to say looking him in the eye. "If going to toe to toe with supernaturals is gonna happen a lot" --she suppressed a shudder at the thought of Sin. Of fucking Murphy. --"which it seems to, I'd like to at least sort of hold my own. Even as a poor little mortal."
Mason was at her side, catching her arm, as she headed for the door. "Kasey."
She puffed out a sigh, ruffling her bangs. "...I didn't hit Adam one bloody time through the whole thing, didn't dodge him once, either." Shoved open the door to start down the hall. "If I can't even manage against a friend and teammate who's trying to help me train--"
Mason snorted, easily keeping pace. "Sweetheart, if beating Adam in a fight was the bar for joining the unit, none of us would fucking be here. He's nine hundred year old and his idea of relaxing is kicking my ass or Nate's ass or someone's ass."
"That's my point, though," Kasey said, lightly kicking the wall as she walked. "I don't need to beat him, but not even one hit, Mason. Not one. If I can't do that with stakes as low as a training match, what happens with something more serious?" She leaned against the wall near her door. "Do I even belong here if you guys are gonna have to keep an eye on me every single fight?" She rubbed the faint scars on her wrist.
"You say that like I mind keeping an eye on you," Mason smirked, letting the tip of one fang show as he bit his lip. But the flirtation vanished and he stepped forward, distractingly close, trapping her against the wall. He hooked a finger under her chin to tip it up, his thumb brushing light arcs over her jaw. "And of course you belong here. Hell, at this point I don't know how we'd cope without you."
"So you've said," Kasey mumbled, trying very hard not to let her thoughts drift to the sentence that had followed that statement before.
"And I don't like having to repeat myself," he said, faint rumble of a growl on the words. "Just because you're not as good in a fight as Adam doesn't mean we don't need you. But if you need something to distract you from bullshit doubts..." his gaze dipped to her mouth and back up as he smirked, "I'm happy to oblige."
"My hero," she deadpanned with a matching smirk and tugged him in by his shirt collar for a kiss. "You gonna help me get all sweaty again now?" she mumbled as her arm slid around his neck.
"The fun way this time, sweetheart," Mason promised, pressing close enough Kasey could feel his crystal digging into her chest. He slid his hands down her thighs and hiked her up to wrap her legs around his waist.
Kasey obliged, one hand groping for her doorknob as the other arm tightened around his neck and she kissed him again. "I'm holdin' you to that, sunshine."
Mason just chuckled and sucked a hickey at the base of her throat as the door finally yielded to her blind attempts and they all but tumbled into her room.
He was, per usual, as good as his word.
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angstyaches · 1 year
ooh so i just had the stupidest hc/request
as they bond more and become friends with each other rather than just family, shayne, eli and felix regularly go out and get drinks and hang out and talk shit about ryan and nancy (in a <3 way). and charlie is used to randomly getting drunk, misspelled texts from shayne, usually complaining about elliot being an Old Man Tm or some stupidly sappy thing that shayne will deny saying for the rest of his life lmaooo
i just love the idea of them being domestic okay🍄
Okay, I love ALL of this, and the drunk texts to Charlie are a perfect headcanon too, but I wanted to quickly get a little scene out based on this and this is what happened! Maybe the beginning of the tradition?
CW: alcohol mention.
“No,” Shayne was still muttering in protest, even when they were seated at a table and Elliott had already carried over the first round of drinks.
Shayne had been sulking too much to tell Elliott his order, so Elliott had gotten him the same as himself. Whisky in an obnoxious glass that was way too big for its purpose, overcrowded ice cubes – Shayne refused to think of them as ‘rocks’ – clinking about. How original. Only Elliott could be given immortality and still act as though he didn’t know that more than one kind of drink existed.
“Oh, stop whining,” Felix grinned, driving his foot into Shayne’s ankle from the other side of the table. Shayne couldn’t tell if the low lighting in the bar was just washing him out, but it seemed as though Felix had just spent three weeks in central Europe, only to come back even paler than when he’d left. “Didn’t you miss us, bud?”
Like a hole in the fucking head was the first response that came to mind, but Shayne didn’t have it in him to attack Felix’s feelings so soon after their return. He also felt like he might spontaneously combust if he admitted that he had missed their presence in the house.
He settled on an ambiguous grunt, and then slumped back in his seat, practically disappearing into his oversized black hoodie. This was what he’d been wearing when Elliott and Felix had arrived in his room and abducted him from his solitude. They’d given him a minute to change out of his loungewear bottoms and into some jeans, at least, although they weren’t looking much more put together themselves. Felix’s pigtails were a little askew from where he’d likely fallen asleep in the car on the way home from the airport. Elliott was wearing a polo neck top and a cardigan, which, compared to his usual fashion choices, was on par with Shayne and his laughably giant hoodie.
“So, come on, kid. Tell us everything that’s been going on since we left.” Elliott took a slurp of his whisky, closing his eyes as though he’d never tasted it before and was blown away by it.
Shayne gave an uncooperative shrug. “Like what?”
“Nancy was awfully short with us when we returned.” Felix frowned and grimaced all at once, eyes trained on Elliott for support. “Perhaps partially due to the fact that my suitcase wheels tracked some mud onto the front hallway tiles –”
“We were wondering if there’s been any tension between her and Ryan,” Elliott interrupted, an eyebrow raised in Shayne’s direction. “We thought maybe you could fill us in.”
“Especially if it’s juicy,” Felix murmured, biting his lip and suddenly becoming very interested in the umbrella that topped his blue Hawaii.
“Wait.” Shayne rubbed the heel of his hand against his jaw, flexing the joint sharply. He’d gotten back into the habit of doing that, after spending so much time alone these past few weeks. “Did you two drag me out here to bitch about Ryan and Nancy?”
“Mmm, not bitch…”
“Gossip,” Felix offered weakly.
“No.” Elliott tapped a finger along the side of his glass. “Let’s call it… exchanging notes.”
“I failed every single one of my exams.” Begrudgingly, Shayne reached for his glass. “Taking notes was never exactly my fucking forte.”
Elliott wheezed out a sigh.
“Look, I don’t know,” Shayne shrugged. “Do you guys think I hung out with them the whole time you were away? You think I stood looking over Ryan’s shoulder while she worked, snuggled up next to Nancy while she was studying? You think we sat around and played poker and shot the shit every night?”
“I told you,” Elliott murmured. His gaze was trained on Felix now, who abruptly looked away and once again seemed to be examining the insides of his cocktail.
Shayne’s teeth clenched. “You told him what, El?”
“I told Felix you wouldn’t have any gossip for us.”
“I thought you said it wasn’t gossip.”
Elliott hesitated, lips hovering near the rim of his glass. “Oh... grow up, Shayne.”
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year
Dragging Frankenstein - Coda, part 1
And there we go, the last hurrah of Victor Frankenstein, his big fat ego, his Creature, and the latter's big fat ego. This book is a cool read with a ton of neat metaphors and analysis of hubris and all that, but I will so not miss the protagonists. Have a few more things to say tho, so it's another two-parter for farewell.
Back to Cpt. Walton! After all that time with Victor, that’s almost a relief. Though not for too long, as he promptly gets into gushing about Victor’s lovely eyes. DAS GAY: 45
Victor not only apparently lost his mind, he also at some point stole Felix’ and Safie’s letters? Which the Creature apparently had? And they prove the whole story as true? Eh… sure…
“at this point he was impenetrable.” I feel the need to point out that Victor made a tall, brutish guy with all the necessary temper and strength to dominate him, implying he is an absolute bottom – so yeah, I assure you, my good man, Victor is quite penetrable. Just bc I’m spiteful, DAS GAY: 46
Two things: Victor has the absolute gall to ask Walton: “Are you mad, my friend?” and meaning it in the crazy sense, not in the angry sense – hypocrisy much? And he goes through Walton’s notes of his story with a red pen. Which is not only a case of “must sugarcoat my role as an utter piece of shit in what the world will remember of me”, it’s also just such a petty “but I know that better!” move. What is he, Walton’s English teacher?
“I wish to soothe him” – mostly however, Walton wishes to ensure that this count wins. DAS GAY: 47
Still supports the outlook that Victor can only find happiness in death. I don’t personally approve of this worldview, mostly because it links into shirking the responsibility for making amends.
Have I mentioned I’m disgusted with Victor stylizing himself to a religious figure, believing his family talk to him from paradise and assure him he’ll be welcomed there? I still am.
You’re going to a deeper hell than I do, my friend.
“What a glorious creature he must have been in the days of his prosperity when he is thus noble and godlike in his ruin.” ??? First of all, DAS GAY: 48
Second of all, *casually stabs Walton for supporting Victor’s god complex* But third, didn’t he already write this at the beginning? As in, almost word for word? Were you getting bored, Shelley?
“He seems to feel his own worth and the greatness of his fall.” Urgh, I hate this. Stop telling me how glorious he is; I won’t believe it just bc someone else than Victor himself says it!
“I possessed a coolness of judgment” – Victor, have we read the same book? Have you learned nothing? Your judgment is piss-poor! DELUSIONS IF GRANDEUR: 21
I will not go through every detail of his self-wank, thank you very much.
I will, however, point out that even in his comparison of himself to Lucifer, he makes sure to call himself an archangel chained up in hell, not a devil. Pissant.
“Must I then lose this admirable being?” – Walton sure has a hard time dealing with his crush of one entire week -.-
Not that Victor feels the same; he pretty rudely tells Walton to his face that there’s no way he’d ever be as wonderful as Henry was. I mean, fair enough; I respect your feelings for Henry and the guy was truly the bee’s knees, but that’s no reason to trample on Walton.
“Even where the affections are not strongly moved by any superior excellence, the companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds” … o.O He is doing that while dying. He’s pissing me off again in his last breaths, implying that there was no excellence to speak of in either Henry or Elizabeth.
They sure had an excellence of character, empathy, and morals he cannot grasp.
Walton at long last speaks of something else than the twat extraordinaire, as the ship is caught up between icebergs – finally, something is happening!
While they are stranded there, people are dying, and Victor is getting worse? Eh? Hasn’t he been recovering for the last two weeks? If you’re telling me it’s because he was so exhausted already when Walton found him, I’m gonna point out that he still lives longer than a bunch of hardy, healthy sailors who are used to the weather. Plot convenience.
The sailors insist that Walton turn around to stop their travel into doom. This turns Victor livid, because how dare anyone inconvenience his quest for vengeance just because they wanna do stupid stuff like being alive! IT’S ALL ABOUT ME: 39
Victor speaks of a glorious journey and that there’s no glory in turning back and – yep, he hasn’t learned a goddamn thing.
“with the first imagination of danger”?? Victor, there’s people that are dying. You wouldn’t know, because you’re not taking care of the ship; you sit in a warm cabin, huddled up and mollycoddled at every turn. I SO PRIVILEGED: 19
“Be men, or be more than men!” I should count the occasions on which Victor would have been dead already if it hadn’t been for other people. He’d have died ten times over. I hate him.
And Walton, the dumbass, agrees with him, getting all bitter about “cowardice and indecision”. WANTING. TO STAY. ALIVE. IS NOT. A VICE.
I can't believe that, at the end of the day, not a single one of the central characters has learned anything about ambition. Seriously, even Walton, who has the benefit of looking at all the bs from the outside, thinks his sailors are a bunch of losers for wanting to turn around instead of hunting glory (and the Creature) till death do them part. He's too busy glorifying Victor to consider that maybe, being alive and allowing other people to be alive is a good thing.
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