#even though they began to like each other at around the same time. self accepting!giorno x repressed!mista...... my everything
theophagie · 1 month
This panel has me in tears because Giorno's being all cute like "hehe Mista look we won. All thanks to you ;) haha. Mista you were so cool ;))" and Mista's just gta wasted on the sidewalk. Top ten flirting flops
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writing-gifts · 3 years
crushed (bruno x gn!reader)
A/N: the best way to sum this is up is reader highly struggles with their feelings and romantic intimacy
When you first met Bruno there weren't any instant clicks but he was polite enough, so you felt neutral towards him like you did most people. However, with more and more interactions you quickly began to enjoy his presence and found yourself spending time with him outside of work.
It was rare for you to become this comfortable around anyone, but within a short amount of time you felt you could be your complete and honest self when you were alone with the man. And by now, the two of you would seek out each other's company when either of you had free time.
You could barely remember the last time you had gotten this close with someone since you joined Passione so this relationship had become quite precious to you. But sometimes, in the middle of the night as you tried to fall asleep, you would wonder what it would be like to pursue something more romantic. You always imagined ridiculous and improbable things during that time though so you mostly ignored these thoughts. Honestly, you were lucky to have even just this as a mafioso.
One day, during a rare occurrence where you got to see Giorno, he says something to you that makes that strange idea stick in your mind.
“So you and Bruno get along well,” the blonde teen suddenly brings up.
You stop eating your ice cream. You’re a little apprehensive since Giorno is never one to talk unless he actually has something substantial to say. But you nod and smile.
“Other than being a dependable person to work with, he's a really great friend. I'm glad I met him.”
“Are you sure it's just friendly?”
There it was.
You stop smiling and tilt your head. "What do you mean? We are just friendly."
The boy gives you a knowing look.
“I don't get to see you two together often but I sense something there.”
If 'sense' means Mista was telling him nonsense then sure.
Glaring, you silently look down at your ice cream. You didn’t really want to finish it anymore.
“Just saying.”
After that encounter, your relationship with Bruno becomes less comfortable. You feel tense and awkward whenever he’s around, and you could barely make eye contact or talk clearly with him. It honestly made you want to cry, so you start to avoid him in hopes of escaping this newfound stress.
However, it’s harder than you expect. Each day you would accidentally find yourself in the same area as him, but before he could approach you, you were escaping through the nearest exit. At one point, you even considered using a window before you realized how unnecessary that was.
You curse Giorno under your breath.
This was day 7 of avoiding Bruno and you really missed him even though it hasn’t been that long.
You lean forward to rest your head in your hands. At least the weather was nice today.
You decided instead of risking running into Bruno you could just go somewhere where it would be unlikely to run into him. So you end up at the beach. By yourself.
You sigh. It would be more fun if the others were here. Whenever you wanted to do any type of non-mafia related activity you’d try to plan it around their schedules. It was genuinely more fun for you this way ever since you started to get to know them, with Bruno’s encouragement of course.
"Hey ____!"
You flinch from the sudden noise and turn towards the familiar voice that called out to you and see not only Mista approaching, but the rest of the gang decked out in their swimwear--Narancia, Fugo, Abbacchio, Bruno, and even Giorno.
Bruno was here.
Said man’s sunglasses blocked his eyes but you knew he was looking directly at you.
You think to run but freeze up. It's like your legs were ignoring the alarms in your head.
Mista plops down next to you on your towel.
"...Hey Mista," you say under your breath.
"You went to the beach and didn't invite us?"
"Er, you guys were going to be busy? Why are you even here?"
“Giorno decided to give us a day off today,” Mista says.
Of course he did.
Giorno walks nearby, towel in hand. "You're welcome."
Was he talking to you or Mista? You scowl at him either way.
Narancia shouts a quick greeting as he runs directly towards the water while Fugo yells at him to come back for sunscreen.
You pull your knees up to your chest and look quietly at your feet to avoid any accidental eye contact with a certain someone.
“Well it's good you guys get to take a break, especially you Giorno.”
Mista stretches and throws an arm around your shoulder. “Giorno’s been working us to death!”
“We forgot the cooler, I'll go get it,” you hear Bruno say.
You shut your eyes.
“You okay?” Mista asks.
Forcing your eyes back open, you nod. “Why would there be something wrong?”
Abbacchio drops a bunch of stuff next to you. "Please hurry up and make up with Bucciarati.”
Your eyes widen and you whip your head towards the goth.
"Abbacchio we aren't supposed to get involved," Mista sighs.
"If we don't get involved then they'll avoid each other the whole day."
Your hands drag down your face and you look at Mista. “So...you all already know that I've been avoiding him?”
“Well we've barely seen you in a week and Bucciarati’s been...quieter, I guess.”
“You literally ran away the other day,” Abbacchio says.
You purse your lips at the realization that you attempt to be discrete was a complete failure.
Mista frowns and rubs at his short hair, one of the few times you've seen him without his hat. "Jeez you don't hold back..."
Abbacchio settles himself under the giant parasol he put up. "...Bucciarati’s not mad, so just talk to him."
It’s not like you want to avoid Bruno forever, you just needed time to get your emotions in order, but it was easier said than done. Whenever you thought of him you could feel butterflies and your heart would beat a bit--no a lot faster.
It scared the shit out of you.
When you got like this you became an awkward bumbling mess and you couldn't stand it--the feeling of losing control.
But you didn't want to damage your relationship with Bruno because of something so trivial. So you nod and get up, dislodging Mista’s arm, and without a word walk towards the direction your friend went.
“You don't know where the car’s parked.” Giorno says as you pass him.
You could hear the slight amused lithe in his tone but ignore it.
After Giorno tells you where to go, you take an unnecessary long time walking to the car. You could only walk so slow though and eventually see it in the distance parked at the side of the road.
There Bruno was, standing next to the open trunk of the car. Why was he just standing there?
You steel yourself and continue walking forward.
Don't ask questions or you'll chicken out.
When Bruno notices you approaching him you ignore the urge that you’ve had all week to escape. Stopping in front of him you surprisingly manage to get out a clear, simple statement.
“Can we talk?”
He nods and closes the trunk.
You don't want to talk where anyone could hear so you open the car's back door and slide into the backseat and Bruno follows right after, closing the door behind him. Now that you don’t feel as vulnerable, you should be able to speak but you stare nervously at the back of the front seat's headrest instead. You had no idea where to start.
Bruno removes his sunglasses while the both of you sit there in awkward silence.
You take a breath. “S-Sorry...I’m sure you know that I’ve been a-avoiding you…”
“Have you?”
Maybe he was saying that in an attempt to lighten the mood, but you feel like there’s also a hint of resentment. And you couldn't blame him. From his point of view, his friend just suddenly started ignoring him with no good reason.
“I’m sorry.”
“...Did I do something wrong?”
“No, you didn't do anything wrong! It’s all me.”
When he gives you a questioning look, obviously waiting for a further explanation, you can only see a way to redeem this properly by confessing.
"Me...I-I like..."
You can't even speak properly!
You cover your face in an attempt to avoid Bruno's piercing gaze. "Stop looking at me…"
He tilts his head a bit but turns his gaze away from you. "Where else am I supposed to look?"
You inhale and exhale deeply and focus on your next words. "I like...you. In a non-platonic w-way--a ro-romantic way....shit."
You didn’t think you could stare any harder at the back of the car seat.
“____ can you look at me for a second?”
Even though looking in his eyes made you feel tense you force yourself to.
“I know being open like this can be hard for you. Thank you for telling me.”
You nod. "Also you don't have to accept my feelings--"
“I like you too.”
You take a moment to process what you just heard. Doubt and hope somehow feel your chest simultaneously.
"Yes, for a while now. I didn't know how to bring it up without stressing you out or if it would be a good idea at all."
"Oh, me too--A part of me didn’t think it would be a good idea pursuing anything romantic because of our work."
And you somehow managed to delude yourself in the process.
It's quiet for a moment before you close the space between you two and press a kiss against his cheek.
Oh god.
Even though you were the one who did it, your face heats up just from that simple action. You open an eye and see him smiling softly at you. Your hands are immediately covering your face in embarrassment.
Bruno chuckles before wrapping an arm behind you. "Overwhelmed?"
"If--If I do it more I'll get used to it."
Inhaling, you force yourself to stop hiding--you’d done enough of that. You do still struggle to look at him though.
"Can we do more of the...kissing stuff?"
Bruno fingers gently brush your cheek and he directs your gaze towards him. "I can’t kiss you properly if you aren't looking at me," he whispers.
Your eyes close on their own as the space between you two is closed once again. Bruno's lips felt soft against yours and you find yourself leaning into him. But unfortunately it’s not enough to keep your overthinking at bay.
Am I doing this right? Wait...are my lips chapped?
Bruno’s hand gently grabs yours and he pulls back. "You don't need to force yourself ____.”
“Oh no, I want to do this! I'm just nervous.” You laugh awkwardly, “I’m not exactly the most experienced…”
Bruno hums. “Me neither.”
You raise a brow. “What?”
“I haven’t had much time for serious relationships.” Bruno's nose softly brushed against yours.
He must still have a little more experience with….intimacy than you though? Or maybe you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice?
Bruno hand caresses your check and he presses a kiss to the corner of your lips. You’re overthinking again. “Just know we don't have to rush anything, okay?”
For the first time today, you’re able to look at the man without discomfort as you try to see if he really means it. But you can’t imagine those words being anything but genuine coming from him.
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