#even though they're shallow and don't make much sense haha
uyuforu · 10 months
What's your favourite placement in a chart?
Another question: can placements in chart tell you if someone is like an evil or a good person? Like I know you can caculate the compatibility with another person and if they clash or not but I'm curious if theres something that can just tell they whether they're good or bad
MMmhh.. very good question because I never thought about it haha! Mmmh well I personally feel happy with my natal chart, I believe I'm quite blessed when I see other people around me with more difficult placements! Mine is quite harmonious and I'm glad.
I'm just gonna post some observations actually because I don't have necessarily favorite placements.
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Uyu's Astrological Observations I
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₊˚⊹ ᰔ I always really love a chart with Libra placement(s), it gives me a sense of harmony with the person. People around me that have libra placements are just the best people. They are very understanding.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Also, I would say all the Aries Moon women I know love to gossip lmao, but they are also super funny. But they take things super personally it's insane (even when it's not even about them).
₊˚⊹ ᰔ I have Aquarius on the 5H and Aquarius men and I always got a weird alchemy, but it's never going far. Always relationships that never turn into long lasting relationships.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ The rumor as that you turn into your moon sign while drunk is super true lmao. I'm Gemini moon and I'm so extrovert when I'm drunk, I keep talking and make so much new friends it's crazy!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Libra Men give me fuckboy vibes lmao, always. Scorpio Venus men too.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Someone with the same sun or moon sign can make you hate them. I'm gemini moon and I hate Gemini Sun people... Sorry! No hate intended though!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ I have Virgo 11H, and all of my best friends are Virgos! 11H is the house that represents communities and friendships.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Life is really hard for people who got Aquarius North Node with Cancer placements lmao... They usually have a hard time understanding and accepting they don't have to fit in the mass. They want that sense of belonging, of home, while the north node challenge them to realize their home is only them. They don't belong anywhere, and it's a good thing because they can be anywhere!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Aquarius men are the strangest lmao but that's all their charm!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Scorpio placements are the best at stalking lmao
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Virgo venus + Scorpio Mars = freaky in the sheets bro
₊˚⊹ ᰔ I have MC in Cancer and people treat me like a baby at work ALL THE TIME. I'm always the protected one whatever happens.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ Cancer placements indicate where you might get "babied" or just where youth appears (ex: Cancer ASC makes you appear younger physically, Cancer mercury makes you have a baby voice like, etc.)
₊˚⊹ ᰔ I have Saturn in the 7H but also Jupiter! It's super weird because it's two factors that tell me I'm gonna marry late (Saturn) but also young (Jupiter) lmao! An astrologer told me that could balance things out (not too young and not too old), but it can also mean to not get much luck in love until marriage! And another meaning could be that I would feel like I would marry late or never while I would totally marry at the right age. It's funny to have contradictory planets there.
₊˚⊹ ᰔ People who have the same sun and rising sign are just the most "idgaf about how people view me". Rising is how we present ourselves to people, when the people have the same rising sign as their sun, they have no facade. They are themselves all the time!
₊˚⊹ ᰔ To answer your second question: I don't think there is any indicators or bad or good part of our personalities. It's very complicated but every placements to me have a good and bad impacts. For ex: Libra rising are charming and very plesant people. BUT they also care a lot about their appearances, they can sometimes be shallow. Also a lot of squares can impact in a bad way.
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Thank you for reading!
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acoldsovereign · 6 months
Hi, Guillotina! I know you're still in the midst of setting up your blog and all, including new rules for followers (as you've said already), but I hope it's okay for us anons to still send you random IC & OOC asks! If not, you can delete-- I'll understand. ;w; I won't comment on recent dash stuff but I just wanted to check in and see if you/the people involved were okay???? I know you care about Saiyans a lot. Like, a lot, a LOT-- maybe more than anyone I know or seen so far. (In case I sound like a creep, I swear I'm not!) I was here when you first had Google Docs and had a really cute section about relationships/shipping stuff with Bardock. (Was also here when you first set up your Sites page and had an even *cooler* section about the diversity of the Saiyans' gene pool, explaining why Maiz looked so different! Not to mention your cultural & biological headcanons as well but that's neither here or there). So, I just wanted to check in on you. 🥺 I also say this because of your recent Toriyama post (didn't know he said that about female Saiyans omg! Everything makes so much sense now, haha. I was confused for years man 😭 ). Point is, I see how much Saiyans mean to you overall and I think it's rad to see as a fellow female fan of the series! Can you explain more of your muse choice to me? Like, what went into making her? I know you said she came from a fanfiction but I remember on your old blog, you also said she predates it?? Sorry If I'm misremembering! I just think you and your blog are cool! Keep on trucking!
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{{ Heyo! Yes, that rule is still in place, anon! I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS enjoy receiving random asks (IC or OOC) from mutuals and anons. Though I'm private nowadays, I will extend this courtesy to non-mutuals as well! (How else am I supposed to know we're a potential match as writing partners if I don't extend that olive branch, y'know?). With that said-- awwww, you were here for all for that?! 🥺 My pre-Sites days too and during them?! That means you've kept an eye on me ever since I stepped onto the RP scene here.... You're an OG, you know that right?! I didn't expect this sweet and heartfelt message, so thank you so much for taking the time to write this out. I'm smiling so much like a goofy goober. This means the world to me. But yes, I'm okay. I got two new good friends out of said dash stuff (though we were mutuals already, anyway/had already been interacting). Anyway, yeah, I'm good! They're good, too! Thanks for checking in with us!! I'll tell them you sent good wishes, granted if they don't see this beforehand. :3
About Saiyans meaning a lot to me-- yeah. I wish I could remember the interview it was revealed in, but he was asked about it at some point to where he said something to the effect of "I didn't know how to design them/couldn't figure out their appearance", something like that. It stuck with me because like I've mentioned in my Toriyama post, many toxic (as in sexist/misogynistic fanboys and overall creepy ass people) tried to make DB a thing I wasn't allowed to participate in, all because I was born a girl which was and is-- bullshit. Women aren't a different fuckin' species, man. We like the same shit as men sometimes and that's alright. Trying to put me into a girly girl box is what made me into a rebellious ass tomboy (much like Videl who I somewhat related to, growing up). Only in my late teens/early adult years did I embrace my femininity (yes, I was vain and shallow like Bulma at times. I was also a bit too loose with money when I had some, so I understand her casual attitude regarding her wealth, but that's neither here or there). Point is there was and always have been room for female fans of the series, so when I heard that from the horse's mouth himself? Yeah, it was a wrap. That was it. Nobody could tell me SHIT. That's one thing about me: If I learn something is true and it makes my life easier, I will not listen to anything else. I'll do my own thing. I'm a bit stubborn like that but trust me, it's a good stubborn. Otherwise, I'm very open-minded about many things and I'm a good listener.
As I stated on more than one occasion, I started RPing in a chatroom of an anime-pirating website, while I watched DBZ Kai. After I finished the anime (and lost my original RP group of friends), I coped by scouring the Internet for more RP forums and platforms, of which eventually led me to Facebook. I ran into some mishaps here and there in the DBZ RP space but that aside, the highs were worth it and I stayed for a long while. I mostly specialized in Android/Cyborg OCs and Saiyan OCs. So yes, you are right by saying Maiz (as in RPC!Maiz's template) comes from my 2018 fanfiction but also predates it by SEVERAL YEARS because every female Saiyan I had from the age of 12 and up was essentially a prototype of who Maiz would become. Long story short, Maiz grew with me, even when her names before were: Rayearth (my og username on the chatroom/anime website), Beats, Serori, Celeri, and later Jinjā. Rayearth was able to go Super Saiyan and she was the angry-punchy type. She was closer to Vegeta in temperament and haughty as all hell. Beats was a bit more humble with a hint of cockiness. This was around the time I started playing around with morality and all that, so she was less of a Vegeta type but still rough around the edges. I think I implied she could go Super Saiyan but can't remember if it happened in any threads. Serori was much more humble and quiet-- introspective. However, she could be hostile if approached too quickly or suddenly. She was the first low-class Saiyan I ever made. Celeri was a jump off of that because someone had the same name as my OC so I changed her around*. She was extroverted, but not too much. I guess you could call her a quasi-Goku type, if Goku was Mid-Class and a woman. I changed the rank because I wanted to explore the classism aspect of the Saiyans and my OC's relationship between her and her inherent power. She was morally gray, if I remember correctly.
*A bit petty of me, I'm sure-- but I was immature and a moody teenager who only had her creativity to express herself with. Anything too similar to me back then felt like an attack on my personhood and individuality. Thankfully, I'm a mature adult who's grown past that trauma response from childhood.
Jinjā came in 2015. I was 16 going on 17, about to enter college. Stopped RPing some time before this, because well, I had to focus on school and life stuff. This is what she originally looked like:
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She has no story, because she wasn't made with one in mind. I just missed having a female Saiyan to think/write about. She was truly random, a burst of inspiration that heavily looms over Maiz's current design. Jinjā has red, short, choppy hair because Seripa/Fasha was her base design. I wanted something different to make her stand out, or else she'd just look like a clone or twin. That's all. Fasha being the base is also where the earrings comes from, since she had them. (This was just before I started embracing cosmetics and accessories). While she didn't really have anything to her, the basic idea was to go back to my roots: a rough-and-tumble Saiyaness who can pack a mean punch and rock your shit even if it kills her-- even if she fails. Hence my attempt at blood and making her look badass/intimidating. Muscles and female anatomy was hard for me, still is slightly-- but I'm getting the hang of it. Anyhoo, I believe my intentions-- if I fleshed her out more-- would've been for her to be a Bardock-type. Fun fact: Battle of Gods came out a month before this redesign did, so I got some confused looks when asked if this was SSG (Red) and I said no. I wasn't a huge fan of the movie so I didn't really see it until later. Only clips and such on YouTube. I warmed up to it eventually.
While going back to college for the second time (2018-2019), I got into Super properly with the introduction of Broly in DB Super: Broly. I enjoyed the Future Trunks/Goku Black Saga but the narrative nightmare within the anime's climax (and the manga's middle part) was a tough pill for me to swallow. The movie though-- despite the minor grievances I have with it-- hit all the right spots: Saiyan lore! Saiyan culture! POLITICS!!! Space-Opera! Sci-fi!!!!!! Around this time, I was finally inspired to do something else for this fandom I've had a tumultuous relationship with-- write a fan fiction. Jinjā's redesign was imminent:
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She got renamed in reference to her mom, who was now Seripa/Fasha's older sister as a nod to the latter being a design base. Karne comes the Japanese spelling of karnels (kaneru, if I have that correct) because she's frustratingly slow to anger like popcorn-- the pun she's based off of. (Fasha in other media, such as the games has always been described as the opposite: short tempered, fierce and feisty. She's staunchly loyal to her crew too, as implied in the movie and in those same games if you pay attention to her dialogue). With this, it only made sense to have the updated version of Jinjā follow the pun as:
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To summarize: Maiz became Maiz in 2019, in the wake of DB Super: Broly. (It came out that year in the U.S). In the fanfic she originates from, she is the last female Saiyan, and that weighs on her all the time. Incidentally, Story!Maiz is much more sympathetic while remaining a frosty a--hole. Her trauma is much more apparent and while she's not exactly the nicest person in the Galaxy, it's much more clear to see why: she has attachment issues, which makes getting to know her difficult, she has trust issues, anger issues from surviving a bloody and rather violent/sudden genocide of her people at a young and tender age, she can't remember the last time she slept well, has frequent nightmares of being abandoned by her mother (she was the one who shoved her into an escape pod). She thinks there's no value to her life because she's been traveling through outer space with Turles for six years consecutively and there were several planets/galactic sectors who didn't even know what a Saiyan was. They were lucky to find remains. (Cut tails, boots, bones, dust/ashes, name tags, etc etc. The sights were very, very grisly. And she kept seeing the same things for six. Years. Straight). All of this turned her into a very bitter, negative person who became a straw nihilist. She kind of just wanted to pass away quietly in some corner somewhere, not because she felt remorse for being a Saiyan/the effects of her kin but because she had her entire life upended on a sadistic whim. There was nothing to live for in her eyes. She thought Turles was stupid for having hope after a while and became jaded. While she was stronger than Turles in terms of raw power, she had a issue with not wanting to preserve her ki for important situations. He constantly had to watch over her like a big brother and she absolutely resented him for it (misguided anger, anyone?). It didn't help that he remembered more of Saiyan life than she could. All in all, she was tragic and a bit too edgy probably, but she would grow out of her frosty shell with the introduction of Broly. She reluctantly bonded with him over time on their ship as Saiyan Squad (what I called them out of text) made their way to Earth to settle the score with Vegeta. Paragus didn't do anything for her but make her angry at first-- all this time she's convinced herself there were no more Saiyans and then she sees this old man still kicking somehow? Of course she'd be livid. (Paragus, over his short presence in her life until his death at Vegeta's hands proved to be effective; he became a makeshift father figure and imparted some words of wisdom of which she'd take to heart, post Broly fight. Turles was pretty devastated too and they would finally be the brother-sister duo he's always known they could have been. It's bittersweet and sad, tbh).
Anyway, that's the evolution process. As for why she looks like this in universe-- I'm gonna be honest and say I got it from Father of Goku. There were different looking Saiyans in there, two women have blue hair. Super Saiyan has green eyes and blonde hair. Who's to say there aren't natural green eyed Saiyans who existed? Or blondes? Dark hair can mean black and/or brown, so why not both? Same with dark eyes! Make them brown, hazel, chestnut, almost black or straight up black. Etc etc. (As a reminder, Fasha has purple eyes! PURPLE). If you look at official artworks/some colored manga covers and whatnot, Goku's actually tan. Hell, Future Trunks is basically apricot or a peachy skin tone. If you want a triple whammy??? Read the manga. No, seriously. There are OFFICIAL scans that has Trunks with red hair instead of the Super Saiyan blonde. And those are mistakes from Toriyama himself. Look at Z Broly and all his in between stages-- blue hair, greenish-yellow hair, etc. It's really not that hard to create a unique looking Saiyan, or justify it-- so I feel like the whole dark hair and dark eyes should be overlooked/not a big deal. I also just don't like how restrictive it is from a narrative/in universe standpoint. It's not fun to play with.
Anyway, thank you so much. I know this was long. 😭 My bad. I enjoy talking about Maiz very much and her concepts.
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sethnakht · 2 years
the way obi-wan just leaves.
vader is defeated; his mask is broken and his life support smashed and compromised; the emperor's butcher is on his knees, sneering and raving, and in his raving, making it so easy to justify striking him down. (I paraphrase, yet this is what I hear:) 'I killed Anakin who in your weakness you let live; I am not Anakin and so unto me you may take your revenge'; 'I am a Sith; strike me down as Anakin struck Dooku; if you will not burn, you will not suffocate in weighted darkness as I do, then let us be equals in this way; choose not to be a Jedi for me, choose to kill for me, show me you love me.'
and obi-wan is like, 'I’m sorry for you, I really am, but also you just said you’re not you. and darth vader? don't know him. (let’s talk when you find anakin, maybe.) I believe you are mad and lost but I also don't buy your story, 'darth'. also, attachment is not the jedi way, neither is attacking a defeated opponent, will you never learn that lesson? bye.' it's the bar scene in aotc, except that obi-wan is also crying; it’s 'you just tried to bury me alive, to put me into your place of suffering; here's me leaving you, who buries my brother alive, in that place'. obi-wan could be taking vader to face justice for his crimes; he could make the attempt to deprogram him, to wrench him away from the emperor, to take that power from the empire; these ideas don’t even seem to even occur to him. as for ending vader’s horrible existence, as vader might in fact be read as be begging him to do, he chooses again, as on mustafar, to let it continue. it’s a way to establish him as a jedi, it’s a way to establish that he has a very different notion of expressing love, it’s a way to maintain his power over vader, whom he leaves with the choice to face him as anakin or to be left alone, over and over again. it’s brutal and it’s so simple. it’s --
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1111jenx · 3 years
@ The power you hold. A thorough read into your energy.
check out my previous PAC I & II & III
Hey there pretty its Jenx again🤍 I'm back at it again with another tarot reading for you guys! Early today I gave you guys 3 choices and it seems that you guys love this one the most! And ofcourse after some *serious contemplation* I gave in and hence, this post is now visible to y'all🥳 Please keep in mind that since I’m reading for a lot of y'all, some would resonate more while the others might not with some specific details as I’m channeling certain images and different things as well:) Have fun reading loves
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Pick one of the images above, remember their numbers (1 — 4 from left to right) & scroll down to read your tailored reading. As you pick between the images, think about yourself and yourself only, about all the past you you can recall, focus in the you in the moment and your highest potentials, then use your intuition to pick one.
Pile 1
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Good morning Pile 1🤍 How are my gorgeous beings doing today? Now I'm not going to lie to you. As I was shuffling your cards, I heard "pretty" and I couldn't stop giggling haha, just when I was done shuffling, I heard "aesthetic". So I think you guys are some beautiful human beings, physically. And before people get to know you on a personal level, others can not help but drawn to your enigmatic energy. There's this charm about you that feels very personal. Like you guys may have a very noticeable presence, where you would enter a room and people would just stop talking and turn to look at you or act like they're on their phone but are actually sneaking a peek at ya haha that's so wholesome! You guys have this light to you too, that feels very bright, luminous like the Sun. So yes, I do sense that a lot of you guys have Leo, Aries placements, along with Aquarius, Virgo, Venus energy (very Venusians for some reason too, but mix with subtle earth!!) and I'm even feeling some Sagittarius placements? So so much fire for sure! You guys make me feel so pretty? Just by reading your cards for some reason. So I think you are great at making people feel good about themselves, I'm hearing that you always know what to say and when to say it. Now this doesn't mean you're kissing others asses though. No it's not that. You're just being you? That's what I heard. "Why bring more pain and suffer into the world when you can bring love and light into it?" huh, you radiate goddess vibes my loves. I think you guys are some serious developed people though. Spiritually and mentally. Your spirit is so radiating and contagious, I think you draw a lot of fire placements to you too!! Perhaps a little earth and water if you're feeling adventurous. But fire for sure. I can't stop smiling reading your cards. What is it that you're doing to me now? You guys make me feel so at ease and relaxed. So I think while you are a very fiery person by all means, in the sense that you're never afraid to chase after things you deem as yours. I'm seeing that you don't even mind chasing people romantically either!! That's some inspiring stuff right there. Never let people dim your lights my love. If anything, you know in your heart, you earn your crown.
See the thing about you guys that intrigue me is that you look very self-involved and self-centered at times, or it may come off to people that you just met that you're very shallow and you're nothing but "another pretty face" but I know damn well they're wrong. You're not dumb. Thats the thing though. Thats why I can't stop smiling like an idiot reading your cards. You're anything but mediocre and stupid. I'll even argue that you guys are some of the most interesting energy I have ever encountered, the kind of energy I surround myself with in real life. You guys are very, whats the word, socially smart. In social context, you fucking thrive. This doesn't mean you don't have your down moments babies, I can see that you clearly have some issues, especially things that have to do with your past and your loved ones, yet you push them down very hard and these issues only show themselves once I have seen all of the brightest cards of your qualities and power. You guys know when to dumb it down. You guys know exactly when to play stupid or act oblivious but you see EVERYTHING. A random person tries to one up you because they think you're gullible and too narrow-minded? Think again, you're already 10 steps ahead. Not only are you smart in social context, you know how to seize opportunities like no others. And it seems like, under your spell, things just align? Thats what I'm hearing. I think you guys are powerful manifestators. You guys are born to make the hard decision in life, to use you personal charm and, "manipulation"? HAHAHA, your spirit guides are wild, just like you. But yes, you're anything but stupid and that message is so so clear I can not ignore it. I think you have the power to bring people together but you also have the power to drag people from one another together. To heaven and to hell. You guys are very calculating people deep down and I can see how you guys are the one thats going to be up top in this society, the one that make the hard decision. Your visions are worldly and you don't just see things for what it is but you can see things for what they can be along with whats needed to be done for that outcome. I'm seeing that you guys are spectacular at seeing potentials in things, at finding the raw gems. Business executives abilities are coming out very strong as well as a lot of creativity.
Do you guys know how shock I was upon entering your energy? You guys remind me so much of my closest friends haha, I can see the you can have this very detached side to you thats really unique too. It's like once you deem that someone no longer have your best interest at heart, and that they're blocking your journey to finding your best self, you are not afraid of cutting them off. People might think this is cold-blooded of you. But take it from someone who struggle with this for the longest time and finally did it for once, you guys are doing great. Never apologize for doing what serves you and your purpose. Your non attached attitude is admirable and I truly see you guys becoming the leaders, the one that inspire others. You guys represent a Queen, by all means. I think some of you even take pride in your background or your family too, or even your personal achievements. And as you should though. You went to the moon and back for this. You spent nights working and carrying so much responsibilities on your shoulder. Others think of you as the villain? Who cares what they think now love? I know it does bother you from time to time, we are merely human in the end and your feelings are valid. But close your eyes for a second for me, think about what and who you truly value in this world? You see what I'm seeing? Exactly. You're at your throne surrounded with your loved ones and your achiements. These people, these toxic jealous energy does nothing but slow you down. Do not give them even a second of your time. Your earned this. All of this. Every second of this. For the longest time ever, I know that you were held back by such bad energies. For the longest time ever I see that you too, were just like me, felt as if you can never leave that one hell of a place. You moved on. You left that place, that situation and that person. And thats bravery to me. I'm feeling that you have even made peace with your past to an extent, when you think of it now, you focused on what you brought out of it instead of what happened to you. Do you know how beautiful your soul really is? I know that you still struggle with truly letting yourself falling for someone completely again but I can feel them approaching you. I can feel that as you live your life like the champion you are, as you live your life with all the passion that is you and your dreams, you're going to expand to lands you never thought of, meeting people you never knew you could have met. Trust yourself. Speak your truth. Let your voices be heard because I can see in the past you couldn't. Yell if you want to, roar if you feel called to. Express yourself and your thoughts unapologetically and know that your guides and the Universe and me too, honour every bit that makes you you.
— 🪐
Pile 2
Pile 2
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Good morning my heart breakers, how are y'all doing today;)? Haha don't act so surprised, let's dive right in. I'm feeling a lot of earth energy surrounding you guys but also Aries/Mars, Libra, Pisces/Jupiter and Sagittarius and theres a hint of Gemini here and there🥰 I think number "9" can be very significant to some of you guys too! Nevertheless, you guys are som real free spirits. Your soul is young and refreshing in the midst of today's darkness. I hope you know how interesting you are as a person. I haven't seen such a bright yet complex and complicated energy like this recently now haha. First of all, I think you guys are freaking amazing with people. Very much like Pile 1, you always brighten up any conversations and people enjoy your sincerity and humility a lot. You also have this childish charm to you in the sense that you're not afraid to march in to the world and start fresh again. It feels to me like your mind holds a lot of power. You have this healing energy to you that feels so different but familiar to me. Is it possible because you know what its like to build things up from ground 0 again? Is it possible that you have a heart of gold because you know what its like to reached rock bottom? Nevertheless, I can see that while you are fighting your own demons and dealing with your own darkness. To the point where I think you guys might have even experiencing some distress, where you lose sleep over it. But for some reason, you carry your own burden and you wake up another day, being everyone else favourite cheerleader. I think that different to Pile 1, you guys feel like you're more soulful if that makes sense. Theres this thing about you where you value integrity and honesty above all else, to the point where you're never afraid to sacrifice yourself for a cause. You guys are the voices of society. You guys are the one that brings attention and the rebel that force higher authorities to face reality. You guys live with so much passion in your heart for the people and for the community. I think you guys have the resources for it too. If you are with a partner right now, I can surely say that your relationship is divinely supported. Your person, just like you, have core values that they hold very close to their heart and I think they too, care about the societal issues that bother you so much. You guys feel progressive to me, you guys feel ethereal to me.
I can't pinpoint exactly what it is that make me feel so right? You guys have the minds of the greatest philosophers and the heart of a fighter. Despite dealing with your own battles, you never forget to sprinkle a little more kindness into this world. Haha now you guys make me emotional. I'm so sorry that you always feel like you need to watch your back. I'm so sorry that you always feel that you need to work harder to secure yourself, to protect your stability. Is that why you value honesty so much? Is it because you're so afraid of being lied to again? I can definitely see how this is an issue to you. I just heard "family" and I'm seeing a very specific image of a man cheating on a woman and he was confronted by her. I just want to give you guys a hug. I can see how big your heart is despite not even knowing you. I can feel the love you're radiating out of fear of not being lovable or "good enough". You are, every inches of you are. Every part of you, your past included is forever good enough. Things that happened don't define you. And thank you for never dumping your trauma and sadness onto others, thank you for always being a shoulder to lean on. You feel very motherly to me. I think you have the power of empathy, of being capable of great love and trust. With you it feels so divine. If you're single, I just want you to know that there are a person out there for you, that soon enough you'll be meeting your match that was made in heaven. You just radiate divine femininity to me, regardless of your gender. How can one hold themselves to such high standards but is also capable of spreading so much positivity everyday? Your power lies in your abilities to make people feel at home, in your abilities to make this world a better place. I know this and hopefully you know this too, you are the on that can change this society, making real changes that affect me and others too. You may be great at working with people who are unfortunate and people who are emotionally blocked. I see that you take people in and nurture them, calm them down and tame them. You make everyone that interacts with you remember that its always important to be a little kinder today. Your kindess is unmatched and I hope you know that. Please take care of yourself too and don't be afraid to lean on others. It may seem lonely now but soon enough, if you have yet to you would meet your person, the one person thats like everyone else, will see you for who you are. But they will also love you, with every breath of theirs, just like the way you know you can deep down in your heart. The most wounded one are the one who love the hardest. You have my blessings and I'm forever honoured to have been blessed with your kindness and even just a little bit of your energy.
Pile 3
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Now you make me feel things Pile 3. You really do. I see a lot of dimensions to you but for sure. Power. Were you guys the ones that got a teeny tiny bit too excited upon seeing the title of this PAC? When you see the word "power" does your heart beat a little bit faster. So much mental here. Do you guys have migraines a lot? The back of my head keep hurting and I keep seeing a vision where theres a person thats lying on their table with their laptop and it's really late at night, this person wears glasses too. I'm sorry if that was random, but the thing is I think your guides are trying to show me how hardworking you are. You have this no bs energy to you that just feels the most mature so far and I think you also have this approach where you're very unfazed with things now aren't you? Been there done that much?;) I'm seeing Saturn/Capricorn energy, Cancer energy or Jupiter/Pisces energy, Aquarius energy, LOADS of air energy too and maybe for some of you, some hints of Aries! I think you guys are very nostalgic people, and I'm even seeing that your power lies in the threshold of your home. Some of you may have a very interesting relationship with a maternal figure in your life, where this person was the one that grounds you and teaches you values and life lessons. This person is surrounded in a lot of green and I think theres this one memory of you with them that you always go back too when you're not feeling yourself. If this person has passes away, just know that, they're still with you. They see you and they're always going to be protecting you from afar. They're one of your spirit guides. I think the theme of balance is something you care so much for. I see that you have so much potentials and so many things await for you in your future. It feels to me that you approach this world with a clear mind, where you have learnt to fight off addictive patterns and illogical tendencies. You feel so so grounded to me love. Deep down, I think you have a heart thats just as big as Pile 2. I keep sensing a sense of sorrow too, I'm sorry but I have to get this out before we move on. I'm sensing a certain sense of sadness, where you guys felt that you had to let go of love to move on to better things for you. Wow. A very mature energy too. I just feel a lot of sadness here still. Are you guys okay? Talk to someone if you need to get it out. I know its not always so easy because you feel that you have a reputation to live up to, an ideal to preserve. But sometimes, it is very much important that you are too, tending to what your heart needs. I'm so sorry that you felt like you had to choose between your heart and your mind. I know that may seem very selfish of the Universe to have put you in such positions, where you had to let go of something you once loved so dearly to attain better and righteous things in life. Its exhausting. I know baby. I know that it feels so draining and you may feel like you're never ever going to find your person. Or just the second when you find them, they slip away, slowly into thin air. I'm so sorry that things always felt so out of reach to you. Especially the second you catch feelings. So now when you do, you try your best to plan it out, to tend to it and to dim it once you see danger.
I'm seeing so much white around you. I can just tell that you're a truth seeker. Know that the abiding truth and value are on its ways to you and the bad energies are on its way out. You guys give me angelic energy. It's like theres a polarity in you, a devil and an angel. But you learnt to tame down whatever that does not serve you very early on in life. And I have to get this out, I love your smile so much🥲🥲 Your hair too you guys have such nice and healthy hair. Your spirit guide have a lot of orange around them too! They just want to let you know that its time to open your heart and receive your blessings. Intimacy is something you fear but you also need. You got this baby.
But I think underneath it all, you truest power lies in the way you hold yourself and your opinions. It lies in the way there's a forever burning fire in you but there's also a rationality to you thats exceptional and advanced than most. Your connections with people are what intrigues me the most. I'm seeing a group of friends, I can't see clearly if they go in 3 or 4 but. They're surrounded in a lot of red and white. So power. Loads of power haha. I think you're also very charming as a person awww. Its like despite having a very cold and stern front, perhaps even intimidating, you radiate a lot of good vibes and charm when you smile🥺 I think you hold a lot of power within your passion. Like I'm just seeing that you can do things others can't? So perhaps theres a skill to you or certain trait you possess not a lot of people have:) I enjoy your presence so much because you have a lot of clear ambitions and you're marching on to things that you want in life. And I can feel that you're a tough on though. It can be really hard for others to manipulate you or mess with your head. You know who you are and your purpose. You wake up everyday with a blazing fire inside you. I know that fire is what burns down all the obstacles that come your way and it is that fire that lead you in life. Does number "22" significant to you in someway? I think regardless, you inherit a lot of your independence and rationality from a male figure in your life. You know the importance of community and you're not afraid of unraveling the truth, whatever it shall be. Theres a softer side to you though. You can be very introverted at times and I think you're a very thoughtful person by all means. You like and appreciate the simple things in life and its easy for you to find beauty in everything. Get some rest though. Don't work so hard. Congratulations on your new found passion by the way haha, I'm very excited for you.
Pile 4
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The Mercurians are now in the house I see🥳 Hey there pretty people, how are you guys doing? Major Gemini/Virgo/Mercury energy along with a fine blend of water and earth:) I just peek some Aquarius and Sagittarius here and there but a lot of Pisces and Saturn energy:) I hope you guys are doing well! You scrolled all the way down for my reading now didn't you and I promise not to disappoint you:D "Hopeless romantic"? "Freedom"? "A choice must be made"? I think some of you mught have 10th house stelliums or 1st house stelliums. You may have placements in those houses too!! Those are the things I heard as I was shuffling. I'm also sensing a lot of scattered energy that feels very restless, so I can definitely see that you guys have been overthinking again aren't you? I won't bore you with much more words, I'll get right into it:) I think your power is your abilities to manifest, to create. Let me elaborate. When people have ideas, they can have many yet it is very difficult for a lot of us to actually put down the stones to build the thing that we can envision. You give me goosebumps just now Pile 4. Mad scientist vibes much? Do you know how beautiful your mind is oh my god? How you're able to balance you intuition and your drive at the same time? A lot of the times I think people might not take you guys too seriously at first unless you want too. Why? Because you're so laidback. Like you're so chill? You just make people confide in you because you're just that easy to trust. You're a jokester for sure, fantastic sense of humour. Sometimes people try to be funny a lot and others can tell, but for you, you're just funny and humorous in everything you do. You know how to make light of the situation and god help me, I just saw a vision where it seems that something serious happened? Or maybe it wasn't that serious yet the people around you took it a bit seriously, but you thought of somethings and you looked down and giggle to yourself? HAHAH, your hauntingly beautiful mind is insane.
Regardless, you actually have a lot of self-discipline and a lot of confidence though. You don't care if people don't take you seriously at first now don't you? Because you're going to change their mind anyways. Haha I just heard "I'll make you do it" so we sure do have some devil's advocates around here aren't we:) Cleverly playful, you can relax and sit back when needed (if you're not overthinking ofcourse) but you can focus and hop on anything in w split of a second. You guys are master at finessing things and I see that when things are rough, you are the big guns that people are bringing in. Why? Because you target what needed to be done immediately. You have the immense power to see things from perspectives that many struggle to see. You're not afraid of walking outside your comfort zones to gain knowledge. I see that you're the one people need to watch out for, afterall, it is always the smart ones that doesn't look smart that you need to be careful of. Books? Some of you may work in finance or work with a lot of books and paper. Whatever it is, you guys are very fulfilled materially and I think your family may come from a very respectable background. It's like when people hear your family name, they look at you in awe. You don't have to worry much financially and I see that you're amazing at giving advices and helping people out. Sometimes, you even enjoy it a lil too much as it allows you to be distrated for once. Interestingly, while you are very intelligent by all means, you seem to enjoy oblivious, air-headed people? HAHAH I'm just kidding but it seems that you love it when people have a sense of naivety to them, something that you had lost very early on due to this cruel world. I think you're a winner in life my dear and I wish that you would stop being so hard on yourself and overcome all the imagined fear you see infront of you. For you I see abundance, for you I see love and so much joy. At the end of the road, it is you that will succeed, it is you that will overcome all of this. You may be very careful with people though, especially men. It could be because when you were younger. Some kind of events happened in which it shifted your views on marriage? Regardless, I'll tell you right now that your power lies in your future. At the end of the road, I see so many blessings coming your way. You're on the right track. Take a deep breath for me and march on.
— Thank you guys for reading it til the end🤎 For more posts like this please be sure to check out my masterlist <3 be sure to reblog if you enjoy this too beautiful!!
saint jenx🪐
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snom-pixelates · 3 years
Hi! I saw your prosthetic eye post, and I was wondering if I could ask a question (mostly related to an oc) if you don't mind? I was wondering how active activities like running, biking, roller skating, etc. would be done differently? Like using any extra tools, preferred areas or terrain, or anything else that would be good to know? Hope this isn't too much of a bother, and I hope you have a rad day :D
Ah, thank you, thank you for the ask!
Honestly, if your character does well enough at walking with one eye, it shouldn’t be too challenging to do other things like running, biking, or skating! I personally love going on bike rides. I learned at the same pace as my siblings and was able to keep up with the rest of my family members whenever we went out to do outdoor activities.
People with ocular prosthetics can thrive in things that you’d otherwise think to be difficult for them. When I was in high school, I contemplated going into track and hurdling, something that very much requires being able to gauge distance and height [a task that can be very challenging for those with a limited depth perception like myself]. Even with the slight handicap, though, I was, shockingly, very, very good at hurdling! To the point where I almost considered ditching art to make it my full-time sport [I winded up liking art way too much to go through with that though, haha!]
Really, the only limitation is that you have to be extra careful to make sure you check your surroundings, specifically on your blind side [in this case, my right side]. I always check my right twice before I cross any street, just to make ABSOLUTLY sure no one is coming or speeding towards me before I go.
I also try to keep an ear out just in case, that way if I don’t see a car coming on my right side, I might at least hear it. That means I don’t typically listen to music on my headphones when I’m biking/roller skating around, just to make sure I have my sense of hearing to fall back on if I don’t think to look around first [I do always try to make sure I check my surroundings, though]
If it were up to me, I would stick to flat terrains. Dips/holes in certain pathways can sometimes look shallower to me than they actually are [the wonky depth perception really can throw you off in some areas]. And then when the bump hits, it can be a bit startling cause I’ll think the dip/hole wasn’t as deep as it actually was. This is mostly on dirt terrains or grassy areas. On roads, it’s a LOT easier to make out those dips and holes [not sure why. Harsher, more defined shadows on concrete is my guess]. I try to stay clear of them anyway, just because I’m a cautious person and I COULD still be gouging the depth wrong. Don’t wanna cause a hard fall cause I was being dumb and thinking ‘ehhh, that dip's probably not THAT deep’ and then guess totally incorrectly.
As for special tools, I personally only have my glasses, which are made with extra-strong plastic called polycarbonate. This ensures that they won’t break if, say, a ball or a stray pebble or pellet hits them. Last thing you want are your glasses breaking near your only eyeball. The glass is light and resistant and don't look much different from regular glasses.
In addition, my glasses also have a layer of UV protective coating to protect from any sort of harsh lighting from sunlight and computer screens. They're transition glasses, which can be helpful sometimes. When you've only got one eye, a glare/reflection on your glasses can take up most of your vision, which you definitely don't want when you're speeding around on a bike or skates.
My eye doctor does highly suggest that I wear glasses over contacts, as contacts have the potential to make my vision worse. So very high-quality glasses are a simple must for me.
Just a little note here. I got my glasses from my local eye doctor. Just a simple little place where you pick out frames and go in for the usual vision tests, the same place where my siblings got their glasses. It's not at the place where my prosthetic is made, and it's really not anywhere fancy. I think most places where you get glasses should have the option for transitional, polycarbonate lenses these days, but I could be wrong. Just know that these kinds of glasses can be expensive. So if your character is a little on the less financially stable side, they can make do with normal glasses. I did for most of my childhood and teenagehood. I'm just pointing out as a tool your character might utilize.
Your character might very well want to spend more money on high-quality glasses as a precaution so the lenses don't break and cause further damage to their eyesight. My doctor highly recommends safety glasses to everyone who experiences visual loss in one eye. Even if your character has good vision in the eye they still have, and they don't technically NEED to wear glasses, then they might still want to wear some kind of eye protection anyway, just to be certain they're protecting themselves from an accident that might lead to full blindness. [Such as: riding on a bike/skating and getting dust/debris/scratchy tree limbs into your eyes.]
In addition to making sure you don't go blind, safety glasses would also come in handy because dirt/sand under your prosthetic STINGS. The back of your eye socket is sensitive. You can feel every grain of sand underneath your prosthetic if it manages to get back there. Every blink feels like you’re being jabbed with a needle. It’s absolutely PAINFUL until you can clean back there, by either flushing out your socket with water or having a specialty eye oil. There's also the chance your eyes will tear up enough by themselves to get the dust out from underneath the prosthetic.
Anyway, I personally wouldn’t want to experience the pain of dust behind my prosthetic if I can prevent it. I DEFINITELY prefer wearing my glasses when I’m outside just to keep the dirt/sand out of my socket because OUCH. Just thinking about it makes me wince.
I picture that even if I didn’t need my glasses, I would have a fake pair, safety glasses, or even goggles just to have and put on for when I go riding/blading. That way if I bump into an overgrown bush or low-hanging branches, or there’s a harsh spray of sand/dirt, I won’t get anything under my prosthetic or have to worry about damaging the eye I still do have.
So yeah, goggles/glasses are a good tool to give to a character with an ocular prosthetic. For protecting the vision they do still have, and to make sure nothing gets underneath that prosthetic.
Overall, your character will likely be checking their surroundings more often than someone with two eyes, especially on their blind side, and they’ll probably try to avoid dips and cracks in the road and try to stick with flatter areas with smooth pathways. The not listening to music while biking/skating thing might just be me being cautious, though. I just personally always like having my hearing to fall back on just in case of anything, or at the very least having one earbud popped out.
Additionally, sometimes I don’t trust myself to not bump into other pedestrians on the sidewalk. So if there is a person on my blind side and I think a squeeze is too tight for us both [or for me to properly gauge], I’ll hop off my bike and walk it by instead, or just slow down just to make sure I don’t bump into them.
Nobody looking at me is going to know that I’m blind on one side. I have to be in control, know my limitations, and be sure to bike/skate responsibly. An ocular prosthetic doesn’t make me devoid of any fault. If I wasn’t paying attention, checking my blind side, or listening out for people, and I rammed into someone and injured them, that mistake falls on me. At least that's how I view it.
So… yeah! That’s all I can think of rn! Lemme know if I need to clarify anything or if you have any more questions!
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