#even when we don't live together i torment you relentlessly. yayyy ^_^
landlordevil · 10 months
Hello. I would like to know about the special teifling. I hear lying comes so easily to their forked tongue.
2-4 (please I must know about the family dynamics, please), 15, 16, and 23
HI BESTIE and favorite person to complain about this game with <3333
Lying comes SO easily to their forked tongue. I forgot abt it until I started playing as them again and Asty got inspired three separate times in the span of a few hours. He loves it when his boygirlfriend lies
2. Does your Tav have any siblings? Are they close?
Eins has a younger half-sister! They're not super close because they became half-siblings when Eins was already an adult but they're very affectionate w their family so they'd still kill for her... she's in her angsty teen phase now but Eins is unflappable so they're still like Yay family time ^_^ I love my sister who wants to kill me sometimes <333
3. Who was your Tav raised by?
Eins' mom is a cambion and their dad is a Zariel tiefling, so I'd like to think other tieflings recognize they've got a little more devil in them than most... I do think the vestigial wings they have in-game eventually sprout to become small wings- not large enough to fly with but enough to be really cute. Now they gotta DIY their outfits to be backless. But their parents divorced when they were young so Eins was mostly raised by their mom and her new Halfling wife!!! They're so in love it warms Eins' heart but could be sickening to the cynical crowd...
4. Is your Tav close with whoever raised them?
Eins doesn't stay in touch with their dad but DOES stay in touch w their moms... until the tadpole. They were too afraid to write- What would they write? Would their parents try to come looking for them and only find a mind flayer? Would it put them in danger?- so I imagine they come home one night after months of no communications and get the biggest earful of their life...
15. Answered this so I'll answer number... 9! Eins has the criminal backstory, which for me amounts to doing odd, less than legal jobs, occasionally stealing, and making temporary allegiances whenever it suited them... it was generally in pursuit of the greater good though. They've used their skills as a fighter to intimidate patriars, worked construction for a while, worked at a clothier until the store owner realized they were just giving outfits away for free and didn't gaf about making any profit... what a rascal
16. What's your Tav's favorite childhood memory?
Probably festival time!!! IDK what festivals are like in Baldur's Gate but I love the idea of little Eins dressing up to go listen to music and dance <3 they have music in their SOUL they should have been a bard TBH but they lack any and all musical talent. Kind of unrelated but when they make you play a song to [character you haven't met yet so I won't spoil it] I imagined it going just abysmally, real charlie kelly energy, so someone else had to step in and finish the job LMAO.
23. Share any hcs/anything you want to say about your Tav's backstory
HMMMMM well pre magic mirror update I had the headcanon that Eins changed their primary sex characteristics at random depending on the day (which has now become canon, thanks Larian!). They love sweetbreads, sometimes they lie about stupid things that don't matter just to see if anyone notices, they love to sing when they travel which used to get on everyone's nerves but once they all got a little closer it became charming, even to lae'zel (one of their closest friends who loves to hate on them all the time)
Also for a more serious headcanon I imagine that shortly after meeting Sebastian in Cazador's crypts Eins runs into a friend of theirs in that same cell, who had been taken only weeks before. But suddenly it all feels too real- the hypothetical "would it have been me in that cage?" that Astarion couldn't answer, didn't even want to think about, becomes a very resounding "yes". I think Astarion even tries to defend it- like it wasn't me! one of my siblings! she's only been in there for a few weeks!- It's the only time the companions have ever seen Eins that angry, angry at Cazador, angry at the world that let this happen, angry that so many people are considered this disposable... and they do lash out at Astarion when he tries to ascend as a result. Not one of their proudest moments, the both of them. But they came out of it OK, or as OK as they can be <3
Anyways TY and TY for sharing your run of BG3 with meeeeee I love hearing about it always and forever and thank you for letting me put Halsin's sex scene on your TV just so we could laugh at the way he leans against that tree
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