#even when— hm. probably shouldn’t say that either. I guess ‘delayed reaction’ describes it well enough
nellectronic · 6 months
never would have predicted the toll this is taking on my mental health
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Not Broken Part 12 (Jaehyun Mafia AU)
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Not Broken Masterlist
Jaehyun X Reader
Trigger warning: mentions of abuse
I stayed in my room for several hours, just staring at the minimalistic digital clock Taeyong had set onto the vanity. It was 2:58, past the time Taeyong said lunch would be delivered to my room. In any other circumstance, I would have just gone to the kitchen and made something myself, but I really didn’t want to run into anybody from 127, especially not the pink-haired mobster himself. I hadn’t eaten at all that day, nor had I had anything to drink other than the tap from the bathroom. There were no cups to be found so I scooped the water into my mouth with my hands.  
I wondered if they had forgotten about me or if there was a delay. Either way, the hunger was becoming too uncomfortable to ignore.  
I glanced at the door, wondering who on earth could be on the other side. I was almost too afraid to find out. On one hand, it was very possible that they would turn out to be a staff member rather than an actual member of Nct given that Taeyong explained that they had a few staff members on hand that doubled as bodyguards. I couldn’t imagine that Nct 127 would waste any of their members’ time just to stand guard at my door, yet on the other hand, I couldn’t get rid of the sinking feeling that if I chose to find out I’d be confronted with someone like Doyoung whom I’m sure wouldn’t be so pleased with having to escort me around.  
I decided to come up with an excuse to open the door, that way if it turned out to be someone I didn’t feel comfortable with, I could just ask them to clarify a rule for me or something. I supposed I could also tell them that I was hungry, but I didn’t think that Doyoung would want to be sent on an errand either.  
After I made the decision to open the door, I suddenly became excited at the prospect of being able to leave the room I had just spent three hours in unable to do anything but stare at my bruises in the bathroom mirror, take nearly an hour-long shower, and look through the clothes in the closet. There definitely wasn’t anything I felt comfortable wearing in there and although I knew I shouldn’t feel any guilt asking for clothing more suited to my style, I didn’t have the guts the make the request.  
I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves before I knocked on the door.  
Was there no one on the other side?
Knock knock.
I instantly became confused by the sudden knocking that came from the other side of the door. I knocked again only for them to knock again.  
Wanting to know what was going on, I opened the door to see the blonde-haired boy I’ve come to know as Mark, fist still raised in the air.  
“What are you doing?” I asked him, too puzzled by his actions to feel any relief that it was him and not Doyoung.  
“Knocking,” He answered, matter of factly.
“Why?” I asked.
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking that? It makes a lot more sense for someone outside of the room to knock on the door than someone inside of the room.”
“What? I mean, you’re not wrong but I just...”
Mark began to laugh softly at my perplexed state. Despite feeling even more confused by his reaction, I did feel less nervous than before.  
“I’m just messing with you,” He revealed with a warm smile.
“What do you need?”
“Oh, um... I was just wondering if I could have something to eat.”
“Sure, no problem, let me just call the cook and have him bring something up,” He agreed, taking out his phone.
Mark paused.
“I was hoping I’d be able to leave my room at some point since there isn’t much to do.”
Mark stared at me as he processed my words and I worried that he would deny my request.
“Oh, I get it. Okay, sure,” He agreed.
“Yeah, I forgot that they didn’t really give you anything to do.”
“Yeah...” I confirmed, not wanting to sound like I was complaining.  
“Well, did you want to go now?”
“Yes, if that is okay.”
Instead of responding, Mark just started laughing. I couldn’t understand why because I hadn’t said anything particularly funny, so I just started awkwardly laughing with him.  
“Yeah, no problem. Let’s go.”  
We walked down a long hallway, and down a long flight of stairs that looked like something the Queen of England would step down to treat her guests.  
When we finally got to the kitchen, there were already several people inside, none of which I had ever seen before.  
“Come on, Chenle. You need to eat.”
A man with blonde hair and a faded blue fringe whose out-of-the-blue hairstyle made it look like he had literally ran out of blue hair dye and made Doyoung’s blue highlights look normal in comparison, was sitting at small kitchen table with two boys who looked to be in their mid-teens. In another part of the kitchen was an athletic looking man who seemed too busy cooking to notice that we had come in. He had light sandy brown hair that looked like it had been shadow permed and was wearing a short-sleeved shirt under a salmon colored apron. He was peeling potatoes and I couldn’t help but stare at his developed arm muscles that were more defined than any of the 127 members I had seen thus far, with the exception of Jaehyun, himself. The apron did nothing to take away from his masculine features and anyone who thought it did would have to be extremely antagonistic towards the color salmon.
The older male at the table looked up at us. Apparently, my fascination with the other gentleman must have been obvious since my attention was immediately brought back to him as he cleared his throat.  
“You must be Y/N,” He commented, getting up from the table.  
“Hello,” I greeted.
“Ah, uh, yes. Hello. My name is Jaemin. I’m the nanny,” He wavered in his response.
The man offered his hand and I shook it.
“And these are Chenle and Jisung,” He gestured to the two boys still sitting at the table.
I glanced at them, not fully understanding who they were. One of them, I didn’t know which was which, had blonde hair that had a bit more yellow in it than most people would have preferred. It was strange but he almost looked scared of me. His features made it seem as though he were experiencing great discomfort. He avoided my gaze choosing instead to stare at the full plate of food that sat in front of him.  
The other boy, whose plate was almost empty, had dark brown hair and an extremely small face. His expression reminded me of those mean girls in the movies when they were weirded out by someone less popular than them. He didn’t look mean though, just confused as to why I was there. The two of them didn’t resemble each other in the slightest so I assumed that they were unrelated.
“What happened to your face?” The second boy blurted out.
“Jisung!” Jaemin snapped before turning back to me.  
“I’m so sorry about that,” He apologized.  
“It’s alright, but who are they?” I whispered the last part.  
“Oh, those are Jaehyun’s younger brothers,” Mark answered for him.  
Guess I was wrong about them not being related.
“Yes, and don’t worry. They’ve been caught up on everything, including your lack of involvement in the... issue at hand.”
I hadn’t even thought of the possibility that they had even known about my existence let alone about the suspicion that I was involved in their sister’s death.  
They really know everything that’s going on? At such a young age? No, it made sense. In this type of family, I’m sure that they are fully aware of their brother’s business and probably have been for quite some time. Maybe they’re even being trained to eventually become members.
“Have you put anything on... to... umm... treat that?” Jaemin asked as I continued to stare off into space.
“Oh, umm, no.”
“Hang on a second. I might have some vitamin K cream somewhere. Would you all keep an eye on the boys for a quick second?”
“Ah, I, umm,” I hesitated.
“I’ll handle it, Jaemin.”
I turned around to see the aproned man who had been busy cooking up to this point smile over at us.
“Awesome! Be right back,” Jaemin confirmed before hurrying out of the kitchen.  
The man who had volunteered to watch the boys rinsed his hands and dried them on a spare cloth before making his way over.  
“Hi, what can I do for you?” He asked in a pleasant tone.
“Hey Jeno, this is Y/N. We came to get her something to eat,” Mark took the lead in answering for you.
“Ah, yes. Miss Y/N. I was informed of your new status as a guest here just recently. I apologize for the delay. You can sit down at the table with Jisung and Chenle while I finish preparing your lunch.”
“Oh, so you’re the chef?” I asked, wanting to know more about the strangely attractive man, totally oblivious to my appearance.
“Hm? Oh, kind of. I’m actually-”
“The butler,” Mark interrupted.  
I turned to Mark and gave him an expression I can only describe as “Dude, what the fuck?”
“Well yes, butler, director of the household. It’s all the same. Stand-in-chef while the other staff is away. I pretty much do whatever is required of me in order to keep the house from burning down.”
“Oh wow. That’s impressive, especially with a house as big as this,” I beamed. 
I was surprised since someone of his stature seemed as though they would fit in perfectly as a gang member, but his kind eyes gave away his lack of involvement with the group’s more criminal activities.
“Not really, I have lots of great staff to help me. Anyways, have a seat and I’ll bring a plate over once everything’s prepared.”
Mark and I sat down at the table and it was... awkward.
Jisung and Chenle just stared at me as if I had three eyes... or maybe just two black ones.
“Did someone from 127 really do that to you?” Chenle asked looking noticeably sick.
What I wanted to say was that their brother did this to me, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell two teenaged boys how much of a monster their brother really was. Even if he deserved it, they didn’t.
“Uh, umm...”
“I’m back!”  
Jaemin’s timing couldn’t have been any more perfect.
“Did you miss me?” Jaemin cooed at the two boys, making an effort to pinch Jisung’s cheeks.
“Nana, stop!” He whined.
Jaemin frowned.  
“This is why they said there’s no use in raising kids.”
His attention turned to me.  
“Let’s get you taken care of, shall we?”  
Jaemin asked me to sit on the counter in the kitchen so that we could “talk” without having to worry about the kids and asked Mark to watch them in the dining room. Apparently Jeno and Jaemin were also included in the list of staff who could watch over me.
“So how are things going for you?” He asked.
Jaemin’s face seemed to hold genuine concern so I had no reason to give him a snarky answer, but I wasn’t certain whether I could be honest with the two of them or not. They might not have been members of NCT, but they still worked for them.
“Everything is just so hard,” I broke down.  
“Oh, honey,” Jaemin cooed sympathetically.
Jaemin took me into his arms as I started to quietly weep.
Jeno who had been busy cutting vegetables pushed them aside and joined us, patting my back as Jaemin continued to hug me.  
After a few moments passed, I somehow managed to cease my crying.
Once Jaemin pulled away, Jeno gave me a cloth to wipe my tears. I winced when the fabric came in contact with my bruised eyes causing Jaemin and Jeno to give each other a concerned look.
“Let’s put some of this on,” Jaemin suggested.
“I just feel so angry at how little control I have here. I feel so weak and for some reason, I feel like I have no reason to complain either, like I somehow deserve this,” I ranted as Jaemin applied the vitamin k cream with a q-tip.
“You know you don’t though, right? I mean yeah, this whole this is fucked but you just have to get through it. Do whatever you need to do to survive, even if it means taking advantage of their accommodations.”
“What do you mean?”  
“They told you that you could make requests, didn’t they? If I were you, I would take them for all they’re worth. I’d ask for expensive jewelry, clothes. You know, the works,” Jaemin continued.
“I just feel like if I ask for anything then I’ll be proving that pink-haired jackass right.”
“Hm?” Jaemin quirked.
I sighed.  
“Jaehyun made me an offer and when I didn’t accept it, he told me that he didn’t expect a dancer like me to refuse that much money. Then he told me we could renegotiate later. He thought I was some floozy trying to get her next payday. I don’t even want the money. I refused because what he did can’t be fixed with money.”
“Wow,” The two men uttered in unison.
“Y/ N, you’re kind of a badass,” Jeno complimented.
“What? No, that’s the thing. I couldn’t even stand up for myself and tell him that. This whole time, I’ve felt so powerless and weak and I just wish that I could fight back just one time and have an impact.”
We all went silent as Jaemin finished applying the cream to my bruises.
“How do you like the clothes the maids picked out? This dress is nice, right?”  
“Honestly? I hate them. Everything is too fancy. I don’t feel like it’s exactly normal to wear Swarovski crystals when living in your kidnapper’s estate, not that there’s exactly a dress code for that.”
“Okay, no Swarovski crystals. What else?”
“Huh? Oh no, I didn’t mean. I’m fine, really.”
Jaemin grabbed my face as gently as he could to avoid causing any further harm to my already bruised face.
“It’s the least I can do given your situation, especially when I can’t do much else for you.”
His face was suddenly filled with noticeable anguish. He was trying so hard to relieve my sorrow, it made me want to relieve some of his.
“Okay then, I guess I do have a request or two.”
“Thatta girl!” He beamed, not a trace of sadness left in his features.  
“What can I do for you?”
“Would it be possible to get my own clothes from my apartment?”
“I’m sure I could find some clothes to better suit your tastes.”
“No, they have to be mine. Is that okay?”
Jaemin spent a few seconds to ponder the request.
“I don’t see why we couldn’t ask, right Jeno?”
Jeno nodded.
“What else?”
“Could I start eating meals with you guys? I don’t want to spend all day trapped in that room and I could really use the companionship.”
Jeno and Jaemin smiled at each other and then back at me.  
“Of course. Mealtimes are about the only time I ever get a break in this house. That’s when Jisung and Chenle get handed over to Momo, the other nanny. The only reason we were all in here earlier is because Chenle hasn’t been eating lately. The poor child. He’s only been like this once before when his sister died. I’m sure having everything come back up has been hard on both him and Jisung.”
I didn’t know whether I should have pried or if it was better to just change the subject, but Jaemin and Jeno seemed to be trustworthy so I decided to pry.  
“Are they really his brothers?”
“Adopted brothers. The previous head of the household adopted all of his children,” Jaemin explained.
“Including-” I started.
“Yes, including him.”
“He couldn’t have children otherwise, so adoption was his only option,” Jeno added.
“Jaehyun and IU were blood related though. Sooman, the former head of NCT, had been searching for quite some time to find a son to eventually take his place as leader. He and his wife went to countless orphanages but apparently he was looking for something in particular which is why they never brought anyone home with them. He would ask each of the young boys a question, but none of their answers satisfied him.”
“What was the question?” I asked, enamored by the almost folksy tale.
“No one knows for sure, but I did hear from one of the older staff, who used to work as Sooman’s personal servant, that he’d ask them why they thought he should adopt them. Simple right?”
I nodded.
“Well supposedly, when he and his wife visited the orphanage the current young master was living at, one of the workers told Sooman that the boy hadn’t spoken a word to anybody other than his sister since they arrived. Instead of skipping the young boy, Sooman asked to speak with him anyway. He probably wasn’t expecting much of a response, yet he went through the motions anyway, telling him that he was a wealthy man who was capable of changing his life and things like that. When he asked the boy why he should adopt him. The young master actually responded.”
“What did he say? How did he convince him to adopt him?”
“That’s the thing. He didn’t. He told him that he shouldn’t adopt him, but that he should adopt his sister instead. Then, after having not spoken for such a long time, he went on to explain how much of a good person his sister was and how she would make a wonderful daughter. Sooman decided to adopt them both, that very day.”
I was speechless. That kind and caring young boy who was willing to give up on everything he could have wanted to help his sister seemed worlds apart from the horrible violent man I had the displeasure of meeting. The only similarities between them was how far they were willing to go for their sister.  
“I guess Sooman wanted a son who valued loyalty,” Jaemin finished.
“What about the other two?”
“Oh, Jisung and Chenle? Their biological fathers both worked for Sooman, but died when they were a lot younger, so he adopted them as a service to them.”
“Umm, Jaemin?”  
We all turned to look at the sudden voice.
Mark was covered in bits and pieces of food and a string of laughter escaped my lungs.  
“Oh my god. Boys!” Jaemin ran out of the kitchen and into the dining room.
“Well, that was eventful. Anyways, food’s ready,” Jeno chuckled.
Jaemin had to go take care of the boys but he promised that he would be there tomorrow for breakfast.  
Mark, Jeno and I sat down at the kitchen table. At first it felt a little awkward having Mark there since he was a member of 127, but I was relieved to see that he didn’t think so.  
He told us how excited he was for another one of 127’s members to return after having been undercover for the last few months. He didn’t give me any specific details about the mission itself, but he did say the member’s name a lot. Apparently since he was so deep undercover, he was rarely able to interact with any of the members without the risk of blowing his cover.  
Yuta came in at one point after hearing our laugher from a nearby room.  
“Y/N, you look as beautiful as ever.”
“I have two black eyes.”
“And I can honestly say that not every girl can pull it off as well as you do.”
We continued talking hours after I had already finished eating. It was weird but nice. I pondered Jaemin’s words about how I should do whatever it takes to survive. I guess it felt like isolating myself wasn’t really my best option and that maybe opening up a little bit would make this whole thing more tolerable.  
I went to bed that night, annoyed by the small red camera lights that flashed every so often. The next morning, I decided to just wear the green dress again since it was the only thing I really felt comfortable in, but instead of leggings, I put jeans on underneath. It looked kind of strange, but I didn’t care.  
Jaemin told me that he was going to ask Jaehyun about my clothes at some point today. Jeno, Jaemin, and I met for breakfast. Mark tagged along since he happened to be guarding my door again. He quickly discovered that we made a promise to start eating meals together, so he also came to lunch despite not being on guard duty.
“Everyone else just eats in their rooms. We never have mealtimes together. I wish we would though,” He explained.
Not just him, but Yuta started to eat with us too. When it was time for us to meet for lunch, Yuta happened to be the one guarding my door, so he when he escorted me down to the kitchen only to see that Jaemin, Jeno and Mark were waiting for me, he demanded he stay to keep an eye on me despite there being three other men there to watch me.
It was strange at first, but it was nice to freely speak with each other without worry. Yuta continued to hit on me only to get scolded by Jaemin. Mark would laugh and Yuta would punch him in the arm, all while Jeno quietly smiled as though it were the most normal thing in the world for two mafia members, two staff members hired by said mafia members, and a former hostage kidnapped, also by said mafia members, to sit around a kitchen table laughing and having a ball.  
I noticed how whenever he smiled, his eyes would form crescent moon slits, that made it hard to believe that he could see anything beyond them.  
Nothing about the situation was normal, but I found myself feeling almost grateful for the scene unraveling in front of me. If this was going to be my new normal for the time being, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
“The Itaewon lead was a bust. They found no trace of Wayv at any of their usual hangouts. Should I instruct S. Coups to have his men start canvasing the surrounding areas?” Taeyong updated his boss as they wandered the estate.  
“No need. Have them return to Neozone to await further instructions. Wayv’s aware we’re looking for them, so they know to cover their tracks.”
Jaehyun was visibly frustrated at the lack of breakthroughs in the search for Wayv. His face was noticeably thinner than it was just a few days ago.  
“We’ll just have to wait until they come for the girl.”
“Jae?” Taeyong quirked.
“Yes? What is it?”
“What’s that noise?”
The two men halted their conversation to focus on the sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen.  
“Should we go see what they’re doing? Taking your mind off everything for a bit might make you feel better,” Taeyong suggested.
“It’s probably just Jaemin and Jeno flirting with each other. I can’t for the life of me understand how they still insist on keeping their relationship a secret from me. I’ve never once said anything to give them the impression that I’d hold any disdain for their choices as long as they continued to fulfill their duties and besides, only an idiot would think those two were straight.”
Jaehyun noticed the disappointed look on his friend/colleague’s usually impassive face.
Jaehyun relaxed slightly, becoming conscious of how much stress the two have them had been under, discussing further plans of action while holed up in his office since the break of dawn.
“Perhaps I should go in to check with in Jeno, see if there are any issues with... well, anything there might be issues with,” He suggested, abandoning his strict facade.
Taeyong’s face lit up. His excitement was most evident in his already anime-like eyes which now looked to have doubled in size.
My eyes continued to linger on the sandy brown-haired man who sat almost directly across from me. I knew that it was crazy to crush on someone who worked for the leader of NCT even if he wasn’t a member of the gang itself, but it had been a crazy past few days and who could blame me for being drawn to such a gentle yet strong and protective looking hottie?
“Y/N?” He asked.
Watching the pair of lips, I had been hungerly gawking at, suddenly mouth the syllables of my name immediately allowed me to snap out of whatever entranced state I had been in for the last several moments and enter into one filled with embarrassment. My eyes quickly retreated down to look at my half empty plate, hoping he hadn’t noticed my staring.
“You have a piece of rice stuck to your face,” Jeno said matter-of-factly.
My cheeks started to burn from the awkwardness. I moved my hand to brush the food from my face only for Yuta to beat me to it.
I jolted away, withdrawing from the man’s touch. Ready to berate him for the abrupt intrusion, I turned in time to see Yuta bring the speck of rice to his lips with a mischievous grin. I scoffed, unamused by his playful antics, as he merely continued to smirk. I glared at him briefly while taking notice of his purple locks.  
His hair was always a dark purple similar to that of a plum, but under the bright kitchen lights it took on an especially violaceous hue. The intensity of the color and how it was almost hypnotic in a way led me to wonder if the devil might more accurately be depicted wearing violet than he would in his usual scarlet tones.  
Yuta’s sly smile grew into a Chesire grin as he saw my anger morph into mesmerism. My gaze retreated from his and my cheeks were noticeably redder than before.
“Dude, that was gross,” Mark commented, bringing my attention back to the three other men at the table.  
Yuta started laughing and I glanced at Jaemin and Jeno who glanced at each other and then back at me like two schoolgirls ready to hear all the hot gossip after seeing the school’s bad boy flirting with their friend.
Great, now they think something’s going on with Mr. Hits-on-anything-with-a-pulse over here.  
I did everything to stop from groaning, but it must not have been enough to hide my annoyance as for the first time, everyone at the table was laughing except for Mark who had a perplexed look on his face.
“Oh, how nice!”
We all turned in our chairs to find the source of the sudden voice.  
By now, I was easily able to recognize that the voice as belonged to Taeyong so when tufts of scarlet hair entered my vision, I thought nothing of it, but then a second man with oddly colored hair followed soon after. My lungs were empty of air, yet I couldn’t find the courage to breathe.  
He was dressed in the most casual outfit I had seen him in. A black shirt tucked into black jeans held up by a black belt with a silver colored buckle. A clashing gold colored watch with red and green detailing drew attention to his right wrist and consequentially, the veins that traveled up his forearms. His hair lacked any product as far as I could tell, and his bangs swept past his browbone and into his eyes. I noticed that the man’s rose gold locks were slightly translucent, probably from the bleaching process, and must not have done much to impair his ability to see past them.  
Unable to turn away, I silently prayed that he would overlook my presence, but that hope revealed itself to be a pipedream as our eyes immediately made contact with each other.
“What’s going on here?” Jaehyun demanded.
“They’re all eating together! How fun!” Taeyong observed, seemingly unaware of his boss’s hostile tone.
Taeyong wandered over to the table and took a seat in the last empty seat, leaving his boss to remain standing by the door.  
“You know, I always thought that we should start eating meals together, but it didn’t seem like the other members were up for it.”
Jaehyun stomped towards us, irritation written across his face. My instincts were telling me to flee, to run out of there and never look back, but instead my body braced itself, knowing that it didn’t have to courage to move even the slightest bit.  
“Jeno? Don’t you two have work to do?” He questioned the sandy-haired man.
Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other then back at their boss.
“Everything is running ahead of schedule, sir. I already have the ingredients prepared for tonight’s dinner.”  
Jaehyun paused, processing the response before turning to Jaemin.
“And what about you? Where are Chenle and Jisung?”
“Umm... sir? This is my scheduled lunch break. The boys are with Momo,” He responded with perturbed intonation.
Jaehyun brought his right hand to his face and pinched the upper bridge of his nose in frustration, sending a quick glance at Yuta and Mark.
“Don’t look at us, you only told us to be on standby in case we needed to have a meeting,” Yuta reminded in a disinterested tone.  
Before Jaehyun could chastise Yuta for such a cheeky response, Taeyong began to speak.
“Awesome. Since nobody is going to be busy for the time being, should we pull up another chair?” He asked staring up at Jaehyun’s intimidating figure.
I started begging the universe to save me from having to sit at the same table as the man who was possibly the only person I was more afraid of than Lucas.
“Actually, there was something I was hoping I could talk with you about, boss,” Jaemin announced, getting up from his chair.
“Shall we?” He asked.
Jaehyun looked down at the five of us who remained seated at the table before returning his gaze to Jaemin. Without saying anything, he merely made his way out the kitchen door, Jaemin waving goodbye as he followed.  
I took a deep breath and let it out, not intending for it to be as loud as it was. Everyone at the table looked at me with concern.  
“Y/N?” Taeyong quirked.
“I’d like to go back to my room please,” I mumbled, not wanting to hear whatever Taeyong had to say.  
Yuta volunteered to escort me back to my room. Not a word was exchanged between us on the way.
Once I was alone, I settled into my bed and began to softly sob into one of the pillows.
I was so scared of him that I couldn’t even move. I’m so sick and tired of being so weak and defenseless.  
I continued to cry until the tears began to sting my bruised eyes.
I can’t be afraid of him anymore. I need to get stronger. No matter what it takes, I need to survive.
“Take a seat,” Jaehyun offered, already seated back at his desk.
“Oh, this won’t take long,” Jaemin replied, choosing to remain standing.
Jaehyun quirked an eyebrow at the staff member before leaning back in his chair.
“Very well. What is it you needed to discuss with me?”
Jaemin got straight to the point, not wasting any time to ease his boss into the issue at hand.
“Y/N doesn’t feel comfortable wearing any of the clothes that were picked out for her.”
The curiosity that had occupied Jaehyun’s features dissipated, replaced with the slightest hint of aggravation.  
“And so, the requests start to flood in,” Jaehyun muttered under his breath.
“I’m sorry, sir. What was that?” Jaemin asked, unsure if he was meant to hear his boss’s words.
“So, let me guess, the clothes aren’t good enough for her despite the fact that each article is probably worth more than what she’d make in a year?” Jaehyun sneered, not making any attempt to hide the disgust in his voice.
Jaemin furrowed his brows at the unexpected response.  
“No, sir. That’s the opposite of what I’m saying.”
Now it was Jaehyun’s turn to furrow his brows.
“Y/N doesn’t feel comfortable wearing clothes of such a high quality, especially when they were paid for by her...” Jaemin paused, hoping that his boss would understand and that he wouldn’t have to finish the less than favorable account of why exactly Y/N didn’t want to wear the clothes Jaehyun had instructed to be prepared for her.  
Jaehyun glared at Jaemin, daring him to finish his sentence, not showing any hint of mercy towards the staff member.
“-captor,” The man finished, doing his best to maintain a professional demeanor while still presenting a strong front.
Jaehyun’s anger unexpectedly dispersed. He sat up in his chair, tapping the desk as he deliberated Jaemin’s words.  
“I’ll send a maid out on another run for her,” He decided.  
“Is that all?”
“Well, boss, that isn’t-” Jaemin began.
“Actually, why don’t you do it since you probably know more about her... tastes. I’ll have Jeno instruct Momo of your absence and let her know that she’ll have the boys for the time being.”  
Jaehyun’s voice was laced with an emotion Jaemin couldn’t quite make out. Was it bitterness or perhaps just irritation?  
“She doesn’t want new clothes, sir.”
Jaehyun’s dusted pink bangs, fell to the side of his forehead as his head tilted the slightest bit.
“Then why are you here taking up my time, Jaemin?”
“She wants the clothes to be removed from her closet and for someone to retrieve her own clothes from her apartment complex.”
“Can that be done?” Jaemin pressed on.
“Hold on a minute. Why does she want her own clothes? We could have any article of clothing she wants prepared for her by the end of the day. Hell, we could create an exact replica of her closet if she wanted. Just have her tell us-”
“Excuse me for speaking so boldly and without tact, sir, but it seems as though Y/N doesn’t want any handouts you have to offer her,” Jaemin interjected.
A strange tension filled the air as Jaemin explained his understanding of the situation. Jaehyun seemed as though he were debating amongst himself as he processed this new and unanticipated information. His eyes stared past Jaemin instead of at him and all the younger man could do was wait for his boss’s reply.
Jaehyun took his office phone off its receiver and lifted it to his ear before pressing the 1 on the keypad. A moment passed before Jaehyun spoke up.
“B.I.? Yes, have S.Coups and his men stop by Y/N’s apartment in Hongdae before they return to NEOzone. I want all her things brought back with them. Someone will come by this evening to pick them up.”
After giving his instructions, Jaehyun hung up the phone and looked up at Jaemin.  
“Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off and head to NEOzone headquarters later tonight to grab her things?” He proposed, his face and voice having returned to their usual unreadable states.  
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
After Jaemin exited through his office door, Jaehyun was left to contemplate Jaemin’s words.  
Had he really misjudged Y/N this much? All this time, he assumed that if she wasn’t working with Wayv, that she’d probably cause problems for them by threatening to expose them unless she got whatever amount of money she needed to keep her mouth shut. Yet here she was, not only choosing to forgo making any requests for newer and better things but actively refusing them as well.  
It was enough to baffle Jaehyun to the point of complete frustration.  
What was it that she wanted? Was it possible she didn’t want anything except to go home? To be safe from Wayv’s grasp?
Jaehyun felt a strong urge to leave his office, the walls of which seemed to be closing in on him. He wondered if perhaps a walk would clear his head and allow him to organize his thoughts, but as he wandered through the halls, the weight of his actions finally hit him.
What have I done?  
Images of Y/N’s first night at the estate crept into the front of his mind, but before he could really weigh the impact of his actions, he remembered seeing his sister, naked and shoved into a box that was left on their doorstep.  
He shook the image from his mind and buried it along with any feelings of guilt that threatened to arise.
He couldn’t let his emotions get the best of him. After all, there was still a chance that Y/N was working with Wayv.
“Hey, boss.”
Too distracted by his thoughts, Jaehyun had unknowingly walked past the security room where Taeil had set up. Having been woken up from his thoughts, Jaehyun entered the room through the open doorway. Monitors showing live footage of Y/N’s room seemed to make up most of the room’s light with the exception of Taeil’s empty laptop screen. Taeil was holding a mug filled with either coffee or tea, Jaehyun didn’t bother to ask which.  
“What’s she doing?” He inquired, taken aback by the images displayed on the monitors.
“Working out, I assume,” Taeil answered not sounding so sure himself.  
“Why is she so... bad at it?”
They both watched in silence, suffering from secondhand embarrassment as footage of my first attempt at doing a push up since middle school gym played across multiple screens.
“Why is she- What is she-” Jaehyun couldn’t even figure out what to ask, giving up halfway through each unfinished inquiry.
“I don’t know but this has been going on for the last half hour. I was getting some work done since I didn’t really wanna watch her cry, but when she started doing jumping jacks all of a sudden, I couldn’t really look away,” Taeil reported, looking visibly uncomfortable.  
Jaehyun tore his eyes from the screen and returned his gaze to Taeil.
Taeil returned to his laptop, quickly reopening a dark colored window with past recordings of Y/N’s room. After muting the current footage, Taeil brought up footage timestamped 1:34, roughly ten minutes after Jaehyun left the kitchen with Jaemin.
Several cameras were installed to ensure there were no blind spots in the room, but the camera that produced this specific footage only provided coverage of the bed and some of the floor surrounding it. For the first few seconds, the room seemed to be empty of any life, until the sound of a door opening was projected from a nearby speaker and Y/N entered the screen’s image. She climbed onto the mattress, wrinkling the neatly made bedspread and sat there silently staring off God knows where. Jaehyun and Taeil watched as Y/N grabbed a pillow and held it tightly against her. She began to cry, occasionally reaching up to wipe away the tears that streamed down her bruised cheeks.  
Taeil paused the video roughly sixty seconds after the sobbing had started and turned to his boss.  
“This went on for like ten minutes, but then look at this,” He said, relaying the contents of the video.
Taeil pressed the fast forward key, stopping the video after a few seconds and then pressed the spacebar to resume.
The screen continued to show footage of Y/N crying, before she abruptly stopped altogether. She rubbed her blackened eyes visibly wincing from the contact. After several moments of just staring at nothing, she then preceded to get up from the bed and disappeared out of view. Taeil took a few seconds switching to another camera, this one showing a complete view of Y/N as she began to start doing jumping jack, like Taeil described earlier.  
Taeil paused the video.
“The next twenty minutes are just of her doing various exercises. She’s alright with cardio, but anytime she attempts any strength training, it ends up looking like, well... that,” He gestured towards the monitors that showed that the current Y/N was still struggling to lift herself back into the air after falling back down.
“She is persistent, I’ll give her that,” Jaehyun observed.
“Makes you wonder how we ever thought she was a part of Wayv,” Taeil laughed.
Jaehyun’s gaze shot back to Taeil.
He was right.
If Y/N was working with Wayv, she would have at least been trained in basic hand to hand combat, right? Yet here he was, watching her get visibly more and more frustrated with herself as she failed to do what even people who aren’t particularly athletic should be able to do.  
The possibility that she was faking it crossed his mind only for it to disappear without a trace when he watched Y/N fall onto her already bruised face, yelping in pain.  
“I think she’s trying to get stronger,” Taeil speculated.
Jaehyun started to contemplate whatever possible motives Y/N could have for wanting to become stronger, when he felt a heaviness in his chest. A heaviness he hoped to ignore for just a little longer but couldn’t.  
“Hmm,” He hummed.
I woke up to the sound of knocking. A groan escaped my mouth as I turned to look at the clock. My eyes had still not adjusted to being open this early in the morning, so I struggled to make out the numbers that shined in blue light.
Five a.m.? Really?
It was still dark in my room as the sun had yet to rise. I rolled over in my bed and pulled the covers over my head, hoping the person knocking would get the hint and fuck off.  
They didn’t.
Eventually, the door opened, and I could hear footsteps approaching. Instead of feeling aggravated since my slumber was being cut short, I felt an unignorable sense of fear.  
I moved the covers just enough to look at the vanity table. There wasn’t much on it, but I could see the outline of a lamp.  
If I move fast enough, I could grab it and use it as a weap-
“Goodmorning Y/N!”
I screamed as the duvet was ripped from my body.
I stared up at the shadowy figure that stood at the foot of the bed.
“Oh, come on, I don’t look that bad in the mornings, do I?”
The lights turned on and suddenly I could see.
Jaemin continued to stare down at me in amusement as I alternated between looking at him, and Jeno who was standing by the light switch near the door.
“Guess who brought gifts!” Jaemin prompted, pulling a bag of clothes off the ground and spilling them onto the bed.  
“I brought you your clothes!” Jaemin replied as though it were the most normal thing in the world to wake someone up at five a.m. just to give them their clothes.
I looked down at the clothes on the bed and noticed a bag filled with clothes I didn’t recognize.  
I opened it and took out a bright orange hoodie, the tag still attached.  
“I told you I didn’t want any new clothes. Jaehyun will think-”
“Jaehyun doesn’t have to know. He gave me the afternoon off to pick up your stuff, but I noticed that you really didn’t have many clothes to begin with, so I thought I’d supplement your closet a bit. Don’t worry. These are gifts from me and Jeno, paid for with our money, not Jaehyun’s.”
“No buts. It’s the least we could do and besides, it’s just a few hoodies. No big deal. Jeno and I wear this brand of hoodie all the time. They’re cheap, but comfier than anything you’ll find in any of the members’ closets.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Jaemin said with a smile.  
“But that wasn’t why I was saying but,” I began.
“Hm?” Jaemin hummed curiously.
“I really appreciate you bringing my clothes here, and the hoodies are lovely, but why did you have to wake me up at five a.m. to give them to me?”
Jaemin chuckled and looked to Jeno.  
“I’ll let him explain that and while you two are gone, I’ll get started on getting rid of the clothes in the closet and hanging these up instead.”
“While we’re gone?”  
I looked to Jeno for some help understanding what the other man was trying to say. Instead, Jeno walked over to us and smiled.
“Are you ready for your first day of training?
After leaving me to get dressed in my workout clothes, a simple t shirt and yoga pants, plus a royal blue hoodie that I found in the bag along with the others, Jeno guided me out into the hall way, taking the time to answer my questions along the way.  
“What do you mean you’re gonna train me?”
“I’m in charge of training all the insider staff so that they can double as bodyguards if need be. Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
“I didn’t mean why you were going to train me, I meant why are you going to train me?”
Jeno hesitated before answering.
“Don’t you want to get stronger so you can feel safer?” He asked.  
“I mean yeah, but will it be okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I still have a cracked rib for starters and what if Jaehyun finds out?”
“I’ve trained people with worse injuries,” Jeno reassured.
“And you don’t need to worry about Jaehyun. He was the one who suggested it in the first place.”
“What? Why?”
I stopped in my tracks. Jeno stopped shortly after turning around to meet my gaze.
“Y/N, I know you’re probably more than a bit confused right now, but maybe don’t look a gift horse in the mouth? I mean, nothing good can come out of questioning Jaehyun’s motives. For now, just be happy that you’ll have something to focus on for the next few days.
Jeno resumed his steps and so did I. For some reason, Jeno’s words didn’t lend me any comfort.  
“Harder! Hit it harder!” Jeno yelled from behind the punching bag.  
It had been three days since Jeno started training me and somehow each day seemed to get harder and harder. My muscles were sore, and my bones felt like they would turn to dust. This was the routine, wake up at 5:00, warm up for thirty minutes, cardio for twenty, weight training also for twenty, and then the next two hours would be dedicated to basic self-defense and hand-to-hand combat. Despite my body feeling like it was one day away from falling apart completely, it looked better than it had in days. My bruises were almost completely healed, and my face had basically returned to normal. Breathing was still hard due to my slowly healing rib, but Jeno refused to let it hold me back as he constantly ordered me to hit harder, run faster, and lift heavier.  
The kind and gentle Jeno I knew was long gone by the time training began, replaced by a mountain of pent up rage and aggression. It was no wonder he was able to stay so unbothered despite working such a stressful job. As soon as he entered the gym, it was like he was releasing every ounce of anger he had built up over the course of his life, and damn there was a ton of it. If that wasn’t enough to get over my crush on him, learning that he and Jaemin were dating threw the whole thing away.  
I once asked Jaemin how he could stand to work out with Jeno when he was like this. His answer was surprising to say the least.
“I don’t know. I kind of like it. He just looks so sexy when he’s mad. Makes me think of all the dirty things I want him to do to me after we hit the showers.”
The rest of my days continued like normal. At mealtime, I would head to the kitchen and eat with everyone at the dining room table. We couldn’t sit at the kitchen table anymore since Taeyong, Taeil, and even Doyoung started to join us, but only because Yuta forced him to come along. The only members who didn’t join us were Johnny, Winwin and Jaehyun. I found myself wanting to ask what was going on with Winwin and Johnny since I hadn’t crossed paths with them since Jaehyun ordered them to stay glued to each other, but I couldn’t muster up the courage. I found myself missing Winwin. Even though he wasn’t the friendliest guy, there was something about him that felt comforting. For some reason I was beginning to find most of the members comforting to some extent even Doyoung’s threats seemed humorous when paired with Yuta’s sarcastic responses. I knew I should feel on guard with them, but after everything that had happened, it was nice to feel like I had friends.
Friends? Oh god. I better not be developing some weird form of Stockholme Syndrome.  
“Hey! Stay focused!” Jeno commanded as he pushed the punching bag into me, knocking me down on the floor.  
Jaehyun chuckled softly as Y/N fell to the floor mat. He continued to watch through the two-way mirror as Jeno offered his hand to Y/N.  
On the first day of their training, Jaehyun felt a strange urge to go see how things were going so he decided to take a break from his work to check in on their progress. At first, he only stayed for a few minutes, but today, he found himself losing track of time.
“She’s lovely, isn’t she?” An unexpected voice entered the room.
Jaehyun’s subtle grin abandoned his face, replaced with an irritated scowl.
“I thought I told you I was too busy for any meetings today,” He mouthed, refusing to turn towards the new presence.
“Oh, I can see that, alright,” The voice taunted.
“How did you find me here?” Jaehyun coldly huffed.
“I just rang the bell and that younger member of yours let me in. Mark, was it? After that, I made my way to your office only to find that you weren’t there. Luckily, I ran into one of your staff members, one with a particularly strange hair style I might add, and he suggested I look for you here.”  
After a moment of silence passed and it was clear that Jaehyun wasn’t going to speak, the voice continued.  
“I’m curious as to why you’re allowing Jeno to train her in the first place,” The voice sighed as if it were suggesting something.  
Jaehyun could hear the smirk in the other man’s voice and it pissed him off to no end.  
“Having her know basic defense might serve useful if Wayv decided to break their way in here or if we decided to use her for bait or something,” He explained dismissively.
“Are you sure about that? Or are you perhaps feeling guil-”
Jaehyun finally looked at his unwanted guest.
“What do you want, Suho?”
Suho’s playful smirk morphed into a frown that almost perfectly matched that of the younger man.  
“We have things we need to discuss.”
After training ended, I returned to my room to shower. Jeno decided to finish a little earlier today since he said that breaks were key to gaining progress. I don’t know how finishing thirty minutes early counts as a break in his mind especially with how long our sessions were to begin with, but I was thankful for the extra time I had to relax before heading down to lunch.  
Being able to wear my own clothes was something I was grateful for. It gave me a small amount of power knowing that I didn’t owe anybody anything. It also did a lot to make me feel more comfortable in such an uncomfortable setting. I chose to wear a simple pair of black skinny jeans, a white V-neck T-shirt that hugged at my curves, and my red converse.
I had lunch with everyone being their usual happy selves before returning to my room to rest. Mark was my escort to and from lunch, so once we got back, he and I played several rounds of cards before Yuta barged in.
“Ever heard of knocking?” I playfully teased.
Yuta winked at me.
“You know what they say, you can’t hide anything from your lover.”
Mark and I looked at each other before proceeding to make all sorts of fake vomiting noises.  
Yuta was unamused.
“Anyway, Mark, come on let’s go. Impromptu meeting in the billiards room,” He said suddenly in a rush.
“What about Y/N? Who’s gonna guard her?”  
Yuta turned to me.
“Congrats! The boss says you’re officially too old for a babysitter, now let’s go Mark,” Yuta announced before disappearing into the hallway.
Mark promised he’d be back soon to finish the game, but hours past and there was still no sign of them.  
When it was time for dinner, I decided to take advantage of my newfound freedom by making my way to the dining room unescorted. When I arrived, only Jeno and Jaemin were seated at the table. Dinner was mostly quiet. Jaemin explained that the meeting was probably still going on and that’s why we were the only three here. It made sense until Taeyong entered the dining room with a sullen look on his face.  
“Y/N? Are you finished eating?”
I nodded, unsure of what else I could say or ask.
“Jaehyun wants to see you in his office.”
Scared and not knowing what to expect, I asked Taeyong what was going on, but he refused to answer. I got up and followed him. Halfway to his office, we ran into Yuta. He smiled when he saw me and opened his mouth to speak. I was expecting him to say some cheesy pick up line, but what I didn’t expect was for him to just pause before looking down at the floor, moving to the side to let us by. I looked back at him as we walked past, utterly shocked that he had actually decided not to tease me for once. It made me uneasy.
When we got to Jaehyun’s office, Taeyong knocked on the door. Instead of a voice on the other side telling us to enter, the door opened and through it walked out two members of 127 whom I had not seen in a very long time.  
Johnny and Winwin.  
I smiled at them silently. Winwin said nothing and only stared at me. It wasn’t comforting in any sense, but it was better than the pat me on the shoulder Johnny gave me before whispering the words, “I’m sorry.” I watched the two of them disappear down the hallway before a voice I wish I could have forgotten called for us to enter.  
Taeyong led me to Jaehyun’s desk and pulled out the chair for me to sit in. Jaehyun kept his eyes glued to me, only looking away to dismiss Taeyong.  
Once we were alone, Jaehyun silently stared at me as though he were carefully deciding what to say next.
I did my best to meet his gaze, careful not to let him notice my uneven breaths which grew shakier the longer he delayed the next few words that would fall past his lips.
“It has been decided that you and I will get married this month.”
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