#even with Tails she'll grimace if offered to have her stuff patched up
fstbmp-a · 1 year
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Also, as was implied and now more directly put in her about, the Wispon Arm is her primary prosthetic, but she does have a few spares. Mainly for use when she's not going out and about and is sticking at home, however. The Wispon Arm is incredibly advanced and even requires a power source inside of it besides a Wisp to operate currently, so it (while uncommon) can shut down in the middle of use. She keeps a spare cell or two to power it back up, but that's clunky to swap around.
So if she's not going to be out or is working in her workshop, she'll attach a different prosthetic that doesn't require her to need to keep it bloody charged. It'd also be awkward to work on tune ups on the Wispon Arm if she didn't have.. both arms, y'know? So it's just more efficient that way. She makes everything herself, of course, so her very first attempt at a prosthetic was... well, it sure was something.
Aka, yes, usually she's not using the Wispon Arm at home and half the time you may even stumble onto her without one if she's feeling especially relaxed (rare as all hell but).
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