#even with a quirkless diagnosis he wanted so badly to be a hero with his bestie
redrobin-detective · 2 years
So while I was raking leaves today I was thinking that as much as Bakugou bullying Izuku and later redeeming himself is an integral part of canon, it could be improved upon. I’ve always been a fan of AUs where Bakugou is exactly the same personality wise but he stayed friends with Izuku and is his biggest supporter.
Basically baby Katsuki looked between his best friend in the whole wide world who just got diagnosed as quirkless and the prejudices of society and took Izuku’s side. And because this boy doesn’t do anything by halves he is so ride or die. Izuku trains his mind and body, he and Katsuki hang out constantly and make plans for their future agency, they spar together until they’re both formidable fighters. You can obviously insert canon in here which would be the same only Izuku a) starts out buff b) has a bit more confidence/self worth and c) All Might has to deal with an angry Pomeranian barking at him not to hurt Izuku 24/7. Aizawa clocks them as the class’s disaster duo within 5 seconds of meeting them and he’s not wrong but he underestimates the trouble they can get into.
Me, being me, I was playing with it today in my quirkless verse. They both get into Yuuei, Bakugou in Heroics and Izuku in Gen Ed. Katsuki would be hissing and sneering at his classmates for “stealing Deku’s spot” and it’s annoying but also kind of cute. They hear a lot about this Deku person, he’s tactically brilliant and a dirty fighter and doesn’t need a quirk to pound Katsuki into the ground. They’re shaking, imaging like a 7′ demonic beast. Only one day, the door to 1-A opens and its this sweet boy with curls and freckles and the friendliest smile like “Kacchan, you left your school books at my house again :)” And they collectively lose their shit that THIS is Deku. Then they watch him and Bakugou spar and its like, oh okay then, I am Afraid again.
Anyway, point being, I still think we could have had a compelling, interesting story if Bakugou was still his kind of douchey self but at the same time was Izuku’s best friend and biggest hype man.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Reddit Style Fic: I got revenge on my long term bully and I feel pretty great about it.
 I, 16M, have been bullied since I was a toddler by the son of my mom’s best friend (same age and we’ll call him Pomeranian cause he looks like it). I have oddly vivid memories of him giving me a horrible nickname and then utterly mocking me due to a Quirkless diagnosis. (I was later found to be a False Negative). He was cruel to me and would use his Quirk on me. He would also bully others, something I’d try to stop. He eventually did when he figured out the teachers didn’t like him hurting them though I was fair game. 
 I was really oblivious to the fact he was a bully because our parents would hang out often and make us play nice. I honestly took these as signs he was my friend because his mom was watching and he couldn’t burn me or destroy my things. 
 Fast forward to me at age 13 and I ended up making an online friend who was really cool. We talked a lot and eventually, with permission, arranged for us to meet up publically. My mom came with me, and his mom did too. I’ll call my friend Speedy. He was also being bullied at the time due to his family being rich and having a hero legacy but he was really… rigid. He got tormented a lot. It was through him I realized what Pomeranian was doing was wrong, and I stopped trying to be his friend at all. You’d think he’d like it but noooo he was upset I was ignoring him.
 Our parents were upset to because I stopped trying during our meetings. At least our moms. His dad did not care and told his wife off when she tried forcing us to talk. But it got progressively more awkward as they kept forcing these get together. Mom would complain at me and I just said I was done trying to be friends with someone who hated me. She hated that and the cycle would begin again.
 Now I don’t want to paint her as a bad mom: she’s the best. Kind and generous and helpful. She’s gone to bat for me before. It’s just this one giant blind spot she has because she is so… obsessed with us being friends. 
 Anyway, fast forward a bit more, I finally get my Quirk and get into a hero school. Speedy did too and, unknown to me, used the connections his family had to arrange a meeting with the principal and first-year teachers to explain what was going on with Pomeranian and me. I don’t know how this was done, but he managed it, even bringing me with him to said meeting. (Speedy is very particular and extreme, so honestly, maybe I shouldn’t be surprised). I explained everything and that I’d prefer to be separated because it’s my word against his and blah-blah. They agreed to keep us separate.
 However unknown to me my mother had sent in a request to have us in the same class. When the teachers found it they reached out to me to ask. I told them no please don’t. I did not talk to my mom. Instead I just went on with life.
 The first day back from school she asked me about it and brought up Pomeranian. I said he wasn’t in my class and I was happy cause I didn’t like him. She acted offended and asked why. I said because he treated me badly and she should know this given how many times my clothes were burned. Mom got huffy and said until I could prove to her he was a bad friend she would keep making us meet. She then said Speedy had to be at fault and she didn’t like him as my friend.
 I got angry and as soon as I could went to the computer. The idiots in my old school had video taped a lot of the bullying in and posted it, though never with tags and always without Pomeranian in the camera. Except his Quirk was always visible and if you know him it’s obvious. I gather three hours worth of evidence but needed more. So with help from Speedy and a new friend in our class I confronted Pomeranian and demanded to know why he wasn’t fighting our parents. He hated me.
 “You’re a worthless bug who should have taken my advice and jumped off a roof.” Where his words, mocking me no one would believe me. “And your mom likes me better anyway you freak.” More curses and insults, and then we left. With a. Recording of the convo. I added it to the evidence and planned to show it to my mom when I got home. But I ended up called to the principal’s office where my mom, the Pomeranian and his parents and our homeroom teachers were waiting. Mom demanded we be put together since we were friends and claimed Speedy was manipulating me. Pomeranian’s mom nodded along while his dad looked done.
 I then revealed I had the evidence mom wanted. She got mad and demanded I show it. In front of everyone. So I did. Each incident of bullying, burning my belongings, the insults and the death threats. Even showed the times kids left spider lilies on my desk and the laughing from Pomeranian. And to top it off was the convo with him earlier. 
 Silence in the room. No one spoke and no one moved, simply stared at the computer I’d used. Mom looked so pale and horrified I’d feel bad but she hadn’t listened. 
 The principal then declared in light of this evidence, he was tempted to expel Pomeranian who went mental and started screaming abuse at me. He got shut up by the teachers. The principal said I was free to go but requested I did not go home with my mom. She became offended, but he just said he worried for me since she refuses to listen to anything. It quieted her. I felt bad, but honestly, I just wanted my friends. He then told me to take photos of my room which made both me and mom sick.
 Thinking about it, I think he did it on purpose to provoke those feelings. To make Mom realize what she did. It worked since Mom really came through after that for me. She spoke to Speedy’s parents and asked for them to keep me for a while. She then arranged a meeting with my school counsellor, her and myself. We talked for a few hours, and she said she was going to try actual therapy. My counsellor told us that as me living with friends and keeping in contact seemed to be going well to perhaps continue. He wanted me back with my mom, but he’d prefer no setbacks. 
 Good thing to because my mom ended up needing to go into care for a while. I was shocked by this, but Pomeranian’s dad got in contact to explain things. (Mom knows about this post and said go ahead)
 My bio-dad was physically and emotionally abusive towards my mom and once beat her so hard she lost a baby. My maternal grandparents were physically abusive to, and actually killed her younger brother. This resulted in extreme attachment issues, mixed in with her Quirk. Which confused us until we learned her Quirk was mislabelled. It’s a mental Quirk, and we didn’t actually realize that. In hindsight, it’s obvious. But part of this is she ‘attached’ herself to things, and it all ended up affecting her health WORSE. 
 I’m not sure of the full story. I don’t know if I’ll ever know the ‘full story’. I don’t know if I want to either. All I know is that she had a lot of personal issues that cause her to use her Quirk and attach herself to the idea of a ‘amazing friendship between her and Pomeranian’s mom and me and Pomeranian’.
 Mom is doing better now. It’s been about six months, and I’m still staying with Speedy. Mom is seeing a therapist who is working through things and a Quirk counsellor. She also admitted it was best I keep staying with my friend as she feared that she’d backslide and try to force things again. She also no longer sees Pomeranian though she keeps in contact with his mom.
 But as for my old Bully… Pomeranian ended up transferred to a different course in our school and was put into therapy. While the video was proof for them legally it could be contested easily. A kid from my class transferred to the other and then we got a kid form another course. By then somehow everyone in the school knew what had happened and my False Negative status got out. It wasn’t bad though. Everyone was actually really chill about it and they fully accepted me. I got extra help after class, and even made a buddy who has a mild form of DQD. 
 But anyway: that’s how I accidentally got revenge on my bully.
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your-hero-imagines · 7 years
Kirishima and 7? :) (for the number and charater ask option!!)
Can do! :)
When turned on the TV, you couldn’t believe who you saw. Your brain needed a moment to collect all your thoughts and memories, but - it was him. Kirishima! Your lips formed his name silently.
You always knew that he wanted to go to U.A., but for him to really get this far? Since you never were a big fan of heroes in the first place (you were happy that they existed of course, but somewhat stopped being interested in those kind of things), you also never catched up with who was registered at what Hero School or whatsoever. It was pure coincidence - you may also call it fate, that you switched to the channel that was hosting the U.A. Sports Festival at that exact moment.
“I’m very happy for him”, you thought, sitting in your room all by yourself. “He looks really good, too…” When you suddenly realized the obvious question - Why did you even stop staying in touch with him?
One day, when you were about 3 years old and playing in front of your home, he just suddenly appeared in front of you, telling you that he just moved into this neighbourhood and straight up asking if you wanted to be friends with him. You’ll never forget his smile when you slightly hesitated (because his straightforward attitude confused you), but ended up saying yes. And like that, you met your best friend. You two experienced the best kinds of adventures kids could ever have, but even casual stuff always ended up creating the best memories when he was with you.
You always happened to stick together, from kindergarden through grade school and so on. Everyone loved him, since he was such a blunt but cheering person, but he happened to always want you to come with. To him it didn’t matter that you were quirkless. That hothead would immediately try to beat up anyone who tried to talk badly about you. You were so happy to have him by your side, yet still felt kind of shabby, knowing you’ll never be as amazing as him.
You still remember clearly what he said back when you got the diagnosis of being quirkless. You lay in your bed, crying while holding onto your pillow. Kirishima wasn’t the best at thinking things through after all, but he really made an impact at you back then. “You know, with my quirk I’m pretty tough and all, but that ain’t what I think represents a hero. It’s always being kind to everyone, to help where you can, to leave no one behind. And I think the one who has this traits the most…” He reached to your shoulder and pat it gently, “…is you. You may not become someone who beats up some freakish villains, but you can still become a hero in your own way! I know you can!” At some way or another, you think he is the reason why you attendet nursing school.
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This feeling of holding him back got worse and worse the older you got. When he told you that he wanted to go to U.A., you were really happy for him, firmly believing that he would become a truly great hero. At the same time you were obviously sad that you wouldn’t be able to spend that much time together anymore. “Now you’ll finally be able to become just like Crimson Riot!” He was the idol of both of you since you were just small children who dreamt of kicking some villain in the butt. “I’ll reach that goal for the two of us!” he said, holding his fist up the air.
But it shocked you even way more that he said he’d be giving up on his dream to go to a no-name hero school, just because it happened to be closer to yours. You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be in his way, to destroy his dreams. Not knowing what to do, you cut every contact to him. Thinking back at it now that you’re older, this was the worst thing you could have done. Why not talk it out? Tears filled up your eyes, thinking how he would show up at your house every day to try and talk to you, but you just tried to ignore it - because you thought it would be the best for him. The last time he visited, he just said “I don’t know what I did wrong, but…I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you for ignoring me. Go your way!” with an unfamiliar sad crack in his voice. It broke your heart, but your plan succeded: You later heared that he applied to U.A. and moved away.
You looked at the screen, seeing Kirishima helping his beaten opponent to get back up to his feet, talking something about manliness. “Just like him”, you smirked.
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Suddenly you realized. This is your chance to get it all right. Maybe your last. You got transferred to a hospital near U.A., but somehow totally suppressed the possibility to get back in touch with him. Maybe because you still felt bad for hurting him, thinking deep inside of yourself that you didn’t deserve to be close to him again. But before you could have even time to think, your legs moved on their own. You were already dressed and ran to the bus stop, wanting to get to the sports stadium as quickly as possible.
Luckily you arrived at the break before Kirishima had to fight. You thought it would be easy to get into the waiting rooms for the fighting students with your nursing I.D., but the security was reinforced after the incidence with the Villain Alliance. “He was involved in that one, too?” Your heart couldn’t bear the thought of just living past each other for so long. All those things he had to endure, and you weren’t even there to at least cheer at him. Since you knew Recovery Girl from an internship, she would do you a favour and let you get inside. “Only 5 minutes!” she said.
Now you stood in front of him, being totally out of breath. When he turned around and saw you, he couldn’t manage to close his mouth again. At first you thought he was just shocked, but you saw that old happy glimmer in his eyes as he ran to you and hugged you tight. “[___]!!!”  
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He really had grown. Back then, you were about the same height, now you only reach to his breast.” Tears filled your eyes as he didn’t stop to hold you, pressing his face to his chest. “How can you forgive me that easily?” “I said it back then, didn’t I?”, he said with a wide grin on his face. “I was never angry in the first place!” “I’m so sorry, Kirishima, I just…didn’t want to keep on holding you back.”
Suddenly his expression became more serious, but still happy. “What are you talking about? You never did!” “But since I didn’t have a quirk, and you wanted to forget about U.A. because of me.” “You really never listen to me, do you?”, he laughed. “U.A. is a great school, but there’s more to be a true hero than just where you went to school. And what’s that about holding me back? You were always the smarter one of the two of us. You would always protected me of making bad decisions or scolded me when I fought someone too strong and got hurt. Or that other time you helped me learning so I didn’t have to repeat fifth grade! You’re amazing!”
You couldn’t even imagine that he thought that high about you. “I’m so sorry! It was so dumb of me. I…almost lost you!” “Ya never really did!”
Recovery Girl didn’t interrupt you, but you heared the sign for the next fight. “I’ll be watching you! I know you can do it!” “Yeah, it doesn’t matter to me if I win or lose right now, but I’ll show you my best!” he said, and as he was walking past you to get outside to the stage, he gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead. “We’ll talk later, then! I have so much to tell you!” he said, bumping his fists together as he always did. “Yeah.”
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