#even with the oh so generous framing of ''oh there's different Kinds of being smart....allistic ppl are Socially & Emotionally smarter :)
unproduciblesmackdown · 10 months
few more Musings on Possibilities working off of the premise that winston's dick energy is related to the [psych (lol.) this is Wendy's new therapist, really] subplot:
just that ofc maybe he doesn't quit before/at the start of the episode. that would just be a hypothetical way for higher ups to realize this therapist (is modern psychoanalysis inherently a therapeutic practice? i think so. ugh grimacing sighing at looking up the theory / origins of any psychiatric practice but lord when isn't that the case. automatically i want more for winston, for anyone, than even a theoretically good fit psychiatrist) exists. since this hinges on anyone considering his quitting enough of a disruptive problem somehow to be motivating, versus maybe a comedic "btw anyone seen winston like, this week, now that i think about it" "[unsure murmurings]" moment about it.
maybe ppl are bothering to interact with just him outside the office, that we get to see, b/c of some different avenue of singling out: like that i do figure if winston wanted to see a therapist he would not go to wendy / not consider going to her, so after twisting anyone else's arm about where all this coordination amongst employees to Hurt Wendy's Ego came from, it's quickly like, oh yeah it was winston who started it, he recommends it to his friend with so many problems tuk, or ben, or some such deal. then everyone goes off to twist winston's arm about it too, asap, nigh literally
maybe it's about figuring this is some nefarious plan of winston's; wags being a good friend to wendy by killing all nerds who won't accept her performance coaching(tm). and/or about wresting info about this nefarious rival therapist from him as the expert (seeing her first / the longest), or him as A person seeing her who they most feel like grilling for information like hey nobody wants to accidentally make ben cry again but if winston cries b/c you were assaulting him then who cares, go see your fancy new therapist about how you're a total pussy. maybe wags just can't stand winston possibly having the choice to give them info, or even to take his time in doing so, basically being the "sure some ppl don't like getting their hands dirty. some babies don't have the stomach for it. but torture works! & i'm just the loose cannon committed to The Goals to stop waffling around about it" cliche, &/or is Disproving any approach that might treat winston like a person like no, treating him like a nonperson is the way, how can we stand otherwise? meanwhile the secret edge this person has is the basic obvious shit in contrast to even wendy's non special occasion therapy(? performance coaching) tactics are still just "i want to hurt you as much as i possibly can" & how just like her official job goals are wringing as much from employees as possible & making sure the company can steamroll them in any matter if convenient, a lot of which entails supporting the egos & enabling the behaviors of the employees who shit on everyone else. and here's dollar bill, wags. rian, "wendy's people" from the start....herself. axe. prince on occasion
maybe there's absolutely no especial reason for going after winston except that the audience gets the setup that assaults are no stakes & entertaining if it's winston who's targeted, so we won't be asking for further explanation lol literally do not care. little a treat for him, in his maybe last episode for maybe no especial reason, to maybe see him attacked thusly in his own home, that doesn't look like a particularly characterized setting. if that's even where he is
antibonus points if the cool new therapist shit talks winston still lmao like even if to basically Also pull a wendy like "ohh some ppl are just sooo complex & interesting (as though axe doesn't run on one line of code abt continuously feeding his ego & everyone/everything being fodder for that b/c that's the only way he can view anything & his potential interactions with them. b/c all that there is is Feeding His Ego)" where she'll dismiss all those other peons she treats like heh heh yes whatever Them, open & shut bunch of losers but i'm still nice to them b/c that's my brand of professionalism. but, wendy! You! you're Extraordinary! in fact i'll drop them all to take you on, as further incentive / b/c you'd be the one standout worthy case :)
bonus points is, supposing winston quits After being graced with whatever treatment in the episode & after being given fucked up input like that maybe he hinges his self esteem too much on what this job or anyone or anything associated with it seems to validate. but that maybe it's also about the treatment he's gotten repeatedly, the whole time, & he gets to say anything about it, & nobody gets to just tell him to shut up / pwn him so that in establishing him as the loser/inferior, nothing he says matters
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