#event 001: resurrection trial
eurylic · 10 months
potential verse / wish list ideas.
001. the default timeline, or rather the first few times kotone jumps back in time. following the creation / manifestation of elpis, the universe arcana allows her to manipulate both time and space at the cost of her memories. she takes on the "protagonist role" and is considered the "ideal-messiah". she is only a placeholder, and the her "past"/ background is not her actual memories or experiences. as mentioned multiple times it is not orpheus who heeds her call, but rather eurydice who starts out as her initial persona. in this verse, she follows the game scripted events with minor miracles such as chidori and shinjiro's death being evaded, and the closer bond with death and sees. she is not aware of her role until after she becomes the next great seal herself.
002. persona 5 verse, the great seal remains in tact and kotone continues to stand guard between nyx and erebus. however, something remarkable happens each time the other persona protagonist successfully overcome their trials and defeat their final boss. with p4 : it was the defeat and step down of inanami, with the p5 cast it was the triumph against the holy grail. both events immediately weakens erebus, to the point where he is temporarily sealed away. without the need of a great seal, koton's soul is finally released and she is manifested again in the velvet room. she is resurrected again, but now she has taken over igor's role and is dubbed the new master of the velvet room.
003. the "final time loop", each time the p3 world restarts with a new persona protagonist the shadows become noticeably more difficult each time and the universe arcana weakened. with the final push against fate itself, kotone regains the accumulated memories she had lost each time she goes back in time. as the manifestation of hope, she attempts to grant her friends salvation from death itself and ultimately change the flow of the persona 3 world. this verse will likely need to be plotted extensively since it will touch on pivotal events with the main cast.
004. if kotone is successful in changing the world events and manages to live pass march 5, she will continue her identity not as a placeholder but as herself. she takes on a career path towards being an educator and maintains her status as the incarnation of hope. she has a heighten awareness towards other persona users due to her previous identity as a daughter of nyx.
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ghostspot · 2 years
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deacon owns one (1) suit jacket and a black tie, hand-me-downs from his brother lucien from years ago, and had just paired them with a black button-up because the only other white shirt he owns has a permanent yellow stain on the collar he somehow can’t get rid of. the party mask had been a last-minute thing from a trip to party city and it was, unfortunately, the last one they had, and so the rest of the pink motif followed: he managed to grab some temporary pink hair dye to color his mallen streak and finally was able to show off the pink flamingo socks he’d just bought two weeks ago. 
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ghostspot · 2 years
open starter !!
     𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊. this is the seedy underbelly of new york dipped in satin, wrapped in leather, rolled in diamonds. shined and flossed so they glisten with the chandeliers. they are beautiful and they are brand-new, straight out of the factory where they manufacture vicious intents, and deacon needs to breathe air that isn’t contaminated with imported eau de toilette and corruption, so he slinks away to the back of the building where the grass is freshly painted and the flowers stuck-on. he walks a little further. the landscape is bigger than it looks from the outside and the farther he gets, the more he sees the cracks in its perfection -- caution tapes from unfinished construction, weeds growing in the balding ground, a small gazebo with holes in its roof and debris of its destruction scattered across its once ivory-white seats. deacon ducks under the tape, already with a joint and a lighter in his hand ( the vintage type, the one that still uses fuel ) and the flame it produces nearly melts the edge of his mask off. 
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and he’s not sure how long he’s been sitting there, zoning out at the invisible particles of his chosen nostalgia, when he hears the shuffling of footsteps against the untamed gravel. he coughs, his hand quickly working to part the cloud of smoke surrounding him. “hey, this is area is restricted,” he announces, doing his best impression of someone who holds a grain of authority. “party’s over there.” and with the joint still in his hand, points to the direction from which they came.
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ghostspot · 2 years
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in true boss fashion, javier attends the gala dressed in a simple -- and certainly expensive -- giorgio armani three-piece, choosing instead to draw attention to his accessories: the black fedora his late father had made into an infamous symbol for his imperious ( and still looming ) presence, a platinum ring marked with the hours of the day, glowing a neon blue as the clock ticks, and the pièce de résistance, the custom-made mask forged from steel, lined with a phosphorous-infused tube around the right eye, a commission from new york city’s most popular industrial artists. 
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ghostspot · 2 years
claire ( @stoneinc​​ ) & deacon. the fundraising gala, at the garden or somewhere outside. 
     “𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐎, 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓.” deacon nods at the two large men with muscles appearing to rip through their prescribed coat-and-tie uniform for the night. he didn’t think claire would leave her six-foot-something bodyguards behind to attend a party -- especially to attend a party -- and because of this, he’s treated to the ludicrous image of two beefcakes wearing tiny black masks in a comical attempt to blend in. deacon does little to hide his amusement. “you hamburglars gonna let me through?” and behind a pink-and-silver plated mask adorned with glitters he’d hastily picked up from party city, he steels his gaze towards their boss and he does a little bow. “madame.”
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