#event thread : edward1
twistedisciple · 1 year
You know, after seeing Larcei come away from talking to this guy fuming and with bloody knuckles, Edward was all set to march up to this weirdo and demand either A. another match, or B. some arm wrestling, if more knucklecrunching wasn't fair because Larcei is strong, and she would definitely give anyone a sound walloping — But well, he isn't blind, and that is definitely a fully busted up hand. Like, broken degrees of busted up. The bones, that is.
Dang, what did the guy do to warrant Larcei breaking his whole darn hand? And — Oh, yep, that's blood, alright, not just from the knucklecrunching. Is there some fight ring the elementals set up he doesn't know about? There's nowhere near enough commotion for that anywhere nearby... Then again, everyone knows the first rule of fight club. (Still, an invite would've been nice!)
He hasn't forgotten the fact he wanted to get this guy's measure, maybe give him a piece of his own mind, but Edward can't quite help the curiosity or the low whistle that leaves him on closer observation, cocking his head, grey eyes inquisitive.
"Yow, man — You going to get that looked at? Could almost think you enjoy looking like you came out the wrong end of a bar fight."
The kid had marched almost all the way over to him before something made him stop and stare. Griss flashes him a sharp look. "You gonna just stand there and gawk or--"
No, he's got something to say, as it turns out, and it swings Griss' attention back down toward his swelling hand. What was it, some kind of attraction? Then again, he guesses it's not everyday someone winds up injured at a ball of all things. But people like him usually didn't wind up in places like this. The question is naive enough though, and draws out a huff of laughter. When he looks up again, it's with a much more amiable smirk.
"Yeah. You ever had something broken before? It's the only thing that'll make you really aware of what's inside of you," he answers proudly, then studies the kid for a second. He seems curious, which is weird, because Griss had thought he'd definitely been on a warpath when he'd started for him. If it's the injury that's put him off suddenly, he releases his hand and raises it triumphantly almost like a trophy. Whatever stunt that Larcei person had pulled, he certainly didn't hate her for it. The opposite, in fact.
"The pain's gonna go away before long though, so I want to savor it while I can. Then I'll see about having it put back together. Anyone ever told you not to stick your nose in a stranger's business?"
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