devynshaw · 1 year
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General Info
Name: Devyn Shaw Nickname: Dev, Shaw Age: 28 Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female, She/Her Home: District 3 Role: Tribute for the 75th Hunger Games Personality Traits: Adroit, Observant, Charming, Headstrong, Blunt, Impulsive Song: Church by Aly & AJ
Character Biography
tw: parent death Devyn was born a year before her younger brother, Luke. Their mother stayed home with them and looked after them, making sure that their lives were happy and safe despite the living conditions for the poorer citizens of District Three. Even though their mother was looking out for them, Devyn felt an obligation to look after Luke. She would stand up for him if kids ever picked on him, and even included him when she would hang out with her friends. Despite her lack of height, Devyn was a tough kid. She was more than happy to challenge bullies twice her size to protect Luke or her friends. Of course that got her in some trouble at school on top of tendencies to be listless in some of her classes. It didn’t mean she lacked the intelligence; Devyn was very smart. She was only motivated when something sparked her interest. And when it came to helping Luke with his work, a lot of Devyn’s lessons ran along the lines of “do as I say, not as I do”. Devyn wanted to be just as present in Luke’s life as their mother was, because their father sure as hell wasn’t around. Had she not seen him once or twice when they were younger, Devyn never would have known who her father was. Whenever Luke asked about him, their mother would fumble through an answer, or a false promise that he would come home someday. Devyn, however, knew better than to believe those lies. As far as she was concerned, he was dead to her, especially when she heard their mother crying quietly to herself when she was sure she was alone in their small home. One day when the kids had come home from school, they found their mother collapsed on the floor. An illness she had been dealing with for months finally caught up with her and was killing her. Devyn and Luke tried to get in touch with their father, getting help from family friends and their mother herself. At first Devyn was adamant about not going to her father, but Luke had been the one to convince her to try and contact their dad. They didn’t have anyone else to reach out to. But none of their messages were answered. Devyn took up the mantle of guardian, looking after both Luke and their mother up until the sickness took her and she passed away. Having to watch her mother die and getting no answer despite her reluctance to reach out to her father, Devyn’s burning resentment for their father grew. A friend of their mother’s, a woman named Astrid, took the kids in and watched over them as they grew up. Astrid quickly became a respected parental figure for Devyn and Luke. She ran a repair shop with her husband, Curtis, that the Shaw kids worked in. Astrid was firm yet kind, and she taught the siblings discipline and how to think for themselves. A lot of that stemmed from her distain for The Capitol and The Games, which Devyn already had growing up. Watching people getting called for the slaughter tended to instill fear and anger in people, yet many of them were too scared to rebel. And for good reason; The Capitol was not afraid to show its power over the citizens of District Three. Not to mention The Hunger Games taking place every year to quell any sort of resistance. Devyn hated watching neighbors and friends have their lives destroyed in seeing friends and family going into The Games and never come back home. Devyn’s biggest fear was Luke’s name being drawn for The Games and she wouldn’t be able to protect him. They both thought they had managed to evade it by aging out of the Reaping pool, lived under the ignorant assumption that they would lead quiet lives in District Three. But then, Snow changed the rules of the Quarter Quell and Devyn Shaw was named one of the Tributes for the 75th Hunger Games. The only solace she had was that Luke’s name had not been called, but she was still going into The Games. While she did have fight in her, Devyn carried the weight of the sinking dread that there was a very good chance she was not going to make it back home. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. She had to, for Luke.
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unawaress · 1 year
introducing Sarah Kline .
it's so easy to leave me all alone with the memories of my days in the sun...
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Name: Sarah Kline Nickname: miss Sarah, gumdrop, silly goose. Age: twenty seven gender identity: cisgender woman , she / her Orientation: heterosexual Place of birth: the Capitol, Panem Occupation: District 4's escort
Faceclaim: Lucy Boynton Height: 5'6" Hair: Naturally a dark shade of blonde. It has been dyed in all different kinds of colors over the years. Now it is bright blonde, as that was one of the current Capitol fashion-trends. Eyes: Green Fashion: Sarah usually wears skirts or dresses. She is never found in any sort of trousers. She enjoys bubbly colors and big earrings.
tw  : loneliness, trauma, exclusion 
Sarah Kline, born and raised in the Capitol, daughter of a politician infamous for agreeing with the President whenever decisions were to be made. Her mother is into fashion -- buying it, that is. She inherited that habit from her mother and her father's charming smile. It was caught at a presidential social event, making her stand out and get in touch with what many considered to be 'the right people'. That was how she got trained to be an escort. District 4 was appointed to her and a seemingly bright future ahead.
She started her new position with her natural enthusiasm. Charming, bubbly, but naive. Sarah was always quick to connect with others. It made it quite difficult to see her tributes parish before her eyes and she was taken by grief whenever it happened. Of course, her trained smile would show and the outside world would know nothing of such sentiments. Showing any of it would be considered treason. Rebelling.
Sarah is not very academically inclined. It took her a while to realize that people were talking. But in those talks she was rarely included. Usually the conversations would end once she entered a room and who could she blame --- who would ever trust a Capitol girl after all that wrongdoing?
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snowfuls · 1 year
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          introducing vesper quinn .
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 .
name : vesper quinn da silva. meaning : latin , " evening star ". nickname : vess , espie , morphling. age : thirty two. birthdate : year forty three att. gender identity : cisgender woman , she / her. orientation : bisexual , biromantic. place of birth : district six , panem. current residence : district thirteen , panem. occupation : victor of the fifty eighth hunger games , mentor & rebel.
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 .
face claim : mia goth. height : 5'7". hair : naturally mousy brown , bleached a warm , honey blonde along with her eyebrows following the games, worn down with very little styling day-to-day. eyes : big and brown , sore but still inexplicably bright.
myers - briggs : tbc. zodiac sign : libra. temperament : sanguine - melancholic. moral alignment : chaotic good. traits : freethinking , melancholy , perverse , reclusive , sincere & volatile. song : maybe this time ( from cabaret ) by jessie buckley. pinterest : here.
tw  :  drug  abuse ,   addiction ,   forced  prostitution ,   murder ,   death  +   suicidal  ideation.
      they’ll  say  she  was  marked  for  sorrow  from  the  beginning.  too  fragile,  too  precocious  a  girl  for  the  cold,  uncaring  world  the  districts  of  panem  are  forced  to  endure.  vesper  quinn…  or  is  it  da silva?  eldest  daughter  of  a  factory  foreman  and  the  bookkeeper  with  whom  he  began  an  affair  (both  with  their  own  hushed  up  history  of  morphling  addiction  —  what  a  self-fulfilling  prophecy  she’ll  turn  out  to  be),  vesper  was  a  girl  who  dreamt  in  soft  watercolours,  performed  to  music  no  one  else  could  hear  and  found  beauty  in  even  the  most  mundane.  named  for  a  star,  she’s  nebulous  as  a  child.  a  blithe  but  unnatural  creature  seemingly  unaffected  by  the  gloomy  greyscale  of  the  district  to  which  she  belongs,  someone  who  took  immense  pride  in  the  artistic  pursuits  she  hoped  would  one  day  carry  her  away  from  six’s  concrete  cityscape.  for  when  she  wasn’t  at  school  or  working  her  job  finishing  paint  jobs  on  capitol  traincars  and  citizen’s  automobiles,  she’d  be  holed  up  in  one  of  her  hiding  spots  around  the  neighbourhood:  the  rooftop  of  their  building,  the  decaying  loft  above  her  parents’  factory,  the  long-forgotten  boxcars  that  had  been  left  to  rot  in  the  railyard.  vesper  fashioned  a  studio  out  of  each  location  and  would  spend  hours  upon  end  there,  refining  her  art,  teaching  herself  various  styles  of  dance…  performing  to  a  crowd  of  ghosts.  if  nothing  else,  she  could  be  a  source  of  inspiration  for  her  two  younger  siblings  who  were  in  desperate  need  of  a  parental  figure  after  their  mother  walked  out  into  the  night  following  the  birth  of  her  youngest.  their  father  burying  himself  in  work  and  other  vices  to  cope  with  the  loss.  though  this  was  only  the  beginning  of  the  quinn’s  relationship  with  that  particular  feeling.
      it’s  on  her  second  reaping  day  when  vesper  is  just  sixteen  years  old,  stood  in  the  square,  fingers  crossed  behind  her  back,  begging  an  entity  she  scarcely  believes  in  to  spare  her,  that  her  name  is  one  of  two  called.  it  pours  with  rain  in  district  six  that  day.  indicative  of  the  tears  she  sheds  as  her  siblings  come  to  bid  her  farewell,  begging  her  to  win  so,  she’ll  be  able  to  come  home  to  them.  it’s  the  beginning  of  a  lifetime  of  jokes  made  at  her  expense  too.  japes  about  her  weighing  seventy  pounds  soaking  wet  are  a  dime  a  dozen.  capitol  citizens  stuck  callously  dismissing  her  outright  as  images  of  the  drenched,  mousy  brown  girl  from  six  play  on  their  holos.  she’s  told  not  to  take  it  personally,  that  it’s  “par  for  the  course”  being  from  six  (or  any  other  outlier  for  that  matter)  but  it’s  hard  not  to,  at  her  young  age.  
      despite  the  cruelty,  vesper  is  most  earnest  in  her  desire  to  survive  the  fifty-eighth  hunger  games.  for  her  siblings,  she  feels  she  must.  going  as  far  as  to  surprise  everyone  in  training  by  securing  a  score  of  seven  and  managing  to  endear  herself  to  caesar  flickerman’s  wealthy  audience  as  she  tells  him,  bright-eyed,  of  her  childhood  dream  to  be  an  artiste  in  their  fair  city.  having  built  a  steady  momentum,  she’s  something  of  a  rising  star  now.  a  genuine  sense  of  hope  amongst  the  district  six  team  that,  for  the  second  year  in  a  row,  they  won’t  be  reduced  to  short-lived  cannon  fodder  during  the  bloodbath  as  they  so  often  are.
      of  course,  their  hope  isn’t  misplaced  as  paired  with  an  arena  that  combined  two  varieties  of  wetlands,  it  lent  itself  (rather  perfectly)  to  vesper’s  deft  and  practical  skill  set.  meaning  that  whilst  other  tributes  fell  victim  to  the  elements  or  vast  array  of  mutts  released  into  the  arena  that  year,  vesper  took  to  it  with  measured  composure.  unafraid  to  get  her  hands  dirty,  panem  watched  on  in  astonishment  as  the  young,  previously  unassuming  girl  from  district  six  utilised  camouflage  and  hideaways  to  outmaneoveur  and  thus,  outlast  her  fellow  tributes.  even  as  a  day  of  acid  rainfall  wiped  out  five  tributes  in  total,  hiding  out  in  a  hollow  tree  with  a  dense  thicket  for  cover  kept  six’s  female  tribute  from  harm.  it  was  truly  something  to  behold,  tearful  finale  and  all.  for  the  games  were  not  without  heartbreak.  vesper  forced  to  take  the  lives  of  three  inside  their  swamp  of  an  arena.  the  blood,  mud  and  sweat  amalgamating  on  the  freckled  porcelain  of  her  skin,  congealing  under  dirty  fingernails.  it’s  paint,  she  tells  herself,  just  paint…  her  eventual  victory  dubbed  “a  masterpiece”  in  artful  survival  but  one  vesper  will  soon  wish  to  see  destroyed  in  every  way  something  can  be.  the  same  way  she  will  be.
      that  grime-ridden  mess  of  a  girl  who  emerges,  sopping  wet,  from  the  marshland  arena  is  to  be  done  away  with  immediately.  reinvented,  they  say…  and  that  she  is.  vesper  would  reemerge  in  the  capitol,  wholly  transformed.  made  up  to  be  every  bit  the  victor  she  is  —  scantily  clad,  bleach  blonde  with  those  pale  brows  to  match,  she’s  told  she’s  desirable  now.  branded  a  hot  commodity  by  those  whose  opinions  matter  most:  a  bright,  glistening  buzz  about  her  as  she  becomes  the  muse  rather  than  the  artist  for  the  first  time  in  her  life.  it’s  hard  not  to  feel  as  though  she’s  floating  outside  herself,  unrecognisable  as  she  is  but  such  new  found  notoriety  opens  doors.  her  siblings  are  looked  after,  tucked  away  in  the  safety  of  six’s  victor’s  village,  her  hopes  and  dreams  within  arm’s  reach  now…  and  all  she’d  had  to  do  to  achieve  it  was  survive  the  slaughter  of  twenty  three  innocents.  only,  that  wasn’t  all.  that  was  never  all  when  it  came  to  the  beloved  victors  of  panem  and  she  learns  as  much  from  the  viper  they  call  president,  his  words  of  warning,  offset  by  the  scent  of  rose,  concerning  a  star  and  how  fast  they  fade  and  fall  go  unheard  by  vesper’s  unsuspecting  ears.  unbeknownst  to  her,  it’s  interpreted  as  a  refusal.
      less  than  a  week  later,  her  younger  brother  is  killed  in  what  can  only  be  described  as  a  “freak  accident”  by  officials  who  attend  the  scene.  his  short,  still  growing  form  so  easily  torn  apart  by  the  machinery  he’s  said  to  have  been  caught  under.  the  sight  alone  causes  vesper  to  crumble  then  and  there.  the  morbid  understanding  of  why  it  happened  comes  later…  when  she’s  ultimately  called  back  to  the  capitol  and  put  to  work  as  was  always  intended.
      clients  she’s  thrust  upon  are  spirited.  new  money.  they  eagerly  introduce  her  to  babylon.  where  the  city’s  seedier  underbelly  meets  and  amalgamates  with  the  glamorous  nightlife  belonging  to  their  upper  echelon.  it's  home  to  debauchery  of  each  and  every  variety,  the  thinkable  and  unthinkable  with  vesper  its  latest  inductee.  there’s  a  stage  inside,  a  spotlight  and  it’s  framed  as  a  kindness.  the  promise  of  a  girlhood  dream  come  true,  that  she  might  just  be  able  to  salvage  something  of  her  victory.  the  rose-coloured  naïveté  her  parents  never  had  the  heart  nor  guts  to  beat  out  of  her  coming  back  to  bite  one  last  time  as  she  walks  so  willingly  into  the  future  she’s  to  be  entrapped  in.  forced  to  perform  nightly  for  frenzied  crowds,  introduced  to  morphling  to  ease  the  burden  and  she’s  left  no  choice  but  to  let  them  do  so…  indulging  them.  for  she  knows  that  if  it  goes  far  enough,  they’ll  leave  her  be.  the  capitol  never  did  deal  in  spoiled  goods  and  for  a  while,  it  actually  feels  nice.  the  high  and  its  unfathomable  weightlessness.  pleasant  even.  numbing  the  pain,  quelling  the  guilt,  taking  her  far,  far  away  from  where  she  actually  is  —  bound  to  this  exploitative  duty  she’d  never  once  asked  for.  but  eventually,  dependency  catches  up  to  her.  addiction  soon  after.  it  goes  further  than  vesper  ever  plans  and  before  long,  she  can’t  seem  to  face  a  day  of  her  miserable  life  without  the  aid  morphling  provides.
      framed  as  an  out  of  control  starlet,  a  rogue  party  girl…  she’s  pathetically  dependable.  they  call,  she  comes.  club  appearance  or  client  booking,  she  ends  up  in  an  unfamiliar  bed  at  nights  end  all  the  same  and  the  high  she  chases  provides  an  attainable  escape  from  the  bleak  reality  of  it  all.  even  in  her  most  drug  fueled  of  hazes  however,   there  are  moments  of  startling  clarity.  nights  when  the  effects  aren’t  as  desired,  when  she  still  sees  their  leering  faces,  feels  their  ravenous  hands  clutching  at  her  skirts  or  bare  skin  as  they  beg  raucously  for  more.  she’s  all  days  old  eye  shadow  by  then,  perpetual  dark  circles  from  having  smudged  her  eyeliner  or  sobbed  away  her  mascara.  since  the  day  she  won  the  games,  she’s  never  once  felt  clean.  never  looked  it  either,  if  you  were  to  ask  around.  even  as  prep  teams  agonise  over  dressing  her  in  the  shiniest  metallics  they  have  on  hand,  year  after  year.  judgement  passes  so  freely  in  panem  and  people  around  her  simply  watch  on,  in  horror  and  amusement,  as  she  deteriorates  before  their  very  eyes.  vesper  deemed  the  car  crash  they’re  unable  to  look  away  from.
      inevitable,  she’ll  dread  further  loss  all  the  same,  watching  from  afar  as  her  sister  severs  ties.  their  father  dying  with  her  by  his  side  whilst  she’s  shut  out  —  altogether  breaking  the  heart  of  the  little  girl  entombed  in  what  remains  of  their  elder  sister  and  daughter.  too  pretty  a  girl  to  be  left  alone  in  the  gutter  though…  it’s  in  the  midst  of  addiction  that  she  gains  a  brother  in  arms.  with  whom  she  feels  less  alone  in  the  drug-induced  hell  they  both  inhabit  as  victors.  joined  by  their  affinity  for  morphling,  the  pair  become  something  of  a  “dynamic  duo”  as  the  mentoring  team  from  district  six  for  the  past  two  decades…  give  or  take.  the  morphlings,  they’re  known  as.  the  people  of  panem  deride  and  demean  them  year  in  and  year  out,  discrediting  their  ability  to  mentor  in  spite  of  how  earnestly  the  pair  always  try  for  their  tributes  and  it  means  they’re  continually  overlooked.  disregarded  as  being  lost  causes  who  have  little  more  to  offer  the  capitolites  than  their  bodies.  it’s  a  humiliating  persona  to  be  chained  to  but  it’s  truthful,  vesper  thinks.  slice  her  open,  peel  back  the  blemished  skin  and  all  you’d  find  there  is  rotten  flesh.
      she  comes  to  despise  being  seen  in such  a  way.  in  any  way  really  and  in  a  sense,  they’re  not.  unproductive,  the  president  calls  them.  passing  over  the  morphlings  time  and  time  again  and  this  blatant  negligence  on  snow’s  part  soon  attracts  the  attention  of  the  rebellion  no  less.  their  cause  providing  the  pair  with  a  purpose  outside  of  one  another  and  the  children  they’re  forced to  grieve  together  as  each  games  season  rolls  by,  faster  and  faster  every  time  it  feels  like.  the  rebels  speak  directly  to  that  young  girl  trapped  within  vesper  too.  the  one  who  could  always  see  the  sun  through  dark  plumes  of  smoke  and  saw  fit  to  paint  a  destiny  all  her  own.  before  it  was  destroyed  by  the  monster  atop  the  throne  of  panem.  their  close  proximity  to  his  capitolite  elite  proves  most  useful  over  the  years,  making  the  two  morphlings  invaluable  assets  as  they  work  together  to  gain  and  feed  intel  to  those  underground.
      time  flies  but  there’s  little  improvement.  periods  of  recovery  come  and  go,  stints  in  which  she  feels  she  must  get  clean  and  she  does…  for  a  while.  people  in  the  district  offer  help.  a  cruel,  bittersweet  irony  to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  the  games  are  when  she’s  at  her  most  sober.  always  unable  to  detach  herself  fully  from  the  severity  the  situation  so  often  calls  for.  the  third  quarter  quell  is  no  different  but  there’s  so  much  more  at  stake  than  the  lives  of  her  adult  tributes.  a  nation  on  the  brink  of  revolution  and  vesper,  the  fallen  star  she  is,  finds  she  might  just  be  alight  once  more.
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vengefvlx · 1 year
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Faceclaim: Jennifer Connelly
Name: Josette "Josie" Myers
Age: 50
Gender: Cis Woman
Home: District 7
Role: Former Lumbar Worker, Current District 13 Refugee
Personality: Compliant, Co-operative, Hardworking, worrisome, cynical
Song: Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield
Death TW
Life in District 7 was hard. Life was difficult in all the districts really. But Josette was unaware of this. The Capitol disliked the districts communicating. So apart from a little in history class, where she'd learnt that the districts were bad and the Capitol was great, she knew barely anything about the other districts. If she had been curious she probably would have wanted to find out more. But she wasn't curious. Or well, her father had told her not to be curious. Josie was to not be curious, to stay in line, and do what she was told.
Those orders came from personal tragedy. Though the Capitol wouldn't call it a Tragedy. They'd call it treason. Her father wanted them to stay in line because of the past. The past where her great uncle had not wanted to toe the line. Josette doesn't know what had actually happened. Her family didn't talk about it. It was almost like they were ashamed of what had happened. But since then her family had been good citiizens. Whatever that meant.
As was not unusual in 7, once she was done in school Josette joined the lumbar industry. It was physical work, involving long days. She went to bed most days exhausted. So even if she had been curious, she probably would have been too exhausted to do anything. Reflecting upon this, she wonders if this is what the Capitol had wanted all along. Tired citizens made compliant citizens since they were too tired to do anything. It was a good plan.
Josette still doesn't really know how she ended up in 13. She hadn't really been watching the games that closely. They still had to sort out all the lumbar after all. And she was used to District 7 never doing well anyway. They were just a District that did not do very well. And so, Josette didn't want to waste her time on watching her fellow district people die. Of course, it was the evening on that fateful day, but for once she wasn't actually at home.
Maybe if she hadn't been at home, she might not have made it onto the hover. She still doesn't really know how she ended up on the Hover. She just did. And the rest of her family did not. They didn't really live in the most central location of 7. If she had been at home she wouldn't have been on the so called rescue.
But she was. And now she is in 13.
Josie is still processing the whole rebellion thing. Her father wasn't here. She couldn't talk to him. But she's been thinking more of her Great Uncle, and his death. Was that due to believing in a rebellion? And if so, maybe that was why her family had never talked about it. But the rebellion was in full force now. And Josie needed to find her place in it.
She just didn't know where to even start.
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unspcken · 1 year
introducing Mags Flanagan .
Powerful enough to drown you. Strong enough to cleanse you. Deep enough to safe you.
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Name: Mags Flanagan Nickname: / Age: eighty Gender identity: cisgender woman , she / her Orientation: heterosexual Place of birth: District 4, Panem Occupation: District 4 mentor, rebel
Faceclaim: Phylicia Rashad Height: 5'5" Hair: Greying black. Eyes: Brown Fashion: Clothes with a loose-fit that are comfortable and flow around her. Usually natural tones.
tw  : trauma, torture, murder
Mags is known for being District 4's victor of the 11th Hunger Games, after which she became a mentor. Mags managed to win her Games due to her hunting skills and knowledge of how to make sea-water drinkable. Many other tributes died of dehydration and starvation that particular year.
In the early days of the Victor Villages, things were not set in place like they were in current times. Mags had voiced displeasure with the ways the Capitol was treating her, even after the turmoil of winning the Games. The wrong person picked up on this and enlightened authorities. It was seen as treason and the Capitol would not have victors speak ill of them in any sort of way. As punishment --- and to prevent it from happening again --- they cut out her tongue. Shortly after, they realized how this was not a suitable punishment for victors. Rebels and traitors, however, still received such torture. They are known these days as Avoxes.
Most don't know the reasoning behind Mag's mutism. Some think one day decided to stop talking altogether, being an introvert. Others think never spoke at all. Those around her knew Mags was selfless, kind, sharp minded and nourishing. She would go out of her way in order to help another.
One in particular. Finnick Odair has a special place in her heart. The moment he stepped onto that podium at the reaping she decided she would do everything in her might to make a victor out of him. And he succeeded. Never had she felt so relieved.
Mags has always been a rebel of some sort. Even if the majority of her life she had been a silent one.
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ceceliaknowsbest · 1 year
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Name: Cecelia Whitvale Age: Thirty-Two Gender & Pronouns: Cisfemale & she/her Home: District Eight Role: Victor of the 61st Hunger Games/Mentor Personality: Cunning, Family Oriented, Strong Sense of Self-Preservation, Resourceful, Ambitious Song: Bejeweled by Taylor Swift
Tw sexual assault/harrassment mentions, parent death, prostitution mentions,
Growing up in an overcrowded tenement apartment Cecelia knew hardship from a young age. Life in District Eight was hard with the long hours in the factories, which coughed out smoke. It seemed like everyone in Eight had that cough, that factory worker, breathing in toxins all day, cough. Her father, Fustian worked as a warehouse manager while her mother, Brella, worked long hours in one of the textile mills, leaving Cecelia, the oldest, to take care of her three younger siblings. Despite her father’s decent job as a manager, their family had grown rapidly and it seemed like their was never enough of anything for them. Fitting six into a two bedroom apartment was a common problem among the citizens of District Eight. 
From a young age, Cecelia’s beauty was constantly remarked on by her family and strangers alike. It always made her uncomfortable, but she learned very quickly that saying thank you and smiling got her things that she wanted. Boys paid for the things she wanted, and merchants often slipped her things here and there for free. Her mother always warned her to be careful, but Cecelia had seen her mother’s beauty get sucked out of her from working in the factories, so she decided to utilize it while she still had it. 
When Cecelia turned twelve she joined her mother and started to work in the textile mill after school, leaving her brothers to their own devices during those four hour shifts. She often returned home exhausted, and still had to help with dinner and do her homework before she could finally collapse into bed. Working in District Eight was exhausting, and what was more exhausting was the way that it broke their spirits. 
At sixteen Cecelia learned to defend herself after being continually harassed by one of the managers in the mill. She stabbed him with a sewing needle, and even though it didn’t cause much harm, she was promptly fired and nearly arrested until her father stepped in. She was assigned to a different factory as punishment, but it was worth it to see the pain and shock on his face.
The Sixty-First Hunger Games changed Cecelia’s life. At eighteen, she had made it halfway through her eligible years without getting reaped, but her luck was not in her favor. When her name was called out as District Eight’s tribute, she didn’t let her fear show on her face, instead she walked with a poise that was unlike other District Eight’s tributes. Traditionally they were some of the first to die. Most Hunger Games were in forests and the children of Eight didn’t have trees to climb and play in. The tributes of Eight were already worn down by the time they became eligible for the Games. Cecelia didn’t break when she said her goodbyes to her family, her younger brothers sobbing, she promised to try her best to come home to them. She didn’t break down until well into the night on a train bound for the Capitol. 
The people of the Capitol loved her. They loved her beauty and poise, and despite her score of five, she got a few sponsorships lined up before she was sent into the arena because they wanted the pretty girl to make it out alive. 
The Games are a blur that Cecelia doesn’t like to think about. She made it through the bloodbath with a backpack that contained some food and a knife, and she got out of there as fast as possible. Her time in the Capitol before the Games had done her well, and her years of needing to be resourceful in Eight was an asset. In the end, it came down to Cecelia and the boy from Two, and she somehow managed to come out of it alive after stabbing him to death. His face still haunts her dreams.
A favorite to the Capitol, Cecelia enjoyed being able to give her family the life that they had always deserved. She learned very quickly that she didn’t just have to survive the Games, she had to survive the after too. With her beauty it wasn’t a surprise that she was offered to rich men in the Capitol, and if she didn’t go along with it her family would die. She never talked about it, never thought about it when she was back home. She became numb to it all.
Until she met Sterling. They met by chance when he was coming out of a factory after a long shift, and it was love at first sight. It was the first time that she realized that she wanted more to this life then just being offered to whoever Snow wanted, and she went behind his back and got married when she was twenty two. Her father paid the price in a factory ‘accident’ but she is so sure that it was Snow. She was forced to continue on with her visits to the Capitol and to the men, but coming home to Sterling…it made it easier.
From that moment on she knew that Snow was going to do whatever he wanted, and she was finally going to be selfish. She was twenty-four when she had her first child, a son named Jax. His birth was exploited by the Capitol when they sent in the camera crew to show off the happy family. After all, not many victors had children that could be exploited. The message was clear to Cecelia. She could have her family so long as she continued to play the games. A second child, a daughter Satina joined their family three years later, and a third daughter Juliet was born just last year. Each birth was turned into a Capitol Special and she had to accept the cameras for all the big moments in her life. 
The Uprising in District Eight during Katniss and Peeta’s Victory Tour terrified Cecelia to her core. As a victor, she felt some sort of responsibility for her people, and with such a large family to support (her mother and brothers still lived with her and her husband and her kids), she couldn’t afford to step out of line. They remained in their home in the Victors Village for a week afterward, while Cecelia panicked. She has heard whispers of more rebellion amongst the Victor circle and she knows she will have to make a choice, but does she really have a choice? 
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incaensio · 1 year
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name: constantinus xanthus snow nickname(s): con, connie, iullus (alias only known and used by his rebel buddies). gender and pronouns: cis man; he/him. age: thirty - two. date of birth: 27th of november, year 42 after the treaty of treason. home: the capitol. occupation: gamemaker.
dossier / background / timeline (below)
tw: forced prostituion, murder and death, drug use, attempted suicide, depression. nothing explicit, but please be careful while reading it.
— timeline
42 ATT: constantinus is born.
47 ATT: constantinus' alleged mother passes away.
51 ATT: constantinus' father passes away; constantinus moves to live with his grandparents in the snow mansion.
61 ATT: constantinus graduates from the academy and begins studying in the university.
66 ATT: constantinus graduates from university.
68 ATT: constantinus falls in love with a recent victor and she tells him about the capitol abuse; his grandfather murders her, and constantinus tries to kill himself. after the later fails, he is approached by rebellious forces within the capitol and begins working with them.
70 ATT: constantinus begins working as a gamemaker.
— intro
con's dad was coriolanus' third son, and by far the biggest disappointment of the crop. he was known as a sort of lothario around the capitol, and died before he was even thirty due to a morphling overdose. con's biological mother was an avox that had been killed after giving birth to him while his alleged mother (his dad's wife) died some years later. so he was still a kid when he became an orphan, and went to live with his grandparents.
livia and coriolanus may have hated their children, but there was a softer side of them shown to their grandchildren, and con got all that. nah, he wasn't tucked in bed and kissed by the president or even taken care of by livia when he was sick but he was pampered and dragged around like he was a prize, and he got to sit by his grandpa's chair and listen to his tales, and perhaps, had coriolanus been able to get past the whole "he's a bastard" thing, con could have been set out to be the heir to the whole thing one day.
not that he cared much for it. work was boring, he much rather enjoy his life. he had def inherited his dad's self - indulgence (or his grandparents bred it into him) and he was v glad to do whatever he wanted, whoever he wanted; he was obsessed by the games like most capitolites but as the president's grandkid, he actually got to have them: he was taught how to hold arms by a victor from two, often attended private displays of talents by other victors, and if he wanted one of them, all he had to do was ask.
he didn't partake in buying victors' favors, but he did fall in love with one of them, when he was twenty five. she ended up telling him about the rotten part of a victor's life, and con was distraught. entitled as he was, he had never thought of what was the price to the greatness of the capitol. when he sought out his grandfather, snow confirmed it to him, and so con begged for his girlfriend's freedom from it all because he loved her. ofc coryo killed her; in turn, constantinus tried to kill himself.
it didn't work, and the situation was never made public. for months he was miserable, only living because he had to. he went back to his grandparents' house and was treated as a breakable thing. during one of his sessions with a psychologist, he was approached by one of the capitol insiders from district thirteen and, though they were wary of working with a snow (especially one so fickle, so spoiled), he proved himself worthy by revealing little things from within the mansion (perhaps coin thought there was some bitter irony to it too, that even snow's family despised him).
for his family, it seemed like he was gaining the will to live. it couldn't be farther from the truth (he's well-aware he's going to be killed when the rebels take over and he can't wait), but he plays the part: he cracks jokes during dinner with his grandparents, asks to become a gamemaker (to carry on our family's great name), and develops no more fancies to district people. he's seething from the inside, but he's got his grandpa's silver tongue, golden purse and a purpose now. and he won't rest until it's fulfilled, whatever the cost.
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ambroslal · 1 year
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name: domitila de oliveira. nickname(s): domi, tillia, titilla; she usually does not respond to calls of her surname, and is just introduced as domitila professionally. gender and pronouns: cis woman; she/her. age: thirty - eight. date of birth: 29th of may, year 37 after the treaty of treason. home: the capitol. occupation: stylist for district 2, owner of the fashion line domitila’s.
dossier / background / timeline (below) / threads / headcanons
— timeline
37 ATT: domitila is born.
50 ATT: domitila’s father passes away; secretly, her mother has murdered him for the insurance money.
51 ATT: domitila begins attending the academy.
52 ATT: domitila’s mother remarries, and gives birth to a child with her new husband soon after.
56 ATT: domitila graduates from the academy and begins attending university.
58 ATT: domitila begins an internship with one of the most trendy fashion boutiques of the capitol.
60 ATT: domitila graduates from the university.
61 ATT: domitila opens her own fashion line - domitila’s.
66 ATT: domitila becomes the stylist for the male tribute of the district 2.
— intro
domitila’s mother, marilia, was from one of the capitol’s founding families; the head of the family - - the brother - - had even set her for a prestigious marriage, when she decided to elope with someone with no nome, only new money. domitila's memory has since faded, but as that wealth wasted away, so did her mother’s feelings for her father until it became unsustainable. so marilia killed him, deciding to restart their life with the insurance money.
after that, domitila’s memory becomes less hazy - - she has less misery to repress, she guesses, if she was to think on it (which she doesn’t). with her mother at the heel, and soon remarrying another very rich good family guy, she was presented to the society with all its graces, and she begun to partake in all it had to offer too. it was during her teenage years that she fell in love with fashion, which is her most long lasting and promising passion - - domitila is actually very good at it, something she is not shy to admit either.
she has her own shop, but as the time goes by, she began to grow bored with it. joining the games as a stylist is only a way to keep herself inspired, but also to enjoy the thrill of the win, that comes every so often when she is alongside the best trained tributes, the ones from 2.
personality wise, she is very much a capitolite: she’s vain and self-absorbed, and mostly cares for frivolous things. she doesn’t care for the games’ brutality, nor she sees the tributes and victors as more than an item that is fashionable or useful one year and the other isn’t. she is very unaware of the rebellion, and most likely would oppose it if she did know, no questions asked.
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fatefought · 1 year
'cause she's a cruel mistress, and a bargain must be made. but oh, my love, don't forget me, when i let the water take me.
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hey everyone ! it’s me, blue, here to tell you all about a wannabe mermaid. her bio can be found here ! below is just some additional information. 
mental health mentions & death mentions tw
annie cresta was born to teenage parents who weren’t able to take care of her, nor did either of them ever envision a life as parents. because of this, annie was placed in the care of her paternal grandparents: marcin & agatha cresta. 
ironically enough both of her grandparents did train as careers when they were younger. while neither became tributes of the games, they did everything in their power to ensure annie wouldn’t have to train the way they did. ( maybe they done goofed there. ) once they worked as fisherpeople, now the pair ran one of the local markets. and if young annie wasn’t running around there, she was down by the water. 
though she was the spitting image of her grandmother, she picked up her demeanor from her grandfather. old age made him much softer and rather easy-going. agatha cresta on the other hand was a matriarch. she was fiery, assertive, and always finished what needed to be done. her grandfather passed away when she was ten. additionally, both her grandparents would have been young children during the first rebellion. 
while she wasn’t a career, the boy from district four was. caspian leatworth looked like the ideal victor. he had a charismatic glint in his eyes and one could tell how strong cas was by merely gazing at him. as imposing a presence he could be, he was also kind. being only a year younger than him, they grew up together. she genuinely thought he had a chance at winning. 
annie was sincere in her goodbyes before entering the arena. she didn’t think she’d be coming home. the brutality of caspian’s death rattled her immensely. she only won her games because she could swim well. there have been many times where she wished she would have just let valora drown her. more details of her games can be found here ! 
her reputation of the mad girl came during her tour. night terrors and ptsd plagued her the months between her winning and the tour, but it was different. seeing the families of the fallen tributes led to panic attacks between districts. it culminated in the capitol, one massive panic attack was enough to catch attention. snow had no qualms with her returning to district four. in his words, she was wasted potential. 
annie had her grandmother move into her victor’s village home when she returned. she likes keeping agatha close. her parents, fletcher and sable, come around whenever they want financial support. the relationship there is very surface level. 
she spends her days in district four, except for quick, mandatory visits to the capitol. in the last four years, she’d only spend up to thirty-six hours at a time there. the cost of the government leaving her alone was her image       and sometimes her mind. 
in the rpg, finnick and annie have a 13 month old named cas. while he's not exactly hidden in four, nobody outside of the district would know about him currently.
unlike the series, i plan on focusing on her ptsd rather than the blanketed unstable label. annie has a grasp on reality. she’s traumatized and became anxious as a result. there are things that can trigger her such as sudden loud noises and screams. when her trauma gets the better of her, she can dissociate or do what’s mentioned in the books like random laughter, closing her eyes, and covering her ears. 
after feeling like she was reliving the hunger games watching johanna’s games, she avoided watching the following two hunger games. after watching the last games, she does wonder if the love between katniss and peeta is real. not because it’s not believable, she just knows something like that could be an amazing strategy. 
she used to wonder if something was wrong with her after becoming a victor. she’d wonder how people could move on from winning their games. eventually, she realized that nobody moves past the game, just some are better at fanning at the façade. annie’s never been very good at faking it ‘til you make it without appearing very disingenuous. to this day she feels deep shame that she let anyone see her break down in the capitol, and over the reputation she gained due to it. 
survivor’s guilt vibes !
in another life, maybe she would’ve made for a good career. she’s very physically fit.
as confirmed by the test i took earlier today, she’s very much a hufflepuff.
still would play mermaids as an adult. just kidding ... unless ... 👀 
she obnoxiously loves district four. 
she’s definitely more of a team player than leader type. 
annie is not a part of the underground rebellion, but she’s aware of the growing tension in district four. something is lingering in the air, especially after district twelve’s star-crossed lovers visited. that being said, she’ll be on the side of the rebels when the time comes. she’s angry at the treatment of the people of panem. she’s angry about what so many of her loved ones had to endure at the hands of the capitol. she’s angry at what she was forced into participating in. she’s angry. 
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capkea · 9 months
Introducing ;; Marius Sequin
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---------No, it's not wrong, but it's not right
Faceclaim: Danny Ramirez Name: Marius Sequin Age: 33 Gender: Cis-male Home: Capitol Role: Owner and inventor of Capkea Personality: Inventive, creative, entrepreneur, straight-forward, humored, practical, easy-going, well-read, outspoken Song: Ode To The Mets - The Strokes Activity: Secondary muse
trigger warning: cheating
Coming from the suburbs of the Capitol, where money wasn’t flowing as grandly as it did through the hands of the elite, Marius quickly picked up the skill of noticing and providing the people’s needs. At an early age it started easy; selling lemonade on the sidewalk when the days were hot, to selling candies on the playground. Cards for approaching holidays or his mother’s home-made fudge when the days of mugs of hot cocoa arrived. He developed a skill that led him to become one of the biggest business magnets in Panem; creating an affordable furniture-line that the common people of the Capitol would purchase en masse; adding some exclusive items for the elite who wished to be part of the hype - leading to a world where every household had at the very least one product in their home approved by Marius Sequin. 
But Marius did not grow to be an arrogant man. He had quite the humble family; a wife, Lydia, who was much too involved in current media - effected by all the current trends. Two young daughters who already seemed to follow closely into their mother’s footsteps. Marius is happy to provide and doesn’t mind to spoil ( what other purpose does an abundance of money have if not to spoil your family? ). It all seemed like the dream of success had caught up on him nicely and he played the part that came with it wonderfully. However, boredom lured in corner. He wishes for something new, something fresh. A new challenge to inspire him. 
-I saw some wanted connections out for friendships. Other capitol boys looking for a friend are welcome to come and do some plotting with me to establish a relationship. -Marius is not the most domestic, loyal husband - anyone interested in writing out (past or future) affairs with him, feel free to come plot about it!
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oaklandstone · 10 months
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Name: Stone Oakland Age: 43 Gender: cis man Home: District 7 Role: Mentor & Victor of the 48th Hunger Games Personality: charming, loyal, arrogant, stubborn, benevolent#
forced prostitution, death, murder tw
Dark and gloomy forests of District 7 only meant one thing to the oldest child of the Oakland family; that he was bound to follow the steps of his father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, and the many family members before them. Being a lumberjack was ingrained in the boy's blood, so as Stone mastered an axe at the age of nine, no one was surprised. It was common, in a place like this, but he was a natural, and his parents were proud. What they weren't proud about, however, was the little boy's rebellious nature. Curious from birth, Stone questioned everything, starting with why the sky was blue and ending with why the Capitol controlled everything. He loathed it, and being the immature child that he was, he often voiced his opinion, despite the long conversations his parents had with him.
A lot of it changed when his little sister was born, quickly becoming Stone's whole world. To say that he was protective over Evelyn was an understatement; no one could look at her with malicious thoughts without getting an enemy in the form of the oldest Oakland sibling. Over the years, while Stone never got rid of his rebellious streak; instead, he became a bit smarter, knowing better than to badmouth the Capitol in front of the Peacekeepers, fearing that his little sister would pay the price. However, when his name was picked from the bowl at the age of fifteen, essentially sending him to his death, no one was surprised. No matter how much Stone tried - or didn't - he stood out like a sore thumb.
Only, the Capitolites seemed to like that. Taller than your average teenager - and built like a proper young lumberjack - Stone quickly rose to the ranks of the favourite contenders to win the 48th Hunger Games. However, Stone's stubbornness played against him. Despite the many pushes to join the Careers, and become one of them, the young man refused, not wanting to lose his morals even if he was about to go into a complete life-and-death event. Obtaining an axe during the Bloodbath, he used it to his advantage, becoming one of the most threatening Tributes in the arena. Whilst blood was already on his hands, Stone refused to participate in the purposeful murders some of the Tributes seemed to enjoy. He wanted to make himself disappear, he wanted to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. However, his heroic plan fell apart easily when, soon enough, he was left to go against a couple of remaining Careers all by himself. Cleverly using the axe, he was the one to get out of the brutal, last bloodbath when he fought against two boys from Districts 1 and 3, barely making it out alive, yet managing to decapitate the duo, and earning himself the nickname of the Executioner.
Coming out of the Arena did not mean that Stone was mentally out of it. Nightmares plagued his nights and days, the blood of six other Tributes permanently soaked under his skin, reappearing any time he had an episode. Life at Seven just wasn't the same. While deep down he knew it wasn't the truth, he could see the looks on people's faces. He could see the look on his little sister's face. He was the Executioner, he was the murderer, he was someone people feared, and someone the Capitolites loved. When that love got to another level just a little after his Victory tour, Stone protested, rebelled, coming close to killing the first of his clients. Whilst he expected a punishment- anything to make his life just a little more miserable- he didn't expect to come home to his family's smoldering house. Officially, the cause of death of the Oaklands was fireplace getting out of hand, but unofficially, everyone knew; the Executioner had claimed three more lives, even if it was done indirectly.
It would have been easy to throw himself into drinking, into drugs, but the man knew it would make no difference. And every single year, as he had to relive losing his Tributes over and over again, Stone broke just a little, again and again. Every single year he was reminded of his own Games, of being the Executioner. Every year, he had to watch the sickening smiles on the hundreds of spectators' faces as innocent lives were lost, all the while more and more blood appeared on his hands. Every year, his reputation preceded him, with many of the affluent Capitolites paying additional attention to him, making him desirable. His small acts of rebellion only brought out more punishments, and with years, and decades, the acts of rebellion and punishment grew. And yet, nothing broke Stone Oakland, not yet.
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snowfuls · 1 year
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          introducing cordelia "cora" snow .
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 .
name : cordelia livia snow. meaning : latin , " heart " & greek , " maiden ". nickname : cora ( to all ) , delia ( if you hate her ). age : twenty two. birthdate : year fifty three att. gender identity : cisgender woman , she / her. orientation : bisexual , biromantic. place of birth : the capitol , panem. current residence : the capitol , panem. occupation : socialite , student at the academy , rebel.
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 .
face claim : chase sui wonders. height : 5'4". hair : long , brunette in some lights , almost black in others with two faintly paler streaks in the front , alluding to her family's characteristic blonde. eyes : a warm brown , doe-like , incredibly emotive.
myers - briggs : tbc. zodiac sign : aquarius. temperament : sanguine melancholic. moral alignment : neutral good. traits : perceptive , philanthropic , reticent , sincere , stifled & wayward. song : bite the hand by boygenius. pinterest : here.
𓂅 * ⋆ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 .
coriolanus snow i , grandfather. livia snow née cardew , grandmother. coriolanus snow ii , father. artemisia snow née dovecote , mother. caius snow , eldest brother. cyrillus snow , elder brother. cornelius snow (†) , uncle. constantinus snow , cousin.
tw : death, murder.
      snow does indeed fall when cordelia, known to most as simply "cora", is born to the president's golden son in the midst of a long winter. the flakes swirl in their steady descent, each as distinctive and delicate as the next and altogether indicative of the daughter panem's first family had just welcomed into their world. and make no mistake, it was theirs.
      not just the youngest member of the revered snow family but the only daughter belonging to coriolanus' line too, cora was doted upon by all who met her and provided a silver spoon upbringing unlike any other. she was simultaneously a chess piece key to a game much larger than she could comprehend at her young age but one they were all keen to safeguard and so, it was decided that she'd be kept as pure as her surname might suggest, for as long as the family could afford.
      channels were blocked, images blurred and the unbecoming reality of the games her beloved grandfather helped facilitate was to be concealed from her. the pomp and pageantry of it all cora was allowed to partake in but the blood and brutality, the children slaughtered for sport... that she was so graciously spared from. it was in this valiant quest to shield her from the unsavoury parts of life however, that her family had unknowingly sown a seed of discontent within the young girl that was certain to one day bloom.
      blossom she does, becoming something of a princess to the capitolites... and the comparison isn't entirely unfounded either. for her life reflected the lives of those fabled women far more closely than many realised. residing within the walls of a tall, ivory tower, reinforced by her unique position in the family, cora spent a great deal of time under her grandparents' wing whilst her family sustained their status'. often seeking refuge amongst the shelves of the presidential mansion's library, the young girl would listen in at doors and feel oh so victimised whenever the mansion grew occupied by the usual onslaught of extravagant partygoers — her free rein over the house rudely cut short. more often than not, she'd be spotted hanging over the bannisters on those nights, peering down at them all in wonder, dreaming up what it was they were discussing so feverishly. nothing could have quite prepared her for the reality.
      the snow's had wielded power as if it were limitless for over half a century but it ultimately proved futile against a girl's mind grown curious. cora had attended a tribute parade, only to be set upon by a tribute who felt they had nothing to lose and when they were blown sky high several days, mere moments after entering the arena, the vivid imagery of the incident became inescapable... leading to a questioning wherein the truth had no other option but to out. cora had lived in blissful ignorance all her life. it was a privilege no child of the districts had ever been afforded and it was that very fact that made the divulgence so much worse in cora's eyes. her heart thoroughly torn in two, she felt everything she had ever known or held dear begin to rot in her mouth yet the horror was silent.
      plastering a smile to her face, a skill she'd swiftly come to perfect, the president's granddaughter feigns interest in the deadly games from then on. looking at cora, she appeared every bit the pretty, little socialite her parents had groomed her to be and in resigning herself to that role, she played the part effortlessly. it was hereditary after all. looking inward was a very different story however. cora was committed to rectifying how complicit she'd been raised to be in any way she could. starting small but growing ever wary in the knowledge that she would never be viewed as her own person to those she sought to ally herself with, but rather the ideal weapon to hurt her grandfather the most with. flanked by peacekeepers at almost every turn, all in the name of "protection", the leash she'd previously thought of as short had grown even shorter still in the years following that initial incident. whilst the other members of her family fought amongst themselves, usually for coriolanus' approval, cora tried to take herself off the board entirely, choosing to dedicate herself to her academic pursuits instead.
      it was during this time at the academy that she made the acquaintance of plutarch heavensbee at a gala one evening and despite being astonished at just how he'd come to know of her innermost turmoil, hidden between the lines of his amusing colloquialisms, the man presented her with an opportunity to change the course of history, for the better.
      katniss everdeen had, unknowingly, sparked rebellion in the hearts of citizens all across their "united" nation, the capitol included and her win of the 74th games only emboldened cora. content in playing her growing adoration for "the girl on fire" off as some adolescent fascination with the enduring gossip surrounding her hair, her clothes, her love life... cora grew more acquainted with the idea of revolution than ever before. her elevated position afforded her access and insight into the very heart of the capitol itself: the presidential mansion and so, she began to set about changing the hearts and minds of her contemporaries. it was time to act.
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vengefvlx · 1 year
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VENGEFVLX; multi muse dependent blog for Eventideprg
Cadence Kentwell; Biography
Cressida Astor: Biography
Portia Lux: Biography
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ofnecessities · 11 months
Introducing: SATIN TOILE
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these are the bare necessities the s i m p l e, BARE necessities
Faceclaim: Derek Klena Name: Satin Toile Age: 28 Gender: Cis Male Home: District 13 Role: Department of Citizen Necessities Personality: Overthinker, hardworking, cynical, dedicated, self-reliant, intuitive, suspicious, obsessive, shrewd, helpful Song: People - Libianca
Activity: Secondary character
death, disease, mental health, loneliness, dementia
Satin is a native from District 13. His younger brother Damask and his mother Georgette passed away a few years ago when there was a pox epidemic roaming through the underground district. It left his father, Cot, heartbroken. Shortly after he fell into an early stage of young-onset dementia. Cot does recognize Satin and can still somewhat take care of himself ( with some extra assistance - he relies on Satin when it comes to practicalities and reminders of self-care ). 
His family situation left Satin quite isolated. He feels the pressure of someone relying on him and is quite aware of the fact that things will only deteriorate from now on. In the meantime, he feels like he himself doesn’t really have anyone to fall back on. 
Satin is a single male of 28. He is very work-involved. It is a way to keep himself occupied and distracted from his loneliness and lingering grief.
Satin works in District 13’s Department of Citizen Necessities. They work on making sure the citizens have all they need; that the weekly menus are in order ( based on the nutrients everyone needs ), that the uniforms are most practical, that residents have the furnishing they need and arrange the replacement of it when necessary, that everyone has the right amount of assigned hygiene products, etc.. Satin considers himself to be very good at his job. It allows him to be analytical, follow the guidelines, improve where improvement is possible and he enjoys the eclectic nature of the department. Satin assisted in getting District 13 ready for the refugees. He does tempt to get annoyed and cynical at the requests of the refugees he deems unreasonable. 
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ofportia · 1 year
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Faceclaim: Vanessa Morgan. Name: Portia Lux Age: 28 Gender: Cis Female Home: The Capitol Role: District 12 Stylist Personality: Determined, Ambitious, Opinionated, dedicated and self-confident Song: The Man - Taylor Swift
Portia had always been interested in fashion. Whilst most children from the Capitol enjoyed watching the games for the actual games, Portia from a young age, always enjoyed watching for what outfits the stylists would put people in. She really couldn't care less about the districts or the actual people. What she cared about was the pretty clothes that they were put in. Of course, she did watch the actual games. Who didn't? And she wasn't going to alienate herself away from her peers by actually not caring about the actual games. But, it was a well known fact that she was in it for the outfits.
Her family were always quite middle class. They rarely got invited to any parties, and they watched a lot of the games in the public galleries. This was where she spent most of her time when the games were on. Of course they could have watched at home, but what was more interesting than watching with others? And that was where Portia found her pack.
Portia had spent most of her childhood at a sewing machine, altering anything and everything that she could get her hands on. Portia absolutely hated most of the clothing that her parents go her. And so she spent a lot of time in her room creating her own things. This created quite a unique style of Portia, and she liked that. She liked being unique. Her family might not have had loads of money to spare. But, Portia did what she could to at least look as good as some of her other peers.
Portia knew that there was only one job for her. That was to be a stylist. And Portia had always had huge dreams. And so Portia set her sights on being a stylist for the Hunger Games. She knew it was a big dream. But she never let anything stop her getting what she wanted. She knew how to work hard, and she was determined to achieve her dream. And so, she carried on working hard. She knew she wasn't going to get anywhere near the games straight away, but she could get experience, and expand her sewing.
And so Portia got a job. At 16 she started working in one of the fashion shops in the Capitol. It was some retail work, with some design. But it was the start that she needed. It gave Portia the much needed experience she needed in order to achieve her goal. And each year, when the games were on, she made notes and she watched carefully. She watched the outfits, all the glitz and the glam. She was going to be prepared because one day she was determined to be there.
Slowly but surely Portia worked her way up in the fashion world, and when it rolled around to the 74th Hunger Games she was finally given her shot. Of course, it was with District 12. But Portia could honestly not care. It was her dream to work on the Games, and here she was. And she knew that if she did a good job, she could find herself styling one of the other, better, districts like One or Two. And with that thought in her head, she went into Styling Peeta Mellark with a smile on her face.
What she didn't expect was the actually develop a friendship with the other members of the District 12 team, and with Peeta himself. She'd gone into it in a mostly transactional way. It was supposed to be a stepping stone for getting a better District. But then, District 12 won. They had two Victors. Two victors at the same time. And suddenly, she was the stylist for one of the "better" districts, one of the "famous" Districts. And she loved it.
And of course, she had no intentions of not being Peeta's stylist now. She's famous now after all. And she's exactly where she always dreamt of being.
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incaensio · 1 year
name: katniss everdeen (mellark). nickname(s): catnip (by gale), the girl on fire (by cinna, the capitol), the mockingjay (by the revolution, unbeknownst to her). gender and pronouns: cis woman; she/her. age: twenty - two. date of birth: 8th of may, year 53 after the treaty of treason. home: the seam victor’s village, district 12. occupation: 74th hunger games victor, mentor for the 12th district, huntress. weapon of choice: bow and arrow, survival skills, relationship with peeta.
this will be kept short-ish because katniss is so developed in canon and i’m following pre-quarter quell timeline of the books with very few tweaks!
katniss has no memory of anything but the life at the seam. it is happy at first, with the four of them: father, mother, prim and her. they do not have much, but they have love. her father, heath, also teaches her how to survive in the wilderness, the meadow by the forest on the edge of district 12, how to hunt, how to swim, how to scavange, how to sing. when her father dies, so does happiness at the everdeen home.
they come back alive by the kindness of a stranger, the baker’s boy. katniss would only have a chance to repay the favor several years later, when they are side by side in the hunger games — he, reaped, she, volunteered for her baby sister, whom she’d never let any harm come to. after a month in the capitol, playing their awful games, emerging as an unlikely winner, with peeta, katniss never wants to go back. she wants to resume normalcy in 12th, if that can ever be a thing when they’re moving to the wealthiest neighborhood of the district, with more money they will ever need, with her barely being able to look at her best friend’s face, or peeta’s — her boyfriend, lover, whatever. 
to make matters worse, what she did to survive during the games haunts her. not only in her nightmares, but in her waking hours, with the president telling she’s given room to a rebellion that should not occur if she wants to live, if she wants her family to live. and she does, so she does what she has to, what she is told, even if she hates it, even if she must erase all of herself for it, even if she has to marry a boy she barely knows, but is so deeply ingrained with, whom she can not leave, even if she truly wanted to (which she does not, no matter what she does not say to him). 
her marriage, televised for all of panem as the wedding of the decade and the most priviliged event of the capitol, somehow seems to calm things down. for a while, at least, or so she is told. but even as peeta moves in it is not over. the quarter quell had been announced alongside voting for every aspect of their wedding, and a month after the prestigious event, katniss goes to town square to watch the special reaping, that includes not children, but grown adults, possibly people she’s known all her life. as the only female winner of her district, as the girl on fire, as the blissfully newlywed star crossed lover, she can not not go, so katniss will try to make it worth. it is unlikely that district 12 will ever see another winner in her lifetime, but she decides that, if she has to be there to witness the bloodshed, she can not just mindlessly give up. she can not let any of her own go without even trying.
while her anger and distaste about almost everything in her life is barely veiled, much to most people’s disappointment, katniss is somewhat unaware of the brewing rebellion, much less that she’s the face of it. sure, she knows of some of the riots, of unhappiness towards the capitol, of hatred even (she sure has that herself), but she also has turned on the “oblivion is bliss” facade (something she is rather good at), for most part, as she needs to focus on survival before anything else. 
the thought of willingly, consciously doing something against the capitol, against snow right now is something that would make her jittery, because there’s just so much hanging on the line and, for all purposes, she’s done enough to convince everyone she’s just a silly, hopelessly in love girl, who bites her tongue until she draws blood and smiles until her cheeks ache. 
she’s not a heroine, and she doesn’t want to be one. the thing with katniss, however, is that she cares. even when she doesn’t want to, when she claims she doesn’t, she does. she must chastisize herself whenever her thoughts linger on a world without the shackles of spectacle, of the hunger games, of snow — her family comes first, their safety, assured by her compliance. but what if?
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