#eventually I want to commission a version with a male mc
whalefairyfandom12 · 1 year
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con amore commission by the amazing ketto_art.
Ominis tries not to notice Sebastian’s erratic tempo (he really does), but it grates against every other note. “Your timing is still off,” he says and Sebastian’s cello stops with a loud squeak. “I see. You made a mistake and now the rest of us must be wrong, too.” “No. It’s only you.” “I was fine,” Sebastian says, voice lowering the way it always did when his irritation began to rise. “We can’t keep stopping for the tiniest mistakes every time you think you hear something.” "I wouldn't call being almost three full notes ahead tiny." (Ominis is exaggerating, it was perhaps a full note at the maximum.) “We’ll practice with the metronome again,” you say. “I don’t need the fucking metronome.” “It’s not just for you,” you say at the same time Ominis says “Clearly you do.”
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Hey, Hey! Can I ask for a HC with RFA+Minor Trio reacting to MC being kidnapped by a really mad stalker she has? MC wouldn't have told them about him/her since she know/knew (they might have spent years without seeing each other) the stalker. I'm really curious about how would our boys feel, why has the stalker gone mad for her and how's MC when she's found (is she hurt? Alright? Crying?) If you don't want to, it's ok. ^^ ♡ I adore how you write~ 🖤 And if you do it: THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH ♡♡
***I think I can only do one of these topics at a time~ I’m going to start with finding out that MC has a stalker. If you’d like to do a separate ask for MC getting kidnapped in the future, I’ll totally answer that, too. I just think this HC is easier to answer if I split the topics apart. Hope you’ll still like it!! ~Let’s Connect! FFC***
* Character Personality Breakdown - Good Ending Route Characters, my version of Vanderwood from my fanfiction Vanderwood Backstory *
At first he thought you guys were just being followed by a paparazzi, posing for them even because he doesn’t mind the press.
Once he realizes that the person isn’t carrying a camera and tries.to hide as.Zen turns back to look at him, he feels a lot more uncomfortable.
Zen leads you down an alley, slowing as he hears the steps.coming closer.
He’d intentionally given the stalker an opening to attack you, turning to punch him square in the face when he hears he’s close enough.“Leave us alone.”
Our albino love knows.plenty about fighting, thanks to his time in the motorcycle gang.
His eyes are practically.glowing red, so he looks pretty terrifying.Consider your stalker scared away.
She had been watching the young man who kept sitting in the corner of your cafe every day until closing, noting the way he looked at you all the time.
When you head out one night after locking up the cafe, Jaehee is particularly feeling on edge, and rightfully.so.
As a hand closes over your arm, Jaehee reacts automatically, using her judo skills to flatten your stalker onto his back.
She puts her hand on her racing heart, brain catching up to the events before making a quick decision.
The appropriate action was to call the police, obviously.
Your stalker has been noticed by the bodyguards, and they give Jumin a report on the matter.
He rests his fingertips together as he thinks before suggesting that the man be brought to him by whatever legal means necessary.
You’ll never know about the stalker you had, thanks to the threats Jumin gives the man at their secret meeting arranged by his bodyguards.
Someone has been following the two of you for the past three blocks.
His eyes are constantly scanning, senses flaring out, but he seems completely calm on the surface.
He doesn’t want to use you as bait, and the best way to do this is to confront the man directly.
Stopping in his tracks, he bends to give you a quick kiss, “Wait here, MC.”
Vanderwood walks away from you, leaving you confused, but he walks straight in the direction of your stalker, making it just past the man before he grabs the back of his collar and pulls him into an alley, pressing his taser into the man’s neck.
“You leave my girlfriend alone, you got that? I’ll kill you.” You might want to stop him before he actually does.
He’s not nearly as hyper aware as his maid, but he’s not so bad, and when he keeps seeing the same person over and over again while you’re out, he gets a bad feeling.
Seven convinces you to let him take a picture of you, and you question why he’s tilting the camera funny, but he’s actually getting a good shot of the guy who’s been following you.
As he sends it to a face recognition program, Seven just puts an arm around you, waiting for the eventual potential matches.
Once he gets the results, he stops the two of you, grabs your hand, and pulls you right to the guy who was too shocked by the sudden change of direction to run off.
“So, are you Chunyoo, Saehyun, or Jun?” The question throws him off, especially since one of those names was correct, and that’s enough to have him babbling something and taking off. 
He doesn’t like that every time you’re at school with him, this classmate of his is watching you all the time.
It’s not like him to go confrontational, but his precious girl is getting eyed.
Yoosung won’t lose you.
One day after class, he approaches the other’s seat and slams his hands down on it, locking his oddly dark gaze on the offending male. “Stay away from my precious girl.”
It’s a little like looking at an angry ball of floof, but somehow it’s more terrifying when people who usually don’t talk aggressively and seem so sweet are angry as all Hell and glaring at you.
You’ve been texting since V is about to return, and he’s mildly concerned by the person you’ve been telling him about who’s always following you around.
When he returns from his self-realization trip, he tries to get a good look at the person whenever he can, deciding that you were right and they really are following you.
Rather than dealing with the person directly, he decides to speak with his best friend Jumin, who, of course, assigns bodyguards - despite V claiming that the two of you don’t need them.
The bodyguards scare the stalker away, though, so guess you kinda needed them after all?
Every time he sees that person’s face, his paranoia acts up, making him snap the rubber band on his wrist that his therapist had had him start using.
By the end of your date, his wrist is completely raw…so maybe…maybe it wasn’t just paranoia.
Saeran counts the number of times he sees the man on your next date - 34 That’s way too high of a number.
He activates an app on his phone, built to connect to any phone within a 10-foot radius and walks with you into a less crowded area, so he can pick between yours and the stranger’s cell before going back into a more populated area.
You’re wondering what he’s doing on his phone, but he just keeps messaging.
`You should leave. I know you’re watching us, and now I know your phone number.`
A few replies after asking who he was and Saeran saying, `the one holding her hand`, the guy was apologizing and running off, frightened by the takeover of his phone.
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