#eventually I'll post my doodles....ough
zirrawrites · 9 months
Lokius Ghibli Au
Mobius is our Nowhere Man - he's a traveller of the world, with nowhere to call home.
Setting would be a touch more modern than Kiki or Howl but still that kinda small town vibe? Cozy. Laid back. Not consumer driven.
Mobius is perhaps an artist of some kind. Hobbyist trying to find the passion and spark - a muse - to be passionate about or inspired by.
He comes to this northern seaside town, it's beautiful and he's sure something good will happen. He never stays terribly long in a place either.
He meets Casey, who is a courier. He does deliveries around town, handles mail and even little errands and such - man, he's our Kiki lol...
OB is his very best friend and "the most interesting guy in town" he runs a little shop, not a mechanic shop but maybe almost like a clock shop or something. A curiosities shop of sorts for tinkers and such.
The three of them make fast friends. I think all of them live in the town, it just takes Mobius to bring them together in a way. Loki knows everyone, but he has a sour reputation so it takes the CHANGE to bring them all together.
Gotta figure out a good role for B15 when it's not late when talking to the girlfriend...
Sylvie is like Ursula, she lives in the woods with birds, travels rarely to the city, Casey makes weekly deliveries to her.
She has a million hobbies, and masters none. Eventually she settles on pottery, and learns patience and focus.
Casey has a mug from her that was a 'gift' - ugliest god damn thing and she made him take it. It was not a gift. He says it was a gift. Itsagift.
Loki is the town 'witch" he settled there long ago, he has a small house either up somewhere overlooking the ocean, or tucked away somewhere you have to know where to go to find. A word of mouth kinda person.
Be runs a little enchantments shop. Gotta figure that out better, look into what kinda magics would make sense. He can read people really well. Gonna work out the design but he doesn't let people into the actual shop shop that much maybe.
He moved away from his family, parents still alive but not sure how relationship is atm, Thor writes to him often.
Loki has a reputation for being a bit of a diva or an ass, people don't bother him in public because he's very rude. Only people who think high of themselves bother and he still weasels away.
Mobius wanders into town and at some point awkwardly bumps into Casey who remarks he's new in town. Casey excitedly offers to show him around town. For $5. Mobius only has a $10. He'll give a deluxe tour. No change. Mobius is too amused to say no.
Casey shows him all over, introduces some people, some spots, and where he can stay for the time he's in town.
At some point, Mobius sight sees, looking around town for inspiration and such. Spends time at the beach and markets a lot.
Probably spies Loki in the market, looking so striking because of how he's dressed and carries himself and he's intrigued.
Asks Casey about the guy and finds out about his sour reputation. Surely someone can't be that bad.
He eventually finds out where the shop is and decides to check it out. Casey is cursed and clumsy and not allowed in the shop so he passes LMAO...
The first meeting is probably disastrous. We'll figure that out later.
Skips around our timeline... Mobius meets Sylvie and is why she starts taking pottery more seriously, he makes one of those back hand supportive comments he does and she's determined to prove him wrong/right. You know how he goes.
OB is working on some kinda machine that's a big deal to him, we'll touch on that. Loki and Casey help this dream become a reality.
Loki starts to come out into town more, looks for excuses to run into Mobius. Starts to soften the edges a bit after Mobius and him have some words about him being all bark no bite.
Mobius probably idly drawing his hands or something while talking. I DUNNO.
Is the angst gonna come from Mobius usually leaving after some time and starting to delay leaving because the prettt witch up the road?
Uhhh Thor is gonna make an appearance by jove. And Mobius is gonna think it's some ex because their last names are not similar, they don't look similar and Thor is auper touchy feely, and Loki is very do not want.
Mobius will be petty because I love a season 1 temper tantrum based on jealous bitch energy. Mobius may know he's hot shit but he knows how hot his shit is as well. We don't condone whithering self deprecating Mobius here, but I love a man who knows his limit.
Gotta figure out the big uh change. Basically gonna be NEW GUY IN TOWN FALLS OVER WITCH ALA TOMBO FOR KIKI, but Witch goes through some shit ala Kiki or Howl because maybe Mobius messed with something??
Joked about him catching Loki's hair on fire on accident trying to help with something LMAO
But he goes through a rut with magic, thinking something is wrong with him because he caught feelings BUT ALSO MOBIUS GONNA LEAVE...
Loki trying to process feelings in general, the struggle.
Maybe Mobius, for the drama, goes to give Loki a gift the day before he goes and that's the whole CLIMAX....
Maybe Loki has a meeting within himself and is like oh SHI- and manages to tap into that root chakra and engages with his big magic which is tied to reading people - he can see people's futures, and fortune tell or something. And he doesn't see a future without that loser in it.
Is this where the dynamic duo of Casey and OB have to delay Mobius leaving? Lmao
B15 needs to be in here as someone he sees often, someone he is close to who is blunt with him. But sweet. Devil's advocate for staying but also going What's one more week, bud.
WILL FLESH IT OUT MORE but I'm living for the Loki bristle cat over LOVE?????
Loki trying to tease Mobius by flirting and showing him the fireworks and Mobius just huh, I thought you had to kiss first to see the fireworks when you're in love or something like that.
Ans Loki just very YELLS IN SILENCE before being like HUFF HAH HMNPH. Then when he's home alone he's slunk into a chair in denial so hard before it dawns on him how he feels for the stupid vagabond...
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