zirrawrites · 8 months
Twirls hair, post-canon Loki/Lokius AU notes -
Part I: Mechanics
Been thinking, like much of the fandom, on the concept of how Loki would be removable from his place outside of time/watching the timelines. The ending was beautiful, and Shakespearean-ly tragic really, but it's so sad for our sad boy.
Rewatching Season One has me questioning a lot about where the end of time exists in relation to the sacred timeline, and the loom. How is it beyond time, yet the sacred timeline is RIGHT THERE.
On the topic of Loki's relation to the timelines:
We see in Season 2 that the loom exists right outside the TVA, with the sacred timeline going through it. So where is The End of Time in relation to the TVA then??
In season 2 we see Loki rip a hole at the end of the gangway to where the citadel existed. The big question remains then; did him exploding the loom cause Ravonna to go to the void or did something else happen?
Loki cannot feasibly hold every timeline, ever to come into existence in his hands. Which leads me to question where his...grapple point is then. The closer to the sacred timeline the better?
Is he holding them at the base root, and just... channeling magic up through the branches then?
We see the branches around him, and being held by him, but we also see his cape is... timelines?
Will Loki eventually be absorbed into the tree like some kind of literal mythological martyr?
If all branches, branch from the sacred time line, and he holds what he can, and the branches that come from those - how is his magic traveling along them? [the Marvel writers yelling at fans for thinking too hard about the technicalities, tbh]
If he has to have direct contact, what an anxious constant panic that is. Does he have to maintain constant contact always?
We see him struggle at the end of the segment, he pulls the strands together and they explode as we rapidly zoom out to show the tree resulting from that burst.
We don't see his hands at the end of the show, the sad zoom in/out. I'm curious when the art book comes out if they'll show us this?
He also doesn't seem to PULSE energy into them? He touches it once, and it travels off into it and then by existing in contact or proximity, he powers it.
So there's an interesting few things to think about there;
If a branch has been given magic, does it need to be held still? Or is it 'blessed' now? Therefore he's always switching it up? But we saw that wasn't really the case...
Or is it like a radiation sort of empowerment where the closer they are to the sacred time line, the stronger the life in those branches is, but the further out they get, the more brittle they may be? More susceptible to decay and ending?
Is it tied to the nexus events of those branches, so if the cause died or something - does that effect whole time lines?
In that vein; is there natural DEATH and ends to timelines then? If Loki is only to observe and power, not interfere... would there be beings strong enough to cause whole timeline destruction? Such as that version of Strange in What If?
Is there a finite cap or scope of his reach to help and keep branches healthy? No matter what in gardening there's still pruning and cutting that happens, it can't be truly helped. But it's better if it's natural cause than intentional damage, yeah?
If you feed enough in over time, could it learn to keep up? Adapt to survive?
If we're discussing his ability to touch timelines, and thus powering it by contact - what if he was on the sacred timeline now? There's logistics to touch on there that I'll get to - but uh?? That's full contact and saturation in a way, yeah?
The idea of contact energy versus maybe... ambient energy comes to my mind? But I suppose he's been shown to be HOLDING everything - is that maybe just a contact conduit though? We never saw him just HOLDING THE SACRED TIMELINE... we saw his magic travel along any branch he grabbed but...?
Transfers contact energy from branches to... ambient energy via existing on the sacred timeline though... idk there's something there. -waves hands-
Me trying to figure out batshit logistics...:
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So say we roll with that. Loki's power/magic bleeds through the sacred timeline by sheer magnitude of his abilities, and leeches into the branches.
Say we roll with that!! Say we have him hands free now to keep working on his magic. Keep expanding his abilities. Keep growing. He's able to focus now and get over the next hurdle to maybe be able to permanently remove himself as a power source perhaps?
Goal to work towards.
Existing on the timeline though is going to cause some red flags to characters like Strange though, who are going to FREAK feeling that level of magic etc coming through.
Especially not liking Loki already, and seeing him as a red flag, that's potential for some fun interaction.
Maybe even for discussion in the case of uh... Loki's goal, and potential to move/grow past his current potential. Who better as the franchises grows than that?
Also love me some antagonistic friendship growth or something. They're both insufferable twats so that'd be fun I GUESS.
Title Nonsense
So I guess logistically we can get THAT as an option...
I really love the idea of Loki spending centuries more on honing his abilities. To be able to touch a timeline and then just be in proximity to it to power it. To channel his magic flow outside his body to feed what he can/must.
Just... has he been at all this a millenia.... ;;?
A lot of people are mad about fandom using terms, titles and names from the comic even though that's what Marvel has always done.
Fandom has gotten into calling this Loki God of Stories now, but that's not what this version is for me, this one if anything may be a stepping stone towards an even grander purpose/goal.
More so because that feels out of his power scope still, he's not rewriting or forming anything, as well as he's not free yet. He's a quiet observer - a living battery. It's tragic, he's gotta become more.
But even still, I feel like the context of that title, with this Loki doesn't click, and wouldn't click unless he was essentially He Who Remains 2.0 because of finding ways to control timelines etc - BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT HE WANTS because he wanted everyone, everywhere in any place to have the freedom of choice.
The greatest lie ever whispered~
An ever changing, ever evolving Loki.
Loki shedding his past, and who he was to ascend, and growing beyond his limits to be able to shoulder his burden easier, but also live his life.
Work/life balance. That's what it would take for him to be God of Stories - and context is inevitably changed anyway, so that wouldn't be the title he'd have.
It's a good joke though. Good joke for someone like Mobius to make and Loki to wrinkle his nose at LOL...
But I'm also very partial to us just all accepting the fucking tree is Yggsdrasil. I like that there's a lot of ways to kinda bend and ACCEPT that too even given the context of it.
Truly the tree of life when all of the multiverse is within it's branches....
Act I: Removal
With mechanics and nonsense out of the way...
The act of actually removing Loki from the tree is something to build up to... So what's everyone doing..
Also the curious nonsense of Ravonna sent to TEOT [The End of Time] but it's in one piece, then Loki sitting on a chair with PIECES of TEOT around him implying he's making a home for himself in the ruin of it - was it destroyed with/by the loom? Does TEOT actually exist within time and Ravonna is long since gone or something? SCRATCHES CHIN...??
But anyway uh THE GANG....
Not to exclude her, but fucking leave home girl alone, my god... ;;
Let her go live her life, she deserves to just live a life where it's as mundane and uneventful as possible. The equivalent of retiring to the countryside lol. Let her have her record store AU or coffee shop AU where she like... has a life void of romance, or a romance that just...starts on her merits as a person.
Me casually over here like MAN HER AND RECORD STORE BOY THO?? LIKE HEY NOW... I love things about people being regulars to shops and stuff.
But uh, her saying her bit to Mobius and maybe...maybe there's some way to keep in touch but the only way I'd want to bug her is letting her know the stupid ass is okay eventually, or if we think she has some coordinates to TEOT if we need it or something -
But she didn't have a tempad in episode 6, she used uh HWR's bracelet thing? HM. So would she have coordinates actually... HM...
Either way, homegirl gonna live her life. Happy for her.
Status is just... removed and enjoying the little things. Being a little grunge rat burger flipper. Hella.
I'm still processing what we got dropped in our laps in regards to him and what he was doing. Like the whole LET TIME PASS thing...
I like this kind of melancholy vibe we get, almost like BEREAVEMENT leave at the moment. I like him needing to go on the timeline and sort of see what all the fuss was about. What did he spend EONS on protecting.
I can't imagine he's been there outside of a mission here and there - especially as an analyst. ESPECIALLY if his WORLD FAIR date was anything to go by. He was just VIBING...
I think Loki's words stick with him about never look, never know so he wants to see what life was stolen from him but also... I think he'd strongly feel that... that's not who he is. He's not Don, he's Mobius. He's not a father, even if the sentiment is sweet to think on - he doesn't share anything with this man except a fondness for jetskis.
Just Mobius passing some time, just a few days absorbing the timeline and getting away from the sadness that's no doubt SUFFOCATING from everyone.
Probably returning with some ideas, but ya'know Mobius is smart but it might be out of his wheelhouse to think up a solution.
OB is one of those characters I find interesting in how he grew, but I can't imagine him not being OBSESSED with the idea of the tree. He knows the team all misses Loki, hell he misses Loki, but also? Being in charge in a way of monitoring the loom for so long, how could he NOT be constantly curious about the TREE??
He helps with R&D still, he comes up top to help with things and answer questions, working on a new TVA handbook of course and just... he's gotta be trying to figure something out. Gotta.
Casey is helping with that, amidst the five million errands he is still doing - our little everywhere agent lol
Having a friend he can learn from and bounce ideas with - OB and him are probably a little ping pong table of ideas tbh.
OB trying to at least figure out where Loki might BE or how to get to him becomes a huge thing in his 'freetime' - probably starts to investigate if he can hunt him down by his temporal aura. That's gotta come back to play in here.
Using his temporal aura, and looking for any location outside the timelines that's off somehow.
OB won't involve Mobius until he has something worth getting his hopes up over. Really all anyone probably wants at first is to just know Loki is okay and make sure he's safe etc like.. .that's their friend :c
B-15 is out here leading the charge on the Kang variant hunt. Being a big leader in a lot of the goings on of the TVA now.
I imagine her reaction to OB's research is distressing because what if it all happens again. What if it all goes crazy, he worked hard to make sure we were all safe.
A big conflict in her between wanting to see Mobius not MOPING ABOUT, knowing her new friend deserves getting to have a chance at a life too, and her duty to see to the TVA carrying on and the timelines are safe - it's a lot on her plate.
It's a lot of duty vs companionship feelings which is a really nice stress point for a character, looking in, but sucks for her lol.
Ultimately it's a talk to her before you all start fucking with the tree of time nonsense or she's gonna lose it. Someone's getting the shit kicked out of them.
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zirrawrites · 9 months
Lokius Ghibli Au
Mobius is our Nowhere Man - he's a traveller of the world, with nowhere to call home.
Setting would be a touch more modern than Kiki or Howl but still that kinda small town vibe? Cozy. Laid back. Not consumer driven.
Mobius is perhaps an artist of some kind. Hobbyist trying to find the passion and spark - a muse - to be passionate about or inspired by.
He comes to this northern seaside town, it's beautiful and he's sure something good will happen. He never stays terribly long in a place either.
He meets Casey, who is a courier. He does deliveries around town, handles mail and even little errands and such - man, he's our Kiki lol...
OB is his very best friend and "the most interesting guy in town" he runs a little shop, not a mechanic shop but maybe almost like a clock shop or something. A curiosities shop of sorts for tinkers and such.
The three of them make fast friends. I think all of them live in the town, it just takes Mobius to bring them together in a way. Loki knows everyone, but he has a sour reputation so it takes the CHANGE to bring them all together.
Gotta figure out a good role for B15 when it's not late when talking to the girlfriend...
Sylvie is like Ursula, she lives in the woods with birds, travels rarely to the city, Casey makes weekly deliveries to her.
She has a million hobbies, and masters none. Eventually she settles on pottery, and learns patience and focus.
Casey has a mug from her that was a 'gift' - ugliest god damn thing and she made him take it. It was not a gift. He says it was a gift. Itsagift.
Loki is the town 'witch" he settled there long ago, he has a small house either up somewhere overlooking the ocean, or tucked away somewhere you have to know where to go to find. A word of mouth kinda person.
Be runs a little enchantments shop. Gotta figure that out better, look into what kinda magics would make sense. He can read people really well. Gonna work out the design but he doesn't let people into the actual shop shop that much maybe.
He moved away from his family, parents still alive but not sure how relationship is atm, Thor writes to him often.
Loki has a reputation for being a bit of a diva or an ass, people don't bother him in public because he's very rude. Only people who think high of themselves bother and he still weasels away.
Mobius wanders into town and at some point awkwardly bumps into Casey who remarks he's new in town. Casey excitedly offers to show him around town. For $5. Mobius only has a $10. He'll give a deluxe tour. No change. Mobius is too amused to say no.
Casey shows him all over, introduces some people, some spots, and where he can stay for the time he's in town.
At some point, Mobius sight sees, looking around town for inspiration and such. Spends time at the beach and markets a lot.
Probably spies Loki in the market, looking so striking because of how he's dressed and carries himself and he's intrigued.
Asks Casey about the guy and finds out about his sour reputation. Surely someone can't be that bad.
He eventually finds out where the shop is and decides to check it out. Casey is cursed and clumsy and not allowed in the shop so he passes LMAO...
The first meeting is probably disastrous. We'll figure that out later.
Skips around our timeline... Mobius meets Sylvie and is why she starts taking pottery more seriously, he makes one of those back hand supportive comments he does and she's determined to prove him wrong/right. You know how he goes.
OB is working on some kinda machine that's a big deal to him, we'll touch on that. Loki and Casey help this dream become a reality.
Loki starts to come out into town more, looks for excuses to run into Mobius. Starts to soften the edges a bit after Mobius and him have some words about him being all bark no bite.
Mobius probably idly drawing his hands or something while talking. I DUNNO.
Is the angst gonna come from Mobius usually leaving after some time and starting to delay leaving because the prettt witch up the road?
Uhhh Thor is gonna make an appearance by jove. And Mobius is gonna think it's some ex because their last names are not similar, they don't look similar and Thor is auper touchy feely, and Loki is very do not want.
Mobius will be petty because I love a season 1 temper tantrum based on jealous bitch energy. Mobius may know he's hot shit but he knows how hot his shit is as well. We don't condone whithering self deprecating Mobius here, but I love a man who knows his limit.
Gotta figure out the big uh change. Basically gonna be NEW GUY IN TOWN FALLS OVER WITCH ALA TOMBO FOR KIKI, but Witch goes through some shit ala Kiki or Howl because maybe Mobius messed with something??
Joked about him catching Loki's hair on fire on accident trying to help with something LMAO
But he goes through a rut with magic, thinking something is wrong with him because he caught feelings BUT ALSO MOBIUS GONNA LEAVE...
Loki trying to process feelings in general, the struggle.
Maybe Mobius, for the drama, goes to give Loki a gift the day before he goes and that's the whole CLIMAX....
Maybe Loki has a meeting within himself and is like oh SHI- and manages to tap into that root chakra and engages with his big magic which is tied to reading people - he can see people's futures, and fortune tell or something. And he doesn't see a future without that loser in it.
Is this where the dynamic duo of Casey and OB have to delay Mobius leaving? Lmao
B15 needs to be in here as someone he sees often, someone he is close to who is blunt with him. But sweet. Devil's advocate for staying but also going What's one more week, bud.
WILL FLESH IT OUT MORE but I'm living for the Loki bristle cat over LOVE?????
Loki trying to tease Mobius by flirting and showing him the fireworks and Mobius just huh, I thought you had to kiss first to see the fireworks when you're in love or something like that.
Ans Loki just very YELLS IN SILENCE before being like HUFF HAH HMNPH. Then when he's home alone he's slunk into a chair in denial so hard before it dawns on him how he feels for the stupid vagabond...
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Keep thinking about every marriage proposal I see in fanfic and how I don't think either of those bastards would get down on one knee for the other. I don't know, it just doesn't visualize correctly to me.
It's like I see them doing it almost passively but passionately and absorbed in the other's reactions somehow. But passively in an active determined way?? How do I make that make sense...
I keep laughing at Will having mail and Hannibal asking about it and passively telling him I dunno, open it for me while hes busy with something or digging a beer out of the fridge, but peeks up just to see the ten emotions filtering over Hannibal's face before he shoots a look thats the physical manifestation of a dozen question marks before Will does that little head tilt where he lowers his chin to his chest and quirks a brow.
LIKE THAT'S THE STUPID SHIT THAT FEELS MORE IN VEIN LIKE IDK. Nit expected and thrown over. Also the idea of Hannibal doing it is always so like I GET IT AND IT'S SWEET TO THINK OF MR NO FEELING ALL FEELINGS DOING IT but also, he can never predict Will, and hia expectations are low because bes literally happy with the lowest bar from Will.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Mischa so convinces Will to go home with them one holiday because they all get on the discussion of holidays. After reconnecting.
He and Hannibal aren't dating yet and Mischa is tired of the looks between them, especially Hannibal being oblivious.
She really just wants Hannibal to bake, because he rarely does, and he refuses to indulge her there too though lmao. Tree cake demands of a Mischa.
The Lecter siblings talking about how much time they've spent in America vs their homeland, and what traditions they take from both.
Hannibal sharing odd ones, but also ones he finds oddly endearing for stupid reasons like the Easter traditions.
Mischa loves family traditions, she's fond of the ones that overlap in both places, but her homeland one always seems a little affectionately strange.
Mischa is a huge fan of Christmas because the aesthetics of it in America, as well as the sibling rivalry of a better present in terms of expensive is not always better. But she loves the significance of lithuanian traditions and the meals Hannibal makes for it specifically, more so now that they're older so he cooks different, and it's harder to drag him over seas at times.
Mischa is also big on proper manners etc as she got older. She really did become a lady. But also still has feral ass moments away from Hann.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Will being raised to not trust magic or that his father hates it. Will has some magical inclination.
Will being on edge when he meets Hannibal, but also very curious because it's flames licking at the frozen part of his brain.
With Hannibal being the town wizard in a way, he picks up bits and pieces about what kind of magic he does, about him and his parties - the gossip in their market area and around town.
Hannibal has Will do deliveries sometimes when he's got a full schedule, but it's really just an excuse to see him alone - always scratching that curiosity itch.
Hannibal plans his day around the delivery slot, an attempt to hook Will's curiosity about magic.
He explains baaic charms, incantations, things for yourself. Reminisces about his mother and her magic.
Will slowly becoming more ACTIVELY curious about magic... lingering more. Hannibal toeing the line out about magic.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Hannibal is of course a caregiver type when someone is sick. Mischa telling him Will is terribly ill, and their mother helping find a good recipe to take over at Mischa's insistence.
Will is always embarrassed and feels a lot in these situations. Very delirious little man, out of it. Very thankful over and over for things.
Mischa must be the absolute worst when sick. Refuses to stay in bed, refuses to drink tea or anything. Demanding little princess.
Hannibal tries to help keep her in bed by reading to her or playing games with her until she tires herself out.
Hannibal nevwr gets sick, and when he does it's awful.
Gets sick one time and Mischa tells Will, who gets his dad to teach him how to make home made chicken soup, which he takes over in their little dingy tupperwares. It tastes better than anything the house cooks or his mother makes and he never figures out why.
Graham family secret. It will die with them...
Hannibal gets really sick when he's at school in France and he's aure he will die lol Mischa tells him he's being dramatic, he doesn't have scarlet fever. For all hia medical training it's hilarious to her.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Ghibli AU redo 3
Hannibal throws a giant party at the start of the New Year, which he invites Will to. It’s a big deal since he hasn’t thrown one in YEARS. It’s a right GALA. Will is apprehensive to show, but does choose to make an appearance for a little bit. Something about the look Abigail gave him.
Unfortunately the party reminds some people Hannibal exists and that doesn’t bode well.
The Big Reveal
The big reveal of him being this monster associated with The Ripper will be accidental, and on the cusp of Will approaching his feelings about Hannibal to his face.
Will knows how late the shop is open usually, and that Hannibal stays after hours anyway to prep for the next day/orders etc. He’s a night owl and a late riser when he can get away with it.
Will decides to stop by and....talk to Hannibal about some things - go fish, if you will. He brings an offering of wine to share and thinks about turning back and going home no less than twenty times.
There is glass and wood all over the ground and loud struggling and yelling when he turns the corner.
Something or someone has burst into the shop intending to kill Hannibal. Abigail is tossed into the backroom as not to get hurt, and Hannibal shifts into his gnarly raven/stag form.
Whatever being has come after Hannibal, it has stabbed him in the gut, and receives a broken arm and Hannibal tearing it’s throat out.
Will rounds the corner in time to see the flow of events and makes eye contact with Hannibal as Abigail is frantically yelling at the door, scared for his safety.
Will is unsure what to feel or think. The creature in front of him is Hannibal, but it is also a well known murderous beast. Either way it’s hurt. Abigail is scared. He skitters around the room to get to her, to drag her out - but Abigail immediately pushes past to check on Hannibal.
She immediately starts to check his wounds, while trying to drag him into the back room as he’s slowly turning normal. Yells at Will to either help her or get out.
She does her best with what she knows, while Hannibal instructs her. She gets Will to help take him into his actual house. They all sit very quietly in the living room before Abigail dismisses herself to start cleaning/fixing the shop and that they need space to talk.
Will is livid, and Hannibal just lets him yell all he likes. His stomach is turned, he begins to understand that bad feeling he’s always had. He mainly asks questions in a seething detached tone. Asking if this was a funny joke to him.
Hannibal goes silent, and Will eventually asks who all knows about this, to which he responds just the two of them. Will asks details like why he did what he did, why he does. Who. Hannibal answers honestly, but not without that tone of his.
Will asks what he’s supposed to do now. Hannibal tells him, whatever he feels he must.
Will leaves the wine bottle on the table, angry, and leaves.
Weeks pass, Hannibal and Abigail expect Will to turn him in to someone like Jack or Alana, but nothing happens and no one comes.
Abigail begins to go to their stand less and less because the guilt. She still tries to say hello or something, but Will doesn’t know what to do. Will begins to avoid her, defers her to his father for business. He debates every day turning them both in. He questions why her never does.
We’ve yet to see any darkness from Will but it sits there, somethings he’d like to learn, things he’s interested in. The time just never came because his aversion to that feeling from Hannibal that said ‘get out.’
Will is spaced out one day when Abigail comes up, asking for their biggest catches they still have on hand. Hannibal is throwing a banquet or something. A farewell gala.
Will scoffs and makes a comment about what he’s serving. Abigail, tight lipped, waits for Will’s father to go and retrieve the fish before softly mentioning that he’s moving the shop. That he felt it best to move on from the town. Abigail tells him she thinks he feels guilty, even though Hannibal would never admit it himself, let alone admit he was wrong.
Will remembers the first time he left and feels a big conflict of emotions. A lot of residual anger, but also those feelings he never broached that night.
Abigail takes the fish and thanks Graham Sr, and tells Will she knows he’s mad but it might be his last chance to see Hannibal without literally going to the ends of the Earth to find him - so if he’s got something to say, or yell - he better do it that night.
“He still leaves your times open, you know.”
Hannibal is wrapping up the shop, because once he unties the magic that binds to this location, everything will cease to exist. He’s standing in the middle of it when Will approaches. Exhausted. Panting. Having obviously ran the whole way there.
Will is angry, and hurt. Calls him a coward that he couldn’t even tell him either time he was leaving. Steamrolls right through that I like like you confession. Steamrolls past that disregard for digesting human meat. Steamrolls past a LOT of things. Hannibal doesn’t know what to do with ANY of that, honestly.
Will gets swept up in his emotions, grabbing him by the lapels and, angrily telling him everything he should do in terms of turning him in, taking him out with his own bare hands, asking how he can live with himself.
Hannibal slowly reaches up to touch Will’s face, believing this might very well be their last encounter - which causes Will to angrily close the distance.
But also to immediately step back, shoving Hannibal for added distance.
There’s a pause before he very quietly diverts his eyes to the ground and tells Hannibal to just give him some time. He’s still unsure what to do. He’s a frazzled cat.
Hannibal gets left in his shop, alone with his thoughts.
Against Abigail’s insistence, Hannibal closes the shop anyway. Abigail sneaks off to see Will and brings him a few things before it happens; an invitation to Hannibal’s big gala ‘in case you wanted to knock him off his game’ and an enchantment she’s been working on to find his estate when it moves.
“I’ve been putting it together for a few years now, just in case he ever got tired of me. Just in case.”
Will explaining he doesn’t even know how he feels about any of this. Feeling crazy. Abigail says he’ll figure it out - in the mean time, he’s got that stuff.
Wiggle hands, maybe Will shows up, and there’s another attack. Would be a good excuse to use what magic maybe Will DOES know that we didn’t know he knows?? Maybe it proves to him some things... idfk. Maybe he shows up to the party to, as Abigail said, surprise Hannibal and knock him into surprise, and maybe instead it’s a fight for your life brawl and the reveal of him being the Ripper beast thing. Or he maintains his cool and Will and him just use whatever??
LACES FINGERS - listen man I don’t think about endings...
There’s gonna be a lot of little instances of people coming after Hannibal and Will and him having to do shit. But maybe the big gala is the big oh no my feelings one. THE IT’S BEAUTIFUL FIGHT. A LITERAL DRAGON LMAO UGH.
Listen, they’re gonna share a heart, I don’t know what to tell you. They’re both gonna be wicked strong after sharing a dark wizard heart. That’s as good as being married.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Ghibli AU redo 2
The Reconnect
A few years, Abigail is picking up a LAUNDRY list of items for Hannibal because he has appointments all day and can’t have deliveries done - and is talking to a nearby stall when they stop her to ask how Hannibal is, and how excited they are to have him back.
Most people call him Count Lecter these days because it is more notable of a wizard or something.
Will catches it and it intrigues him, but also rolling his eyes at great, another wizard set up shop.... I’m sure it’s all anyone has been talking about all weekend with how slow business is going, ya?
Abigail stops by the Graham’s stand and asks for something specific she was told they would ‘absolutely have’ - probably a certain type of something for potions. Fish eyes/eggs or something like that, something SPECIFIC that maybe only a few people know of?? Maybe she was told specifically to ask to speak to Will’s dad because a conversation they once had.
Will is curious by that. His father probably makes a comment about it, makes some snide comment about wizards. They cater to them, but he’s not happy about it.
Will probably asks what wizard has moved into Hannibal’s old shop space, and Abigail gives him a queer look. Will probably mentions Hannibal both fondly, and coolly, and mentions how people use to really like him, and that his shoes are going to be very hard for this Count Lecter to fill.
Abigail is holding in her laughter, before Will ventures to look at her face, and she reveals that she’s an apprentice for him, and humorously they’re one and the same. That he left due to the state of the war and things, and he’s back because he came to regard this place and it’s people as his home.
Really he was off learning some dark shit, and killing probably.
This period might be when he learned transformative magic. Might have used that as his advantage to kill the people who attacked his family, or find out more on what happened... that’s probably where some of his fame came from as he was younger, people love a survivor’s tale.
Abigail getting grilled by Will about how SHE knows Hannibal and such, begins to push right back about looking down her nose and haughty like “You sure seem to be asking a lot for someone so indifferent about wizards. Were you friends?” - MISCHIEVOUS GLINT.
Abigail is very defensive of Hannibal, Will doesn’t take her bait. She pulls out a little pocket book and asks curiously if his name is Will.
Hannibal has kept their delivery slot open still. Especially in apprehension of opening shop back up here.
She’s very amused, says he should stop by, he’s always happy to see a familiar face if this is the case.
It takes a few weeks, and everything slips minds. Hannibal has slipped himself next to a flower shop, and down the way from a bakery, and a tailor. Will is running his own errands when he sees the front of Hannibal’s shop and stands in front of it.
Against his better judgement he checks the time and decides to stop in and at least say hello.
Abigail is studying at the desk and stands in alert when she sees Will, she’s very excited to see him, and offers to go get Hannibal from the office.
She ushers him into the back where Hannibal is working and they’re both shocked to see one another.
They catch up for hours before Will says he has to go, Hannibal invites him to dinner that week and Will sort of brushes it off - still unsure how he feels around Hannibal because the gut feeling, but also mad at the fact he just LEFT all that time ago. But he’ll....think about it.
“You know where to find me.”
Abigail absolutely hounds Hannibal for their history and about the standing delivery window he keeps open for “just a fisherman, who also happens to be a friend.”
Abigail also astounded because he never seems to be actual friends with everyone, it’s all a facade.
Alana and Jack and various other character positions..
Jack is probably anti-magic, thinks it’s people going unchecked and causing horrors. A knight type of character, crusader? Something of that nature. He’s determined to make some of the worse wizards and witches pay for their crimes against the wizarding and human world.
In Howl there was this ability to take magic away by that weird little room/chamber or something? If Jack had the science team build something like that, and they either captured offending wizards and had them on trial or something?
I’ma be honest, I’m not focusing on this part so hard, honestly lol. But that’s probably a low key system - the focus is on the fact it’s an independent thing, and not the strict law. But no one fights it, because it’s ‘the right thing to do’ with WIZARDS and WITCHES who kill for fun.
Alana is probably a high level mage too, trained under Hannibal as Abigail is doing now. Doesn’t answer TO Jack, but assists in what is often considered the greater good, because she doesn’t think the killing is okay either.
She educates on basic magic, and procedural things.
Hannibal in general
Lots of focus on medicinal work. He knows field medicine, medical practice, botany, surgical nonsense - it all aids in his abilities as a healing oriented wizard by his design, and intention/focus.
In the period he was gone, he began his real descent into the world of dark magic. He stopped throwing lavish parties and being close to people. He holed himself up, learned transformative magic, sought out the people responsible for attacking his family.
It all went hand in hand, really. Also the birth of the Ripper persona and displaying bodies and the like.
Hannibal works his way very intensely to make quite the image of himself, and his abilities. He does not let on some of these things like the transformative stuff.
He becomes a very private person, he enjoys the mystique around him, and that no one knows the truth about where he comes from, what he knows, and what he does outside he’s VERY Good at his trade and is a polite and good man. No one has any idea about his other sides.
Will and Hannibal
They both maintain a light friendship, Hannibal coaxing Will to learn mundane magic, probably some latent ability in him - maybe his mother was inclined. But just little things, things he might even be too prideful to use - repair abilities etc. He likes the manual ability to repair and such.
Hannibal sure tries.
Sometimes he invites Will for dinner, but he’s only taken the offer a handful of times. There’s something that concerns him about Hannibal, but he can’t put his finger on it.
Will notices the stirring of something but ignores it because Hannibal is...well, Hannibal. He’s like this and polite with everyone. But mostly, they’re friends and surely that’s all!
Hannibal has removed emotion fro himself quite a bit, and notices the stirring of something, but assumes it’s the desire to see and be seen by someone as unique as Will. Not in the show sense of seeing and being seen, but the whole Will makes him feel something specific...
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Ghibli AU redo
Hannibal comes from a family of magic users. His mother was very into potions, healing magic and charms, and his father a bit more on the collection of the occult and dark arts.
Mother mainly taught them for their own gains, and had personal journals and such that she kept. Something she passes onto him, and he has still.
Father didn’t teach much but Hannibal would sneak looks at his things because his curiosity of the dark magic as well.
Hannibal definitely used little enchantments things to entertain his sister - she would have been in LOVE and obsessed with healing magic when she got older.
In the vein of a lot of Ghibli stuff, and Hannibal canon, debating some kind of war going on, or if Hannibal’s family is a focus for an attack from some group for like....things his dad might have in his possession?
Still trying to decide the state of his family, and when shit hits the fan honestly. I’d say probably mid or late teens, honestly.
More or less his family is assumed dead.
Hannibal over the years becomes a widely known wizard, he has a similar setup to Howl with a door that changes per a few locations on a dial.
His actual home is a lavish estate, with an undisclosed location. The ‘dial room’ is probably something akin to a study that changes shape itself per his calling or request. Or it’s a revolving room of some kind but the door stays the same? So when HE enters it, it is different?
The dial will probably have locations to the upper market, a lower of sorts, a field/some kind of wilderness and maybe his childhood home or what’s left of it. Not that it’s visited that much. Maybe specifically his family’s old library - like maybe a fancy one that is hidden? His parent’s personal library?
He’s known for hosting parties on the rare occasion these days, and it’s by invitation only. The actual estate itself is impossible to find without said invitation I assume. That’s part of the moving component.
Hannibal does kill in this AU. He does eat humans in this AU. He also has a weird monstrous form like Howl did as well, it’s a weird raven-y/stag influenced thing of course. Thinking if it can fly is interesting - bird man hoofed form or like a pegasus lol...
He kills the rude still, but particularly wizards and witches who abuse their powers against the ordinary or something - not in a FUN WAY. His morals are still skewed but a bit more picky? Restrained? I feel like it aligns more with popular fandom Will criteria though.
I’m not sure how the rules on murder will be, honestly. Because The Witch of the Waste was renowned for being evil or at least bad, and no one like arrested her or anything, so I assume if he maintained a ‘Ripper’ persona, for these crimes, it’d just be the like... lower market persona versus Count Lecter of the upper markets~
Which may very well be the case. The Ripper, and Count Lecter, two personas for two very different clientele? Or a persona he dons, and one he is GIVEN a reputation for. Count Lecter runs two shops/offices on different days, but The Ripper is a reputation people fear?
The Ripper takes organs of magic users and eats them for their abilities and power saturation or something. Displays only the worst ones maybe. Sells hexes and such. Dark magic spells, but at a high cost to YOU, but nothing that could come back on him.
I imagine if he went on a killing spree he’d catch the eye of someone like Jack and that may very well be a point that Will eventually curbs?
Count Lecter being known for his mother’s magic and such though - charms, enchantments, casual spells - he likes to see the duality of man and where he can press people.
But yeah, he eats his enemies - there’s a lot of mythology around that kind of thing to play with.
Still really love the idea of him removing his own heart in the event his family is passed, as a way to protect himself.
But I also like the literal metaphorical exchange thing in the context of Howl too. Exchange your heart with another’s kind of thing?? We’ll touch that later.
Maybe the Ripper shop is a European shop?? LOUD SHRUG.
Meeting Abigail
Hannibal sets up a shop/office of some kind. Maybe he sees people on a client time frame for their woes, and supplies advice, teaching or magic depending the case. He’s expensive but his magic is worth it.
He pays a lot in the local markets, and/or has weekly drop offs done for him.
Abigail comes to Hannibal seeking a protection spell, and to erase her memory of things she’s seen her father do, or have her aid in. Maybe she was orphaned by The Ripper even.
After a few apprehensive visits, and round about discussions, Abigail decides to try and see if he’ll train her as an apprentice.
He’s curious, but apprehensive, until she begins to discuss how she helped her father, and maybe even until she seeks him out unknowingly about Nick Boyle.
Or even mentioning she knows what Hannibal is after a meal they share because she knows that meat.
They easily enter a checkmate/stalemate. She begins taking up handling the sort of front end business and book keeping for him. He adores her in a funny way because she’s smart, and her self-preservation is interesting.
She lives with him, and he trains her on certain days. As pay back she handles his shop/office front ends and the book keeping, as well as picking up and managing his orders around the shops and towns.
He’s strict but also lenient depending the topic, views her as the little sister he was robbed of. Enjoys and chides her for her snarky tone.
Meeting Will
Will and his father are fishermen and in a way mechanics. Will does labor work in the harbor for people, and helps his dad run his fishing stand usually.
Will’s dad is very against magic, maybe his wife was magic, or maybe she left him for a magic user? But he dislikes magic a LOT, and he’s vocal about it, but he’s very polite - though terse at times - to Hannibal.
Will is very logic driven, only believes things with his own eyes but also believes a lot of magic is snake oil sales, or slight of hand. Though he knows there are REAL magic users, and real wizards who do grand and transformative work in the world. Most people trying to pass themselves off as wizards etc are con artists or something.
He doesn’t know how to think of Hannibal, because he’s such a proper man but he also can’t get a read on him as a person.
The charm of the Grahams is what keeps them off the dinner table.
Will probably has some natural divinity or foresight still. Makes him interesting at even a glance to Hannibal.
The Grahams are his favorite place for fish though, and even sometimes discuss knowledge of what’s catchable in the area, or sometimes taking request orders. “If you catch any ___, could you deliver it?” sort of things.
Hannibal could probably persuade his father to help with supplies he needs for magic even - some of the things a fisherman might toss aside. Tell him that it’s good side money even if he hates wizards.
I imagine over time, Hannibal would still be someone Will’s dad dislikes, but tolerates or bends a bit for.
Hannibal develops a fondness for Will, with his handsome appearance and intriguing and blunt toned mind, as well as his well guarded curiosity. Will own fondness he won’t put words to, friendship with a wizard a far off concept to him.
They probably meet in their late 20′s/30′s and become conversational friends, at the least.
As Hannibal’s business takes off, he begins having more deliveries done, and always sets aside time for Will when he makes his.
Will lets it slide he has an interest in magic, but it’s a guarded on. He is intrigued, but still distrustful of Hannibal and his magic. Feeling pinprick anxious when even coming into the shop for too long.
But he begins talking to Hannibal more at the shop, since his father can’t judge his comments or questions. He doesn’t believe Hannibal can do the things he boasts.
Will often jokes about Hannibal’s parlor tricks, it’s what he calls any caliber of his magic.
Hannibal probably tries to coax Will into learning small magic things, Will can’t say he’s not curious or that he hasn’t paged through books idly when waiting for Hannibal to retrieve things.
Hannibal might give Will little trinkets or gifts from his travels, honestly. Look at you courting a boy with shinies...
Hannibal gives Will an enchantment for good luck one day, on the house for a good friend, and unfortunately by the end of the week, his shop has vanished.
There’s a period where Hannibal moves shops, and just isn’t in the harbor market. Will goes to stop by and see the shop front no longer there and tries to not think of it as heart break when he’s upset.
Might hold a grudge from it, his father calls wizards flighty and disconnected with people’s feelings.
Will has a neutral feeling about that, just feeling disappointment at the loss of a friendship and ability to scratch a certain itch.
Does he ever use the good luck charm??
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Drawing Mischa and I forgot how much boob I give her and my gf laughing at me... I'm... laughing about her writing Will a letter during puberty LMAO.
Includes the family photo all OH WILLIAM LOOK AT OUR FAMILY NOW!! Mother is just radiant and Hannibal has become SO HANDSOME and William just look at my poor daddy's hair!!! Mommy says I'm becoming such a lady..but Will, the worst thing has happened... I've got boooobs.... they're just AWFUL!!! Why do women want MORE of these????
0 notes
zirrawrites · 3 years
Will staying over at the Lecters while dad out of town.
IT'S A LOT. Mom always happy Mischa's friend is polite and that she has a good friend.
Hannibal cooking special because Will is over. Probably makes something he likes or never gets dinner or dessert-wise.
Hannibal forehead kisses for Mischa, and Mischa glares if Will doesn't also get them.
Will has trouble sleeping in the guest room because it's so big and sometimes he has really bad nightmares.
Either seeks out Hannibal in the middle of the night to sit with him, or read to him or something, or Hannibal hearing him cry out.
Doesn't wanna bug Mischa because she's a girl and he heard they need their beauty sleep. She's a lady, is partially why he seeks Hannibal out.
Hannibal also needs his beauty sleep.
Just scoots close to the edge so Hannibal can sit or sleep and feel safe because Will is the dokiest and Hannibal is safe.
No one at school believes him. Mischa absolutely takes a poloroid for her little collection.
Hannibal helps make breakfast because Mischa says his pancakes are the best. But everything he does is her favorite.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Will's dad teaches him a lot about helping out. Teaches him how to cook for when he's gonna be late from work or drinking or fishing.
Will learning proper fish gutting and filleting skills at a young age because he wants to make his dad proud a d be practices a lot.
His dad is out of town for a weekend, and Will says so around the Lecters. Mischa immediately saying he can come stay at their house. Will says he can't, he has to take care of his dog.. his dog...the boat yard stray. A mutt you'd name Shadow.
Mischa tells Will all about their dogs back home. Borzois.
Later that evening during dinner Mischa just keeps sighing, sad about poor William all alone at home...so sad, truly.
Their mother saying they can see him tomorrow.
Hannibal drawing, Mischa draping herself dramatically over the fainting couch OH HANNIBAL, OUR POOR WILLIAM IS ALL ALONE...
The next night Hannibal and Mischa show up at Will's and he's shocked to see them. He's in his little lounge shorts and tank top... just speeding away to put on proper clothes because the Lecters showed up.
Hannibal brings apple cake, and intends to help cook something for Will, but he's already cooking dinner. Hannibal is amazed but spooks when Will just grabs a knife and keeps working.
The Lecters stay for dinner and go home after, Will is happy he impressed them. Sleeps content, has apple cake in the morning for breakfast
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Will and Mischa are 5, in kindergarten. Hannibal is 11 and in probably 6th grade.
Will lives with his dad, somewhere in Mississippi. Lives on a boat yard, so either in a run down house or literally lives on a boat.
Interesting point that Will mentions boat yards in Biloxi, Greenville and lake boats on Erie. Could be Greeenville, MS or Greenville, NC with the traveling.
The Lecters are in America on business in a way. Dad setting up a new like winery. Mom very involved in the business as well, especially new set ups.
Mischa is excited to be learning in America.
Finds Will interesting. But also very rude, but she kind of likes that.
Hannibal is being tutored for school, so he’s always home. He does a lot of art and cooking in his freetime - he has a lot of artistic hobbies honestly for when he’s not doing school work above his grade level.
Hannibal must be very lonely, honestly... :c
Since he comes to all Mischa’s little class parties, everyone adores him and thinks he’s like the coolest and most interesting big brother.
Will doesn’t know what to think of him, probably thinks he’s stuck up or too proper because of how he acts and talks.
Mischa does not stand for this though and constantly talks about how wonderful Hannibal is.
Mischa during the Valentine’s Day party, notices Will doesn’t give Hannibal one and confronts him about it. After this is when she starts to notice Will has a crush on her brother.
Will spends a lot of time at the Lecter household in general. Mischa likes having him over because she considers them best friends.
Will likes that he gets to try out Hannibal’s cooking often, and even gets to bring home leftovers for his dad. Usually attempt 2 or 3 Hannibal kept because it was good, but not perfect.
His dad is at first annoyed by the foo-foo-ness and such of the Lecters, but over time warms up to how well they treat Will and how kind they are to him as well when they drop him off.
Some time later Will asks Hannibal to tutor him in social studies [which Will is good at, it’s just an excuse to spend time with Hannibal.] Hannibal agrees, not wanting to let Will down because he has a fondness for him, and ends up asking Mischa to borrow her text book to read.
Mischa is confused because Will is good at social studies, and is actually bad at math.
At some point Hannibal says something about Will that makes Mischa decide this is the hill she’s dying on. She’s ride or die. That boy WILL be her brother in law.
Mischa is convinced Will and Hannibal are gonna be married, and she constantly makes references to it, much to Hannibal’s discomfort at times.
“Is this your little brother?” “NO, THAT’S HIS FIANCE.”
The Lecters move after a few years, roughly when the kids are in 3rd grade, before Hannibal is to start highschool.
Mischa insists they keep in touch, decides they can be penpals.
Will works really hard on his handwriting over the years as his personal focus because of this. Especially if he’s writing to Hannibal.
Will and Mischa keep in touch over the years, sending letters as often as they can. Mischa encourages him to also write to Hannibal because she’s sure he’d like to hear from him too because he’s going off to France and will be lonely.
Will doesn’t write as often due to awkwardness, but he loves hearing from them both because their lives are infinitely more interesting than his.
Mischa writes CONSTANTLY, what’s going on with her, updating with what’s going on with Hannibal if he hasn’t written anything to Will specifically. How excited she is to hopefully see him again someday.
Will moves in this time to somewhere else in Mississippi.
Mischa joins her mother on a business trip to check on the winery, and hopes to see Will but discovers he’s moved too far for a simple trip unfortunately. She sends him a postcard from their little shared town telling him she just missed him it seems and there will be other times.
Mischa over the years makes sure she never misses a birthday or a Christmas, sending something overnight if she must. Especially snagging Hannibal to do something with her if she can because it means that much more.
Mischa loves taking Poloroids and including them for special occasions.
Will sending back the occasional school photo.
Mischa sending little family photo updates every so often, chiming in with “Look how handsome my brother has become.” or “Mother says I’m becoming a lady, but I don’t see it.” or “Look at daddy’s grey hair!!”
When Hannibal is 19 he moves to America to have his internship and start his studies at John’s Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.
Mischa is 13 at this point.
Simonetta begins setting up a winery location in Baltimore, MD later that year or next.
Mischa stays with him every summer her parents let her. At least the majority of it.
Mischa has started to save money aside through the year for when she goes to America.
Hannibal being Hannibal would definitely have some kind of long distance calling set up where he lives, not like he couldn’t afford it, to stay in contact with his family.
Mischa at 15 or 16 convinces Will to start having long distance calls, says she and Hannibal want to hear from him.
Mischa is ECSTATIC to hear his stupid post-puberty voice, and Hannibal is very fond to hear him choosing his words but also being excited to hear them both.
Will is very awkward about hearing Hannibal and being very enchanted by his voice. His crush is still long standing after all this time, and probably gets worse honestly.
The phone calls are a special time for them all, and a thing that Hannibal is fine with. They all laugh when his father reminds him it’s time to get off because he needs the computer.
Any missed call windows are met with sad emails from Will about his dad needing the computer and hoping the Lecters see it before it’s too late, or Mischa asking where he is.
Mischa struggling to stay awake and tell Will things and Hannibal telling her they should get to bed, Mischa begging him to not waste the time and tell her and Will a story or something to fall asleep to tonight.
Will just intently storing that in his brain......
Okay, with Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, and Franklyn mentioning it, it means the show MUST take place after that. Bryan has said I believe 2010 is when Season 1 takes place.
With that in mind, cellphones really took off in 2000, with more people using text messaging.
Mischa and Will would be 21 by then. Hannibal would be 27.
With Mischa being in the states during the summers, she probably would insist on calling Will because she wants to hear how different he sounds, but constraining it to the weekends still.
General phone plans were 500 minutes a month outside your network, so she’d probably talk to him 2 or so hours a week on the weekend when they were all available.
She’d continue always put him on speaker phone so she could include Hannibal if he wasn’t busy or studying himself. Especially if he was cooking and listening to his ‘silly classical music.’
Mischa and Will probably move on to emailing each other more often than writing, but she and Hannibal still make sure to exchange gifts on birthdays and Christmas.
They all keep in touch, but it starts to be a little bit harder with life getting busier. With the boys deeply involved in college, and Mischa starting to help a bit more with some of the family business stuff. Weekly emails turn into monthly, turn into every other month.
The summer starts to be a bigger deal to the three of them, especially Will. Mischa never misses a weekly call when it’s the summer if she can help it, or even just texting to see when they CAN talk.
Hannibal tends to be a little less present as he starts to become involved in his surgeon work and his position amongst the Baltimore Elite.
Will is living in Wolf Trap, VA when he’s 23, and going to school at George Washington University in Washington D.C.
Hannibal is 29, living in Baltimore, MD and finishing up his medical degree/doctorate.
Mischa is 23 working on helping her mother dealing with the winery in Baltimore, MD so she has an excuse to be near Hannibal. Also starts her interest in teaching.
Will lives 93 minutes away from them while he’s going to school. They all don’t really factor that in.
Will catches some of the news articles about things going on around the D.C. area and Baltimore. Sees Hannibal in articles more and more online as he gets deeper in his studies.
He one day emails Hannibal after a long period and strikes up a conversation about an article he’s read by him, and asking him some questions. Hannibal responds warmly and answers his questions and interjects with hoping it’s not unprofessional to ask how a dear old friend is doing.
The two begin emailing semi regularly about things given they have a similar interest and area of interest than just Mischa and their childhood.
Alana is studying in Georgetown, and Will is studying at George Washington. They probably meet in the area or cross paths at some point and become friends. There’s probably a mutual crush there but Alana is probably smitten by her mysterious mentor and Will is just at a point thinking everyone is out of his league.
Will is 24 or 25, Hannibal is 30 or 31.
Alana and Will are talking at some point, I imagine she never mentions her mentor’s name. Mentions he’s throwing a party at a local winery to celebrate finishing his medical doctorate.
Will isn’t big on parties, but recalls that Mischa said she’d be busy that weekend, but not why. Decides instead of drinking at home with his dogs, why not go?
Alana and Will show up together, both have joked how it’s not a date. They mingle and talk, they’re both in a circle laughing and socializing when Alana excuses herself to go catch her mentor to wish him congrats. When Will tries to follow she swats him back to the circle, happy to see him socializing.
Will scans the crowd idly tuning out the conversation when he locks eyes across the room with Mischa. She has obviously been staring at him for a while. She begins to march across the room politely fighting her way. Will is too stunned to really react.
Mischa gets more gleeful the closer she gets before exclaiming his name and latching to his arm after the world’s tightest hug and screech.
Immediately she realizes “You’ve gotta see Hannibal, he won’t believe it!” she throws back her wine and slams it on a tray and points to Will “You will not tell him I did that.”
Mischa drags a flustered and embarrassed Will through the crowd as she makes a B-line for Hannibal who is pulled to the side by Alana.
Mischa gently yells at her brother for his attention over and over again before gently shaking his sleeve, and he just turns laughing at her chiding about her manners before he snaps eyes on Will and back to Mischa’s absolutely BEAMING face; “Look what the cat dragged in!”
Hannibal is speechless looking over Will.
Alana looks confused before laughing and asking if Will has met Hannibal before.
Mischa laughs and goes into how they’ve all grown up together and she pretty much considers him her brother-in-law.
Will turns bright red gaping at her and Hannibal regards her curiously.
Alana laughs, semi-awkwardly, followed by the others.
Hannibal excusing himself from Alana “Would you excuse me my dear Alana, while my sister is being quite crude, I have not seen William in over a decade.” Alana looks surprised by that but flaps her hand and says she’ll circle back around later for them both.
Mischa watches her go and grins at Will before feigning panic at being needed by her mother in the kitchen for something or other.
Will winces as she goes, being left with Hannibal in person finally and having to absorb all of whatever that is.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Random Canon Information
Things I’ve sussed out across the various information in the novels, movies or show and have compiled for my own use.
Hannibal is 6 when Mischa is born. [She is born in the fall.]
Hannibal is 8, and Mischa is 2 going on 3 when the Nazis attack.
Hannibal is 11, and Mischa is 5 going on 6 when their parents die/Grutas and crew come into the picture.
HR states the family survives 3.5 years in the cabin before their parents die.
Hannibal is 12, and Mischa is 6 when she dies.
HR notes shortly after Hannibal is kicked into the forest, that it has been 4 years since they killed Cook, which was just before the parents are killed by the bombs.
Hannibal is 12 when he’s picked up by the Russian soldiers.
HR notes the chain around his neck, having worn skin away and possibly scarring.
Hannibal is adopted at 13 by his uncle.
HR says 13, Show I believe says 16.
Hannibal would only have spent a year in the orphanage.
Chiyoh and Hannibal are the same age, as HR states she was 13 and learning skills for her engagement. An engagement she’d had for years already.
Hannibal is 13 when he goes to school in Essonne, France, then Paris.
Doesn’t state when he graduates, just that he graduates early.
Supposedly the youngest person admitted to medical school in France. Youngest on record I found to finishing was someone around 22 years old.
Hannibal commits his first murder at 13 - the butcher Paul Momund.
His uncle dies of a heart attack after the fact as well.
Hannibal is questioned about murders at 13. Six months after moving to France.
Hannibal is 14 or 15 when he runs into the stolen paintings of his family.
Hannibal explains he is in school.
Hannibal is 18 when he sees Faust with Lady Murasaki in France.
Chiyoh ends her engagement around this time to be with an engineer at Kyoto University.
Hannibal is 18 when he goes back to the cabin to gather the names of the men.
Hannibal is 19 when he starts his internship at John’s Hopkins due to his illustration work.
Hannibal is 19 or 20 when he kills the last man in Canada.
Hannibal sees Picnic in New York City, NY as well.
Hannibal would be a minimum of 30 when getting his PhD in medicine.
Medical degrees can take typically 8 years, but an ER surgeon will usually be at least 11 years.
Hannibal would be a minimum of 34 when getting his PhD in psychiatry.
Psychiatry requires medical background, usually a medical degree with at least 11 years of training.
Probably be closer to 37 with all that being said and done with the requirements and the 4-10 years of residency/fellowship often needed.
Hannibal is 37 when still noted as being an ER surgeon at John’s Hopkins.
With the biggest note being time overlap of when the bow hunter patient comes through.
Hannibal is also 37 when he opens his private practice in Baltimore.
Hannibal is at least 39 or 40 by the time he meets Will Graham.
Specifically due to the fact Miriam Lass has been missing for 2 years, and that would be 2 years from the time Entreé takes place.
Which - allegedly Hannibal is 37 and Will is 31 when he shoots and kills Garrett Jacob Hobbs, which is a little early on the Hannibal end of being a notable psychiatrist.
Will lives in various cities growing up - Biloxi, MS. Greenville, MS. Somewhere on Lake Erie, and down to New Orleans, LA.
His mother is absent since he was younger, no memory at all and barely mentions his father aside from them being poor.
Will is probably 18 or 19 when he moves to/lives in New Orleans, LA.
Minimum age for being a police office is 19-21, with a homicide detective being minimum age of 21.
If Will goes to college for his own interest in criminal justice, he would graduate with a bachelors at 22.
Given what RD and the show implies about his intelligence, it’s not a longshot that he could get grants or scholarships for college.
Depending his age when he goes to college vs application age for the police force would say that he either focuses on school, or does odd jobs like his father did that first year.
Will would be about 19 then when he became a police officer, and 22 by the time he’s a homicide detective.
Depending requirements, if the degree is needed or not. Job position also requires at least 3 years on the force.
Will is possibly 22 or 23 when he gets shot in the shoulder.
I imagine he gets some kind of compensation or severance pay for it as well.
Possibly considered a rookie mistake.
Will moves to Wolf Trap, VA and enrolls in a graduate program for forensic science at George Washington University in Washington D.C.
GWU is a 19 minute drive from Wolf Trap, VA.
Will is probably 27 when he graduates with his masters in Forensic Science.
Forensic Science generally takes 4-6 years to complete the degree.
Will is between 24 and 29 when he works in the FBI Crime Labs or doing field work.
According to most sources, in order to teach for the FBI, as in non guest lecturing as Alana does, most agents are required minimum 2 years of either lab or field work.
In RD we’re told he had experience in the field, but the show says he wasn’t cleared for field duty. The show lays on a more mentally unstable and ill image than RD does.
Age range as it is, because he could still be completing school as he’s finishing his master’s.
Will is 31 when he shoots Garret Jacob Hobbs.
If we have to bend this to Hannibal’s age not making sense with his work unless he skipped grades etc, Will would fall more in 33 or 34.
From Wolf Trap, VA
George Washington University, Washington D.C - 19 minutes.
Georgetown University, Washington D.C - 17 minutes.
To Quantico - 74 minutes.
To Baltimore -  93 minutes.
From Baltimore, MD
George Washington University, Washington D.C - 50 minutes.
Georgetown University, Washington D.C - 53 minutes.
To Quantico - 85 minutes.
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zirrawrites · 3 years
Keep thinking about the Mischa lives au. It's heavily based in canon but I keep thinking where it bisects or how it can be altered in weird ways.
If they both lived but Hannibal was for sure they killed and ate her, just like the little Albanian boy. But if she got away somehow and they just never found one another...
Like can you imagine season 2 Will finding out about this weird chink in Hannibal's armor and researching his past and shit... I mean that has to come into play somehow in season 3, he finds the castle afterall...
He never asks Hannibal what happened to her really straightforward... What if he brings up researching it... What if she was just some little orphan... The baby bracelet is such a big deal I often wonder what if she still had it, or if Hannibal did.
Idk. Or hell even Will mentioning her to Chiyoh...maybe she knows the truth... Maybe she figures out the truth and finds her because now it's not a certain thing. Will inspires doubt...
A season 4 or beyond of it being brought up. Idk. There's a lot of places to bring it in,but without disrupting the flow of their dance is the thing. Casually thinks about all those domestic moments of talking to his sister, her giving Will once overs down her nose. He's not good enough for her big brother. He has to win her approval, but Will doesn't care....it's chef kiss good.
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zirrawrites · 4 years
Hannibal stumbles into his study and Will wakes to it and follows after him, watching him struggle from the doorway.
Will offering to help, but also being wary of him. Not wanting any direct contact. Scared in a small way of the feral creature he saw, afraid he'll lash out at him.
Hannibal looks like shit, cuts and bruises visible on arms and neck, looks exhausted overall, bone tired. The part of Will that trusts him, just wanting him to go lie down instead of whatever he was doing.
Hannibal being coerced to sit down, and trying to explain, but being cut off. Will only letting him nod or shake his head, yes or no answers to start. It's too much, and the worry coming off Hannibal in waves is palpable to Will. A man who is afraid of nothing, is feeling something foreign now. Too much, too soon.
Will starts asking some very damning questions about him and what he does. The extent of his magic knowledge. Does Jack know. Or Alana. Was he defending himself or enjoying himself. Asking about the cannibalism aspect. How often. How long. Why. Asking if he planned to eat Will too eventually. If this was some sick joke, luring him in. Asking if that's Abigail's job. To lure.
Hannibal not having an answer to all that and belatedly shaking his head. Swallowing with a click in his throat and softly saying Will's name and reaching out -
Will flinching back, softly telling him he should go back upstairs and rest so Abigail doesn't worry. Probably leaving soon after.
Will leaving to process things and how he feels - probably gone for a few weeks. Keeps thinking about popping in and apologizing, but it's still a lot to process and he's furious in his own way. He's furious with himself for not doing the right thing, too.
Starts to distract himself so he can avoid it in general until Abigail finds him at the market, annoyed.
Will is a tall glass of indifference. Abigail is visibly charged and angry with him. On edge over possibly losing Hannibal, and Will ditching them both. He falters asking if Hannibal is okay though. Abigail is mad but sighs deeply saying yes, but she's mad he completely stopped coming around.
Will is very...distant. Which Abigail takes as him wanting nothing to do with them. She gets quiet and accuses him of such. When he's quiet in response she just sort of switches gears to seem more honorable.
Maybe in his absence Hannibal decides to plan to move the shop again. Move the shop and in time come after Will for knowing. Or finding a way to pin something on him.
Abigail tells Hannibal he's moping, doesn't mention the trip to the market and her talk with Will. Doesn't dissuade or encourage the moving of the shop.
Hannibal distracting himself and feeling she's advanced enough to learn the spell she originally came to him for,; something for memories and forgetting.
Abigail starts debating using it on Will, so things can go back to the way they were.
Margot enters the scene during this period, seeking a her for her bastard brother. But also deducing that Hannibal's two pseudonyms are one in the same.
Hannibal feeling defensive but also impressed. Margot praises his cunning, and also discusses her plan to throw her brother off the throne and hopefully put a stop to the war.
Make things... Easier for people like Hannibal. Afterall, Vergers have a lot of influence.
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zirrawrites · 4 years
Hannibal is a widely known wizard or whatever. Probably practices darker magics that people frown upon under a different pseudonym.
In one of his locations he’s known for casual and kind charms like blessing vessels, crops, family/friends and tools. Another location for hexes and such. Vindictive spells. Likes to see the duality of man and where he can press people directionally.
His favorite is the former though because the shops he’s placed himself near, and the nearby market he enjoys frequenting.
Probably began studying dark magic after his sister died/was killed, thought maybe he could bring her back, but unfortunately there were too many side effects and she just wouldn’t be herself. Originally learned dark magic for that, then began to learn it for revenge.
Eats parts of his enemies for said spells, benefits the body and mind somehow. Eh. Wiggle hand. There’s expandable energy there to explore. Lots of myths and lore say eating thy enemy fuels your becoming etc. That’s referenced in the Matthew Brown episode even.
If we go the Howl route of removing one’s heart from your body, that would be interesting later in ship sense, but also just unsettling Will. Sharing one’s heart literally and metaphorically. Always loved that whole exchanging physical hearts or something something metaphor in fics. Removing it when he finds a way to do so when studying dark magic? Way to keep his heart from breaking more or again? Detaching oneself…
Uhh, monster form is some kind of giant raven stag. Can it fly with the feathery element? Would be interesting to twist the familiar design just that bit more. Lile a pegasus version of a stag. Gosh. Feral raven stag Hannibal, oof. Horrifying.
Let’s see…. Abigail is the placement of Markl. Some poor orphan girl who ends up abandoned by a previous town he was in? She came seeking maybe a forgetting spell because of her father? He makes some comment about that which hurts us drives us or something poetic asshole he’d spout.
Maybe he had his shop in this town before, a link between Abigail and Will before, and Hannibal missed the town and returns a few years later after being abroad in some European town? Showed Abigail an Italy adjacent country.
Abigail decided she wants to learn from him. Handles a lot of the front end business and errands in exchange for living with him and his time to teach. He’s strict but lenient depending the topic, views her much as a little sister type due to similarities in his mind. Enjoys and yet chides her on her snarky tone she sometimes takes.
Abigail is how we meet Will. He’s a tinkerer. He works on motors and machines, and helps his old man run the fish business or something. Dad probably has a team of fishers he deals with, and his dad just likes him around with the business.
So family business, but he does mechanical work on the side. Likes seeing how things work. Still has the empathy thing I’m sure.
Abigail is probably running errands for Hannibal, and ends up having a long wry conversation with Will’s father about hunting. Will commenting she sure knows a lot, maybe comments on that versus being the apprentice of Hannibal of all people. She rolls her eyes and comments how he’s more than he presents himself to be. Defensive of Hannibal with that sort of wistful inside joke commenting/threatening tone that we’ve seen Abigail do.
Will’s dad is probably against magic, Will too then. Will is a man of logic and divine fate or something. Writes magic off as slight of hand or fools errands of misplaced faith. Wizards are just tricksters or something. Abigail tilts her head at this and says he should stop by, that Hannibal would love to prove him wrong.
Abigail is starting to think like Hannibal in the sense of being curious…what would happen if she does or pushes certain things.
Ooh… if Will is opposed to magic… But goes anyway because Abigail suggested it and she seems alright…
Hannibal is at a desk, reading and writing when the knock comes. He debates not answering, but thinks better of it. Probably thinking of a new recipe, spell or doing some kind of invitations.
Abigail waiting at the top of the stairs to see Hannibal’s reaction to the crass fisherman. She’s excited to see Hannibal’s reaction to someone so opposed to magic.
Will probably has some natural skill like divinity or foresight Idk. Something that makes him interesting or unique obviously. Hannibal is going to at first be stricken by his appearance being handsome dressed in a newspaper suit pretty much.
Will asks a lot of questions, is very intrigued but distrustful of Hannibal. Finds him unsettling. Doesn’t maybe believe his boasts about his charms, Hannibal is mildly offended but offers him one on the house because he’s also entertained by Will. He chooses one for fishing. Holds off until a day that feels terrible. It wields good results and he begins to believe Hannibal. Stops by more often asking about things while Hannibal mills about his shops. Will becoming fascinated by Hannibal.
Abigail making passive flirty comments about the two of them. Hannibal makes wincing smiles, and Will becomes ruffled at times.
Jack in this AU is probably the king type. In Howl they’re at war because the prince is missing. But also his magician is shackling and removing power from those who will not fight for the king. Jack could be going to war against wizards turning on regular folk. Cannibals and murderers and the like. Animals. Things the Verges, at least Mason, are involved in.
Will asks about the war on magic one day and Hannibal seems distant about it, afraid to eventually show that side of himself. Though he does play for Jack sometimes, for his own gains and for sake of the thrill. Probably how Mischa died honestly, big magical family, kids orphaned etc.
Hannibal is probably also a skilled healer of sorts, maybe not the best but with Canon surgeon and medical background how can he not?
Alana is probably Jack’s right hand mage. She trained under Hannibal, who refuses to answer to Jack, but will assist if needed. Hannibal does enough to stay off the radar in ways, and not in others. He’s still flashy and showmany but he also maintains a humble air in ways.
For the big reveal? Hannibal has started to grasp emotions and is very lip curl in frustration at whatever Will is stirring. Has probably been around and about Will’s home area stalking not stalking, planning what to do with him before giving up in anger/frustration.
Will has begun to understand he has fledgling feelings for Hannibal but it’s a status fear. He’s nothing and no one compared to literally the busiest wizard that lives…kinda. Also just Will in denial because standard fears etc.
Would be interesting to have Will stumble in one night for medical attention to himself, a dog or his dad because war hit close to home, and find Abigail tending to Hannibal midway back from stag form. Bleeding and in severe pain. Will would be stricken, confused, more so if there was some kind of reveal into the cannibalism part.
Maybe a man tried to break in, took him off guard and that was his result, or if a murder went wrong. Will looking panicked and scared and Abigail, with her eyes wide, telling him not to leave and pleading with him.
Will not sure how to react and feeling his stomach turn. Abigail asking him not to take Hannibal away, he’s the only family she has left - besides you, Will. Which hits a cord he didn’t realize was laid bare.
Will helps her take him to his room, neither saying anything. Will passing glances around the room and across Hannibal where he breathes shallowly. He looks so different from his usual vibrant strong manner of presence. Abigail nudges Will from getting lost in his head over all the things he’s seen now. She leads him down to the kitchen and makes tea and they sit quietly. Will eventually asking who knows about this. She says just them.
Abigail helps patch Will or whomever up, and he ends up dosing off. Wakes up to Hannibal graceless trying to maneuver the kitchen or in his study. Not sure what he’s looking for or doing. Will goes in and quietly and observes.
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