#every day I crave these mochi balls with red bean paste I had at a restaurant
dailyjevil · 4 months
Jevil eating mochi
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Day 184 of posting Jevil every day
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onceuponaloonatic · 3 years
samihyo pregnancy fluff part one !! there will be a part two so don’t worry !! it’s jut already four am and i want to publish some content before i fall asleep !!
sorry i’ve been taking so long to post stuff, school sucks. but i only have three more weeks left !!
“Baby you really don’t have to do that.” Sana couldn’t help but laugh at Mina as her wife opened the car door for her. It had only been two days since Sana had told her about her pregnancy, but ever since, both of her wives had been so careful around her. Sana wasn’t allowed to cook (it’s not like she was before, but they had laid down stricter rules now), she wasn’t allowed to do laundry, and every time she tried to clean Mina or Jihyo would take the cleaning stuff out of her hand. They always tried to offer her arms when she was going somewhere and  It was cute for a few minutes, but it got old quickly. She knew they had wanted this for so long and now that they had this they wanted to do everything they could to protect their baby, but it was getting annoying quickly. “It’s really okay. I like doing things for you.” Mina nodded.
“I know but it’s becoming too much.” Sana rolled her eyes. “You are adorable, and I love you, but please stop treating me like I’m made of glass. That goes for you too Hyo.” Sana turned to her other wife, who was grabbing their stuff from the car. “I know you two are just excited and a little scared, I feel the same. But really, I’m pregnant, not dying.” “Fine.” Mina couldn’t fight the smile on her face. “You win.” Jihyo mumbled. 
“Really though you two are so cute. You’ll both make good moms soon.” Sana giggled, intertwining her hands with both of theirs. “Let’s make sure the baby is good first before we start talking about this stuff too much.” Jihyo nodded. “We never know anything that could go wrong-”
“Shh.” Sana turned to Jihyo. “No bad thoughts today.” Jihyo rolled her eyes at Sana but smiled. “You okay Mina?” Mina had grown quieter as they walked inside the hospital, all their hands still together. Jihyo had noticed it when they first stepped out of the car, but didn’t comment at first. 
“I just- I don’t like hospitals.” Sana and Jihyo both knew this fact. They had tried to find a good doctor that didn’t work out of a hospital, but the only ones that met their standards were in hospitals. Mina had said she would be fine, but both of her wives knew to look out for her. “It’s okay. We won’t be here for very long.” Sana kissed her and Mina’s joined hands. “I’ll go check you in.” Jihyo smiled at the two. “Thank you babe.” Sana giggled, guiding Mina over to a chair in the waiting room. Mina unconsciously tightened her grip on Sana’s hand, and Sana swiped her thumb over Mina’s hand. “Hey, what are you thinking about?”
“If the baby will look anything like you.” Mina commented. “Oh yeah? Maybe it will. There's what, a fifty percent chance?” “I don’t think that’s how genetics works.” Mina giggled. “You are the science professor.” “Chemestry is dumb.” Sana rolled her eyes. “I think that’s biology.” “Biology is dumb.” Sana pouted. “I haven’t thought about either since I was what- a sophomore in college?” “You teach physics.” Mina pointed out. “Physics has nothing to do with chem or bio.” Sana nodded. “Maybe if we’re lucky the baby will be a science nerd like me.” “Or maybe they will prefer humanities.” Mina giggled. “Or who knows what if they want to become a pop idol or an artist?” “That would be pretty cool too! It’s kinda crazy to think how they could be anything- that they are this little ball of potential and we get to raise it.” Sana giggled. “Yeah…” Mina trailed off. “I can’t wait to find out what they love.” “Me too.” Sana smiled when Jihyo started walking back towards them. “They said it should be any minute.” Jihyo smiled at the two. Sana reached her arms out and pulled Jihyo down for a kiss, causing a blush to spread out on her cheeks. 
“Sana.” Jihyo whined. “So adorable.” Sana giggled. “Both of you.”
“Stop.” Jihyo whined, a blush on her face. “Okay.” Sana smiled. “Mrs.Minatozaki?” “Right here.” Sana grabbed both of their hands, both of them happily following her to the back area. After a preliminary examination Sana is taken to a back room while they wait for the first ultrasound. Sana’s leg is bouncing while she waits, her nerves making her quieter than usual. Mina and Jihyo both noticed, looking over at each other for confirmation before Jihyo spoke up. “It’s okay.” Jihyo nodded. “You really don’t need to be nervous.” “Really.” Mina kissed Sana’s cheek. “We are in this together love.” 
“Okay.” Sana took a deep breath in, slowing her leg. “I’m good.” “You sure?” Jihyo asked.
“Yeah.” Sana smiled. “I’m perfect.” When the doctor tells them the baby is perfectly healthy, they all start crying. Jihyo and Mina are able to hold it back until they are in the car, but Sana cries right there in the doctor's office. She blames it on the hormones, but they all know the real reason. They had all wanted this for so long. So goddamn long. They had watched all their friends have and raise kids. They had seen so many negative pregnancy tests. They had sat through the pain doctors visit when they told them Mina was infertile. They had sat through so many doctor visits. They had all lived with the thought in the back of their mind that maybe they couldn’t get pregnant, and had all debated giving up. They had even fought over this topic. But now, now they were having a baby. A healthy baby that right now was so tiny and fragile and it’s heartbeat was so fast and so, so perfect. They had wanted this for so long, and now that they were having it, they were so beyond happy. There was only one thought on all three of their minds as they all cried in the car, and that was that they couldn’t wait to meet their baby in a few months. 
Jihyo smiled when she saw the adorable look on Sana’s face when she first presented her with red bean mochi at three am. The cravings had started quickly with her pregnancy, they had only known about the baby for a week and Jihyo was already making a trip to the twenty four hour supermarket for one of her wife’s cravings. She was just lucky they had a pretty extensive Japanese section, Jihyo was worried she wasn’t going to find it. “Thank you.” Sana had the most excited adorable look on her face. Jihyo couldn’t help but kiss her. “No problem love.” Jihyo giggled. She was still tired, but she also had a bit of energy from the drive to the supermarket. Sana unwrapped her treat, trying to be as quiet as possible. Mina had an early morning class the next morning, so they were trying to let her sleep the best they could. “Is it good?” “Uh-hum.” Sana nodded with a smile as she took a bite. Normally they didn’t eat in bed, but Sana and Jihyo both knew they could make an exception today. “I have been craving red bean all night.” “Oh yeah?” Jihyo giggled. “Well maybe the baby really likes red bean.” “Maybe. It’s not my favorite food, but it’s all I could think about.” Sana took another bite. “What were you and Mina talking about earlier, when I was napping?” Sana had been extra tired lately, and had started taking after work naps before dinner. Mina and Jihyo were always supportive of these naps, they knew Sana was extra tired now. The doctor had even warned them Sana would be more fatigued due to the fact she was a bit older than most first time moms. “Oh, Mina and I think it might be a good idea to wait to tell our friends about the baby.” Jihyo commented, laying on her back and wrapping an arm around Sana’s waist. “The first trimester is unpredictable, and we never know what could happen.” “The doctor said the baby was healthy…” Sana trailed off, looking down at the bedsheets. “I know love. And I’m not doubting that the baby will continue to be healthy. We just need to be a little cautious, that’s all.” Jihyo smiled at her wife. Sana was halfway done already, and she had a bit of red bean on her cheek. “We can tell them soon. Just in a little bit.” 
“Fine.” Sana whined. “That makes sense.” “I know you want to tell them.” Jihyo sat up and gently brushed some of the red bean paste off Sana���s cheek. “And you can… Just wait a little longer okay?” “Fine.” Sana whined, but softened when Jihyo kissed her. “Now let's go back to sleep, we don’t want to wake Mina up.” They both smiled at their other wife, who was now starfishing on their bed. Mina tended to do that when she was by herself or Sana and Jihyo were in the corner like they were now. It was cute, but if they weren’t careful Mina would steal all the blankets and they would spend the night considerably colder than normal. 
xx Sana let it slip the next day. 
Ever since Sana moved to Korea, Sana and Momo had a tradition of getting Japanese food together once a week. It had started when they were kids, and as they grew up it never went away. It used to be every Friday, but when Momo had her kids Fridays became too crowded with sports practices and carpool duties, so they had moved it to Thursdays. They only ever really  missed it if one was on vacation or one was sick, and even then they tried to make it up to each other. They had been best friends since they were kids. They were a literal family. Meeting up every week bonding over their home food was something both of them absolutely adored. Sana had let it slip after ordering her second bowl of ramen. Momo hadn’t seen Sana do that much, so she was surprised when her cousin had decided to go for a second. She rarely ever even finished a first bowl when she ordered ramen, and here Sana was eagerly ordering a second. 
“Well you try being pregnant and nauseous all day. You would eat a lot when you felt better too.” Sana had argued, not even noticing her slip for a second. “Wait-what?” Momo paused mid bite, her jaw hung open while she looked at Sana. It was then when she saw Momo all wide eyed and slack jawed that it hit her what she had done. “You're pregnant?” “Oh yeah.” Sana took a deep breath. “Jihyo and Mina didn’t want me telling anyone, but yeah we just found out last week.” Sana had already predicted what Momo’s reaction would be when she told her. Momo had never been the type to get overly emotional, so Sana was guessing she would give her a warm smile and a simple congrats. She never would have expected Momo to burst into tears. It was so Un-Hirai-Im Momo. Sana had known Momo since they were born, they were cousins and they had always been close. And it was rare she had seen Momo cry. And all the times she had seen it, it was always related to Nayeon. She had cried a couple times when they had particularly bad fights, she had cried at their wedding, cried with her when they got approved to adopt the twins, and Sana had seen tears clinging to her eyes the night Kazumi was born but that was pretty much it. “W-What’s wrong?” “Nothing-god nothing.” Momo sniffled. “But Sana… Sana, you're having a baby.” Seeing Momo in tears brought Sana close to them herself. Momo knew about all the pain they had suffered by this years-long process trying to have a baby. All of their friends knew about it, but Momo knew it very well. Sana had called her stressed or in tears too many times for her to not understand how much mental anguish it had caused both Sana and her wives. Momo had been through it herself before they adopted the twins, though it was not nearly as long. She knew how hard it had been on all of them, but particularly Sana. “Yeah…” Sana sniffled, looking downwards at her stomach and putting one hand on it. “Yeah… I am Momoring.” Needless to say, they gathered some weird looks from the others around them, but they didn’t pay them any mind. They were both just so happy, they couldn’t hold back their emotions. Later after they left Sana made Momo promise she wouldn’t tell anyone and Momo agreed only after Sana promised not to tell anyone she had cried. 
Sana hadn’t meant to read Jihyo’s mail. She really hadn’t, but she had just found it and thought it was something else. 
Sana had been waiting for a letter from her boss with the official documentation for her requested time off. Since they rarely took any vacation time, she had a lot saved up. They had never needed to take much of their vacation time, most of them had a couple weeks of break in the summer to travel and they didn’t have kids so vacation days were rarely used, so naturally all three of them had a lot stored up. When Sana went to ask her boss for the next semester off and maybe even the one after, he readily agreed. Sana was one of the top professors in her department and had ten-year as well as a wealth of vacation days, so he really didn’t mind her taking an entire school year off to focus on her family. However since it was a pretty lengthy absence from work she would need some official paperwork from the university to document her year of absence. So naturally when she saw a piece of paper with the university's emblem at the top stuffed into one of their drawers she grabbed it, thinking it was for her and had gotten put there by accident. It was very Un-Mina like but sometimes Jihyo would forget to tell her she had mail and leave it in odd places. It usually wasn’t in a random drawer, but Sana hadn’t thought about it too much. When she read the letter, she quickly realized it wasn’t for her. “Park Jihyo, why didn’t you tell me about this?” The minute Sana read it, she knew she had to talk about it with her wife.
“Tell you about what?” Jihyo asked, turning from where she was playing Minecraft with Mina. “That you were offered to do research fall semester in Switzerland.” Jihyo put her control down when she heard that. She let out a long sigh, gesturing for Mina to pause the game as she opened her arms for Sana to come over to them. “I’m not going to go.” Was the first thing Jihyo said. “What- no I want you to go.” Sana nodded. “I’m sorry if I seemed mad- I’m just mad you didn’t tell us.” “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you guys because I don’t plan on going.” Jihyo told Sana, turning to Mina. Mina looked a little hurt as well, but she was remaining quiet. Sana had been very hormonal lately, and could get mad easily, so she knew Jihyo was trying to be calm with her.
“You’ve wanted to do research for so long though Hyo…” The architecture department was huge, so there were a lot of professors. Naturally as such, there weren’t many research opportunities for professors. Jihyo had always wanted to get one, but since she had started from the bottom she was never given the opportunity. “I would be gone for four months Sana…” Jihyo trailed off. “Four months at the end of your pregnancy. I couldn’t do that.” “The fall semester ends weeks before my due date, you would still be back in time.” Sana argued. “No-no I don’t want to be away from you then.” Jihyo nodded.
“I mean- Mina can take care of me. You really won’t miss much. Just me complaining about my back hurting and that I have to pee all the time. I think you should go.” Sana looked to Mina for help, Mina nodding.” “You have wanted to do research forever Hyo…” Mina pointed out. “You may not get the opportunity again for a while, and Sana’s right. I can take care of her.” “Or we could even go with you to Europe.” Sana suggested. “I got approved for the whole year off next year.” “No- baby do you know how miserable that would be? You would be very pregnant on an annoying long flight. Putting the many many dangers of that aside you would be so miserable the entire time. It’s okay. I can maybe talk to the lead and see if they do something like this again in a few years.” Jihyo nodded, grabbing one of Mina’s hands and putting the other over Sana’s stomach. There wasn’t much yet, but at two and a half months pregnant a bump was starting to form. “Besides, I want to be here. I want to listen to you complain about your back hurting and that you have to pee.” “We can do that over facetime. I can tell you every day over video call if that's what you want.” Sana offered. “No, I want to be here. I want to be with you for the last few doctors appointments and the rush of trying to get everything ready for the baby and all of the little complaints about your feet or your back hurting. I want to be here for nesting and all the little kicks the baby is going to do. I want to be here with both of you. It’s not the same over video chat. It’s okay. I can do research later, but this? This is something we won’t experience again.” Both knew she was right. After Sana gave birth there was basically no chance of her getting pregnant again. The doctors had already told them that and they were okay with it. They were just happy they were able to experience it once. “Are you sure?” Sana asked, putting her hand over Jihyo’s on her stomach. “Of course I’m sure.” Jihyo nodded, squeezing Sana’s hand. “I love all three of you so much, there’s no where I would rather be than right here.” 
As convincing as Jihyo had been in front of Sana, Mina could tell she wasn’t being completely obvious. The next time Sana went out with Momo for their weekly dinners, she comforted her wife about it. “Are you- are you really okay giving up the opportunity to do your first research?” Mina knew dancing around the subject wasn’t going to work, as much as all her instincts were telling her too. Truthfully, she didn’t understand what Jihyo was giving up as much as Sana. Her department really didn’t do research so it wasn’t something she had ever really thought about. Sana had been involved with three research projects before, and she had loved all of them. Even when she would come home exhausted she would always happily recount what exactly she had done and how exciting it was, even if Mina and Jihyo had no idea what she was talking about. They both liked seeing her so excited, and listening to her talk, so it worked out. “Yeah-of course.” Jihyo nodded, not looking away from her switch. “I will get another chance in the future. Maybe.” “Maybe?” “No. I will.” Jihyo sighed. “It just- it couldn’t have worse timing. If this had happened a year ago I would consider going but right now- right now I can’t leave.” “Hyo… I know you want to stay with Sana, but if you do something you’ll regret, it will just make you miserable.” Mina put a hand on Jihyo’s cheek, stroking it and forcing her to look her in the eyes. “And I know you don’t want the baby to see you miserable.” “Mina-I can’t.” Tears rushed to Jihyo’s eyes as she gazed into Mina’s loving ones. “We waited so goodman long for this- Years Mina. We’ve waited years. As fun as research sounds- I can’t leave now.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. And yeah maybe I’ll be a little scared I’ll never get the opportunity to do research again, but you and Sana and the baby are so much more important to me.” Jihyo couldn’t help but pull Mina into a kiss, her tears dripping down her cheeks still. “I love you three so much, you don’t even know it.” “Hyo…” Mina leaned in and captured Jihyo’s lips again. “I love you so much.” 
Needless to say, when Sana got back and found them in bed with nothing but the covers on, she whined about how they started without her. But, they both happily made it up to her.
After Sana’s first checkup of the second trimester, they all agree it’s time to tell their friends. Their friend group had a long standing tradition of having family dinners together on the second and fourth Sunday night of every month, and even when some of them started having kids this didn’t change. It was time for all of them to hang out and catch up, something they were always able to do during the week. They would rotate who hosted, so everyone would have to experience it at some point. The day they decided to tell everyone it was at Chaeyoung and Tzuyu’s. 
Mina, Sana, and Jihyo were usually the first to arrive. With Mina affinity for being on time and the lack of children they were usually the ones who got there first. So because of that one of them always got roped into helping cooking. This time, the minute Jihyo was through the door Tzuyu was basically pulling her by the arm to the kitchen. Tzuyu and Jihyo had always been close, Tzuyu had gone to the same middle school and high school as Jihyo and had always looked up to the older woman. When they first met, Tzuyu barely knew any Korean. But Jihyo didn't seem to mind. She was the first one Tzuyu met who really tried to understand her and put in effort. Tzuyu had loved it at thirteen, and she loved it now. “Tzuyu’s always looked up to Jihyo huh?” Sana asked Chaeyoung once they were out of the room. “Oh yeah. She’s been like her little sister since they met.” Chaeyoung giggled. “Oh, let me get Emi. I’m sure she will be happy to see you guys. She’s been a little grumpy lately but Tzuyu thinks it’s just puberty.” “She is about to be twelve right?” Mina asked, guiding Sana over to the couch and taking a seat. She wrapped her arm around Sana’s waist as Sana snuggled into her side.
“Right.” Chaeyoung nodded. “Anyway, let me go get her.” Mina and Sana nodded. Mina pulled out her phone while they waited while Sana looked at the framed pictures of Emi on the walls. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu had seemed like they would be the last of their friends to want kids, but once they had Emi they had fallen in love with her so hard. Neither kept too many pictures of themselves around, so they didn't used to have very much hanging in their house, but their walls were littered with photos of Emi. Emi’s first day of school in Korea. Emi’s school sports day. Emi’s first piano recital. Emi’s first trip to the zoo. All of those moments were arranged across Tzuyu and Chaeyoung’s walls. Looking at it made Sana a little nostalgic. Emi was growing up so fast. Sana remembered when she was younger. She had always loved Sana because Sana would speak Japanese with her. She liked Mina and Momo for the same reasons, but she was especially close to Sana. “Aunt Sana, Aunt Mina!” Sana wasn’t given much warning before Emi captured them both in a hug. “Hello Emi-chan.” Mina smiled at Emi, returning the hug with one arm awkwardly. “Hey Emi-chan! It’s been a little while since we’ve seen you!” Sana smiled at Emi, sneaking a kiss onto the girl’s forehead, which caused Emi’s face to scrunch up. “Aunt Sana stop. I’m not a baby anymore.” Emi whined in Japanese. “You’ll always be a baby to me.” Sana giggled. “What have you been up to lately sweetie?” Sana asked in Korean, so Chaeyoung could join the conversation. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu had both learned a lot of Japanese since adopting Emi. Both had taken the N5 exam a couple years after adopting Emi and Tzuyu had recently passed the N3. Chaeyoung had stopped after the N4, but they had both put a lot of work into learning Japanese for Emi. Their argument was if Emi was going to be putting in a lot of work to learn Korean, they should be putting in work to learn Japanese. But as much as they had learned both were conversational at best and couldn’t entirely keep up with native conversations. “Not much.” Emi shrugged. “Your soccer team won the last tournament you played in.” Chaeyoung commented. “Oh yeah?” Sana asked, Emi nodding. “That’s great Emi-chan!” Sana wasn’t used to Emi being so quiet, but she could tell she was being a lot more quiet than she usually was. “I heard you got really good grades this year.” Mina smiled at Emi, who nodded. “That’s amazing Emi.” “I still got a B in Korean.” Emi pouted. “A B is still a pretty good grade Emi.” Sana pointed out. “Korean is hard, I barely got B’s when I was in school in Korean. But you're doing amazing. We’re all so proud of you, you know that right?” “Thanks Auntie Sana.” Emi couldn’t stop a blush from spreading over her cheeks at the praise both of her Aunts were giving her.
The minute Hansol gets there, Emi’s attention is drawn away from the adults as she runs screaming to her friend about their latest math homework. Jeongho follows the two upstairs to Emi’s room while Seoyun briefly makes an appearance in the living room with the adults. Her face is buried in Dahyun’s side, and Dahyun mouths to the others she had a bad dream last night and had been reserved all morning. “Hey Seoyunie, Auntie Jihyo is in the kitchen and I’m sure she would love to say hi to you.” Sana pointed out to the little girl. Seoyun loved Jihyo like Emi loved her. Ever since they had met her for the first time, Seoyun had been attached to Jihyo. No one was entirely sure why, but Auntie Jihyo had always been really special to Seoyun. 
“Aunt Jihyo?” The eight year old asked, exhaustion on her face as she looked at Sana. “Yup. In the kitchen.” Seoyun immediately let go of Dahyun and ran off towards the kitchen. “Thanks Unnie.” Dahyun stood up straighter now that Seoyun was gone. 
“Of course, rough morning?” Sana asked. 
“I woke up a bit late this morning, so Jeong was the first to notice but she has been attached to one of us since we woke up.” 
“She was hanging off Hansol when I found her.” Jeongyeon nodded. “After that she switched to me for a bit and right before we left it was Dahyun.” “She’s weird about touch. Sometimes when she’s like that she wants to constantly be touched. We always just let her come to us though, we just want her to be comfortable.” Dahyun added.
“I hope she feels better soon. I might be a little much for her to be around everyone for so long.” Mina muttered worriedly. “I talked about it with her before we left, I might have to take her home early if she needs it. She does really want to see Jihyo though.” Dahyun giggled. “Anyway, you two are being particularly clingy today.” “They are always clingy.” Chaeyoung pointed out. “No they are partially on top of each other now.” Dahyun gestureed to how Sana was basically in Mina’s lap. “They haven’t been this bad since they were in their honeymoon phase.” 
“Hyun I’m going to have to go with Chaeyoung on this one. Those two are always on top of each other.” Jeongyeon agreed with Chaeyoung, the younger giving her a high five for agreeing with her instead of her wife. “Hey we are allowed to be affectionate.” Sana piped up. “No it’s not allowed.” Jeongyeon joked, Mina sticking her tongue out in response and holding Sana closed. She had one hand on Sana’s stomach, trying to be discreet about it as she adjusted their position. When they heard the door open followed by screaming sounds, they knew their group was finally complete. “Aunt Chaeyoung!” Kazumi burst into the living room. “Is Emi Unnie upstairs?” “Yup.” Chaeyoung giggled at the look on Kazumi’s face. Kazumi grabbed her brother’s hand before pulling him up towards Emi’s room, Haneul sticking back with her switch in her hands. “Sorry.” Momo apologized for her daughter as they joined the others. “They had some sort of bet and I think Zumi won.” “Nah Hansol did the same thing.” Jeongyeon laughed at the apology. “Now the other clingy couple is here.” “We aren’t that clingy.” Nayeon pouted. “You're holding hands right now.” “And?” Nayeon asked, not seeing the issue. “Whatever.” Jeongyeon sighed exasperatedly. “Does Tzuyu need any help?” “Jihyo’s been in there helping her for a while, but I can go check.” Chaeyoung nodded, standing up from where she had sat on the floor and went off towards the kitchen. Haneul took her spot, all of her attention on the game in front of her. 
“Hey Haneul.” Haneul let out a little hey as a greeting, not even looking up at Dahyun as she spoke. “Hey Haneul what are you playing?” Mina asked.
“Breath of the wild.” Sana immediately knew when her niece said that her wife was going to leave her side for the game. Mina squatted next to Haneul, and watched the game. “Momo said you guys had something to tell us.” Nayeon started a new conversation once everyone was settled. “Oh yeah.” Sana nodded. “Is it as good as I’m expecting?” Nayeon hinted with one raised eyebrow. 
“I don’t know about that.” Sana giggled. “But it is pretty big.” “Good, than I look forward to hearing it.” xx 
Lunch is served not much later. They are able to convince all the kids to come down and while they were eating someone had come up with the plan to start a super smash tournament in the middle of eating. Since the kids usually ate in the living room and the adults ate in the dining room, they didn’t notice this at first until they heard screaming and Jihyo went to check on them. 
They tell them on the rare break the kids were taking from their tournament after all their parents had told them to eat before they played. Most of them weren’t paying attention, all of their attention was on each other as they talked. They were at the age where hanging out with other people their own age was infinitely better than interacting with adults, so they weren’t paying much attention to them.
When Sana finally tells them, the room goes quiet right before they are bombarded with questions and congratulations. They are barely able to keep up with them as everyone talked at once, but once they get through them the overall mood of the room seems happier. Everyone seems happier. Well, except for one person. 
Seoyun was off pouting while her parents were excitedly talking to Sana and Mina. They were offering them old baby stuff they had in storage, asking about her due date, and talking about stuff like that when Jihyo went off to check on the kids, who had moved back to the living room for the smash tournament. Seoyun was sitting off to the side, her attention focused on Tzuyu and Chaeyoung’s dog butter. “Hey Seo.” Jihyo sat next to her. “What’s up? Why are you playing by yourself.” “I don’t like smash.” Seoyun pouted. “Oh that’s okay. I don’t love it either.” Jihyo smiled, reaching one hand out to pet butter. “Is something wrong?” “Auntie Jihyo is having a baby.” Seoyun said, curling herself into a ball as she continued to pet the dog. “That’s a weird thought.” “Oh yeah?” Jihyo asked. “Uh-hum. You haven’t had a baby before. It will be weird for you too.” Seoyun commented. It didn’t take long for Jihyo to pick up on the signals Seoyun was putting down. “Hey Seoyun… You know I will still have time for you right?” Jihyo asked. She took Seoyun’s silence for an answer. “Seoyun I’m still going to hang out with you. Just because I’ll have a baby I won’t suddenly not have time for you.” Jihyo explained. “Are you sure?” “Of course Seo.” Jihyo smiled at Seoyun. “I’ll always make time for you.” “You promise?” “I swear Seo.” 
And Jihyo meant it. Even if Seoyun wasn’t her daughter, she had always loved Jihyo. And Jihyo had always loved her back.
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write-haikyuu · 4 years
Soft, sweet, and light (ft. Aone Takanobu) | scenario
I finally broke out of my writer’s block! I think. But really took forever with this one because I wanted the plot to flow. tbqh im not sure if it does ;-;. But please enjoy!
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word count: 1400 summary(?): Aone Takanobu loves dessert. But he loves you more. 
Aone Takanobu hated pain. Not because he was weak or because he had low-pain tolerance. It was simply because he was capable of enduring so much pain that when he did feel pain, it hurt. A lot. That’s why, after an excruciating visit from the dentist, this gentle giant trickled into your shared apartment with cotton balls stuffed against his left cheek. His lifeless form plopped onto the couch. Though he didn’t say much, the scowl on his face today indicated that the painkillers had finally worn off. As he attempted to cup his face, you immediately slapped his hands away. You both glared at each other. Before leaving the office, the dentist had warned you multiple times to make sure he wouldn’t touch his face after the wisdom tooth extraction. Crossing his arms, he huffed with his bloated face. Aone simply felt defeated. 
You walked over and sat on the edge of the couch. Reaching over to smooth out his hair and you softly spoke up, “I’ll go prepare you some food for dinner ’kay?” Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, you made your way towards the door and headed out to the supermarket. Having dated Aone for this long, you were already aware of the unspoken, telepathic communication that the two of you shared. Though you did have to admit, when you first transferred to Date Tech you definitely thought that locked stare he exchanged with you meant that he was going to devour you or something like that. To think about it now is only a laughing matter considering how much of a softie he truly is.
Making your way to the supermarket, you already listed out the things to make for dinner. Feeling a little more spontaneous than usual, you figured it would be nice to make a soft dessert for Aone tonight as well. Still, you just couldn’t place a finger on what he would want. Though most people would think he would prefer spice, protein, or something that would immaculate his athletic build, Aone actually preferred soft, sweet, and light foods. 
Trailing off those own thoughts, you passed by notable landmarks shared between you and Aone. A wave of nostalgia rushes over you as you walk past your high school Date Tech, followed by the crepe shop next to it, and a shaved iced cafe down the street. Each pertaining its own milestone to your relationship with Aone. Thinking back towards your high school days was already cheesy enough, you couldn’t help but come to a smile as you thought about all those times Aone truly had been there for you. 
On the week Date Tech’s annual cultural festival, you and Aone were assigned to make mochi together to sell for a booth. With all the ingredients gathered, you were dead set on taking the lead on this one. “Don’t worry Aone! My grandma taught me how to do this!” You puffed your chest proudly and began to search up Youtube tutorials anyways. Eventually, after multiple failed attempts, you stooped to the floor of the classroom and sighed in defeat. The sticky rice paste has essentially become a liquid to drink, and you ironically happened to be drenched in sweat as well. Aone chuckled as he grabbed the pestle in your hands and began pounding the mochi on his own. Before you knew it, Aone handed a piece of the rice cake over to you. Your eyes gleamed as you took a bite, impressed at how tender and sweet the mochi was. When it was his turn to take a bite, he couldn’t help but notice that you had a piece of powder stuck to your cheeks. Without a warning, Aone reached over to you and gently grazed his fingers across your cheeks to remove the powder off of you, his touch feeling your soft and squishy cheeks. 
When you completely bombed your midterms the constant sulk and pout of disappointment it was a recipe called for crepes. Though you were adamant about just going home to study even harder that day, Aone persisted with his efforts to treat you out to make you feel better. Refusing to turn towards the direction of your house, his robust posture made its way in the opposite direction. Aone walked towards the crepe shop quietly anticipating that you’d crave in and follow him too (to which you always did). When the two of you stepped into the shop, it wasn’t the aroma of freshly made crepes and diverse palette of toppings that overwhelmed Aone, rather it was the sweet and light scent of your shampoo that he whiffed at as you ran past him to look at the menu. While you spent eating away the feelings of disappointment and despair, Aone was silently disciplining himself as he tried to resist from taking another sniff every time you complained and pulled your hair. It was like the room was perfumed with your sweet scent as you impatiently waited for the crepes to come out. The look on your face once you finished your plate was pure satisfaction and absolute contentment. Aone then realized that he wanted to be the one who could always help you make that face. But with his painfully shy personality and your utmost oblivious ignorance, he just didn’t have it in him to confess that to you at the time. At least not yet. 
At last, on the night of the first date, you and Aone had gone out for the movies and had dinner together. Since he was still mostly shy, it was quite apparent that you did most of the talking (not that you minded). Though it did take you by surprise to realize how much he had been listening to you when the two of you came across a shaved ice cafe. Aone tugged you back as you continued walking. He pointed out the plastic display of flavored shaved ice. He could have sworn drool was escaping from your lips as your eyes widened with excitement. “Aone, that’s a great idea! Let’s grab dessert before we go home!” In the spur of that moment, you gleefully held his hands and dragged him into the cafe. As he sat there waiting for you to take the first bite, his cheeks flushed colors of the red bean toppings. Before he could even take his bite into the dessert, your hand abruptly knocked over the entire bowl. As if it was in a slow-motion, the ice splattered onto his pants as the red beans toppled over his head. The syrup dripped along his hairline. Complete utter shock and silence on your end, and nothing but disbelief and astonishment on his. 
“AONE I AM SO SO SO SORRY!” You patted his shirt down and apologized for the millionth time that night. But Aone wasn’t angry. In fact, the whole incident only proved to him how much more he had fallen for you. Because no matter how clumsy, wild, and silly you could be, Aone would always be there with you. He grabbed your hands to halt you from trying to make up for the mess and without missing a beat he softly pressed his lips against yours to tell you that all was forgiven. And indeed, all was forgiven that night. 
Now back to the present moment, you and Aone were sitting across the dinner table together. Your dinner plates were scraped empty and the meal came to end as you placed your spoon down, calling it quits. Aone huffed in contentment. He slouched back happily and patted his tummy as he watched you finish off your meal. As he stood up to begin cleaning up the dishes, you stopped him and stood up almost instantly. “Wait! I have a surprise for you!” You ran to the fridge and told him to sit back and close his eyes. Though you knew his wisdom tooth extraction prevented him from going out for dessert like your usual dinner routine together, you also wanted to do something to help relieve his pain and make him feel better too.
“Tada!~” You handed him a small plate of Kuri Kinton, a traditional Japanese dish made up of mashed sweet potatoes and candied chestnuts. Aone excitedly sat back down on the dinner table, anticipating to take his first bite. But before he could even, you swiftly grabbed the only chestnut on the plate and scarfed it down, nearly choking yourself to death. “No. Hard. Foods!” you laughed as you chewed it all up, a piece of syrup stuck to your cheek. Aone stared at you in disbelief before breaking out with you in laughter. His cheeks were puffy as ever as he watched you stuff your face up as well. Aone loved soft, sweet, and light foods. But he loved you more.
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