#every photo ive ever seen of the sixgill they are literally just vibing. eating stuff off the ground
famousblueraincoatmp3 · 7 months
top 10 favorite sea creatures list ever lets goooo
blue whale, a classic, cannot go wrong
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2. colossal squid (look at this majestic fuckin thing. hes seen the past future AND the present for sure)
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3. beluga whale (omg look at them.....haii:3)
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4 giant jellyfish....(they are apperently really smart:)))
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5. headless chicken fish lets goooooooooo
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6. sea angel mi amore
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7 firefly squid i repeat firefly squid
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8 zombie worm :333 <3 <3 omgg....
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9. no sharks on a list and for it to go on this long really is unlike me so here's the oldest sharkie in the world!! meet miss greenland <3 she can be up to 400 yrs old! would be an absolute honor to have my arm bitten off by her because i attempted to pet her during a fit of human hubris <3
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10 brittle star ♥ omg look at it
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