#every time i read your url i get the maneskin song stuck in my head
Follow up to the Kai Parker ask (off anon) but when you said “He found a little bit of security in Lily Salvatore” it threw me back to that one fic you wrote with Kai and the mice where he brought the reader back to lily’s and it had such heavy found family vibes and I loved it sm, I swear you’re right about Kai’s character turning out differently if someone had given him a second chance. He really did just want to belong. Also, love that your mom is a Matt girly, my little sister is a Tyler Lockwood stan 😂😂
Hi!!! 🤗
Awwwh, tbh, that one's one of my favorites that I've written! I freaking love the found family trope, and there's a great lack of fics of him being with the heretics in a family sense (& him with heretics in general). [I want to write more, too.]
But yeah, he just wants to feel like he belongs somewhere, and even though he didn't really know Lily, she still gave him that feeling of security through, if you take my blood, you're pretty much indestructible. And the heretics would contribute to giving him that feeling of safety and belonging, considering they're in the same boat Gemini siphon-wise, and he was with them for four months, and let them feed on him.
The lack of redemption bothers me so much because almost every single villain was redeemed up to season 5, and then they just started killing them off. But unlike Silas, the Travelers, Lily's boyfriend I forgot his name, and the Sirens, Kai was actually putting effort into being better, but then they totally screwed him over.
And I could even see him getting close to Damon later in season 6, when he wanted answers about his mother. They could've been buddies, but then Bonnie had to go in and ruin it. Kai could've had his life; he'd probably stay in Mystic Falls and continue to gain their trust. Jo wouldn't have died; the heretics wouldn't have absolutely ransacked MF; Matt wouldn't have lost his shit with the vamps for good. 😅 If they just forgave Kai, so many problems would've been avoided, and the poor boy could've had the redemption arc he deserved. I'll be forever mad about it.
Also, laughing about your sister liking Tyler. 😂 He 's almost as bad as Matt. Thing is though, I don't really hate either of them. Tyler peeves me most of the time, but I like some of his qualities. Matt's fine when he's being loyal to his friends, but I lose respect for him when he's sleeping with Rebekah but actively hating vampires, but then I really hate him in seasons 7 & 8. Being anxious of vampires is entirely valid, but he can't hate them and sleep with them, too. 😅
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shakespearerants · 4 years
Thank you for the tag @bookshelfdreams ! I really love these things :)
1. Name/nickname: I’ve been known pretty much exclusively as some version of Vladimio (Vladi, Vlads, Vld, V...) on the internet since I got Assigned Vlad At the Gay Discord Server
2. Gender: Womanwithaquestionmark
3. Star sign: The last time I looked up what the fuck a star and moon and rising was was months ago and I forgot every definition as I was reading. I hope I’m not lying when I say Libra.
4. Height: Hobbit. 1,55 m I think thats 5′1′‘ in Eagle Units
5. Birthday: third coolest number in October (the first being 31, the second being 13, the third being my birthday)
6. Fave bands: EVERYONE GO CHECK OUT WAU WAU COLLECTIF RIGHT NOW. Also I’ve been listening to a lot of Maneskin.
7. Fave solo artist: Max Raabe, Lakal Kaney for Soul Tamashek alone
8. Song stuck in my head: It WAS Soul Tamashek until I read the question, now it’s Can’t Get You Out of My Head
9. Last movie I watched: Manta Manta, one of my favourite all time classics. That scene where drunk Till Schweiger does the goat laugh in Ferrari dude’s face cured my depression.
10. Last show: Derry Girls! Also an all-time classic :)
11. Creation of blog: ....2016? I think?
12. What I post: Things that either interest me, make me laugh, or spark joy. Antianxietyblogging, basically. OH YES also my Tatort Münster and occasionally Rivers of London hot takes TM!
13. Last thing I googled: Best bait for mouse traps (Peanut butter, ham, nuts, chocolate, or flour. Don’t worry it’s a live trap)
14. Other blogs I own: vdoesbookrecs, which was SUPPOSED to be a bookblog, then a studyblog, then a fanfic bloy, now it’s in hibernation.
15. Do I get asks? Yes, by Charlotte and occasionally Jessi when I post an ask game, for which I will forever be eternally greatfull!
16. Reason for my url: This, too, was supposed to be a book blog, and I had just read Romeo and Juliet for, like, the third time and had Opinions.
17. Following: Friends, art blogs, some cool people, some german meme accounts. I think around 300 blogs?
18. Followers: 213. Lads at least 200 of you are bots I can count the people who reblog or like my posts on one hand.
19. Average hours of sleep: I have honestly no idea. I used to have a sleep tracker but the monitoring made me sleep worse so I stopped using it.
20. Lucky number: All numbers are lucky numbers unless they are simultaneously divisible by really gross factors like 17, 39 and 13.
21. Instruments: Recorder, piano and voice. I DESPERATELY want to learn to play the lute.
22. What I’m wearing: Ski socks, dirty puma sweats from the boys’ (no, not the mens’, the boys’) section, blue handpainted t shirt with “Surrender your cows” and a picture of a cow being sucked into a spaceship on it that I saw someones fanart of Spock wearing once so I made one for myself, glasses.
23. Dream trip: Camping roadtrip through northern Europe, also ANY kind of trip through the Ural mountains. UNFORTUNATELY I don’t do well with heights and I get alpine sickness at the mere sight of a hill.
24. Fave food: I am NOT going down that rabbit hole this question keeps me up at night. That being said Tortellini and Pizza Marinara, both things I can only eat in the absolutely inferior gluten free version for the rest of my living days.
25. Nationality: *insert pic of Deutschländer*
26. Fave song: Soul Tamashek makes me really happy in the moment.
27. Last book I read: Glennkill by Leonie Swann. Absolutely hilarious and well written go check it out.
28. Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: Uh. I don’t think there ARE 3 fictional universes I want to live in. Give me time travel over that any day! Though, maybe the Arthurian universe (what everyone THINKS Middleages is but it really isn’t) would be cool...
29. Fave colour(s): I always say yellow but it isn’t. I don’t know what my favourite colour is. I like combinations.
30. Tag someone: I tag @utrinque-paratus, @almostmymoon and @bi-vexual and also anyone else who wants to do this!
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