#every time i try to draw i cant draw for more than 30 min before my hand feels like its knotting up so i havent been drawing lately bc of it
capcomgrl · 2 months
been so upset recently
arguing w boyfriend
fatter than ever
Just having a hard time finding any moment of relaxation or peace. There is no relief. Got fucked over at my job and now i’m struggling to pay any bills. Always on edge. Anxiety medication makes me drowsy into the next day. Can’t sleep if me and bf are arguing. We argued because i got slightly triggered in the car, I’m sensitive to gore and he was pretending to cut my thigh with his fingers and staple me. Ive asked him not too before. I had an interview earlier so i was a little high strung. I got upset & asked him to just say a quick sorry, bc he got super quiet. And thats how we stayed for 30 mins. He told me he gets frustrated and doesnt like feeling like he has to always apologize for something. That it happens too much. He still didnt say sorry, only when I asked twice. And then I comforted him instead of him comforting me. Then I had to go to work. I’m currently a server and that has been another hell in itself. I’m just super nervous and anxious but thats how ive been all the time recently. Theres never something to not be freaking out about. If im happy I cant be because im fucking fat and ugly. Why has this always been my life man. I didn’t ask for these things to happen that led me here and made me have these vicious emotions and thoughts. I think about dying a lot. I had a psychologist tell me he thinks I’m schizotypal. Fuck man I’m just weird but not in the cute way. Not in the still lovable way. Different but interesting. i'm awful. i have a hard time talking to anyone. and its getting worse as I get older. i just want it to stop. trying to fix these problems i have just made it easier to gain all my weight back. i got even fatter when i went inpatient for my overeating. its been two years and I have only lost 10 lbs. i just dont wanna be fat anymore i hate using food for comfort or food to cope for me. i hate always having to have some kind of noise playing because I cant just be alone and do one thing silently. i cant read i cant draw. i feel my fat cushioning everywhere around me every time i move. my bf is stressed bc he is having to pay for all of the bills. ive never been job insecure but of course when i finally move out of my moldy health hazard house my job starts giving me 5 hrs a week. i couldnt believe it. i cant just be happy. im always causing a problem or starting something or just not happy enough. i cant even be alone with myself. i'll k myself I hate myself. its not getting better for me its only getting worse. i just want to be able to function the way most people can. he will be home soon and he'll notice im not as energetic or happy. he'll want to talk about it but not really. he'll want me to make him feel better about me feeling upset. i cant do it right now. whats wrong with me. i cant shower but my problems with cleanliness are getting worse. i cant get in my bed or wear my pajamas if im not showered even if its only been a day. i do my best it never takes more than 10 minutes but it feels awful. to look at me and to remember what that fuck ass counselor told me about my showering. that it only makes sense why i avoid the shower. why did she have to make that connection for me. i think about it every time i shower. i feel crazy. i feel like it will never go away. it gets harder to deal with. i will start school soon and i am excited for that. and i have a very sweet cat. and my partner and i do have our good moments. i just wish I could make everything fit together better.
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dat-town · 6 years
hearts in the foam (and typos in names)
Characters: Minhyuk (Rocky) & You
Genre: so much fluff!
Setting: coffee shop au
Summary: You always spell his name wrong because his frustrated face is too precious.
Words: 1.7k
Shoutout for @kmhoodys because I totally stole this from our list of AUs, hope you enjoy it! ♥ Also for @restlessmaknae as a thank you for getting me into the fandom.
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Park Minhyuk would like to think that he's a patient and kind person in general. He's pretty sure his friends would agree – maybe not Sanha but that's only because that brat likes to dance on others' nerves. His mom is probably biased but according to her he is the sweetest boy in the universe – okay, most definitely biased. But the thing about Minhyuk is that he gets on well with everybody: with the elderly of the neighbourhood because he's genuinely interested in their stories and is happy to help with their Internet connection when they want to FaceTime with their grandchildren, with his classmates who know they can count on him whenever because he is a trustworthy member of the student council and even with all kinds of animals – except cicadas – but dogs in particular love him. So he's an overall lovable person, okay?
But mornings are definitely the rock bottom for him. He knows he can be pretty grumpy before a reasonable hour but he still tries hard to behave like a decent human being. One thing he needs in his morning routine is some kind of coffee even is he prefers latte over strong caffeine. And since he is a man of reasonable choices he always buys his daily cup of energy in the lovely café on the campus because it happens to be on his way to university. They make it just as creamy and sweet as he likes it. However there's one thing he can't stand about the service there.
“They keep getting my name wrong!” he groans dramatically as soon as he slumps down next to his friends at the lecture hall. They all – except Moonbin who looks like as if he had run the marathon this morning – look up at him just as sleepily as he feels with bones buried under tiredness.
“Who?” Jinwoo furrows his brows as he tries and fails to contain a yawn.
“This one girl who works in the morning shift of the café. I’m a regular but she still asks for my name and manages to mess it up,” Minhyuk blurts out what his problem is all at once. He puts down his paper cup on his desk and glares at it so gruesomely as if it was the source of all his troubles, the bane of his existence.
“Maybe she has very bad memory?” Dongmin tries to reason with a weak guess.
“But come on, I have one of the most common male names in Korea! There are at least dozens of idols with this name,” the offended guy shakes his head and instead of useful advices or mental support what he gets is Myungjun arguing whether there's really that much Minhyuk in the kpop industry and he starts to count them out loud. Only Jinwoo seems helpful and attentive enough to engage in the conversation even further.
“True, you have a pretty usual name. What can she confuse it with?” he wonders and the question makes Minhyuk sigh as he is reminded of all times he faced with different syllables written on the cup instead of the ones he should have.
“Minhyun, Mingyu, Minhoon, Minjae, Min-whatever or today: Minhee! For god's sake, that's a girl name!” he grimaces when he loses counting the names on his fingers. There were even more occasions but he really couldn't keep track on all the names that girl came up with. He was fairly sure she was doing it on purpose and probably spent her time on Naver searching for even more names but the 30 million dollar question was: why? Why would she do that?
“Maybe you should try something new. An English name maybe,” Sanha suggests and Minhyuk can't believe that he's actually planning to take his advice but he has run out of any better ideas. Now he wanted to see once for all if the girl really did it on purpose or not.
 So the next morning when he walked into the café and saw you at the counter, he mustered up all his courage to go to you like he did almost every day and make a bit of a fool out of himself with a smile on his face.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?” You turned to him, lovely as always. He swore your smiles were similar to sunrays warming the Earth and the glint in your eyes was like the stars in the universe. You looked the prettiest in that cute apron out of all the baristas at this place and it was truly devastating that it was your habit that made him frown with each cup of coffee he got.
“A large vanilla latte to go, thanks,” he repeats his usual order almost automatic and when you say the price he already knows, he pays without any other word.
He knows how the process goes by heart. He has been through this routine half-asleep, running to classes and totally out of it too, so it’s no-brainer what's next. So there it comes: you grab a pen and a big empty cup looking up at him with curious anticipation in your expressive eyes.
“Your name, please.”
It takes everything in him not to snap or blurt out his real name this time, but he keeps a straight face as he says: “Rocky.”
He watches your expression closely but you're either oblivious or a great actress because you don't even bat an eyelash before shifting your gaze to the cup and scribbling something on it.
“I'll let you know when it's done,” you promise softly and turning around you start to work on his drink as he sulkily sits down at a table while waiting. These quiet, short minutes has always given him the perfect opportunity to watch over you, the grace in your movements, the way you dance a bit to the silly songs from the radio or just the frown of concentration on your forehead as you draw the perfect heart in the foam of his latte. He almost forgets about his little test until you remind him to it in that melodic voice you have.
He's almost dreadful when you call him and he takes his cup. He shouldn't worry since everybody knows the American movie, you can't mess that up. And yet, you still do. The writing on the cup is definitely too long to be Rocky and isn't even a name to begin with.
You look cute when you are annoyed, it says and he just stands there dumbfounded while you're already serving another guest not paying attention to him any longer. He sticks by just a bit longer watching as the next guest gets his coffee – without heart in the foam! – then his alarm reminds him to get going.
He reads the message again and again as he walks towards the university building. At first he doesn't know what to do with it but then it makes him grin, then laugh. He doesn't even complain to his friends about the coffee girl that day and decides to change his strategy next time he visits.
 It’s a lovely, warm morning, yet he can’t wait to have a hot drink in his hands. This time he came prepared. He waits for his turn patiently but he can't suppress a sly grin on his lips when he finally gets to the front of the queue. You nod in acknowledgement when he orders his usual, curly locks of hair falling into your eyes as you hover over the cup, pen ready in hand.
“Can I get your name?” You follow the routine and at this point, Minhyuk becomes sneaky.
“Yes,” he says simply, irrevocably and for once you seem surprised halting in your movements.
“Yes.” he repeats clearer, not breaking eye contact as you croak a brow at him.
“Okay,” you huff out with an amused smile tinting your rosy lips.
Then he has nothing better to do than play with the piece of paper in his hands and wait until you call his so-called name for his done drink. He steals glances at you a few times in the meantime and once he catches you staring back at him. You both look away caught red-handed. Though, it boosts his confidence enough to stride to the counter with pride when you call for him.
“Large latte for Yes,” you say it with all seriousness in the world without any wariness in your voice. The other guests in the café might look weirdly at the two of you but you don’t care.
“Thanks,” he walks up to you and gently takes the cup from your hands finger still brushing yours lightly. Quickly he checks the ‘name’ written on it and he puts a similar paper cup into your hands.
“Hope you are free Friday,” he says with a cheeky smile leaving your astonished once again.
“What?” you blink, fingers mindlessly playing with the used cup you just got.
“You just said yes,” Minhyuk shakes his own drink flashing your writing on it and you look down on the cup placed in your right. It's the one from last time, your compliment and a new line in messy handwriting under your message: Would you like to go out sometime?
Very smooth, you have to give him that and you can’t help but smile. You wondered when he was going to step up his game. You were anticipating, to be honest.
“Do I have to call you by your name then, Minhyuk?” you teasingly ask, mouth curled up in a charming smile as you gaze settles on the boy with most beautiful chocolate eyes you have ever seen. Not to mention the cute nose scrunch he does when he’s frustrated. If he asked you would admit that the first time was a mistake for real, a careless typo but after that you became careless and it turned into a game to play. You’re glad he went along with it.
“I don't know. Maybe you can come up with a better one,” he shrugs now and the smile he flashes you might become your next favourite thing about him. He leans a bit forward and quiets down his voice as if he whispered a secret.
“Maybe you could try something sounding like boyfriend. We will see,” he winks at you and when he leaves the café shop he not only brings his latte along with him but a little piece of your heart already.
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echelonlab-blog · 6 years
Interview with Hazeleyedleto
Your URL:
Hazeleyedleto: https://hazeleyedleto.tumblr.com
Echelon Fiction (fanfic account): https://echelonfiction.tumblr.com
Your name: Monique
Link to your Masterlist: https://echelonfiction.tumblr.com/mystores What was your first experience with 30 Seconds to Mars? The Kill, when I was an 18-year-old, how amazing was your first time seeing the Kill? Your Favorite Mars song? Attack Has anything ever happened to you solely because of being a 30STM fan? I met my best friend <3 What is your favorite thing about the fandom? Your least favorite? Fav: no matter what I know there is always going to be a place where I fit in, I’ve never had that before Least: The bitches who think they're better than other bitches, and the daddy kink Is there any advice you would give to someone who is new to the fandom? We’re obsessive, protective but not all that bad, the bad eggs are few and far between but they are loud, try to ignore them How long have you been writing? 18 years. Why did you start writing? (Either in general or for Mars specifically) When I was 12, I had so much stationary that I didn’t know what to do with so I started one story. . . then another then another. Still, have too much stationary but am a writer so its okay Do you write for other fandoms? If so, which ones? Depends, I Like writing the Linkin Park guys and Bucky Barnes, but whatever inspires me really Do you share everything you write? If not, is there a reason why? Hmm, no. I only really share mars stuff, my non- fanfic stuff will be turned in to novels and my non-mars related stuff I don’t really have a platform to do so on. Have you written things that aren't fanfic? If so, could you tell us about those works? Many, my writing is 50/50 fanfic vs Fiction. My latest novel that I finished a couple of weeks ago ended about 85k words is about angels and demons and a prophecy that will either unite or destroy them all Of all your works, which is your favorite and why? Iridescent – (mentioned in above question) because it’s the novel that took over my whole life and kept me hostage until I wrote it from beginning to end rendering me with Stockholm syndrome to the point that I still miss them Stand Tall, They’ll Break Your Heart – first novel I ever finished. and Bright Lights – I’ve never had such a positive response from anything I’ve ever written and get yelled at because I don’t update often enough Is there one that was particularly difficult to write? Why? They’re all difficult to write. I write very emotionally driven novels, they can be draining as I take on the characters at such a personal level that I live what they tell me in a way, I’m crazy, ignore me. What is the ideal writing environment for you? At your desk? Quiet? Music? Anywhere anytime, I usually write sitting on my bed, but can literally write anywhere in any environment. Prefer loud music and a comfy place for my butt What type of fanfic are you most comfortable writing (drama, fluff, angst, drabbles, series, etc.) Mushy series filled with drama What is your favorite fanfic trope? I don’t know what that is but I THINK my answer is dramatic chicks being involved with music or rock bands Is there any trope or subject that you won't write? Daddy kink? Are there any special tools that you use when creating or writing your story? My fingers!? My stories are often inspired by songs or video clips or something like that J Do you write your story in order or do you jump around and then string it together at the end? Sometimes, especially with fanfictions. Like with Bright Lights (my biggest Mars fanfic) I have four future versions, but the reason I do that is to better understand them in the ‘bright lights’ version. Do you outline, or do a great deal of prep work or do you 'fly by the seat of your pants'? Up until my novels Attack and Iridescent I ALWAYS prided myself about being a pantser, but I really enjoyed being a planner for those two novels. How do you usually get your inspiration? Music and Video clips, sometimes dreams and other places. Do you have ideas on the drawing board or in progress currently that you haven't shared yet? Yeah, Beautiful Disaster, my bff would kill me if I wrote it though, but I have another one in the holster I am thinking about starting April 1st If you have an unpublished work in progress, please pick two to three sentences and share them without context. “Armani,” Stephanie smiled, “I trust you are well?” Mike looked between the two Angels as the embraced in a slight hug and a kiss in the cheek. Stephanie stepping back between him and Chester. “Of course,” Armani smiled. “I’m betting this isn’t a social call?” the other angel asked. “No, Armani, this is Chester and Mike,” she said pointing to the demon who owned the names. “I’ve come to make a request,” Stephanie said looking to Armani from under her eyebrows, trying to gauge her reaction. Her face was poised, it always was, but the mood in the room changed, it was now tension filled. Armani was no fool, she knew this angel was standing before her with two demons. “You will need to-” “I am a direct crown descendant ” Stephanie said. “You are also standing her with two demons,” “And you are breaking the rules,” “yeah but” “If I was willing I could turn you into ash, right now,” Stephanie pointed out. “and I would be in the right,” she told. Armani held her gaze. “now, are you going to follow the rules and grant me my appearance for request, or am I going to have to take care of things another way?” Stephanie’s lips curl upward Armani’s lip curled downward as she turned slightly. Do you like requests? Would you like more or less of them? I haven’t had any, but would be happy to take them. Is there an upcoming project from you that you are excited about? Why, and what can you share about it? I can’t wait to edit and Publish Iridescent The best piece of writing advice you've ever received? Can never pick just one Put your butt in a chair and your hands on the keyboard and something will happiness. Writer's block is just an excuse, write anything even the crap, it can always be changed later And, Aim to write every day, even just for 15mins per day, get in that habit and you will find you self-finding 5 mins or 10 mins slots more often then you realise The worst piece of writing advice you've ever received? I don’t know. Wasn’t important, was it? What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting to write fanfic? Give it ago, see how if feels, you don’t have to share it, just try. Three (stories, series, scenes, etc) written by others that you really like or that inspire you? Closer – partcually Tomo in this story, even though the whole story is fucking amazing and Black Fuel and Bikes @fyeahproudglambert Provihitofics had a story about camping, it was great she doesn’t fic no more tho
Are any of your characters closer to being “you” than others? Any reason in particular? Hmmmmm, yes I guess. The characters are all like different parts of me, Phoebe is an angry psycho which is a part I never get to express often, but there are parts of her that are not like me. Same with Helena being independent to some extent.
One thing about me is I like to find things I have in common with people, if I look hard enough, it could become obsessive.
Are any of your characters based on someone you know? Hmm a lot of my male characters look like rock stars if that counts. Are any of your plots based on something that happened to you? No, but one day Favorite font for writing? Don’t have one Do you have a 'day job'? If so, what? I am a student studying Bachelor of Social Science (psychology) with hopes to get good enough scores to get into Psychology. I am Also an Author and a qualified Mental health peer worker. Do you consider yourself a reader outside of fanfic? Yup, Your favorite book? Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Your favorite things to do when you're not writing? What does ‘not writing’ mean? .  . . nah I like to watch Safari live, see my niece and nephew, explore the wild and hate on frogs The strangest thing you've ever eaten? My brothers used to make me eat grass stalks, oh oh CAVIAR I got told it wasn’t Caviar, it was freaking caviar Looks at @Fyeahproudglambert Two truths and a lie? I hate frogs, I’ve never met my best friend, I love the feel of fallen out hair Five albums you'd want if stranded on a desert island? Cant I just take my Spotify? I actually don’t think I can answer this? I don’t just listen to albums all the way through, . .  . This is war (plus attack and the kill) LLFD Breakaway kelly Clarkson Hybrid theory A thousand suns Something surprising about you? I have a really good memory And I usually come off as pretentious and up myself, because I am highly critical of things and probably way too opinionated, but I am actually a really nice, loyal and caring person who just wants to do good and help as many people as I can Favorite food to enjoy while watching Netflix? Anything, maybe a packet of sea salt chippies. Favorite way to spend a Saturday night? Writing Blankets Tucked or Untucked? Right side untucked, left side tucked Do you have any pets? Would you like to tell us about them? Dog, Ella - She shares my birthday, Sasha – not my dog, my brother's dog but I grew up with her and am temporarily looking after her, Cats: Ollie, Angel, Sully. I got Ollie first (After my cat Joel died) and then my brother got Angel (she was being mistreated somewhere else) Ollie and Angel bonded n such a human love type way, and we decided they could not be separated, so I got Angel too, guess what though, 9 month old cats can have babies, Angel had three Kittens, Lucky, Sully and Heat, my brother kept heat, I kept sully and Lucky went to a loving home J Musicals, yes or no? If yes, what movie/show would you like to see made into a musical? No, thank you Tell us a joke. Mars fans who hate and bitch on everything the band does Are there any particular battles or struggles in your life you'd like to tell us about? Hmm, I mean I am an open book with the things I have been through, and am happy to talk about them at any time, there are many things from abuse, abandonment, isolation, major depression, self-harm, suicidal ideology, my brother was recently in a coma ,my mother’s cancer journey, my heart issues, social phobia, PTSD, horderism and crippling self-doubt and anxiety, to tell the short story. While some things still plague me, I find all of it also drives me to make my life better, and t do the best I can every day. Life struggles are hard, but they also enrich me to not only help people in my ‘day job’ but to help me write richer stories. Anything you'd like to add? You guys are doing a great job. When I started Echelon fiction, this is kinda what I wanted it to be but I never had the drive to pull it off, I love how innovative you guys are being and changing things up getting your followers involved, its really cool! Good job, keep going
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alternianfun-blog · 7 years
Here is Celty’s Olive blood
Celty Shae
NAME-Deizra Lezeti CLASS-OLIVE BLOOD RACE-TROLL HEIGHT:4'9" (base 4'8"+ 2d10")---->1&0----> 4'8" + 1" = 4'9" WEIGHT:115lbs (base 110 lbs + (2d10 x 2d4))---> 4&1--->110lbs + 1(from above) x  5 = 115 lbs   AGE:9 sweeps (my age in sweeps ( age / 2.5 rounded up) SEX-FEMALE ALIGHNMENT-chaotic neutral BACKGROUND-CHARLATAN (from PH) EXP-0 LVL:1
AC:10+dex-->12 INITIATIVE:( )CHANGES EVERY FIGHT SPD:60ft/turn HP((1d8 + constitution mod)per level): Temp HP-0 HIT DIE:0 -Total:0
DEATH SAVES: -Success:()()() you alive! -Fails:()()() you dead!
ABILITY SCORES: (+0)Strength-10 (+2)Dexterity-14 (+0)constitution-10 (+1)intelligence-12 (+1)wizdom-12 (+2)charisma-14
INSPIRATION:(0) given by DM or other players who have inspiration
SAVING THROWS:(add modifier from ability scores) -Dexterity -Charisma
SKILLS:add modifier when making these   -acrobatics (DEX) -perception (wiz) -pursuasion (cha) -deception (cha) (background) -slight of hand (dex) (background)
OTHER: ADD proficiency to roll when using these -light armour -simple weapons -hand crossbow -longsword -rapier -shortswords -instruments -disguise kits (background) -forgery kit (background)
PERSONLITY TRAITS: -flattery is my preffered trick for getting what i want
IDEAL: -independence- I am a free spirit-- no one tells me what to do (chaotic) (background)
BONDS: -somewhere out there, I have a child who doesnt know me. im making the world better for them.
FLAWS: -I cant resist swindling people who are more powerful than me
LIKES: -videogames -reading -shitty horror films Dislikes: -snakes
-BACKGROUND INFO: -FAVORITE SCHEME: -I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners -FEATURE: - FALSE IDENTITY: you have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. additionally, you can forge doccuments including offical papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or have the handwriting you are trying to copy.
-SPELL CASTING ABILITY: ---Charisma -SPELL SAVE DC: -8 + proficiency bonus + charisma mod -ATTACK MOD: -Proficiency bonus + charisma mod -BARDIC INSPIRATION:  -inspire others through words or music: -use bonus action on your turn to chose one creature other than yourself within 60 ft of you who can hear you. this creature gains one Bardic inspiration die, D6 -once within the next 10 mins the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check attack roll or saving throw it makes. (after d20 is rolled)
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: HEIGHT:4'9" (base 4'8"+ 2d10")---->1&0----> 4'8" + 1" = 4'9" WEIGHT:115lbs (base 110 lbs + (2d10 x 2d4))---> 4&1--->110lbs + 1(from above) x  5 = 115 lbs   AGE:9 sweeps (my age in sweeps ( age / 2.5 rounded up) -SEX-FEMALE -Gray skin -Horns: short nubs -other characteristics - blood smear across nose (char blood color) - black hair- a-sym bob -
INVENTORY: CANTRIPS: -Blade ward: -Cast time: bonus action -range:self -Duration: 1 round -INFO:you extend your hand into the air and draw your mark. until your next turn, you have resistance against all weapon damage -Friends: -Cast time:bonus action -range:self -Duration:concentration, up to 1 minute -INFO:for the duration, you have advantage on all charisma checks directed at one creature of your choice that isnt hostile toward you. when the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used magic to influence its mood and becomes hostile toward you. a creature prone to violence might attack you. another creature might seek retribution in other ways(dms discretion), depending on the nature of your interaction with it.
SPELLS: spellslots--->()()()() LVL 1: -4 Spell slots --KNOWN SPELLS -ANIMAL FRIENDSHIP -cast time: 1 ACTION -Range: 30 FT -Duration:24 hours -INFO:this spell lets you convince a beast that you mean it no harm, chose a beast that you can see within range. it must see and hear you. if the beasts intelligence is 4 or higher, the spell fails. other wise the meast must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the spells duration. if you or one of your companions harms the target, the spell ends. AT HIGHER LEVELS: when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional beast for each slot level above 1st. -BANE -cast time:1 action -Range:30 ft -Duration: consentration, up to 1 minute -INFO:up to three creatures of your choise that you can see within range must make charisma saving throws. whenever a target that fails this saving throw, makes an attack roll or saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. -CHARM PERSON -cast time:1 action -Range:30 ft -Duration:1 hour -INFO:you attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range, it must make a wizdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. if it fails the saving throw,it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. the charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. when the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. the creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. -COMPREHEND LANGUAGE -cast time:1 action -Range:self -Duration:1 hour -INFO:for the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. you also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are writte, it takes about 1 minute to read 1 page of text. -CURE WOUNDS -cast time:1 action -Range:touch -Duration:instantaneous -INFO:a creature you tough regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spell casting ability modifier. this spell has no effect on undeat or constructs. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st -DISGUISE SELF -cast time:1 action -Range:self -Duration:1 hour -INFO:you make yourself--including your clothing,armour, weapons and other belongigns on your person-- look diferent  until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. you can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat or inbetween, you cant change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. otherwise the extent of the illusion is up to you. the changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. for example, if you use this spell to add a at to your outfit, objects pass through the hat and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or feel your head and hair. if you use this spell to appear thinner than you are. the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.to discern that you are still disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an intelligence(investigation) check against your spell save DC. -DISSONANT WHISPERS (need whistle) -cast time:1 action -Range:60 feet -Duration: instantaneous -INFO: you whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. the target must make a wisdom saving throw. on a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. the creature doesnt move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a firepit. on a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesnt have to move away. a deafened creature automaticallly succeeds on the save. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher , the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above first. -LONGSTRIDER -cast time:1 action -Range:touch -Duration:1 hr -INFO: you touch a creature, the targets speed increases by 10 feet until the spell ends. AT HIGHER LEVELS: when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above first.
LVL 2:
Equipment: -lute -Rapier 1d8 piercing -Greatsword 2d6 slashing -trinket: old chess piece made out of glass. (rolled d100 found on trinkets page in PH)
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