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Mexico eliminates Covid-19 protocols; Baja California maskless optional now. BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO- APRIL 26: People, some wearing masks and some not in the streets of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Photos for @anadoluimages — Mexico’s health department announced it would eliminate their Coronavirus epidemiological warning system, as vaccine drives continue throughout the country. — The state of Baja California has a 90 percent tile of people with at least one Coronavirus vaccine shot applied and has had for weeks now very low Covid-19 cases and deaths reported. Though Baja California went maskless officially on Monday both in doors and out; optional to wear a face mask, medical officials made a call to citizens not to lower their guard and mask up if they feel the need to protect themselves. People must now make a risk assessment of their own health safety while in their day to day lives as the state and most of Mexico tries to move the nation away from a pandemic to an endemic when it comes to “living” with the virus. — Mexico currently has administered more than 198 Million Covid-19 shots and 79 Million plus people are fully vaccinated with their third booster shots; 62.56 percent of the population (Source: Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center). — #onassignment #coronaviruspandemic #covid_19 #coronavirusmexico #everydaycovid19 #everydaymexico #everydayeverywhere #everydaylatinamerica #everydaylafrontera #everydaysocialjustice #reportagespotlight #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #mexico #tijuanamexico #tijuana #bajacalifornia #lightstalker (at Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc6adoqvxjt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eduardomejiafoto · 3 years
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Los rostros de la pandemia. Memorial a personas que han perdido la vida a causa del Covid-19 en la basílica de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de Mexico. Al día de hoy (24/04/21) la Secretaria de Salud reporta que 214 504 personas han perdido la vida por esta enfermedad. . . . . . #covid19 #mexico #cdmx #ReportageSpotlight #latinosporlascalles #everydaymexico #everydaylatinamerica #everydayeverywhere #photodocumentary #fotografiadocumental #everydaycovid19 #everydaycoronavirus #everydayquarantine #everyday_covid19 #covid #covidmexico #fotoperiodismo #memorial #basilica #lavilla https://www.instagram.com/p/CODRjD-jxrU/?igshid=1ldg4bszymo9t
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amonetwork · 4 years
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#MãeMeuAmor ❤️📸@felipe.iruata “Na linha de frente lutando contra o coronavírus, os funcionários do Hospital Espanhol, que foi preparado pelo Governo do Estado para receber pacientes com o vírus, receberam homenagem dos filhos em função do dia das mães com mensagens projetadas nas paredes da clínica.” - #salvadormeuamor #amosalvador #amominhamãe - #salvador #bahia #brasil #everydaylatinamerica #everydaysocialjustice #everydaycovid19 #everydaybrasil #photojournalism #fotojornalismobr #streetphotographybrazil #streetphotography #stayhome #stayinghome #covidlatam #covidphotobrazil #coronavirus #covid19 #mothersday #diadasmaes #worldphotoagency (em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil - SSA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B__X8dsgc96/?igshid=1g4z7g86tf36f
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5millionfriends · 4 years
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COVID-19. La cuarentena es una medida que, además de poner a prueba la paciencia COVID-19. La cuarentena es una medida que, además de poner a prueba la paciencia y el compromiso ciudadano de la gente, sacó a la luz la inmensa inequidad que hay en Colombia.
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xmanoel · 4 years
Fotoperiodismo, Galicia e Covid
Un grupo de fotógrafos galegos ten unha conta de Instagram (e de Twitter) sobre imaxes de Galicia e co Covid. Non sei se a coñecedes....
Imaxe Covid en Instagram    Imaxe Covid en Twitter
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Ten doble interés polo tema do virus, pero tamén porque contrariamente a moitas imaxes que saen na prensa e que son de outros lugares e outros paises, estas son moi nosas... e Galicia. E vendo as fotos sempre topas algo que é familiar, e que agora é moi extraño (polo que mudou todo co COVID). Non é unha conta de acutalidade, de feito hai fotos antigas que saen a tempo das máis recentes. Pero vai transmitindo o fio do que vai pasando. E en moitas ociasións algunga de estas fotos é máis informativa que moitos artigos na prensa. (Supoño que as fotos que saen nesta conta son todas fotos que non foron publicadas por prensa e que os seus autores pensaron que sí merece a pena compartir).
Ourense, 13/03/20.- Estantes baleiros nun supermercado de Ourense durante a xornada na que o presidente do Goberno, Pedro Sánchez, anunciou a declaración do estado de alarma. @brais_lorenzo #imaxecovid #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirus #covidphoto #photojournalism #photopress pic.twitter.com/pLZZSKMOrF
— Imaxe Covid (@imaxecovid) July 29, 2020
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Ourense, 07/07/20.- Unha estudante reza pouco antes das súas probas de acceso á universidade en Ourense. Os estudantes que realizan os exames de acceso á universidade teñen que manter unha distancia segura e usar máscaras faciais durante as probas para evitar a propagación do COVID-19. @braislorenzo Ourense, 07/07/20.- Una alumna reza poco antes de sus exámenes de ingreso a la universidad en Ourense. Los estudiantes que realizan los exámenes de ingreso a la universidad deben mantener una distancia segura y usar máscaras faciales durante las pruebas para evitar la propagación de COVID-19. @braislorenzo Ourense, 07/06/20.- A student prays shortly before her university entrance exams in Ourense. Students taking their college access exams have to observe a safe distance and wear face masks during the tests to avoid spreading the COVID-19. @braislorenzo #imaxecovid #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirus #galicia #euquedonacasa #covidgalicia #stayhome #coronatime #coronavirusespaña #covidgalicia #pandemia #pandemic #covid2020 #confinamiento #lockdown #outbreak #cuarentena #quarantine #quarantinelife #everydaycovid19 #covidspain #fotoxornalistas #photography #photographer #photojournalism #photojournalisme #photopress
Una publicación compartida de Imaxe Covid (@imaxecovid) el 13 Jul, 2020 a las 3:14 PDT
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Vigo, 10/06/20.- As cadeiras cos nomes dos membros do coro Apostol Santiago son colocadas gardando a distancia social durante o primeiro ensaio tras o remate do confinamento para previr a propagación do coronavirus COVID-19. @miguelriopa Vigo, 10/06/20.- Las sillas con los nombres de los miembros del coro Apóstol Santiago son colocadas manteniendo la distancia social durante el primer ensayo tras el fin del confinamiento para prevenir la propagación del coronavirus COVID-19. @miguelriopa Vigo, 10/06/20.- Chairs with the names of the Apostol Santiago choir's members, are placed keeping social distance before their first rehearsal after the loosening of a national lockdown to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. @miguelriopa

#imaxecovid #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirus #galicia #euquedonacasa #covidgalicia #covidphoto #yomequedoencasa #stayhome #coronatime #coronavirusespaña #covidgalicia #pandemia #pandemic #covid2020 #confinamiento #lockdown #outbreak #cuarentena #quarantine #quarantinelife #everydaycovid19 #covidspain #fotoxornalistas #photography #photographer #photojournalism #photojournalisme #photopress
Una publicación compartida de Imaxe Covid (@imaxecovid) el 30 Jun, 2020 a las 11:00 PDT
Ortigueira (A Coruña ), 20/07/20 .- Un grupo de mozos fanse unha foto no primer día de uso obligatorio da mascarilla en toda a comunidade galega para evitar contaxios pola COVID-19. @MiguelMunizFoto #imaxecovid #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirus #covidphoto #photojournalism pic.twitter.com/YPhdvltVsF
— Imaxe Covid (@imaxecovid) July 27, 2020
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As the Omicron strain continues to spread widely thorough out the population of Baja California, many people line up for hours to get their Coronavirus vaccinations. Tijuana opened up multiple immunization areas to qualifying 13-17 year olds to get their first shot of the biological Pfizer-BioNtech, as well as to other age groups who needed to get their first, second and third booster shots of the Oxford-AstraZeneca on Thursday, January 13, 2022. — Since yesterday, the state has extended its hours of operation for health care workers to vaccinate more people as Baja California currently has 7,552 active confirmed cases, which are patients who are in a period of contagion and can spread the virus. In the last 24 hours, 1,125 new ones were reported. The health state department has said that the worst moment of the fourth wave of Covid-19 infections has not arrived yet; even though record numbers of infections and hospitalizations has gone up after the holiday season. The large volume of infections has left health workers exhausted and understaffed, as well with limited resources. It is estimated that cases could ease by mid-February, when around 12,000 active cases will be reached. — Baja California in total, since the start of the pandemic has now exceeded 100,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19, according to figures from the federal Mexican government’s health agency. The agency’s statistics indicate that in March 2020 when the first case of the virus was detected, 100,422 people have tested positive, of which 11,160 have died (though figures may be more since these are only reported cases confirmed of infections and deaths and does not take to consideration other tangents during the entirety of the pandemic). — #onassignment #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #covid_19 #covidpandemic #coronavirusmexico #mexico #bajacalifornia #tijuana #tijuanamexico #covidvacccine #everydaycovid19 #everydayeverywhere #everydaylatinamerica #everydaymexico #reportagespotlight (at Baja California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsqfG-rZZW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The State of Baja California expanded its Coronavirus booster shots to adults 40 years and older who qualified in Tijuana, Mexico yesterday; as the holiday season brought “gifts” of large numbers of Covid-19 cases to the state: reaching a new record in the last 24 hours alone of 811 cases confirmed, the highest number that has been recorded since the pandemic began on Thursday, January 6, 2022. — Many adults of all ages today were seeking reinforcement or their first vaccines, along with people who were looking for security that they were not “positive” for Covid-19, as some waited in long lines to get test kits; a few people were unable to obtain them, as some laboratories ran out because of the high demand. — In addition, on Wednesday, the state health department began implementing a required Covid-19 vaccination certificate to enter any business in Baja California, regulated by the State Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COEPRIS), to mitigate cases and get straggling adults to get vaccinated. "We have twenty percent of adults who have decided not to be vaccinated and we know that unvaccinated people are the ones who are saturating hospitals with the Delta variant and surely, unfortunately, they will also be those who saturate hospitals with the Omicron variant,” said the state secretary of health, Adrián Medina Amarillas. — Mexico has more than 4 Million cases of the virus, with almost 300,000 deaths. The country has a fully vaccinated population of 57.10 percent; 72 Million plus people of the nation’s 128.9 Million inhabitants (Source: Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center). — #onassignment #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #tijuana #tijuanamexico #bajacalifornia #mexico #everydayeverywhere #everydaylatinamerica #everydaymexico #everydaycovid19 #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirusmexico #documentaryphotography #reportagespotlight #video #shortclip #covid_19 (at Baja California) https://www.instagram.com/carlosamoreno86/p/CYaL2ZtJFpR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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After twenty months of ferry and land borders closed off to nonessential travel for foreigners entering the United States from both Canada and Mexico due to the Coronavirus pandemic; it was open once again to all visa holders who are fully vaccinated who can enter the U.S. for tourism, shopping and visits to loved ones on Monday, November 8, 2021. — The San Ysidro-Tijuana border had lower than normal crossings by vehicle and foot this Monday morning, as some may have been deterred to cross to San Diego or crossed over on the weekend to avoid what was expected to be very long border waits along the port of the entry by border officials. — #usmexicoborder #frontera #lightstalker #fronterizo #mexico #tijuana #tijuanamexico #sandiego #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #covidpandemic #coronavirusmexico #everydaycovid19 #documentaryphotography #everydaylatinamerica #everydayeverywhere #everydaylafrontera #everydaymexico #everydayusa #edca #travel #video #shortclips #reportagespotlight (at San Ysidro Border Line/ Tijuana, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWBoGi-vPxv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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On Tuesday families and individuals went to pay tribute to their loved ones at the municipal cemetery “Panteón No.13” near the outskirts of the Tijuana-Tecate, Mexico area for Day of the Dead festivities. Many of the people buried in Panteón 13 (which was suppose to be the newest city cemetery and reach capacity in a seven year time frame, is now expected to be filled in less than 3 years, not the seven that was planned) have died from the Coronavirus and from Tijuana’s high murder rate; which continues nonstop daily, according to the Municipal Department of Reforestation and Cemeteries. — In 2020, most cemeteries in Baja California were closed, with a few exceptions, to people gathering for the Day of the Dead festivity due at the time to the high Covid-19 rates in the state and as a preventative measure to control and curb a wider spreading of the virus. This year cemeteries were open across the state with few if any precautions, as Baja California remains across the board in Mexico’s orange tile Covid-19 infection rate (the only state currently with a high infection rate considered “high” but not “maximum” danger throughout the country); the rest of Mexico is mostly in the green tile, considered the lowest transmission rate of the virus possible under the federal government’s health department epidemic tile system. — #dayofthedead #diademuertos #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #covid_19 #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirusmexico #everydaycovid19 #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #everydayeverywhere #everydaylatinamerica #everydaylafrontera #everydaymexico #reportagespotlight #bajacalifornia #lightstalker (at Panteon Municipal No. 13) https://www.instagram.com/p/CV0LYLuJ-FK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Coronavirus vaccinations continued of the biological Pfizer-BioNtech in Tijuana, Mexico for adolescents 15-17 years of age; including adults 18 years and over who needed their second doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine on Monday, November 29, 2021. — The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised an alarm of “concern” for what it sees as a “Frankenstein mix” of mutations of the new South African variant, Omicron. Even though many nations have begun to stop flights into their countries to prevent a spread of the variant to their populations, WHO scientists have said it will not matter much in the end, it will only stall the strain from eventually reaching each part of the globe (the advice by experts is that each country needs to prepare their medical units before cases spike in multiple waves of the mutated Covid-19 virus). — On Sunday, reports of two newly Covid-19 cases identified with the strain in Canada were found, establishing Omicron’s arrival in North America. Health experts in both the United States and Mexico have said the variant may already be in the two countries, “though not detected yet, but probable based on how the virus shows a degree of transmissibility.” Mexican epidemiologist and Undersecretary of Health Hugo Lopez-Gatell has said the nation has no plans to close off borders again because “they are not very useful measures” to combat the new strain of the virus and “affects the economy and the well-being of its citizens.” — #onassignment #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #covid_19 #covidvacccine #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirusmexico #everydaycovid19 #reportagespotlight #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #bajacalifornia #everydaymexico #everydaylatinamerica #everydayeverywhere #everydaylafrontera (at Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW4G-Tpvk7d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hundredths of teenagers ages 15-17 years old lined up to get their first Coronavirus vaccine doses of the biological Pfizer-BioNtech in Tijuana, Mexico on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. — Young people lined up for hours from morning to the afternoon, some wanting to get their shots on the first day of the vaccination drive to be able to cross into the United States; as it’s required for all foreigners to be vaccinated wishing to enter San Diego, California for nonessential travel, as the holiday shopping season approaches. — The State of Baja California began inoculating teenagers in its inland cities on Monday and continued on with its coastal areas like Ensenada and Tijuana today; future dates for more vaccine drives have not been announced to further vaccinate the 15-17 year old age group as of yet by the health department. — Mexico has administered 131 Million plus Covid-19 vaccines so far and has fully vaccinated 64 Million of its people—50.41 percent of its entire population (Source: John Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center). — #onassignment #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirusmexico #covidvacccine #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #bajacalifornia #covid_19 #everydaycovid19 #everydayeverywhere #everydaylatinamerica #everydaymexico #everydaylafrontera #reportagespotlight (at Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWoqg79vpQ2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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On Tuesday, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced that the United States would amend the CDC’s Title 49 regulations which impeded all non-essential travel to the country by land and ferry crossings from Canada and Mexico. As of November, all who are fully vaccinated for the Coronavirus will be allowed to enter to the U.S. for non-essential purposes, including to visit friends and family or for tourism. Travelers will be required to have appropriate paperwork that provides proof of vaccination. Individuals who have not been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 will not be allowed to travel for non-essential purposes. — Tijuana residents lined up at the Mexican health welfare secretary office to get the needed official paperwork that verifies they have been vaccinated on Friday, October 15, 2021. — Many have been waiting for months since the pandemic began to cross to the U.S. Once they obtain their verification certificates they can show them to border officials by car or foot when asked at border checkpoints. — #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #usmexicoborder #covid_19 #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirusmexico #edca #everydaylatinamerica #everydayeverywhere #everydaymexico #everydaycovid19 #everydaylafrontera #everydayusa #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #lightstalker #reportagespotlight #covidvacccine #sandiego #sandiegocalifornia (at USA-Mexico Border, Tijuana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVD35V0PojA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Barcelona, Spain. Part II (August 2021). — The European Union recommended on Monday that Americans should be banned from nonessential travel to its member states after a rise in Coronavirus cases in the United States. Countries within the 27-nation bloc have been advised to reinstate Covid-19 related restrictions and halt the arrival of tourists from the U.S. and five other countries. Europe had begun opening up to U.S. travelers in May with destinations dependent on tourism dollars from across the Atlantic eager to recoup heavy losses incurred during successive lockdowns. The European Council, the EU's governing body, recommended in June that the bloc lift restrictions on nonessential travel from 14 countries, including the United States. However, Covid-19 cases in the U.S. have surged in recent weeks, as the highly infectious Delta variant spreads among unvaccinated Americans. Covid-19 cases among children are also hitting levels not seen since winter. However, this guidance is non-binding, so individual countries in the E.U. bloc can decide impose their own sets of restrictions. Travelers should expect a messy patchwork of different rules and regulations across the continent, much like they encounter a mishmash of non-uniform rules and regulations across the U.S. The United States never reopened its own borders to E.U. tourists during the pandemic, a point of contention among many Europeans. The new recommendation, they say, reflects a certain reciprocity. — The threshold for being on the E.U. safe travel list is having fewer than 75 new Covid-19 cases daily per 100,000 inhabitants over the previous 14 days. Currently the U.S. has an infection rate roughly seven times above that threshold. — #EU #europeanunion #covid_19 #coronavirusespaña #coronavius #coronaviruspandemic #travelbans #travel #travelphotography #barcelona #barcelonaespaña #spain #catalunya #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #everydayeurope #everydaybarcelona #everydayspain #everydaycovid19 #everydaycoronavirus #everydayeverywhere (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTO_TY0ndwQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Long lines, colorful young people and that “TJ attitude” was seen all over Tijuana’s Coronavirus vaccination sites, as adults ages 18-39 are now eligible to get their one dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Thursday, June 17, 2021. (Set 2 of 2) — #onassignment #covidvacccine #coronavirusmexico #reportagespotlight #everydayeverywhere #everydaycovid19 #everydaymexico #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #vaccinesummer #everydaylafrontera #everydaylatinamerica #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #youngandrebellious (at Tijuana, Baja California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPmggyLJdS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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On Thursday the state of Baja California launched its Border States Coronavirus Vaccination Initiative, where Mexico and the United States are focusing on a border strategy of getting all Mexican adults that live along its borders, ages 18-39 immunized in the next 10 days. The U.S. donated 1.3 Million doses of the Covid-19 Janssen Pharmaceutical’s Johnson & Johnson shot to Mexico—which only needs one application to be fully vaccinated. Both countries government officials are hoping that this could allow for a safer border crossing and stop the virus from spreading among its populations. If successful, it could likely lead to an opening of land crossings to all those who are vaccinated; including to foreign nationals along the U.S.-Mexico border sometime in the end of June or early July. — Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) addressed the vaccination program happening in Baja California at a morning news conference today, he emphasized if everything went according to plan, “the state will be positioned as the first in the nation to be 100% vaccinated in every municipality and in every age group.” The Mexican government also stated through a recent announcement that the country was sixth in the world and second in all of Latin America when it came to applying Covid-19 vaccines. Mexico projects it could fully vaccinate its entire population by October 2021. — As of now, Mexico has administered more than 38 Million vaccines, has fully vaccinated 15 Million plus people; 12.06% of its entire population—127.79 Million (Source: John Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center). (Set 1 of 2) — #onassignment #mexico #usa #coronaviruspandemic #usmexicoborder #frontera #bajacalifornia #tijuana #tijuanamexico #covidvacccine #coronavirusmexico #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #eveydaymexico #everydayusa #everydaylatinamerica #everydaylafrontera #everydaysocialjustice #everydaycovid19 #everydayeverywhere #reportagespotlight #video #shortclip (at Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPjtK7rMUE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Individuals working in the education sector in Tijuana, Mexico (both private and public): teachers, administrators and so forth, were given access to the CanSinoBio Coronavirus vaccine, which only needs one application. Vaccination of teachers started today and will continue on until Thursday evening. — Throughout Baja California all those who qualified as active teachers and administrators, were given their Covid-19 vaccines at different school institutions as the state government plans on giving the “green light” on opening schools sometime soon; though state officials are aware parents are wary of school safety protocols and because vaccines are not yet available for children under 16 years of age. Officials are giving parents the option of deciding whether or not to send their children to in-person classes or continue a virtual instruction until vaccines are available to their children. — #onassignment #blackwhitephoto #covid_19 #covidvacccine #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #teachers #documentaryphotography #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #bajacalifornia #portraitphotography #portrait #retrato #environmentalportrait #everydaymexico #everydaylatinamerica #everydaycovid19 #everydayeverywhere #everydaylafrontera #reportagespotlight (at Baja California, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/COMLtkqrPxM/?igshid=ak2eo8inq27z
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