#everyone be safe have fun and lets finger some cute boys in 2023 <3
ramu-ego · 2 years
happy new year ramuu!! Wish u the best for this year ❤️
-and a safe and fun New Year's Eve of course if the clock hasn't struck midnight yet for you (got a solid ten hours left woot woot timezones lol) Going into 2023 I hope the best for you and the things closest to you. That goes for everyone pls have a happy and safe New Year so we can come into 2023 utterly ready to destroy some cute soccer men ♡
I'd also like to take this moment to say things might be a little slow on this blog for a while. Going into 2023 I want to challenge myself with a personal project more akin to the writing style I use to love and put myself back in the mindset of multi chapter fics because I just love them so much. No this does not mean I'm abandoning this wonderful blog. I'll still be updating; it might just be a little slower than normal with full fledge fics and such. But I very much want to get to know you all and pour my heart into the femdom side of the Blue Lock Fandom. I'll just be a little slow as I work on a project I've been dying to do. Thank you everyone who's still such a support to this blog I will do my best to still fill the dash with cute boys getting what's coming to them in the new year ♡
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