#everyone clap rn >:0 /pos
agency-unofficial · 2 years
June, when you named Phoenix during Jet Set, was that a spur of the moment thing or had you come up with the idea before hand? If before hand, what was that discussion with the rest of zoraxis like? If spur of the moment, how much of that was the surviving and how much was burning all the possessions on your plane? And either way, how did Fabby react?
Also I'm pretty sure those blueprints for Fabby's newest machine are actually for the Editor because I'm pretty sure it's a time machine because they shouldn't of known you were meeting where you were to be able to follow you home. They also have have the power to prevent you from hearing us (they stalked you from the square back, but we couldn't tell you, so be on guard whenever we're not doing stupid stuff such as showing you firemelons.
"Holy shit that's a lot of words, uh-"
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"Well, I mean, to answer your questions, I suppose it was a bit of both. Fairly early into my time with Zoraxis, or at least when I was deemed trustworthy enough, I had a sort of meeting with Zor. It wasn't face to face, far from, I was taken to a room where there was a telephone with a heavily encrypted line. To be honest, it was a lot of blather, and I paid a... debatable amount of attention, but I will admit, Phoenix's case did interest me, in a way."
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"You can't blame me, they evaded a lot of Zor's plans, that takes guts and hard work. But no, no codename was given, more just derogatory words such as 'pest'. And, well, then I got to meet them and I actually understood the gravity of what Zor meant."
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"Shut up I'm monologuing."
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"Plus, I like you enough now."
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"So yes, you could say the nickname was a bit spur of the moment, especially regarding their history. My flair for the dramatics probably played a part too. That and definitely the mild accounts of arson."
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“As for the Fabricator? Well, she definitely was less than pleased, that and Zor."
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"Speaking of the Fabricator...and the Editor, that's definitely concerning. If I can be transparent with you, I scarcely understand the technical side of what she does other than murder machines, but that alone is enough to make her unnerving at best, downright terrifying at worst."
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"We'll keep an eye out."
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