#everyone come with your muses and complain about it to mi.zuki she'll help you burn them uh bl.ock them?
brawlqueen ยท 11 months
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" those weirdos, uh...bots? shouldn't they be going to that perverted old man? i mean, c'mon. you're gonna send all these creeps to a twelve year old girl? is this just spam of all his 'weird stuff' that he mass ordered when i was sleeping last night? because i keep getting them. "
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" but....if date gets these then he'll be even worse. i better burn these and rip them to shreds. i wonder if iris knows about this too. . . i better tell her to be careful of what's on her phone . then again iris will just get more curious. . . wait, aiba can just mass delete them. i gotta talk to her. she hops out at night a lot sooo.... that's my chance!" time for a late night stakeout.
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