#everyone plz pray for my safety bc xiao may or may not kill me for outing him like this aksdfjlsd
howthesleeplesswander Β· 8 months
z for any 3 muses of your picking!
Dirty A-Z headcanons! || @melodicbreeze || Accepting!
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?)
((hohohoohohooo this is a good one πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒDon't mind me as I expose some of my muses' weaknesses lets gooOOO πŸ‘€
NSFW responses under the cut!))
Kaeya's experienced enough that he's pretty resilient when he wants to be, but even if he is trying to resist/hold out, touching his chest is the fastest way to get him turned on and eager. His nipples are extremely sensitive and giving them ANY attention will absolutely ruin him. Hands are all well and good, but if you want to see him really fall apart and make him truly, unbearably desperate, using your mouth will turn him into putty at your fingertips in 0.5 seconds flat πŸ˜”πŸ™πŸ’¦
This is a fun one (not for Xiao asdflkdj) because this poor little adeptus is so touch-starved that he's hypersensitive basically everywhere. πŸ‘€ Xiao hardly ever receives physical touch because of his self-isolation. Even casual gestures like a high-five or a shoulder-nudge will throw him for a loop and leave him floundering for a moment before he regains his composure. Anything more prolonged than that, and he'll become a stiff, stuttering, awkward mess. If someone wrapped him up in a hug and just held him for a while it wouldn't matter that he's immortal bc he might just die on the spot.
SO BASICALLY. What this means is that if you earn Xiao's trust and affection enough for him to let you touch him intimately and to want that from you?? You're gonna have a gooood time B))) Normally he's good at maintaining the stoic face, but any trace of suggestiveness or intimate touches WILL TEAR THAT ALL DOWN IN A HEARTBEAT. He’ll still try to keep up the facade, but it’s not very convincing when he starts squirming and blushing and visibly having to hold back making noise.
The Funnest Fact(TM) is that his most sensitive spot is on his backβ€”right along his shoulder blades where his wings would be if he didn’t keep them hidden. Touching him there will INSTANTANEOUSLY get him shivering and shuddering. And isn't it convenient that the back window of his outfit gives easy access? 😌
Kazuma is a tough cookie and is the master of keeping his composure even in πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ situations, buuut there is one exception to that. Although there wasn't a scar or visible sign left behind by the injury that caused his amnesia, the spot on the back of his neck where the bedpost struck him is now extremely sensitive. A single touch to that spot will have him shuddering and melting in your hands. πŸ‘€ And similarly to Kaeya, using your mouth on that spot will destroy all his stubbornness and composure in a second and reduce him to a whimpering mess. 😏
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