#everyone should get tattoos but like definitely just spend some time looking at portfolios first
cerbreus · 5 months
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Gonna have to wait for her to post the final pics she took, so just some screenshots of the vid she posted but!!!!! my first sleeve is finished today!!!! ♥ it turned out amazing, I'm soooo fucking stoked ❤💕
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Something in Your Mouth
Santiago “Pope” Garcia x reader
A/N: A song fic has been done. This is a Nickelback song (don’t @ me they are my favorite rockband). Warnings: Sex (allusions and some descriptions), BJ, shitty ex. Um. I think that’s it? Maybe some self-esteem issues
Everything tag: @mikeisthricedeceased
Oscar/Triple Frontier tag: @m-123 @artsymaddie @mcrmarvelloki​
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Got to meet the hottie with the million dollar body
They say it's over budget, but you'd pay her just to touch it, come on!
Santiago Garcia was not a shy man. If a woman was willing, he’d do anything she was comfortable with. Sex in a public bathroom? Done it. Fingering under the table? Yes ma’am. Vibrating panties with him having the remote control? Hell yes.
However, this is the first time he’s ever been with a girl that was so shy. He met her at a local coffee shop that he had become a regular to. She happened to come in one day, needing some long-winded concoction that he wasn’t even sure was actually coffee, for her boss.
When she got it, she had the misfortune of some asshole running into her and spilling the coffee all over her. Santi after yelling at the dude who dared to get in her face about it, bought her a replacement coffee, and strolled out to his truck to grab an old army t-shirt he kept in there.
“It’s clean I swear, it’s a bit a good luck charm I guess,” He awkwardly explained as he handed it to her.
She took it from him running into the bathroom to change. She had to tuck in the bottom of it into her pants since it was bit big.
She stepped back out and quietly asked, “How can I return this to you? Or better yet, repay?”
“If it’s not too bold, may I take you out on a date? And you can give it back to me then?” He questioned hoping she would say yes.
She smiled shyly, nodding her head, as she unlocked her phone for him to give her his number. He quickly typed it in, sending himself a text as he saved it.
She grabbed the replacement coffee and left a moment later. He texted her that evening and that was the beginning of it all.
Needs to hit the big screen and shoot a little love scene
If Hollywood had called her she'd be gone before you holler, come on!
She worked for a fashion company, currently working as a secretary to the CEO, hoping to one day be able to present her ideas as a creator. She loved to draw; it was one of her biggest passions as a kid. As she got older, she realized she loved fashion as well, and combined the two loves.
She had finished up her degree some months ago and got a job working for a local fashion industry. It wasn’t nearly as famous Prada, Gucci, or Hermes, but the name was recognized as a steppingstone for those companies.
Granted, she thought she would be working in design when she applied for the job, not as secretary number 2. A job was a job, however. She decided that she would grin and bear it until she had her chance.
Running into Santi was strange to say the least. She was sure, so sure, that he was just joking when he asked her out. But lo and behold… that night when he texted her details, she was pleasantly surprised.
They had gone out on a few dates, and while he was always respectful of her boundaries, she could tell he was used to more… provocative women. It’s not that she wasn’t interested in exploring his ideas, it was that… he was the first guy she had dated in a long while that seemed interested in seeing her naked.
She was used to guys getting bored with her after the first date, or when they found out she worked in fashion, they mocked her.
Santi, however, thought it was interesting. He would actually listen to her when she would rant about fabrics or colors. He at one point told her he thought it was adorable.
“It shows your passion. I think it’s cute as hell,” He told one day after a rant in which she cut herself off thinking she was being annoying.
She did eventually open up to him that she wasn’t used to having a man be attracted to her for more than 5 minutes.
He was shocked to say the least, “Who the hell were you dating honey?”
She shrugged, “Jerks. So. I mean… I want to do all those things with you… I just… worry I won’t be good at it? I guess?”
Crafty little lip tricks, tattoos on her left hip
She's bending as you're spending, there's no end to it, so baby come on!
When she said that, his jaw dropped. He wanted to beat up whoever had made her feel this way. He found her shyness refreshing, but not at the expense that she worried that he would think she was inadequate.
“We’ll move at your pace, baby. I like you, for you. I’m not going to drop you like your yesterday’s news just because we aren’t having sex every time we see each other,” Santi assured her, with a kiss.
She gave him a look of appreciation and kissed back more firmly. He grinned at that, cupping her cheek as they kissed.
Dressed up like a princess, betting that her skin smells
Better than the scent of every flower in the desert, come on!
It took several months before she was ready to sleep with him, in a more intimate way. By that point, she had met his friends and their significant others. The girls were all too willing to help her when she asked for advice on what to do or wear.
Frankie’s girl was the calmest and took her shopping to get some nice lacey lingerie. While she appreciated the advice from Emma and Maura (Will’s, and Benny’s girlfriends respectively), she wasn’t quite sure she was up for the risqué ideas they came up with.
Valeria was the one who said to keep it simple. “You two have all the time in the world to explore kinks and such. You do not have to jump into that on your first night together.”
So, the two of them shopped, deciding on a dark blue number that Valeria said would make Santi drool at the sight of her.
That night, she had spent a good two hours shaving and primping before slipping on the barely there thong, and matching corset.
She tossed on a silk robe and waited for Santi to come home. She didn’t have to wait long before she heard the door open and close, Santi’s voice calling out for her.
“Hey babe, where ya at?” She heard him ask.
“Bedroom!” She answered waiting.
She could hear him walk down the hallway before opening the door. He stared at her curiously, taking in her robe.
“What’s happening sweetie?” Santi asked as he stepped further in.
She bit her lip slightly, as she undid the robe and let it slide off of her. His jaw drop as he gazed at her.
He sauntered up to her, his hands hovering hesitantly over her waist.
“Does this mean… what I think it does?” He questioned quietly, not wanting to assume anything.
She nodded with a small giggle, as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him. He deepened the kiss after a moment of hesitation.
The two of them crawled onto the bed, not breaking the kiss.
They spent the night, getting to know one another’s bodies. Learning about each scar, each spot that drove them crazy. It was night that fueled the fire in her; she knew right then… no other could ever compare.
She loves the night scene, bar queen, just living for the fun
Taking over every dance floor like she's the only one
After that night, the two of them were far more open about affection than they once were. It used to be she would shy away when he would kiss her in public. Now, she was used to it, and welcomed it far more. She still wasn’t quite used to the idea of doing anything sexual in public, which he was okay with.
He was just thrilled to know that she enjoyed his attention.
The two spent more time talking about previous experiences, mostly to learn about each other.
“In college I was definitely a bit more… wild child. I went barhopping with friends almost every weekend. Had a few one-night stands, if you can believe that. It was during one of my more serious relationships when I kind of lost apart of myself. He… he wasn’t like… physically aggressive or anything. He just… knew how to destroy every bit of my self-confidence,” She had told him one night while they were having pizza on his couch.
“I am sorry that happened to you. If I ever saw him, I would beat the shit out of him. No one deserves to be treated like that,” Santi said to her kissing her cheek softly.
“Hopefully you’ll never have to meet him. He was… the worst I dated. The others were… just… unsatisfactory. Then you come along… rescuing me from that jerk and giving me that shirt… that honestly kinda smelled,” She teased him slightly.
“Sorry, I was… just trying to help,” He cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like… I appreciated it, I truly did. It was better than having iced coffee on me all day. By the way… do you want that shirt back? I just realized I never returned it,” She said realizing that it was in her laundry.
“Nah. Keep it. I enjoy catching you wearing it randomly,” He flirted back.
She turned her head away, scrunching her nose up in slight embarrassment.
He turned her head back toward him to pull her into a short but passionate kiss.
In the spotlight, all night, kissing everyone
And trying to look so innocent while sucking on her thumb
They had been together for almost a year now. She had begun to feel a lot more like her old self. Felt more confident in her stride, and her work. In fact, her boss had informed her that a position had opened up in design and that she had sent her portfolio down to the lead supervisor to review.
She had just gotten off the phone with him and was super excited. She had gotten the job. She ran to Santi’s place and animatedly told him the news. He congratulated her and said that they should celebrate.
That night, the two of them plus the rest of the gang met at their favorite local pub for drinks and greasy foods. They were happily talking when she noticed someone come up to the table.
“Well, well. If it isn’t little Mouse?” She froze as she heard her ex’s voice speak.
“Rob. What do you want?” She asked not bothering to look at him, as she tried to control herself.
She could feel her hands shaking and it was getting a little hard to breathe.
“Not even going to look at me? Now, that’s just rude, Mousy,” His tone was a vicious tease.
“Get away from her. Now,” Santi’s voice cut in, cold.
“Who the hell are you? Her new squeeze?” He questioned with a scoff.
“Yeah. I am. You have exactly 10 seconds to walk away,” Santi warned him as he stood up.
“Or else what?” He dared.
Santi simply moved to stand between them, waiting a moment.
Rob started to laugh, thinking Santi was just all talk.
Santi punched him so hard in the face that he passed out before he hit the floor. Rob’s friends came over quietly to pick him up and carrying him out, not bothering to try and fight.
Santi breathed heavily through his nose once, trying to calm down before he turned back around.
“Hey, my little Lioness, you okay?” He asked her softly as he leaned closer to her.
She had started fidgeting with her fingers, a nervous tick he had picked up on early on.
He sat back down, pulling her hands into his, rubbing his thumb softly over her knuckles.
Conversation between everyone slowly picked back up, and she soon felt comfortable enough to join in again. She wasn’t as excited, but she tried to push past it.
When he eventually took her home, she collapsed into his arms. Her breathing was shaking as she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to escape her.
He whispered to her, “Let it out, my heart.”
She found herself sobbing into his chest.
When you never pull it out
(So much cuter)
He wished he had done more as he held her. Wished he had strangled the bastard. Here was this beautiful woman, whose confidence he had seen bloom over the past few months, crumble because of 2 sentences.
He whispered sweetly to her, telling her how much he loved her.
The tears eventually stopped, and as she pulled away, she apologized for the mess she made on his shirt.
“My shirts have seen worse things than tears. It’s fine honey. How about we get ready for bed?” He proposed as he led her to the bedroom and started strip down to his boxers.
She nodded, walking into the bathroom briefly to wash her face. She came out wearing his army shirt, joining him on the bed with a sigh.
The two of them fell asleep together, within minutes.
When she woke up, she realized it was one of the rare times, she was awake before Santi. She stared at him for a moment. She wanted to thank him for last night and an idea popped in her head.
She slipped her hand down under the covers, playing with the edge of his boxers briefly. When she had built up the nerve to do so, she slid her hand under his boxers, quicky finding his half-stiffened length. She ran her hand up and down it, enjoying the smoothness she felt as it quickly stiffened further. She slowly pulled it out from his boxers, moving under the covers as she did so.
This was something she had only slightly explored with Santi before. It had been a brief act, him claiming he didn’t want to cum in her mouth.
She gently ran her tongue around the head, savoring the slight salty taste of his precum that had beaded. She slowly took him into her mouth, breathing through her nose, to prevent her gag reflex from enacting. She bobbed her head up and down, her hands massaging what she couldn’t fit.
She heard him moan above her, and felt his hips jerk up slightly. The covers were pushed off her head as Santi woke up, looking down. He groaned at the sight before him; it was super sexy to see her like that.
She continued with her actions until he finally exploded in her mouth; she swallowed a couple times as she pulled away. She wiped the corner of her mouth, as she crawled back up him.
“What was that for honey?” Santi eventually asked as his senses came back to him.
“Last night. I wanted to show my appreciation for you being there for me and defending my honor,” She whispered to him.
He simply kissed her in response.
“I’ll always be there for you and defend your honor against assholes. You’re mine, my lioness,” He murmured against her lips.
With something in your mouth!
You're ripping up the dance floor honey
(You naughty woman)
It took a full month before she was able to shake off the experience. Santi was there for her every step of the way. Santi had taken to calling her Lioness, every chance he got. The nickname made her smile each time she heard it, especially when he was the only one who used it.
“Hey Lioness, we going or you goin’ to continue checkin’ yourself out,” Santi asked as he stepped into the bedroom, wondering why she was taking so long.
She had been staring at herself in the mirror making sure everything looked okay for their date.
“I don’t know. I think I look pretty hot, don’t you?” She complimented herself jokingly, twirling a bit.
He hummed as he stepped forward and checked her out in an exaggerated manner, circling her.
“Yeah. You’re pretty sexy Lioness. Now, shall we?” He offered his arm to her, giving her a flirty smile.
The two of them were going to go eat dinner and then go dancing.
Their meal passed by quickly and soon they were entering a club, music blasting.
Santi led her out on the dancefloor and brought her in close, his hands firmly on her hips. The two of them danced and grinded against one another. She occasionally showed off, twirling around him, bending over backwards, and dropping down low.
He laughed a little at first but soon his laughter turned to choked groans as he tried to smother his arousal as she showed off her moves, purposefully grinding against his crotch.
She was having fun, enjoying teasing him and hearing his grunts. They had been dancing for about an hour before he had enough. He took her hand and dragged her outside into the alleyway.
The cool air felt nice on her heated skin, but she wasn’t able to enjoy it for long as Santi pinned her to the wall in a deep kiss. She giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands burying into his hair.
His hand snuck under her skirt, massaging her thigh, hooking it around his hip.
“Been drivin’ me nuts all night darlin’. Where exactly did you learn all that?” He asked as he kissed her neck.
“Told you. I went clubbing a lot. Had to learn some moves, to snag a guy,” She said with a soft moan as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on her neck.
“Good to know,” He murmured his hips rocking into hers.
She could feel his hard on that she had caused and tried to hide her grin by biting her lip.
She heard him undo his pants slightly and felt her body tremble with anticipation. He shoved her underwear out of the way as he buried his length into her. The two of them both moaned at the sensation.
Their movements were hurried, neither of them wanting to be caught.
All too soon, the both of them were reaching their peaks with happy sighs. The two of them quickly sorted their clothes out, a moment before a group of people walked out into the alley to smoke.
Her and Santi quickly left before the group could notice anything off with them. Santi took her home, joining her upstairs for a much more thorough appreciation of her.
You shake your ass around for everyone!
I love the way you dance with anybody
(The way you swing)
Another couple of months had passed, and they had taken the next steps and she had moved into his place. The two of them having been together for almost 2 years now.
The only thing she really had to adjust to was just how often the gang come over to hang out. At first, it wasn’t a problem, but it had begun to feel like she never got any alone time with Santi when she wasn’t at work.
Today, she had gotten off early, and was texting Santi to let him know, hoping to have a late lunch with him or just watch something together. She had picked up their favorite orders from a local sandwich shop, drinks, and all.
She stepped into the apartment, freezing slightly when she heard multiple voices coming from the living room.
She walked over to the living room, raising an eyebrow. The guys had arrived early that morning, disturbing the happy mood she was in. Santi and she had woken up early, and she was feeling frisky and wanted some attention from him. Before they could get very far, the front door opened and in came Benny with no hesitation.
Frankie and Will had the decency to look apologetic for barging when they greeted her that morning.
“Still… here… I see. Don’t yall… I don’t know… have your own homes to go to… girlfriends, fiancés that sort of thing?” She asked not particularly happy to see them.
Santi winced as he answered, “Hey, sorry, we have a mission coming up. We have been strategizing.”
She nodded, unimpressed.
“Okay. Well. When you remember you have a girlfriend who wanted to have lunch with her boyfriend, alone, I’ll be in our bedroom….” She said annoyed, tossing his sandwich onto the table with his drink as she muttered.  “Making no noise and pretending I don’t exist.”
She strolled into their bedroom, closing the door firmly. She changed into some cotton shorts and his old army shirt, before making herself comfortable on the bed and turning the TV on.
She had taken an aggressive bite out of her sandwich when the door opened to reveal Santi who looked a bit confused.
“Hey… what was that?” He asked her.
She didn’t answer, just pointedly stare at the TV, flicking through Netflix.
He slowly approached her, taking a seat on the bed.
“I understand that they are your friends. Hell, they are basically your brothers. I get it. However, do they have to be here…. everyday at all hours of the day? They came here at 6am and have yet to leave,” She began feeling herself getting frustrated.
She took a breath as she also felt guilty for complaining and shook her head.
“Forget it. Just… go finish your strategizing. Clearly, it’s important,” She stopped, taking another bite as she chose some random animal documentary.
Santi opened his mouth to speak but stopped, sighing heavily.
“It should only be an hour more,” He estimated, as he got up and slowly walked back out.
She made a noncommittal noise in response, focusing on the soothing sound of David Attenborough’s narration.
About halfway through the documentary, Santi had returned, a bag in hand. He took a seat near her again, and quietly unloaded the bag one item at a time. He placed each item in front of her: her favorite candy, chips, drinks. He also placed some flowers and a random plush.
She glanced down at it noticing it was one of those reversible octopus plushie with a smiley face on one side and a frown on the other. The frown side was facing her.
“The guys left. It’s just us. Mind telling me what’s going on in that mind of yours, honey,” He spoke softly.
“I don’t mind the guys being here. I do mind when they just waltz in without knocking. Or are here several days in a row. I get… I get that this is your apartment and I’ve only been living here 2 months but…  I feel like I am just… your roommate. Not… your girlfriend,” She explained, pausing the documentary beforehand.
Santi nodded in understanding, “I see… yeah… This place has been… a bachelor pad of sorts for a long while even after we began to date. I will… talk to the guys. You’re right. This should be OUR place.”
“I feel stupid for getting short with you about this,” She whispered softly looking down at the plush, playing with it.
Santi scooted forward, sitting next to her, putting his arm around her.
“Don’t. I… I was excited to see your texts and was trying to hurry up our meeting so we could be alone, just wasn’t going as planned. You are perfectly allowed to be annoyed. Just gotta talk to me baby,” He told her pressing a kiss to her shoulder and her cheeks.
She nodded somewhat shyly.
“Did you really go out and get all of this?” She asked him, motioning to the pile of junk food before her.
“Yep. I did. Now then shall we finish this documentary, and I’ll make dinner to make up for missing our lunch date?” Santi offered kissing her hand.
She nodded once, “Can we watch the next one in the series too?”
Santi chuckled and said, “Yeah. We can watch the next one too. We can watch whatever you want.”
The two of them watched the rest of the one she began, and the next one. As they watched it, she slowly reverted the octopus to the happy side causing a small smile to appear on Santi’s face.
When the second documentary ended, Santi got up to go make dinner. She followed him wanting to help him prep food. He turned on the radio, which made her smile. As the two of them cooked, she danced around him, shaking her hips.
He laughed at her, as she convinced him to dance a little between stirs. Santi slowly realized it had been a while since they had spent time together, just relaxing. He had recognized that she had a point, since she moved in, they hadn’t really spent time together as a couple.
When a slow song came on, he turned the fire on low, and pulled her in close. He swayed softly with her, resting his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like a roommate and not my girlfriend. That wasn’t my intention,” He whispered to her as they danced.
“Apology accepted. I just… I love you and I was excited to spend the day with you and was disappointed,” She admitted quietly.
“I love you too. Promise me you’ll tell me if something’s bothering you next time?” He pleaded as the song ended.
“I promise. As long as you do the same,” She said back, as they pulled apart and finished up making dinner.
They made their plates and ate, catching up on what’s been going on with work.
Afterwards, they cuddled on the bed, and ate her 20 snacks together. She slowly fell asleep in his arms as they watched another documentary. In the morning, he was planning to talk to the guys about everything. He knew they wouldn’t care too much about setting some rules and would be understanding once her reaction from early was explained.
And tease them all by sucking on your thumb
You're so much cooler when you never pull it out
It took some time but after that, the guys made more conscious efforts to knock and not be there every day. She had apologized to them for her attitude when she saw them again. The three of them waved it off, ruffling her hair.
“We were being annoying. It’s not a big deal,” Frankie said with a shrug.
The boys with their girls plus baby Isabella were over for to watch a football game, a few days later.
“Yeah. We are not upset,” Will chimed in with a half-smile.
Benny bounded over and gave a loud exaggerated kiss to her head, “MWAH. You’re fine, Prada.”
She shook her head at the nickname that the boys had taken to calling her.
The boys piled in the living room to watch the game with beers.  Emma, Valeria, and Maura joined her in the kitchen, wine glasses all around as they gossiped.
“So… Prada… have you ever designed a wedding dress?” Valeria asked her.
“Not yet. Why?” She questioned curiously.
“Well. I have everything else decided, but I cannot find a dress that I absolutely love you know? I’ve been to 4 different boutiques. Think you can help me out?” Valeria explained, with a tired sigh.
She held up a finger, telling her to wait a moment. She ran over to the desk in the living room that had her sketchbook, fabric swatches, and pencils. She grabbed all three items, rushing back over to the island.
“Alright. Describe to me what style you want, and then we will work on material,” She stated as she got comfortable with her sketchbook and pencils.
Valeria spent an hour describing the dress she was looking for, including fabrics. Once it was finished, she revealed what she came up with. Valeria gasped then squealed excitedly.
“That’s it! Oh… Now the real question… can it be made?” Valeria asked worriedly.
Prada took a photo of it and sent it to one of the designers, who made dresses as a side job, asking if this could be done. A minute later, she got a response telling her yes.
“Yes. It can be done. I’ll set up a meet so you can get measured and get it started,” She tells Valeria who tackles her in a hug.
“Think they can also do bridesmaid dresses?” Valeria asked hesitantly.
“Probably. I’ll talk with him,” She said with a nod.
The four of them continued to talk about wedding plans while the boys continued to watch the game. When the game ended, they had made their way into the kitchen to collect their wine drunk ladies who had been reduced to giggles.
Santi and she said their goodbyes with everyone and collapsed on to the couch together. She had made cinnamon rolls earlier and they snagged the last one. They shared it, not bothering with silverware, ripping off pieces randomly.
As they ate, she noticed that he had some icing on his thumb and she teasingly licked it off. He raised an eyebrow at the sudden intimate moment she created.
“Darling. You are going to be the death of me one of these days,” He said somewhat seriously as he kissed her, abandoning the last of the cinnamon roll.
“Hmm. Yes. But you see… I had a more nefarious plan…” She said ominously.
He looked at her confused watching as she suddenly shoved the last of the cinnamon roll into her mouth and running away.
“Mine!” She called out, her mouth full.
She heard him chase after her, she chewed quickly, swallowing as she reached the bedroom. She coughed a moment when it got caught slightly in her throat. Santi caught up to her, staring at her incredulously.
“Rude. Very rude. Distracting me to catch me off guard and steal our cinnamon roll? That deserves a punishment of some sort,” Santi teased, shaking his head.
She cleared her throat and asked, “Promise?”
He growled a bit, picking her up and tossing her on the bed, her giggles followed by her moans, filling the air.
Life was full of surprises. Santi wasn’t expecting his Lioness to come into his life, but he wouldn’t trade her for the world.
'Cause you look so much cuter with something in your
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16 eye-catching undercut bob hairstyles
An undercut bob is a short female haircut whose length is up while the back or sides near the skin are cut or faded under the hair. If you fancy a funky, yet feminine and subtle cut, the day has come for you to get to know the most edgy hairstyle there is!
First things first – "before you get an undercut, ask your stylist if he thinks he suits you as he completely changes your hair density," says Florida-based hairdresser and owner of the Boho House Salon, Michele Sanford , exclusive.
"An undercut Bob will always give a slimmer look. A low undercut gives you more weight, while a high undercut gives you much less hair. It's one of the most effective and beautiful ways my Pixie clients grow their hair, "she tells us.
In that sense, checking what kind of hair you have would be especially helpful, especially if you are dealing with a lot of hair! "[Hinterschnitte] are best for thick hair. It takes a lot of weight, underlining the sides and back, making it possible to better control thicker hair. "
As for your must-have styling products, she recommends "texture sprays or anything that gives definition, movement or texture". That's the way you look as great as when Malin Akerman, Chloe Sevigny, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Ellie Goulding did an undercut with their bob haircuts!
With its high level of acceptance among ladies all around, it is no surprise that there are already a multitude of cuts and styling possibilities for this trend. Check out these popular images of an undercut bobsled for your next idea to show your hairdresser!
Undercut Bob for fine hair
How would you describe this look?
Jessica's hair is extremely thick, so we always remove most of its mass from undercutting. Then I texture the remaining hair by cutting and chopping it, adding texture and motion, but also removing volume and thickness.
For the color, she had previously had a completely platinum-colored look, but this time I added a Shadow Root and pulled it down to allow a softer outgrowth. That's why it's easier to wait.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This is such a cool look – I just love it. You really need to have an acceptable amount of thickness and texture in your hair to achieve this. The great thing about it is that it works with all different face shapes because you can add volume, size or weight where you need it.
Here I used a holographic styling serum called Illuminati. This is great for Jessica's hair because it helps to soften and enhance the shine.
Graduate undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
This look I created is a textured and layered domed bob with an edgy style. It is shaved laterally and downwards and has a voluminous, dry and textured finish. My favorite parts of this look are the shaved sides and liveliness of this color as it sets it apart from most normal hair colors and styles.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This look can be very caring because of the shape, stratification, and growth of the shaved part, so it must be kept up-to-date and cut regularly. My client's hair is fine, but also has a moderate amount of it, so this cut tends to make her hair look thicker.
My client has an oval face shape, so this cut works well and frames the face and jaw very well. For the styling, I would consider a dirty but smooth look because you still want it to look neat, but with the texture to show the shape and layering. For products, I would choose waxes and texture sprays to define the look and keep it in place.
Hidden underground Bob
Trying out a women's shave is a scary first experience. Good thing this geometric hair tattoo is well hidden, but shines as part of your layered bob, just like a sweetheart!
How would you describe this look?
This look is to separate the sections that you do not want to truncate from the section that you will truncate. What's cool about it is that not only does it keep you cooler in the summer months, but it also takes care of the cowlicks that so many of us fear!
You can also add a design flare, be it the shaved design or the color to add more of a bold flair! In this picture, my client started with a bunch of babylights. Her natural hair color is dark, but as she continued her nursing appointments, we have styled her hair with other complementary colors that match her personality. Then we went one step further and introduced her to an undercut with a design that she found online.
Undercuts can vary in price depending on your personality and how much of that personality you want to express! It is a form of art that embraces your overall impression.
Bob's undercut can be super fun for someone who wants a drastic change, but at the same time has the versatility not to show it!
Any advice for someone considering it?
The best advice I give each new potential customer is to plan for a consultation. Usually the consultations are free, and if you have questions, you have the time to ask them. It's also the best time to interview your artistic stylist and see if they fit your expression! You do not want someone who does not have a portfolio of clients and finds out that he can not really do the things you want them to do on your hair. That would be a costly mistake for you.
Research something too! Check out other pictures of undercut bobs on Instagram! Normally, you can find your artistic stylist on Instagram or other social media sites, and in addition to their profile, their portfolio is what they can do! You can even put a quick question and answer directly to them to ask for advice or just ask them if they would be willing to do your hair!
You can even go over products to get one of the pictures that you liked on their site! Some people ask, what about going through the reviews the stylist is in? Personally, I am not in favor of it because it is based on the overall experience of the establishment that the individual has and not usually what he has experienced with his stylist. So it can be misleading, and you might miss a cool hairstyle from a savvy barber. It is always cool to know in advance that the environment is a heavenly match!
Pricing can be a problem. It depends on how well you do your research. Let your stylist understand how much your cut will be, along with the products you will use to get the look you want. Also ask for a price breakdown for the maintenance.
Usually, in 3 weeks, your hair will show that it is fully grown. This means that the cut gets distorted and all cowlicks or weird looking hair slings come out! So please make sure you fit into your budget to maintain the cut! It is definitely an investment in your money and your time!
Asymmetric undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
I love this cut and it was so much fun. As a stylist, I enjoy being able to look over the edge while cutting my hair.
The look is an asymmetric bob with an undercut. My client already had the splash of color on the left side, and as a stylist who strongly believes that a haircut and a hair color should go hand in hand, I used the blonde strand and made it part of the style – cutting through the layers to give this blond panel an edgy effect. I love how that gives the cut more texture.
I also love the undercut on the style as it takes out a lot of weight and the hair fits perfectly.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you want that look, the first thing you need is confidence! It is not suitable for everyone, as it will definitely turn a few heads! However, it is quite easy to maintain, as the whole texture gives you the opportunity to wear it both disheveled and smooth (as in the photo). Since it is a "rounder" shape, the ideal customer would have an oval or longer shaped face, but a professional will adapt to his canvas.
One thing is certain, you can not edit this style without wax. My preference is a dry wax, but with you, all the cutting and dicing, you have to work through those ends to separate the texture and disturb it! As I said, you have to be ready to stand out from the crowd to make it.
Soft undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a dull bob with an alternate spin. Undercuts have definitely played a role in recent years, and since their hair is so thick, it takes weight off and shows off a cheeky edge at the end. Their color is natural.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If someone wanted that look, I would say, go for it, but it comes with maintenance that is not for people who are not 6-8 weekers. The undercut is the main feature, but must be maintained. If you have curly hair, you can achieve that look, but you'll have to blow-dry / straighten the hair to make it look sharp.
Heat protection products are recommended to keep them looking healthy. I used Label.m Anti-Frizz Balm to smoothen it, but also to keep the moisture at bay. Of course, you should consider your job if you are allowed to wear it for work.
Undercut Bob for thick hair
Undercuts are good for thicker hair, as this helps to keep the hair in check. Wavy fringes add texture and posture to the cut.
How would you describe this look?
I absolutely love the texture! Every stylist loves a customer who sits in the chair and says, "I trust you, I'm having fun." This is this client – she has a lot of hair and wants to stay away from anything that makes her look like a mother.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Because of the full undercut, this cut favors those with lots of smooth (or loose, wavy) hair, especially when it comes to the ease of styling (a little textured spray and you're out the door). Fine-haired customers will spend a little more time with their daily styling. As with any bob, especially because of the undercut, there is a bit more maintenance that this cut requires (moving in the salon).
Shaved undercut Bob
Many striking features for this style show how a complex look can work for you. An A-line bob makes the back much rounder, while the undercut presents, making the look more interesting. A banded blond-brunette hair fits this wild cut.
How would you describe this look?
This is a full contrast hairstyle (i.e., length and color). It looks like an angled down bob, but when it's behind her ear you can see the part of the undercut. For the color I have made Malhighlights, so that it looks natural even after the outgrowth.
I recommend it to anyone who has a lot of hair or thick hair, because it's easy to style yourself.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It depends on the lifestyle. For example, my client has a child, so she does not have enough time for herself. This style is very easy to maintain as you do not have to blow and any styling would fit. Only a rough, dry finish is fine. Even if you make a roll, it will show the undercut and would be much cooler.
Undercut Bob with pony
How would you describe this look?
My client and I were really excited about a kind of 90s bowl cut, but wanted to make it feminine by adding tons of texture and lowering the length to the bottom of her hind limb instead of straightening it all the way.
I dandruffed her hair with Bumble and Bumble Thickening Spray and then sprayed Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray for a vibrant, textured look.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would definitely recommend this cut for a variety of hair types, but for different reasons. With thick, coarse hair you get a lot of texture and volume with this cut, but you have to style it daily with a texture spray such as Bumble and Bumble surf spray or a pomade.
For someone with fine hair, you'll get more movement in the hair, a little more bounce and body by using an aerosol texture spray, as dry spun by Bumble and Bumble. You will have different looks for different hair types, but still very cute, feminine and a modern touch for a 90s classic.
Undercut angled Bob
Take your usual angled bob to a whole new level by adding a playful undercut! Whether at the back, on the sides or on the whole head, the Bob that falls effortlessly will soften your look and add to the volume and texture of the entire Do.
How would you describe this look?
This look is such a sexy classic look for women. It is edgy and stylish at once. I love this cut in monochrome customers. Either all brown or very blonde is my favorite. It really shows the cut. You can see all the details and sharp lines.
It's also really fun to style, because you can change it. For someone who is straightening their hair, you can iron it flat and use a round brush on the back for more volume. Or you could add a little curl to the front to give it a more textured look. Even better, if the customer has a small natural curl on his hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The products for this cut are pretty simple. I use a styling cream and a root lift before I dry them. Then always finish with a small pomade and a drop of oil. I rub my hands really well and then run my hand through my hair and ends. This helps to shine and to work out the front slightly.
I would say this haircut is ideal for people with medium to thick hair. It's definitely a harder cut for styling. If you are not one who really does make your hair, maybe that's not for you. Unless you have a little natural wave, it could be sweet, air dried with the right product.
For the face shape – I would say, oval or heart shaped, because it is something that will really open the face-up. Especially if the person has strong characteristics, she always tends to look good. Overall, this is a great cut that is definitely for the more edgy person or someone who can make a statement and be confident with his hair!
Short undercut Bob
A dull cut can be so unadorned, but its revolutionary look is what makes it so attractive. The voluminous look achieved by brushing with the hair dryer gives this short, undercut bob the body.
Undercut Pixie Bob
You can now move between a bob and an undercut pixie-cut with this model! An undercut under a pixie cut is the ultimate edgy look, while the bob gives a feminine touch with long bangs.
Inverted undercut Bob
Tapered ends make the strands of this undercut inverted bob feathery. Add the undercut and you have many interesting things to see.
Long undercut Bob
A long undercut bob that simply falls over your shoulder for a feminine look, then the undercut gives the much needed grain. The center parting is good for this type of cut.
Undercut Bob for curly hair
Curly hair contributes to the softness and texture of the look, while an undercut adds sharpness and cleanliness. This undercut Bob for curly hair emphasizes the shaved hair towards the neck, giving it a slimmer look.
Side undercut Bob
Longer fringes on the back frame the whole thing, while the blunt cut that covers the shaved parts provides a fresh atmosphere in the arthouse. This side undercut bob is easy to maintain and provides the comfort you need, try it to see your fit!
Stacked undercut Bob
You can opt for an undercut, stacked bob like this to cover the shaved back and sides, while the longer locks are asymmetrically located on the upper layers. The black to fuchsia-colored ombre is the cherry at the top of this pleasant appearance.
16 eye-catching undercut bob hairstyles
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
16 eye-catching undercut bob hairstyles
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/16-eye-catching-undercut-bob-hairstyles.html
16 eye-catching undercut bob hairstyles
An undercut bob is a short female haircut whose length is up while the back or sides near the skin are cut or faded under the hair. If you fancy a funky, yet feminine and subtle cut, the day has come for you to get to know the most edgy hairstyle there is!
First things first – "before you get an undercut, ask your stylist if he thinks he suits you as he completely changes your hair density," says Florida-based hairdresser and owner of the Boho House Salon, Michele Sanford , exclusive.
"An undercut Bob will always give a slimmer look. A low undercut gives you more weight, while a high undercut gives you much less hair. It's one of the most effective and beautiful ways my Pixie clients grow their hair, "she tells us.
In that sense, checking what kind of hair you have would be especially helpful, especially if you are dealing with a lot of hair! "[Hinterschnitte] are best for thick hair. It takes a lot of weight, underlining the sides and back, making it possible to better control thicker hair. "
As for your must-have styling products, she recommends "texture sprays or anything that gives definition, movement or texture". That's the way you look as great as when Malin Akerman, Chloe Sevigny, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Ellie Goulding did an undercut with their bob haircuts!
With its high level of acceptance among ladies all around, it is no surprise that there are already a multitude of cuts and styling possibilities for this trend. Check out these popular images of an undercut bobsled for your next idea to show your hairdresser!
Undercut Bob for fine hair
How would you describe this look?
Jessica's hair is extremely thick, so we always remove most of its mass from undercutting. Then I texture the remaining hair by cutting and chopping it, adding texture and motion, but also removing volume and thickness.
For the color, she had previously had a completely platinum-colored look, but this time I added a Shadow Root and pulled it down to allow a softer outgrowth. That's why it's easier to wait.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This is such a cool look – I just love it. You really need to have an acceptable amount of thickness and texture in your hair to achieve this. The great thing about it is that it works with all different face shapes because you can add volume, size or weight where you need it.
Here I used a holographic styling serum called Illuminati. This is great for Jessica's hair because it helps to soften and enhance the shine.
Graduate undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
This look I created is a textured and layered domed bob with an edgy style. It is shaved laterally and downwards and has a voluminous, dry and textured finish. My favorite parts of this look are the shaved sides and liveliness of this color as it sets it apart from most normal hair colors and styles.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This look can be very caring because of the shape, stratification, and growth of the shaved part, so it must be kept up-to-date and cut regularly. My client's hair is fine, but also has a moderate amount of it, so this cut tends to make her hair look thicker.
My client has an oval face shape, so this cut works well and frames the face and jaw very well. For the styling, I would consider a dirty but smooth look because you still want it to look neat, but with the texture to show the shape and layering. For products, I would choose waxes and texture sprays to define the look and keep it in place.
Hidden underground Bob
Trying out a women's shave is a scary first experience. Good thing this geometric hair tattoo is well hidden, but shines as part of your layered bob, just like a sweetheart!
How would you describe this look?
This look is to separate the sections that you do not want to truncate from the section that you will truncate. What's cool about it is that not only does it keep you cooler in the summer months, but it also takes care of the cowlicks that so many of us fear!
You can also add a design flare, be it the shaved design or the color to add more of a bold flair! In this picture, my client started with a bunch of babylights. Her natural hair color is dark, but as she continued her nursing appointments, we have styled her hair with other complementary colors that match her personality. Then we went one step further and introduced her to an undercut with a design that she found online.
Undercuts can vary in price depending on your personality and how much of that personality you want to express! It is a form of art that embraces your overall impression.
Bob's undercut can be super fun for someone who wants a drastic change, but at the same time has the versatility not to show it!
Any advice for someone considering it?
The best advice I give each new potential customer is to plan for a consultation. Usually the consultations are free, and if you have questions, you have the time to ask them. It's also the best time to interview your artistic stylist and see if they fit your expression! You do not want someone who does not have a portfolio of clients and finds out that he can not really do the things you want them to do on your hair. That would be a costly mistake for you.
Research something too! Check out other pictures of undercut bobs on Instagram! Normally, you can find your artistic stylist on Instagram or other social media sites, and in addition to their profile, their portfolio is what they can do! You can even put a quick question and answer directly to them to ask for advice or just ask them if they would be willing to do your hair!
You can even go over products to get one of the pictures that you liked on their site! Some people ask, what about going through the reviews the stylist is in? Personally, I am not in favor of it because it is based on the overall experience of the establishment that the individual has and not usually what he has experienced with his stylist. So it can be misleading, and you might miss a cool hairstyle from a savvy barber. It is always cool to know in advance that the environment is a heavenly match!
Pricing can be a problem. It depends on how well you do your research. Let your stylist understand how much your cut will be, along with the products you will use to get the look you want. Also ask for a price breakdown for the maintenance.
Usually, in 3 weeks, your hair will show that it is fully grown. This means that the cut gets distorted and all cowlicks or weird looking hair slings come out! So please make sure you fit into your budget to maintain the cut! It is definitely an investment in your money and your time!
Asymmetric undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
I love this cut and it was so much fun. As a stylist, I enjoy being able to look over the edge while cutting my hair.
The look is an asymmetric bob with an undercut. My client already had the splash of color on the left side, and as a stylist who strongly believes that a haircut and a hair color should go hand in hand, I used the blonde strand and made it part of the style – cutting through the layers to give this blond panel an edgy effect. I love how that gives the cut more texture.
I also love the undercut on the style as it takes out a lot of weight and the hair fits perfectly.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If you want that look, the first thing you need is confidence! It is not suitable for everyone, as it will definitely turn a few heads! However, it is quite easy to maintain, as the whole texture gives you the opportunity to wear it both disheveled and smooth (as in the photo). Since it is a "rounder" shape, the ideal customer would have an oval or longer shaped face, but a professional will adapt to his canvas.
One thing is certain, you can not edit this style without wax. My preference is a dry wax, but with you, all the cutting and dicing, you have to work through those ends to separate the texture and disturb it! As I said, you have to be ready to stand out from the crowd to make it.
Soft undercut Bob
How would you describe this look?
This cut is a dull bob with an alternate spin. Undercuts have definitely played a role in recent years, and since their hair is so thick, it takes weight off and shows off a cheeky edge at the end. Their color is natural.
Any advice for someone considering it?
If someone wanted that look, I would say, go for it, but it comes with maintenance that is not for people who are not 6-8 weekers. The undercut is the main feature, but must be maintained. If you have curly hair, you can achieve that look, but you'll have to blow-dry / straighten the hair to make it look sharp.
Heat protection products are recommended to keep them looking healthy. I used Label.m Anti-Frizz Balm to smoothen it, but also to keep the moisture at bay. Of course, you should consider your job if you are allowed to wear it for work.
Undercut Bob for thick hair
Undercuts are good for thicker hair, as this helps to keep the hair in check. Wavy fringes add texture and posture to the cut.
How would you describe this look?
I absolutely love the texture! Every stylist loves a customer who sits in the chair and says, "I trust you, I'm having fun." This is this client – she has a lot of hair and wants to stay away from anything that makes her look like a mother.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Because of the full undercut, this cut favors those with lots of smooth (or loose, wavy) hair, especially when it comes to the ease of styling (a little textured spray and you're out the door). Fine-haired customers will spend a little more time with their daily styling. As with any bob, especially because of the undercut, there is a bit more maintenance that this cut requires (moving in the salon).
Shaved undercut Bob
Many striking features for this style show how a complex look can work for you. An A-line bob makes the back much rounder, while the undercut presents, making the look more interesting. A banded blond-brunette hair fits this wild cut.
How would you describe this look?
This is a full contrast hairstyle (i.e., length and color). It looks like an angled down bob, but when it's behind her ear you can see the part of the undercut. For the color I have made Malhighlights, so that it looks natural even after the outgrowth.
I recommend it to anyone who has a lot of hair or thick hair, because it's easy to style yourself.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It depends on the lifestyle. For example, my client has a child, so she does not have enough time for herself. This style is very easy to maintain as you do not have to blow and any styling would fit. Only a rough, dry finish is fine. Even if you make a roll, it will show the undercut and would be much cooler.
Undercut Bob with pony
How would you describe this look?
My client and I were really excited about a kind of 90s bowl cut, but wanted to make it feminine by adding tons of texture and lowering the length to the bottom of her hind limb instead of straightening it all the way.
I dandruffed her hair with Bumble and Bumble Thickening Spray and then sprayed Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray for a vibrant, textured look.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would definitely recommend this cut for a variety of hair types, but for different reasons. With thick, coarse hair you get a lot of texture and volume with this cut, but you have to style it daily with a texture spray such as Bumble and Bumble surf spray or a pomade.
For someone with fine hair, you'll get more movement in the hair, a little more bounce and body by using an aerosol texture spray, as dry spun by Bumble and Bumble. You will have different looks for different hair types, but still very cute, feminine and a modern touch for a 90s classic.
Undercut angled Bob
Take your usual angled bob to a whole new level by adding a playful undercut! Whether at the back, on the sides or on the whole head, the Bob that falls effortlessly will soften your look and add to the volume and texture of the entire Do.
How would you describe this look?
This look is such a sexy classic look for women. It is edgy and stylish at once. I love this cut in monochrome customers. Either all brown or very blonde is my favorite. It really shows the cut. You can see all the details and sharp lines.
It's also really fun to style, because you can change it. For someone who is straightening their hair, you can iron it flat and use a round brush on the back for more volume. Or you could add a little curl to the front to give it a more textured look. Even better, if the customer has a small natural curl on his hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
The products for this cut are pretty simple. I use a styling cream and a root lift before I dry them. Then always finish with a small pomade and a drop of oil. I rub my hands really well and then run my hand through my hair and ends. This helps to shine and to work out the front slightly.
I would say this haircut is ideal for people with medium to thick hair. It's definitely a harder cut for styling. If you are not one who really does make your hair, maybe that's not for you. Unless you have a little natural wave, it could be sweet, air dried with the right product.
For the face shape – I would say, oval or heart shaped, because it is something that will really open the face-up. Especially if the person has strong characteristics, she always tends to look good. Overall, this is a great cut that is definitely for the more edgy person or someone who can make a statement and be confident with his hair!
Short undercut Bob
A dull cut can be so unadorned, but its revolutionary look is what makes it so attractive. The voluminous look achieved by brushing with the hair dryer gives this short, undercut bob the body.
Undercut Pixie Bob
You can now move between a bob and an undercut pixie-cut with this model! An undercut under a pixie cut is the ultimate edgy look, while the bob gives a feminine touch with long bangs.
Inverted undercut Bob
Tapered ends make the strands of this undercut inverted bob feathery. Add the undercut and you have many interesting things to see.
Long undercut Bob
A long undercut bob that simply falls over your shoulder for a feminine look, then the undercut gives the much needed grain. The center parting is good for this type of cut.
Undercut Bob for curly hair
Curly hair contributes to the softness and texture of the look, while an undercut adds sharpness and cleanliness. This undercut Bob for curly hair emphasizes the shaved hair towards the neck, giving it a slimmer look.
Side undercut Bob
Longer fringes on the back frame the whole thing, while the blunt cut that covers the shaved parts provides a fresh atmosphere in the arthouse. This side undercut bob is easy to maintain and provides the comfort you need, try it to see your fit!
Stacked undercut Bob
You can opt for an undercut, stacked bob like this to cover the shaved back and sides, while the longer locks are asymmetrically located on the upper layers. The black to fuchsia-colored ombre is the cherry at the top of this pleasant appearance.
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