#everyone who follows me knows I’m obsessed with captain britain lore and backstory and how that fits in with the x line
roguestorm · 2 years
As someone who loves Marvel UK and Excalibur (1989) and finds Betsy’s relationship to all of that super interesting, Howard’s current take on the character is extremely frustrating because it’s playing with all these things I’ve been wanting someone to play with for years and she’s not doing anything interesting with it! She’s not talking about how Betsy’s love of violence is very much rooted in and related to her upper class British upbringing, she’s not talking about the hypocrisy and moral ambiguity that pervades Arthurian myth and Marvel’s own take on it, and she’s certainly not leaning into the bizarre, humorous, and always somewhat sexual stuff that Claremont and Davis had so much fun with in Excalibur. It’s nothing but set dressing, it doesn’t say anything new about Betsy or the Marvel UK lore more generally.
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