#everyone who sings fullkawa sounds like angels
altamugs · 4 years
hmm, I thought Fullkawa wanted to start anew but he seems attached to the name Fullkawa Honpo, considering how he still chose to come back under this alias. You guys know what, I suddenly have a suspicion. If he isn’t too keen on erasing the old Fullkawa Honpo, if what he’s aiming for is a fusion between his old and new self... then it wouldn’t be impossible for him to collaborate with vocalists he used to work with in the past...? 
Also Chomaiyo hasn’t tweeted anything about Fullkawa’s comeback yet... and believe me this guy still fervently loves Fullkawa. He did tweet about Fullkawa some months ago, saying how singing Fullkawa’s songs make him discover what he didn’t know about himself.  
Fullkawa said he couldn’t disclose the vocalists (PLURAL!!) yet, but I’m hoping one of them is Chomaiyo. 
Anyway, all vocalists he chose were top-tier and I have absolute trust in Fullkawa, but thinking about how we COULD hear Chomaiyo singing Fullkawa again makes my heart beat faster.
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