#everyone's like 'damn Silver's quills got so much fuller and smoother that's great!!' and it just cuts to Silver *murdering* a robot lol
true-blue-sonic ยท 2 months
I love your headcanon that Silver still has his fluffy baby quills and hasn't really started puberty due to malnutrition when he first arrives. Do you ever think he feels self-conscious about that?
Thanks ^-^ The reason I thought of that headcanon is because Pete Capella's voice is noticeably higher-pitched than Quinton Flynn's, and though in-universe that means nothing, I liked the idea it is an indication of Silver's age increasing between games. That being said, I doubt that Silver really minds or pays attention to it: especially in '06 and the Rivals games, he's far too busy with his missions to protect the future to be bothered by such trivial things, I feel like. Nor does he seem to care much what other people think of him anyway: the only time I can recall him getting peeved about being jeered at is in Rivals 2 by Knuckles, where he'll initiate a battle because Knuckles called him crazy. But that aside, I don't think he cares about it, haha! When the others notice, I figure he'll just shrug off their concerns: this is what's normal for him, and thus in Silver's mind that equals to this being the objective truth of a situation. Though, once he gets enough food (I imagine Amy meets him and offers to help teach him how to cook, feeding him delicious and nutritious meals all throughout) and his body begins recovering again, I think he'll become incredibly handsome and sleek with his adult quills setting in! Though, I figure also that is no concern of his, as long as he can keep saving the world and helping people XD
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