#everything up till 131 was fine everything after that just made everything useless
sa-tou · 3 years
another thing I cannot make sense of
Why the fuck did we need chapter 130 where Historia asked Eren how he would feel like if she had a kid, think about it. If Historia is just platonic friend of Eren, why would she ask HIM in particular? I’m no EreHisu shipper, but if there really wasn’t anything between them (like him being the father) then she could have asked ANYONE out of the 104 right? Because I believed in the rebirth of Ymir theory, where all the shifters die and Ymir is born free in a world where no titans exist and the rumbling didn’t kill 80% but 100% of the world’s population (genocide is still fucking horrible, but at least with a full rumbling the world wouldn’t be able to go after Paradis anymore, thus Eren actually keeping Armin and Mikasa safe).
Also, again I’m NO erehisu shipper, so do not spam my inbox with me being a erehisu Stan, the only ship I ever cared for in this fandom was Levihan and Fingerstein. But anyways, Eren’s endless love for Mikasa...where did this start? The only time we caught on he liked her was when he asked her what he meant to her, but other than that what else? Everything he was kind to her it was the same as his love for Armin, heck even his actions towards Armin seemed more romantic. He treated Mikasa like shit nonstop (yeah to have her distance herself, which she didn’t anyways) to all of a sudden sell us the idea that he killed 80% of humanity including his own mom for Mikasa to be able to move on? for his friends to die anyways because they are 50 years behind in technology and 20% of a world’s population is still a lot more than all the people of Paradis + Marley... even 5% of the world population is more than Eldians left on the earth, no titan powers no advanced technology, yeah once the world wants revenge they’re dead.
Also Armin thanking Eren for genocide, get fucked.
dude the more I think about it, the more I dislike this ending, I have a feeling that Isayama changed the end to cater to specific romance fans and Kodansha, he didn’t even take the time to write an end note or whatever, makes me think even he doesn’t support this ending.
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