#everytime he panics or hyperventilates I start to get genuinely worried
Nothing I love more than forgetting that I’m watching a piece of fiction. Like the actor is so good at what they’re doing that I literally forget that “wait, why am I crying this isn’t even a real person this is an actor doing their job”. And yet I still feel it so strongly about it even after that reality check.
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shall-we-imagine · 5 years
Together we go. (Werewolf!Caesar Raphael x Reader *AU*)
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Lol it's never late to request I'm always late to write tho
Requested: 34. "Please don't do this." + 45. "I can't imagine this world without you." From this prompt list.
Genre: Raw angst 😂💯 happy ending though cuz I’m weak
Strap yourselves in cuz this is dramatic as shit and also I’m lowkey rusty sooooo yeah 😂
(First point of view)
Everytime our eyes meet, my insides twist in guilt. I can barely hold his gaze for longer than a few seconds.
“Can we please get some ice cream first?” Caesar gives me his usual puppy eyes- aka the most effective puppy eyes one could ever encounter. I can almost see his tail wagging behind him in excitement.
I giggle at the cute nature of the scene. “Of course.”
He grins, immediately grabbing my arm and rushing to the ice cream truck. I do my best to keep up with him and not break my face on the asphalt.
It was Caesar’s first time at a theme park, and he was overflowing with happiness to say the least; he genuinely resembled a large puppy. 
Though Caesar always insists that the puppy/dog comparisons I make are only because I knew of his identity, I'm pretty sure it's way beyond the fact that he's a werewolf. Caesar just behaves like an oversized puppy, whether he believes it or not.
"Mmhm! It's so good!" Caesar's eyes widened at the sweet flavour of his chocolate ice cream. Part of me was worried he'd collapse and I'd have to rush him to the hospital, but from the looks of it, werewolves can apparently eat chocolate. "How's yours?" He smiled at me. God that smile kills me.
"O-oh, it's nice!" I took the spoon into my mouth, unnecessarily trying to prove my statement.
His stare lingered, but before I could ask him about it, he sheepishly spills out a question. "Can I..um..can I try it?" He pointed to the paper cup in my hand.
Giggling in awe, I immediately scooped up the ice cream into my plastic spoon. "Sure." I moved my hand closer to him, expecting him to take the spoon, but instead, he leaned his head closer, taking the spoon into his mouth directly. My cheeks heat up at the small gesture, and I subconsciously start looking around to make sure we haven't attracted anyone's attention.
"Oh! It's really good too! What is this one?" Caesar's eyes gleam in fascination, as if discovering a whole new world, which in a way he was. He'd already explained how strict the pack is about interacting with humans and their world, hence his isolation from the pack after violating that rule. To be with me. And there I was, refusing to give up my group's approval.
"(Y/N)? Why do you keep zoning out today? Is something wrong?" His eyebrows furrow in concern, further engraving the guilt onto my heart.
"I'm just a little tired; don't worry about it." I do my best to give him a reassuring smile, but I suspect that only made him even more worried. "Come on, let's get in line for the ferris wheel." I pull him towards the giant ride.
Caesar stares upwards, "Woah."
"You're not scared of heights, are you?" I smile.
"I've never been that high before," he points to the top of the wheel, "but it does look a bit scary."
"Don't worry; it'll be fun." I take his hand in mine, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze.
By the time we reach the front of the line, we were both done with our ice cream and were just anticipating the ride.
The blond helps you onto the wobbly cabin and climbs inside after you're seated.
The second the small doors shut behind him, the colourful cabin moves upwards, causing Caesar to lose balance. He screams and drops to the ground, curling into a ball in fear.
I softly place a hand on his shoulder, "Caesar, it's fine. It...does that." I chuckle.
His expression softens. Sure enough, he lets me help him off the floor and onto the seat, where he's finally able to take a look at the view beneath us.
His beautiful green eyes widen in admiration, "It's not scary at all. It's very...pretty...just like you." He turns to smile at me, but I immediately avert my gaze shyly.
He takes my hand in his, "I love being with you; you make me happy."
The sincere look in his eyes drew me in, and before I knew it, my bottom lip starts quivering. "I- yeah, me too."I gulp, gluing my eyes elsewhere. I could no longer hold his gentle gaze.
Silence follows for a few moments.
Softly taking place beneath my chin, fingertips guide my face towards their owner, "(Y/N)? Why won't you look at me?" His concerned gaze almost burns holes in my face.
I let out a nervous laugh and take his hand in mine, "What do you mean? I'm just enjoying the view. Look; you can see the ocean from here!"
Caesar forces a weak smile, "Yeah, it's nice."
"(Y/N), are you sure we're not lost? I can't hear any cars ahead of us..." After walking through the woods for a bit, Caesar starts getting suspicious about whether we're actually using a shortcut to the bus station.
Hesitation and guilt take turns abusing my mind and heart. "Y-yes, Caesar. Just keep following me." I try to control my breathing rate and calm down.
The closer I get to the spot, the heavier my feet feel, the harder it is to push myself forward. "I can't do this." I drop to the ground and pull out my pocket knife.
"What do you mea-(Y/N), what the fuck are you doing?!" His statement was cut off by his own terrified yell. He drops to the ground and tries to pull away my weapon.
Having already dug the sharp edge into my forearm, I was disappointed by how difficult it is to actually find the tracking device. "Tracking device, Caesar! They'll find us; I need to take it out!" I kick the blond away, as I continue to search through my own flesh for the tiny device. The pain was unbearable, but it wouldn't compare to losing Caesar.
Blood dripped everywhere, making it even harder to see. "Fuck." I pant.
"It's not working." Tears hinder my vision, "Caesar, get out of here! As quick as you can!" The confusion on his face screamed in my face that it's my fault- all of it. "Please..." my voice cracks.
"No, (Y/N), I'm not going anywhere without you. Who are we running from? What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything!" He snatches the knife away and stuffs it in his pocket, the blood making a mess of his clothes in the process.
I push him away with my uninjured arm, "There's no time; please, just leave." Desperation hung at every word, yet he remained unmoved.
"Get up. We're leaving together." He tries to help me up, but I pull my arm away.
"They'll track us down, Caesar! The device is still in there!" I yell. "Please, I'm begging you; just leave before it's too late." I push him again, but he doesn't budge.
"(Y/N), we either leave together or die together; I'm not going anywhere without you whether you like it or not." The serious expression on his face is one I've never seen on him before; he's determined and stubborn, and I knew it.
I shake my head, "No, Caesar, you don't understand; I-"
"Was supposed to kill me, but you felt guilty; I know." He finished my statement, leaving me in a state of shock and shame.
"How- what? You know?" Realizing his lack of resistance, I fall into more confusion, "Well...why did you follow me here? You didn't know I'd feel guilty; I could've killed you!"
"But you didn't." Smirking, he shrugs.
"Caesar, I'm serious..." I stare at him with pleading eyes.
He sighs, "Well, I figured if the person I love the most wants to kill me then that's it; that's how I go."
"You came with me knowing you'll die?!" I cry.
"Well, I had hope you'd change your mind; I knew the love I'd felt with you wasn't fake. I felt your love...And well, I dunno about you humans, but wolves don't go killing wolves they love." He chuckles. "And if you'd killed me, well, I'd still choose that over escaping. I can't imagine this world without you."
"You're such a dumbass." I laugh lightly, but my smile drops at the sight of of something hitting Caesar’s neck.
And before I realize what's happening, He is hyperventilating as he grasps his neck, eyes terrifyingly wide; if I dIdn't know better, I'd think he was choking himself.
I rip out the tiny needle from his neck in panic, but it doesn't stop him from gasping for air, drool trickling down his chin uncontrollably. His eyes start to roll back, but he seems to be trying to hold onto what's left of his conscious mind, "Caesar! Caesar, stay with me!" Sobbing, I begin to shake him violently, but it takes mere moments before he drops to the ground.
The sound of footsteps slowly approaching hammers realization into my terrified brain, "W-why?"
"Girl, he's not dead yet; he's temporarily paralyzed." Kate rolls her eyes, but a warning follows through gritted teeth, "We're making the killing easier for you, so don't make this any harder for us."
"He's not a monster..." I shake my head, desperately pleading for his life, "He doesn't even belong to a pack; he's harmless!"
"Take out your knife, (Y/N)." She warns while the rest of the hunters watch me expectantly.
I look down at Caesar, whose eyes barely held any life in them. No way is he getting up any time soon, and my left arm has already gone limp. We stood no chance. This is it; this is how we die. And it's all my fault.
More warnings follow, but my eyes spot a tall man hiding nearby; he was clearly watching the conflict unfold.
When our eyes met, he put his index finger to his lips, telling me to keep quiet, which I do. I was gonna die anyway; I have nothing to lose, listening to random forest man.
Smirking at my obedience, he gracefully spreads his hand open in the direction of the hunters.
Within a second, they all drop their weapons to clutch their head in their hands, blocking their ears like they couldn't stand a very loud sound. A loud sound you can't hear.
Eventually they all fall to the ground, hands still covering their ears. That's when the stranger decides to step out of his hiding spot.
He slowly makes his way towards me and Caesar. I don't know if it's the blood I've lost or the intense gaze of the man, but everything begins spinning before going completely black.
"Did you hear me?! I said shoot him!" Kate screams.
Confusion consumes my every inch, "W-what?"
"Are you deaf?" She holds up her gun, aiming at my head. "Shoot him."
I slowly turn to look at where she motioned with a slight tilt of her chin. My shaky hands were clutching a gun aimed at a terrified Caesar on the ground. "Caesar?"
"Please, don't do this." Trembling, he shakes his head. "I love you. I would never hurt you; you know that." His teary eyes were hypnotizing; I couldn't look away for a reason I couldn't explain. I just stood still- and stared.
“I...I don’t understand...” I lower the gun I knew I didn’t even have on me before.
“Please, I’m begging you.” Caesar pleads.
I observe my surroundings in utter bewilderment. The number of hunters bacame overwhelmingly threatening; I didn’t know there were that many of them. So many faces I couldn’t recognize.
Before I could plan my next move, the sound of a gun shot rips through the air.
My head snaps towards Caesar. His fear-stricken, watery eyes stare back into mine lifelessly. 
My lips quiver, as I scan his body for the wound.
Till I found it where I didn’t expect to.
Hot, thick liquid trickles down my face, blurring my vision in the process. My fingers reach for my forehead, allowing me a chance at comprehending the situation. 
I’d been shot.
As if the realization was my cue, I watch everything spin out of focus till I completely lose consciousness.
I gasp, immediately shooting out of bed, almost slamming my head against the stranger’s.
“Jeez, the potion sure is quick.” The man mumbles to himself.
“Potion?” I wipe my forehead, just to see a gooey, yellow substance dripping off my fingers. It was a dream?
“(Y/N)!” I find myself engulfed into a warm, tight embrace.
“Caesar.” I breathe out in relief, giving into the hug.
“Wait! The tracking device-” Before I could fully push away Caesar, the man speaks up.
“Already planted it on a rat; it’s gone forever.” He gives a smile I could only interpret as him being proud of his own intelligence.
“I don’t know how to thank you...How do I return the favor? Ask me for anything!” 
“It’s a bit funny for you to think I’d need anything from you.” Seemingly offended, the man rolls his eyes and sips his tea.
“He’s a bit...uh...timid?” Caesar whispers to me, hinting he’d already tried to thank the man while I was out of it.
“I already put a healing spell on your arm; there will be no scarring, but I’d rather you keep the bandages for a few more hours.” He glances down at my bandaged arm.
“Thank you...again.” I nod. “A healing spell though...are you a wizard?” My eyebrows furrow in confusion.
The stranger sighs. “Surely you can’t be that dense.”
“I think that’s a yes.” Caesar looks at me in slight uncertainty.
Another sigh. “Azusa Kuze, wizard from Hinomoto, nice to meet you. Anything else you wanna butt into?” He uses a slightly high pitched, cheery voice to ensure we understood he was mocking us.
“Uh, no, we’re good I think.” Caesar chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head.
“Good.” He diverts his attention to the huge book on his wooden dining table.
“Um, well, I guess we’ll be going now, right, Caesar?” 
“Uh, yes. Thank you again, Mr. Hinomoto Wizard Azusa Kuze.” Caesar bows.
The wizard scowls but shakes his head dismissively “Yeah, um, you’re welcome.”
The second we step outside the small cottage, we both let out breaths we didn’t seem to know we were holding. 
“Well, that was a strange day.” I state.
“Yeah.” Caesar nods. “Wanna get some more ice cream?”
I grin, “You know it.”
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