#evil neighing album
boy-armageddon · 6 months
listen rn
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lonelypond · 4 years
Parent Trap, Ch. 2
NicoMaki, Love Live, 3.4K, 2/3
Nico and Maki and Dia: The First Date
Dia had mostly slept through date prep. Maki had her in the car seat in the walk-in closet while Maki went through an amount of outfit and coat choices she was very glad Dia was not old enough to count or comment on. Nico arrived on exactly on time, wearing a very sportif short coat and leggings, her hat and scarf hand knitted. The SUV wasn’t new, but was well kept up.
“Hi Dia.” Nico leaned over the carseat, waving, as Maki locked the door, “I’m Yazawa Nico, here to take you and your mom to one of my favorite places. Nico baked those cookies your mom told you about.”
Dia had woken up, her eyes bright and interested. She was making cooing noises at Nico.
Nico raised both hands to her temples, “Nico Nico Ni.”
Dia giggled.
“Don’t worry, Nico will have you Nico Ni’ing in no time.”
No baby talk. Points for that. Maki buckled Dia into the backseat and slid into the front. Nico pulled out, her handling of the car as smooth as Maki remembered. She relaxed.
“So, what’s Dia’s favorite Disney movie? My siblings used to love them and Cocoa says her students still talk about all of them, not just the new ones?”
What an odd question, Maki thought. Dia’s favorite Disney movies seemed to be Maki’s. “Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Cinderella. Why?”
Nico chuckled, “Interesting mix. My little brother loved Lilo and Stitch. He was never very verbal.”
“Dia is. She says Mama and Lunch and We go now and a bunch of words.”
Nico nodded, “So smart like her…” Nico paused, “Mama.”
Maki was probably blushing, but Nico was staring at the road.
“What’s your favorite Disney movie?”
“Well, Nico likes them all, but Frozen’s the best. Sisters are important. None of this evil step sibling stuff.”
As an only child, and the mother of a probable only child, Maki had nothing to say. Plus, Cinderella had evil step siblings in it and was an awesome movie.
“Radio?” Maki asked, eager to fill the silence. “Doesn’t have to be jazz.”
“Nah.” Nico put her hand over Maki’s, briefly, holding it until Maki pulled back, “Nico has a different plan.”
And then Nico started to sing, “Stuck On You,” then swung into the “Devil In Disguise” with a much deeper voice than expected and a very Elvis like flair. Maki checked over her shoulder, Dia seemed very calm, listening, and then when Nico broke into Stitch like growly, gaggy noises, Dia started to laugh.
“Sing with me,” Nico urged.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time”
Nico kept pushing, “C’mon, you can do it. Dia, don’t you want your Mama to sing?”
Maki was surprised at Dia’s immediate response, “Mama...sing”
Two votes against Maki’s undecided.
“All right.” Maki inhaled, “Start again.”
“You got it, cutie,” Nico winked, and rolled out her Elvis voice again.
“You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit And you ain't no friend of mine”
Maki glanced at Nico, bouncing a little in her seat, grin huge as she delivered a note perfect take on an Elvis Presley classic. So far this was the silliest date Maki had ever been on.
And now it was breathtaking. Maggie Daley Park in the center of the city. A Skating Ribbon, which Maki might have heard about when it opened, but had never been to. She hadn’t been on skates in years. Dia was spinning, wide eyed, fascinated by the contrast between the snow coating the pine trees, the climbing walls that looked like modern art, and the Chicago skyline.
“It’s gorgeous at night.” Nico had come back with skates for all of them.
“I can imagine.”
“Here, if you sit and hold Dia, I’ll help you get into your skates after you put hers on.”
Dia was being surprisingly compliant, spending most of her time watching Nico, who would notice and grin and do the Nico Ni gesture which would have Dia giggling. Maki shook her head at the silly. The skates were a little big, but Maki was planning to keep a good grip on Dia. Nico had a sleek pink slingpack that she promised was full of perfect foods for hot chocolate after skating.
Nico knelt and slid the skate onto Maki’s foot, winking up at Maki, “There you go, Makirella, just like the fairytale.”
Maki felt her stomach flip. This was ridiculous. How could someone slipping your wool socked foot into a skate trigger nerves?
“I don’t see a pumpkin carriage.”
“Oops,” Nico giggled as she laced up Maki’s skates, “Had to chop that up for muffins.”
“And the horses?”
“Happily chomping through leftover oats from cookies.” Nico stood and stomped around, tossing her head and making a neighing noise until Maki started laughing, then she offered her hand and helped Maki stand. Dia took a hesitant step forward.
Maki knelt down to hug her child, “Are you ready for this, bun?”
Dia pointed to the ice trail, where a couple of people drifted by holding hands, “We go.”
Maki nodded at Nico, “We go.”
“You betcha.” Nico stepped to the ice, zipped off, did a pretty spin, arms out, and then zipped back.
“I haven’t skated in years.” Maki muttered nervously.
“Dia, you want to hold Nico’s hand while your Mama gets her wheels back?”
Nico held out a hand. Having just seen Nico zip around with the confidence of an Olympic hockey winger, Maki didn’t object when Dia took a hesitant slide forward.
“And it’s as easy as that.” Nico announced, then offered her other hand to Maki, “Next?”
Maki shook off the hand, pushing off the railing. She remembered the gliding sensation and the joy of the chill against your face as the motion warmed you up and now there was also the full glory of Chicago, posing on a late February afternoon, sun warm as it glinted off architectural wonders.
Why yes, hot chocolate at the rink with cookies dipped in it had been excellent after a half an hour of skating, but now they were in Nico’s office, just five minutes from the rink. It was stunning, a renovated warehouse. Walking into the main space with dark floors and an efficient layout of desks, there was a glass wall and double doors that led to Nico’s office. Two shots of Nico’s first album cover were blown up and framed inside the office, clear glass allowing them to dominate the view from the first step into the office.
“Follow Nico.” Nico zipped down the hall into a small room with a huge window and a divan seat attached to the wall with angled rods. A clothing rack took up two walls. Nico took off her coat and tossed it on an armchair, “Nico’s going to make a quick lunch.” She pressed a button and blinds closed off the room. “Nico thought it might be fun to have an afternoon pajama party brunch so I got a bunch of outfits that I think will fit the two of you and you can pick your favorites.”
Dia was fascinated by the blinds that had come down over the window and toddled over to poke her fingers through.
“Good sense of curiosity.” Nico smiled. Maki nodded, arms wrapped around her chest, watching Dia try to bend the wooden blind slats.
“Too much?” Nico asked.
Maki shrugged.
Nico flopped back on the divan, pulling up her legs and propping her chin on her knees, looking contrite. “I was really just worried we’d all be too cold and wet. And this would be more fun than driving you back home.”
Maki decided to take a look at some of the clothes and pulled off a white hoodie with rabbit ears. She turned to Nico, “Really?”
“That’s for Nico. But you have good taste.” Nico winked. Dia had gotten bored with the blinds and wandered to the divan. She had her arms on it and futilely attempted to get her legs up. Nico reached over and easily pulled her up. Dia immediately sat next to Nico, ramrod straight, staring at Maki.
“Mama dress.” Dia waved at the clothes.
Nico leaned over to whisper, “Your mama’s clothes are very sharp.”
Dia showed Nico both hands.
“Is Dia trying to tell me you already tried on a bunch of outfits before our date?”
“No.” Maki blushed.
Maki had been talked into pajama pants with hearts scattered all over them and fuzzy red slippers, but she kept her gray turtleneck, Dia had chosen a navy blue romper with white piping, very sleep over with the Queen’s great grandchildren. Nico had opted for the rabbit hoodie and pink pajama pants with white spots. To wait while she cooked, Nico had led Maki and Dia to a large room with a couple of large sofas, another divan seat bolted to the wall, pillows scattered, and a large screen on the far wall.
“This is where we debut music videos.” Nico announced on her return. Maki and Dia had been flipping through an international fashion magazine.
“Is this your label’s office?”
“This is Nico’s office, no label.”
Maki was impressed.
“Nico’s been working since middle school on building this.” Nico swept her arms dramatically after she put a tray carefully on a low table. “Nico Ni is her own label now, with a K-pop influenced group we’re currently promoting.” Maki inhaled, everything smelled amazing, soup and gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. Dia reached forward for one as Nico put sandwiches next to soup bowls, but Nico managed to block the gesture “These are hot, Dia. Let Nico split it in half for you.” And Nico, after a look to check with Maki, handed Dia half of a half sandwich.
“Cookie.” Dia frowned as she examined the melty cheese.
“Cookies later.” Maki said, sliding forward to pull a bowl of soup near, ready to dip a whole half a sandwich in it.
“Listen to your Mama.”
And Dia settled. It was nice to have someone to support her, Maki thought, another adult voice in the room, not that Dia was terribly fussy. But Dia was stubborn. Nico seemed to be having a soothing effect...no, that wasn’t the right word, Maki thought. But Dia was watching every thing Nico did, even mimicking some of her gestures.
“So what are we watching.” Nico picked up the remote.
“Stitch.” Dia growled.
“Sounds good, if your Mama doesn’t mind.”
“S’okay.” Maki muttered as she finished another half sandwich dripping with tomato soup.
“You don’t just seem to be enjoying Lilo and Stitch in parent mode.” Nico teased, bumping Maki on the cushion they were sharing in front of the couch Dia was sleeping on.
“Parent mode?”
“Doing things because your kid likes them.”
“That’s dumb.” Maki twirled a curl of hair, glancing back over her shoulder at the sleeping Dia, “Dia would be able to tell if I didn’t like something so it would be a waste of time.”
Maki’s nose was too close to Nico and too perfect, but at least it distracted Nico from Maki’s lips. Nico wasn’t sure what the protocol was on first kisses with one year olds present.
“Do you want your daughter to only like the things you do?”
“No. But why not share things with her that I do like?” Now it was Maki’s eyes that had caught Nico, with their honest challenge.
“So you watched Lilo and Stitch before you were a Mom™️”
“Mom™️.” Maki snorted and shoved back at Nico with her shoulder, “You make it sound like I opened a box, added myself and some water, and became some kind of alien machine.”
Nico frantically pinballed through thoughts. Had she gone too far, was Maki annoyed, should she have gone in for the kiss, oh no, she was going to start talking now and Maki was giving off this prickly energy, but Nico had never been good at not talking through stress, “Nico didn’t mean that in a bad way, you seem super competent, and probably have so much good doctor info, Eli and Nozomi just…”
Maki sighed, “It was a lot more complicated.”
Maki changed the subject. “I wonder if Dia’s going to think I’m silly for talking to her all the time, once she’s older.”
“I’m sure she loves the sound of your voice. It’s lovely.” Nico noticed the blush.
“All the parenting books say just talking to your child helps build their verbal skills. And paying attention to their gestures.” Maki stretched her hand out, staring at her fingers. “I get that.” She dropped her hand over Nico’s. “My parents are always...concerned about developmental stages.”
“They’re really involved grandparents, huh, At least you have some support.”
Maki wasn’t looking at Nico anymore, but her hand was squeezing Nico’s, “They want to make sure the next generation of Nishikinos continues the family’s tradition of excellence.”
Nico glanced back at the sleeping child, “She’s continuing the family tradition of cute in pajamas.”
Maki smiled. “Sometimes I feel like the narrator in an documentary on single parenting.”
“Not a sitcom? Rin seems like a sitcom BFF.”
Maki shook her head, and dropped her voice, “Nope. Serious doctor voice.”
“So what would serious doctor voice be saying now?”
Maki frowned, her nose crinkling in what Nico realized was the most adorable way ever, “ Doctor Nishikino continued to hope that her date would remember an early promise of a milkshake for dessert.” Maki sighed, turning to Nico, eyelashes fluttering in luxurious slow motion over luminous pools of mischief. “I want to dip things in it.”
Nico didn’t register that she needed to stop staring and start speaking until Maki quirked a perfectly arched eyebrow, waiting for a reaction. Nico grabbed a recent word. “Things?”
“Cookies, brownies, strawberries, french fries.”
Nico bounced to her feet, “I’m going to break out the Air Fryer, ice cream and a blender faster than you can say “Nico Nico Ni.”
Maki leaned back, her arms stretched out along the couch, and started, “Nico Ni…”
Nico swivelled and faster than Maki could blink, pecked an interrupting kiss on Maki’s lips, skipping off with a wink over her shoulder, “Just stay put, Princess.”
Maki, hand raised to tingling lips, nodded, “Okay.”
Nico was cleaning up and Maki was watching Dia pull herself along the sofa when she heard Nico call out, “Bring Dia, Maki.”
Maki scooped up her daughter, heading to where Nico had stopped in front of the window. Snow had started, flakes drifting against a bold winter blue.
“Snow.” Dia pointed.
“Pretty.” Maki said.
They stood, watching as the fluffy, sparkling flakes began to fall faster. Nico had sneaked an arm around Maki’s waist and smiled when Maki had leaned in instead of pulling away. Maki lost track of the minutes, enjoying the Dia’s fascination with car windows being covered by white. As clouds scrunched together, gray and darkening, Nico got practical.
“I’d better get you both home or you’ll get snowed in.”
Dia looked at Maki, who smiled, “It’ll be fine, bun.”
“Snow.” Dia pressed a hand against the window.
“It won’t be like the cars, Dia. Snow won’t stick on here. It’s not sloped, like car windshields. It’s flat.” Nico demonstrated, one hand the window, one hand the car. Dia patted the car hand.
Maki sighed, “I wouldn’t mind being snowed in. This is a great space..”
“Maybe when Nico gets back, we can try a dinner date. Nico will cook. You can check out the architecture in my apartment. It's a different kind of great, cozier.”
“Cookies. Cookies.” Dia decided.
“Nico always has cookies.”
“Now cookies.”
“We can take some for the drive.” Maki smiled at Nico, “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow. Tonight, I pack. And do a magazine interview. And whatever else Cocoro set up since I demanded half a day off.”
“I’m glad you did. We had fun. Right Dia?” Maki put Dia down.
Dia nodded seriously.
“Let’s find your coat.”
Dia toddled away from the window. Maki didn’t immediately follow, but reached for Nico’s arm, “Text me when you’re done for the night. I’d…” Maki blushed, “love to talk about a dinner date.”
Nico practically bounced halfway to the ceiling as she kissed Maki’s cheek. But then they both rushed after Dia, who’d taken a turn into a room with breakable things.
“Try to take a tiger from his daddy's side That's how love is going to keep us tied Uh-uh-uh Oh yeah, uh, uh I'm gonna stick like glue Stick, because I'm Stuck on you”
Maki had to restrain a giggle. By the final verse of Nico’s over the top Elvis rendition of “Stuck on You” Dia had fallen asleep and Maki didn’t want to disturb her. So she left her favorite seat and moved the conversation to her bedroom, sprawling out along the bed while she let Nico keep singing in her ear. After Nico finished with “Burning Love,” Maki interrupted.
“Stuck on You” is not the lullaby I imagined my daughter would love.”
“She fell asleep. Good.” Nico chuckled. “Did Maki get a bonus song?”
“You were so deep in Stitch mode, I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Elvis mode. Heartthrob mode. Girls screaming mode. Can’t give enough autographs mode…”
Maki was ready for a new topic. “Sounds exhausting.”
“Um no, it’s exciting. Nico on top of the world. It’s such a rush, connecting with an audience, feeling them get riled up, dancing, singing...I love it.”
Maki could hear the thrill in Nico’s voice. She felt suddenly tired.
“You’re probably leaving early tomorrow. I won’t keep you up.”
“I like talking past my bedtime with you.” A honest warmth in Nico’s tone softened Maki.
“I’m glad. Maybe we can talk again soon.”
“Yeah, it’s too bad my concerts are in Philly and Brooklyn. Nico would love to give you a backstage tour.”
“I’d love it too.”
“Well, call Nico, if you’re in town.”
Hmmmm...could that actually be possible? Her parents were always willing to watch Dia.
Distracted by the thought, Maki’s tone was perfunctory. “Good night, Nico.”
“Oh.” Nico sounded disappointed, “Good night. Maki. Dream about Nico.
“Sure.” Maki cut the call, trying to remember where Nico had said she’d be in a couple of days. Philly? Maki had never really spent any time in Philadelphia. Maybe it was time for some historical sightseeing. She could tell Dia all about the First Continental Congress and the Liberty Bell when she got back.
Nico stared at the phone. Maki had gotten distant at the backstage tour suggestion. DId Maki not want to see Nico in concert? Obviously, it wasn’t an objection to Nico’s voice, sneaky Maki had gotten Nico to sing an extra song. Maybe it was too early to suggest travel? Maybe Maki thought Nico had groupies? The fan-Idol relationship was a chaste thing; Nico was there to bring joy, comfort, and smiles to her audience. What brought joy to Nico offstage was private. Maybe she should tell Maki that? Nico picked up her phone and hesitated. Maybe Maki had just been tired? Nico knew single momming made for long days. Nico decided a good night selfie would be the perfect nightcap for the tired, gorgeous doctor Nico wanted to dream of her.
A text from Nico. A snap. Nico in a camisole and pink flannel pajama pants, wrapped up in a fluffy pink and white blanket. Maki smiled. Today had been one of her favorite days. No time inside a hospital, skating and flirting with a charming beauty, someone to help with Dia, and Nico had been practical help, not feeling sorry for Maki or fussing too extravagantly over Dia, just there with a quick hand and a smile. It had seemed so natural. And Maki found herself wanting more time with Nico, alone time with Nico, a quiet dinner at Nico’s apartment, no Disney movie blaring in the background, to hear how Nico had pursued her dream, designed her office, what Nico listened to while travelling, what Nico’s favorite movies were, taste Nico’s favorite snack...
Maki typed a quick message.
M: You owe me a midnight snack.
N: ?!?!?!?!
M: For this.
And before she talked herself out of it, Maki snapped a selfie of herself blowing a kiss, unaware that her zip up hoodie had slid down her left arm, leaving her shoulder bare. Instant response.
N: Do that anywhere near Nico and you can have any kind of snack you want.
M: : )
Then Maki took a look at the snap she’d sent and blushed, falling on the bed, silent screaming into her pillow.
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
Come 2 neon blonde world w/ me.......
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
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happy pride month guys (Ids in alt text :3)
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
Shes hooooooome
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
johnny whitney u r one evil evil man
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
also👇 the acoustic version of Georgia I was talking about. i thiiiink I haven’t posted her b4 but idk
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
ah…… have I ever posted the video where johnny Whitney makes tofurkey w/ a lady and he’s wearing a silly Christmas hat publically…….. I love this vid so much it’s just so unfortunate that normally it’s only accessible through a site that lags the fuck out whenever you (or @ the very least, i) try 2 watch the video………… totally don’t have it right here 4 people 2 watch lols
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
Johnny Whitney kind of evil 4 writing this
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
did I post this I already 4got. Found this while browsing YouTube….. go listen imminently!!
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
good metalcore album!!!!!
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
Come 2 mongrel world w/ me broski...
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
this songs gay as hell what the hell happened 2 Whitney circa 2004-2005. it’s so good
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
recently been listening 2 this band in the car..... this song goes hard
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
Gotta post the Furry Johnny Whitney(tm) song once in a while
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boy-armageddon · 5 months
having a. Normal onw
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