#evil pure vanilla agenda go
artzistired · 8 months
pure vanilla has depression and shadow milk is a jokester clown
this game is great I can’t wait for shadow milk to manipulate and/or traumatize pure vanilla
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Alright, here we go folks. After taking a quick peek through @griffinmeeks blog, we got a racist, islamophobic, homophobic, fatshaming (let me know if this word is appropriate), xenophobic, trump supporter, and all the above on our doorsteps. It would be easier to just block this person but seeing how this vanilla swirl is going around derailing everyone’s posts unchecked, I figured I’ll be the one to drag this overdue ass ranch-filled pancake. Possible trigger warnings of all kinds.
• So first of all griffinmeeks, why the FUCK are you using the N-word you anti-black racist piece of shit. NO ONE gets to use that word, save for black people.
• Secondly, black people did not set a negative standard on white people “when gangs were popular.“ I don’t know exactly what time period you are speaking of so I will bring up the LA gangs from the 1970s as an example. Many of these “gangs” were formed with the interests of protecting and serving the community out of necessity BECAUSE cops harassed and brutalized the black community (as it continues today). I will now refrain from using the word “gangs” and say “groups” instead to be inclusive.
So to continue, groups (especially black groups and organizations) that ever tried to uplift themselves and their communities, were always targeted by the FBI, covert operations like COINTELPRO, wiretappings, surveillance, misinformation, and provocateurs which contributed greatly to the ruin of many black groups, the Black Panther Party (organization) being one of the most famous.
So to unmask the reason why groups “became popular" in the first place, is due primarily to the fact of white supremacy. It was YOU white people’s goal to colonize the world to empower yourselves because you are pure evil. As proof, it was white people who invaded all of the Earth’s countries, save for 22 out of nearly 200 and set yourselves as the negative standard CENTURIES before “groups were popular.” IF there was ever a time anyone ever “set” white people as a negative standard, you all are the ones who started it FIRST so you have no one to blame but yourselves.
And on your last point, which deals with black education, welfare, and crime, all directly stem from white supremacy. 1) Education is often associated with whiteness because schools were segregated and black schools were underfunded or of low quality (and still are today). 2) It was white people who used the welfare stereotype (primarily against black women) to further their agenda, most notably Ronald Reagan. And 3) the current stereotypical perceptions of the criminalization of black people, mostly black males, heightened with political agendas, the media, and racial profiling where police would intentionally target black people to try to find crimes or provoke them to commit crimes.
• Third point, not all Asian people are Japanese, you vanilla wafer. Since you brought up Japan though, let’s talk about it since you love bringing it up as I’ve seen in some of your other posts.
• Fourth point to start off, I will not bring up the entire history of the westernization of Japan so to narrow it down, I’ll focus on post-WWII. The US was NOT innocent in the attack on Pearl Harbor by the way. They had been provoking war with Japan since at least the 1930s, nearly a decade before Japan would attack Pearl Harbor. Not saying what Japan did was right but the US and especially the white people in office were not fucking innocent like how white people like to paint themselves as.
• Fifth point, after Japan was defeated, it was occupied by the Allies, primarily white people, and was changed into a “western-style” state that was pro-American. In short, Japan was transformed into a white-loving country and had to culturally assimilate into white supremacy and white standards.
In order for Japan (or any country) to survive under white supremacy, they have to assimilate to its standards. Since white business men are the most successful in this white supremacist world, then Japanese business men have to assimilate to those standards and become successful in the same or near-same way.
Even if you look at the most current Forbes list of the richest people in the world. The majority of them are old, white men or at least “look white.” So what does this say? That the image of the white man IS standard to success and that Japanese businessmen (and any business person for that matter) would have to “look white”, have connections with white people, do business with white people, and follow the rules of white supremacy in some ways to succeed.
So yes, it is white supremacy and white privilege that makes white people successful while also keeping “other races down.“ Also, the status quo of white supremacy is to keep white people at the top of every institution in society and as someone who is complicit in that, yes it is YOUR fault for directly and indirectly participating in keeping other races down. So YOU “get real,” you fucking white supremacist.
• And finally, no one even brought up the topic of slavery except you. For that, I will not enter your baited argument and will end it here, so sit your pastey, super-glue ass down and stay there until you can come back as a decent person (which you probably won’t and instead, will come back derailing everything that was said here like most white people do).
On a separate note: I apologize to anyone if I’m infringing on any spaces that aren’t for me but someone had to take out the white garbage bag. It IS garbage day after all.
Angry Asian Guy
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