We have a plan to retrive the Master's Tardis out of the Vortex. It involves a vortex manipulator, time travel, paradoxes, and possibly destroying several worlds. among other things.
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n8i8c8k8i8 · 11 years
I got tagged in a thing. This has been in my inbox for a while, sorry, I didn't see i'd gotten anything. But i'll do it now!
I was tagged by: the-fault-in-our-assbutts
•Rule 1: Post the rules  •Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, then make your own questions  •Rule 3: Tag 11 people in your post  •Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them   1.        Why did you decide to follow me? I'm assuming this is about the-fault-in-our-assbutts since she tagged me. As for when I followed her and why? No idea. Everything on tumblr kind of blurs together in my brain. It's like a ball of wibbly wobbly tumblr wumblr stuff.   2.        What deodorant do you use? Whatever mom buys. I don't care. Currently I'm using Dove.
3.        What color underwear are you wearing ?!?!?! why did I have to wear my pink underwear today, can I change before I awnser this?
4.        What shampoo do you use? Same as #2, Whatever mom buys. No idea what brand or smell.   5.        Favorite magical creature? Three headed dog, Dragon, or Elf? Decisions decisions...
6.        Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? if you do, what are they? No. I have a bunch around my room though. Mostly things given to me by friends. There's a webkinz koala and a red eyed tree frog on top of my curtains. There's an owl sitting on the shoulder of a cardboard box/bookshelf/robot I made. Next to said box/bookshelf/robot are two daleks (one from my best friend and one from my boyfriend). I have a big group on a shelf in my closet, but I still see them because I never shut my closet. Among these is a webkinz badger (my friend found it for me because I'm a hufflepuff) and a dog that samhoratio knitted and put a moustache on (thanks sam!).   7.        Apple juice or orange juice? Orange Juice.   8.        What is your favorite flavor of cake? PIE APPLE PIE As my Grandpa always said, the best kind of cake is pie.   9.        What do you do when your wifi doesn’t work? Call the doctor   10.        Who was the last person you texted/called? Samhoratio   11.        How do you react when someone says they don’t like Harry Potter?   12. Favourite book/book series? Why is it your favourite? book/book series? okay then. Harry Potter. It's just amazing, and has always been harry potter. Artemis Fowl is a close second though. I still love Harry Potter slighly more though. Probably because I grew up with it.   13. Do you ship any celebrities? If so, who do you ship? I don't ship celebrities, because I've been "shipped" before and it's really annoying and makes things awkward, even if you do like the person your being shipped with. With fictional characters I ship everybody, but I don't ship real people.   14. Relationship status? In a relationship. :D   15. If you ruled the world, who would be the first person you’d brag about it to? Why? politicians, my family, unions, etc.   16. What do you think the meaning of life is? 42 is the awnser to life the universe and everything. But that aside, I think that helping other people, and being a good person, is what life's all about.   17. Did you ever know someone with depression? If so, were they close to you? Explain a little about them. My Grandma. My friend. My other friend. My friends overcame it in the end. But my grandma didn't. It was always bad with my grandma, her daughter and her sister died. She kept it somwhat hidden though until grandpa died, after that she sort of spiraled down and gave up. She's dead now, but now she's proably reunited with the people she lost in heaven (and in the cemeterty) (also, random fact, Chef Boyardee is in the same cemetery where they are. Who knew?). My two friends are both alive (thank goodness). Since they are, and I want to respect their privacys, I won't say what happened, but with the help of friends they're on the track to recovery.   18. How do you eat an Oreo? I eat it...   19. Are you a psychopath or a high-functioning sociopath? Explain. There is a question samhoratio told me and apparently if you get the awnser right you have sociopathic tendencies. so half my family has sociopathic tendencies apparently.   20. Dean Winchester or Sam Winchester? (If you’re not in the Supernatural fandom, answer this question instead: “Pie or a moose?”) I am an extention of the supernatural fandom, meaning I have only seen one or two episodes from forever ago, but I know everything that happens because of tumblr. Dean Winchester. Please see #8. As my grandfather always said, the best kind of cake is pie. Pie is good. I like pie.   21. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death? ... Whatever is faster and less painful?   22. What is something you’ve read or seen on the Internet that you’ve never really got over because it was so disturbing or scarring or genius? There's loads of stuff, but I can't think of anything in particular right now.
Okey-doke my questions then.
23. Which of the most recent doctors do you like best, nine ten or eleven? (If you're not a fan of Doctor Who, what word do you like best, Fantastic, Allons-y, or Geronimo?) 24. Can you fake any accents? Which ones? 25. Robots or Dinosaurs? 26. Ninjas or Pirates? 27. Zombies or Unicorns? 28. Time Machine or Spaceship? 29. Are you often sarcastic? 30. What fandoms are you in? 32. Are you in any clubs or activities? 33. Do you have a job? 34. Do you save your money or spend it as soon as you get it? 35. In a fight who would win, Dumbledore or Gandalf?
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who-is-that-girl · 12 years
eviloverlordalliance started following you
"Hello, you!" She said smiling
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eviloverlordalliance started following you
Maria hesitated, hand on the hilt of her sword.  "And who, exactly are all of you?" she asked.
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We got a vortex manipulator. We won't get into too much detail about how though. I'll give you a hint though. It involves a dead time agent. NOT Harkness. We've had enough of that sexy coated beautiful bastard.
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Does anybody know where to get a vortex manipulator?
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We need the Master's Tardis. We really do. He and Opal have been working nearly nonstop to get their hands on this thing. They figure if we can get a vortex manipulator we can somehow pull it out of the time vortex (Where he parked it the last time he had it).
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Also, while cleaning out our closet We also found Khan's reply to our "there-should-be-a-holiday-between-halloween-and-christmas" party invitation. Turns out he did write us back. It said that he KHAN'T make it. We just thought he was a one of those irritating people who never RSVPs and decides not to show up.
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You may recall our goal for this week was to clean the closet. We suceeded, and it was pretty intresting. Opal found her old truffles that Loki stole and hid in the closet and forgot about. Loki found that Opal reacts very hostile to people who steal and hide and forget about her truffles. The Master found an old (dead) toclafane sphere. Jim found his old theories as to how Sherlock survived the fall (the most likely of which being the Doctor's Tardis). And Voldemort found his collection of all the hilarious love letters sent to him by Bellatrix over the years. Fun stuff.
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That awkward moment when Jim Moriarty starts laughing out of nowhere because he remembered that drunk Sherlock thought he was the king of england.
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That awkward moment when the Master starts laughing out of nowhere because he remembered that technically the 10th Doctor is the king of england.
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Our project for the next week is to clean the closet of our current secret lair. Let's see how that goes.
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Vote Saxon
If you vote Saxon we'll send Justin Beiber to Azkaban for you.
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So apparently there's terrorist threats for the human Olympics. While it is freaking everybody out, wouldn't it be smarter to wait, see who the most capable muggles are (aka: these so called "olympic athletes"), and then put them under the imperius curse and make them do your bidding?
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So we've been thinking and talking about Russia, and how they have all these hate laws against Gay people. We're all for evil but, my evilness. If you're going to discriminate and hate people, discriminate and hate EVERYONE EQUALLY except for Potter and the Doctor. Even we're not THAT heartless.
Unless it's against muggleborns. or the districts of Panem. In which cases we totally undertsand. But it's not
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You Mewling Quim probably have no idea but we have a new evil lair. Loki wanted an Ice palace after watching Frozen but we talked him out of it. We may or may not be a palace and it may or may not be in the same time period you're in.
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