thursdaygrl · 5 months
closed starter for @evphorium
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"what did i ever do to you to make you hate me so much?"
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julybloom · 7 months
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''when i was struggling, you were always there for me. how can i ever repay you for this? your'e the only one who stayed.'' / @evphorium
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futilcdevices · 6 months
closed starter for @evphorium
based on: we've been best friends for as long as i can remember but i've always had the biggest crush on you.
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"listen - can we stop talking about her for just a second? please?" teddy mumbled after throwing back her shot of tequila. " this is our night - i'd like to enjoy my best friend's company without having to hear about her the whole time. it actually pisses me off." she sighed. "let's make some memories tonight that are about us, not her," teddy continued, her tone tinged with frustration.
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ameliiorate · 7 months
☀︎ — closed starter for @evphorium ☀︎ — based on
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"I know this is a huge favor to ask, but you know how my family can get. If I drop this bombshell at the wedding," Referring to their breakup that he had neglected to mention to his estranged family, Reed prepares himself to get on his hands and knees if necessary to convince them, "Then they'll just accuse me of trying to hog the attention or some shit. I'll pay for the whole trip, so maybe you could just see this as a vacation?" A vacation with an ex that they had not signed up for.
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romanticlcver · 7 months
continued from here! @evphorium
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She's being too serious about it all and she knows that she shouldn't be. He doesn't owe her anything. They've already agreed to be just friends and she's supposed to be okay with that. The problem is that she isn't, not anymore. It means something that he detaches himself from the other woman, means that he still cares about her and...she's feeling pathetic enough to think that he cares about her more. He touches her and she looks up with a soft expression, swallowing nervously. "I..." When she opens her mouth it's to confess, to say everything she's been wanting to say. That they should try, that it won't ruin their friendship. That isn't what comes out. "Why were you kissing her?" she asks instead, her tone one of pain.
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julybloom · 7 months
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''you’re supposed to call and warn me before you show up here. what are you doing here? it's three am.'' / @evphorium
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