#ew im back in my uberhood era
cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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Alternative Season 2 Episode 3: "The New Neighbor"
Pleasantview, early 1994
After several years away from Pleasantview, Cassandra and Don decide to come back for a visit to see Mortimer and Bella, and also so little Adam and Ella can see a new place.
Outskirts of the Goth mansion
Adam (a little bored): Why did we come to Pleasantview, Mommy?
Cassandra: Honey, we came to see the grandparents! They want to see you!
Ella: Will we also see Angela?
Don: Of course Ellie!
At that moment Mortimer and Bella left the mansion to greet their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.
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Mortimer and Bella (Waving to their grandchildren): Hey kids!!
Adam and Ella (Running to her grandparents): Hi grandpa, hi grandma!!
Cassandra (Waving to her parents): Hello dad, hello mother, how are you?
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Bella (approaching her daughter): We've been great Honey, why don't we just go inside?
The Goth-Lothario family entered the mansion, where Cassandra and her parents were talking, while Don was taking care of the children.
Cassandra (While thinking of a co-worker of his): So he and I met while doing some work in the lab!
Mortimer (interested in meeting his daughter's friend): And what was his name?
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Cassandra: his name is Timothy Riley!, he lives in Belladonna Cove
When she said the last, Mortimer and Bella got too serious.
Bella (as she got up): Cassandra, you know VERY well that talking about Belladonna Cove and "you know who" is strictly FORBIDDEN in this house.... Respect your brother's memory please...!
Cassandra: I know mother... But, Timothy is a good person, I swear! I'll invite him to dinner tomorrow, so you can get to know him well...
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Mortimer (while lowering his voice): And what are you going to do with Don and the children...
Cassandra (rolling her eyes): I'll ask Don to go with the Kids to the movies... maybe he'll go with that Nina...
At that moment Don enters the room
Don (Interrupting the conversation): Sorry for the interruption, but I have to go to work, see you soon!
The black-haired man left the mansion, obviously he was not going to work, he wanted to go for a walk to see what changes were in Pleasantview, so to confirm that, he went to Dina and Nina's house, to visit .
Don (Thinking while ringing the bell): "Well... it's been 8 years since I left Pleasantview, maybe Dina and Nina don't even remember me anymore"
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At that moment footsteps were heard towards the door, and to Don's bad luck, it wasn't Dina or Nina who opened the door... It was a man with brown hair, who looked at him with a smile.
Don (Introducing himself): Good morning, my name is Don Lothario! Will Dina or Nina Caliente be here?
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Subject: Good morning... Unfortunately the Caliente family moved 3 years ago... And yesterday I moved to Pleasantview from Desiderata Valley, Nice to meet you my name is Sujet D'Experience!
Don: My name is Don Lothario and... well, you may have seen the news about the Goth family.
Sujet (Amazed): Ohhh, no wonder your face sounded familiar to me!! Don't worry, I understand that pressure from the paparazzi and the press, welcome to my house, you can come in!!
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The two men entered the house, Don observed every detail, from pictures of different sizes in which there were various news clippings dating back to 1990, but there were some images that caught his attention, especially those with the name of the goth family or their name
Don: Hey Sujet A question, what do you do?
Sujet (Approaching Don): I'm a journalist, I've been working for four years haha! don't be scared by all those cuts, they have helped me to get my job... But hey, I don't want to talk about that, besides being a journalist is a bit boring.
Don: Ohhh, don't worry! Hey, could you give me a rundown of everything that's happened in Pleasantview?
Sujet (Sitting down with a cup of coffee and offering a cup of coffee to the black-haired man): Well, for starters, Darren Dreamer remarried 1 year ago to Gabriella Sensal and they had a girl; Also that the Pleasants had twins, although it is rumored that Daniel Pleasant has an unrecognized son with Model Ekaterina Dunnoff, although that is just an old theory; Also that the Newbie's daughter: Brandy, got pregnant by that boy Skip Broke...
Don (Surprised): Oh...
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