#except Bertie cause he sucks and maybe Cel but only because they never met her Cel and Sasha would've been akward besties
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 months
People talk about a reality where Zolf made a better first impression and is on Campbells books and that's amazing but I present:
SASHA made a good first impression. In fact she was the only suport Campbell had during his horrible no good airship travel. So instead of Zolf being oblivious to his presence as this interesting new dwarf protagonist, Zolf reads about Shasta Bracket and smiles and cries as she mentions her very odd and akward dwarf friend, Azu reads Shasta Bracket and sadly smilles thinking about all the lifes Sasha touched, Wilde reads Shasta Bracket and suddently Zolf's infodumps aren't the only reason he keeps reading Campbell, Barnes reads Shasta Brackett and remembers about a fierce woman that was almost his friend until he arrested her friend and she refused to interact with a traitor.
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