#except for that one time during the heat wave and i was working drive thru during rush and was like. if i dont have water this second
hertwood · 1 year
not 2 be a narc but some of the rules the store manager is a hardass about, she's right. every time i ask the guys on table to make something and they dont hear me bc of their fucking headphones i feel her spirit
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Strip Club Fin.
“Mason, I cant decide if I am even shocked anymore at you finding these kind of places or if I’m starting to be impressed.”
The current place Liam was staring at was a replica of some famous bar in New York. Gaudy neon lights flashing yellow, blue and pink overhead just dirty enough to seem fabricated as if to appear run down. Not that it needed a lot of help; the outside looked like the exact place one would go to see people dancing on bars and getting rip roaring drunk. Also possibly a STD. He wasn’t even sure how he got roped into going except Theo perked up at the idea when Mason had mentioned going there for Corey’s birthday.
“I’m more impressed that he found a guys night that actually meant gay night.” Theo was pressed close to Liam’s side. They weren’t necessarily a couple that did a lot of pda, but the personal space was pretty much nonexistent nowadays. He watched Corey and Mason’s faces both develop grins that looked positively devious.
“Well we figured we would never go to New York because that cost money we will never have but we could at least get some kind of Coyote Ugly style bar under our belts.”
Liam muttered “That’s not the only thing you want under your belt.” Causing Theo to throw back his head, laughing. It was a good look. Corey pouted at him.
“Theo said dancing on a bar was on his bucket list.”
A year ago this would have caused shocked sputtering and a flash of possessiveness that both boys had been startled to find themselves having after becoming more unofficially official. Starting off with them using public moments of debauchery to get together to suddenly having almost all their debauchery being intimate moments that were behind closed doors. Which were surprisingly not so purposefully sexy and more fun. It wasn’t any less intense but more so.
The vulnerability of being alone, clothes off, and suddenly the eye contact felt a lot more real. A lot more authentic. Especially when they tried for the first time and Liam was so nervous he started to giggle at the wrong moment, at the wrong reveal, which led to an outraged Theo. Which led to more inappropriate giggling. Which somehow led to a tickle fight that led to something much different and more natural but that time without the nerves. Liam was surprised at Theo’s fierce gentleness. At how he wanted to be as gentle towards the chimera.
Or the fact that after they slept together for the first time, literally just falling asleep curled around each other, that Theo had almost tore a poor fast food worker’s head off when he smiled at Liam when he took their money. Through a drive thru. Or Liam suddenly showing up to Theo’s work to shove him against the truck and leave bruising bites on his neck and shoulders that took hours to heal; although those seemed to worry his co workers more about rabid animals than rabid people. Theo teased that it didn’t matter because Liam fit both categories. The chimera thought he was funny.
Now though, with time and building a different kind of trust, Liam only felt the urge to roll his eyes - which he did - before giving Theo side eye.
“Is prostitution is on that list too? Because I’m not sure I’d be surprised.”
Theo’s response was a wicked grin, hard body pressing closer so he could whisper against the shell of Liam’s ear, “If you’d like, I’ll let you pay me for what I’m going to do to you later?” Leaning away leaving skin pebbling and Liam forcing down shiver, Theo continued in a louder voice, “I’ll even make it cheap for you. How does a twenty sound?”
Corey laughed so hard he started snorting, causing them all to break into laughter that made the people surrounding them question their general maturity level. Liam laughed but was caught between the teasing heat and embarrassment at the memory.
“Yeah, yeah, cheapest lap dance in history though the lap dance didn’t even happen. My life sucks. My dude is cheap. Let’s get on with this bucket list birthday shindig.” He started away from his friends, leading the way until Theo caught up with an exasperatedly amused expression
“Your dude? Really dude?”
Liam hunched his shoulders and grumbled “I refuse to say boyfriend. You refuse to say partner. Leaves few options dude.”
Pushing the door open, Theo let Mason and Corey push ahead first, looking at Liam silently. He refused to look back. Truth, this has been a thing between them for a while now, since his mom finally broke the unspoken rule of not speaking about their unspoken of status. After recovering from the horror of hearing Jenna Geyer say “Is it like one of those buddy systems? Except less about safety, although I hope you are using safety Liam really, and more about … buddying?” Liam has hastily reassured her that, dear god, it was an actual relationship while Theo had been trying unsuccessfully not to crack a rib from holding back laughter.
This has led to her turning towards Theo with a sweet smile and saying “I’m really glad you’re his boyfriend Theo.” This had been taken two different ways. The chimera had frozen, eyes wide at hearing the sincerity in Liam’s mom’s voice and feeling inadequate at all accounts. Liam was ruining the moment with a loud “Not boyfriend! No! Refuse it. Title rejected.” and receiving twin murderous glares from the two.
When she much more hesitantly suggested the term partner Theo had been the one to sneer rudely with a resounding negative before taking off for the night. Liam knew he had hurt the man’s feelings but wasn’t going to budge. After that night none of the people involved had mentioned it again. She must have said something to Mason because neither of his friends broached the subject. He thought it was over, swept under the metaphoric carpet.
But it was creeping up, in small moments, and Liam knew he was going to have to grow up about it at some point.
Not in a damn dancing bar though.
Letting the moment go Liam walked into the bar. Instant regret flared through him as the overwhelming noise of too many voices and too loud of shitty music hit his ears. Flinching from the pain, he automatically took a step backwards, forgetting that Theo had walked through behind him. The chimera’s hands caught him before they crashed together, holding steady when Liam didn’t immediately step away. He took the slight touch to focus on, reigning in the noise until it was manageable again. Once Liam felt capable again he glanced back at Theo watching. As soon as their eyes met Theo dropped his hands away, nodding towards the spot at the bar Mason and Corey had miraculously gotten.
Liam didn’t like the distance in that break of contact, reaching out to slide a finger along the tendon of Theo’s wrist. Letting the tip of his index finger linger Liam started the fight through the crowd, the slight touch never breaking as Theo easily maneuvered through people to keep them connected. He hid a smile at the sheer will power of keeping them together when he reached the other two.
“Guys! We just sold Theo!”
This was accompanied by the two shoving overflowing shot glasses into Liam and Theo’s hands before excitedly shooting back their own. As if Corey could get drunk. If they were starting like this Mason wouldn’t even last three hours before they were going to have to drag him to a diner to sober up. Liam took a dainty sip of the shot, switching hands so he could wipe some of the sticky alcohol off.
Theo raised a brow, “I didn’t realize I was for sale?”
This was followed by him tossing the liquid back like a pro, face not even registering the burn as he caught the eye of someone behind the counter and motioned for another round. Liam took another delicate sip. Maybe it was because of the early fear of losing more control with his IED if drunk, maybe it’s because he was a werewolf and now immune, or maybe he just really didn’t like the taste. Usually he sipped a shot during the night, letting the others fight over the rounds they kept buying him.
Corey grinned slyly, a brave hand reaching out to ruffle the part of Theo’s hair that fell over his eyes, “Happy bucket list.” Liam frowned while Mason cackled. Devious monsters. Theo just raised the other brow.
“You mean happy birthday to you?”
The other chimera laughed, “Maybe? They have bar dance slots for later and you can buy one. I bought one song.”
Theo laughed now, reaching over take the new shots from the attractive young woman at the counter with a wink, distributing them out. Liam held it in his other hand while he frowned. A wink, really? Was tonight going to one of those. Instead of pouting at the slight he turned away.
“Do you get to pick the song?”
He waited while they all shot back the new one, automatically holding out both of his for Corey and Mason to take, waiting as they drank those down also before he got an answer.
“No, it’s a decided playlist, a tradition I think. They have the list over there on that wall,” he pointed across the room almost poking a older man in the eye, “I chose the seven o’clock one.” Then he and Mason were calling for another round. Theo helping out when they were getting ignored, simply waving a hand and raising his voice - the woman from earlier appearing as if by magic.
Not feeling jealous but definitely sulky, Liam turned away from the friendly grin Theo was wearing as he asked for more drinks, slipping away into the crowd. There was infinite trust between them, but they weren’t perfect. Stupid relationship titles. As if having one suddenly made the world go round. As if it meant feelings were real and permanent.
Mostly letting the wave of the people move him along, Liam slowly made his way to the wall that Corey had pointed out. When he got there he was almost squished against it. A huge portion covered with chalk board paint - pink and blue chalk used for the song line up. Using some wolf in his arms to push himself far enough away, Liam tilted his head until he found the seven time slot.
Oh god, was it bad that he knew that song or that he knew how Theo was probably going to dance to it? It was a stripping song. At least it was when Theo had turned it on one night that they were hanging out in his studio apartment. It had meant to be background music as they tried to make pizza from scratch.
It had turned into strip tease music.
Liam had ended up delightfully covered in flour, red sauce, and other sauce.
Fighting back a groan of despair he turned away from the board only to have his path blocked by a body. A tall body. Looking up Liam met eyes bluer than his, light enough to take “icy blue” to a new level; made more astounding by the fringe of black lashes and Beatle’s mop of black hair. How unfortunately attractive.
“Were you thinking of buying a dance slot?” How unfortunately attractive his voice was too. Liam felt a pang at the fact that all the hotness did zilch to his body.
It sucked when he really only became attached to someone after he established a relationship of some kind with them. It put a damper on the whole ‘one night stand’ thing and it made the whole ‘what am I actually attracted to gender wise’ ordeal a more difficult process. At least until he reached the age when he realized it didn’t matter because until they had a connection with him of some kind it was a mute point anyway.
Liam simply didn’t work any other way.
Smiling neutrally Liam shook his head “No, a friend bought one and I was just curious of the song is all.”
This was met with a grin “Are you all going to dance or just the friend? I hear the dance slots get pretty crazy.” Liam was almost hundred percent sure some crazy was going to happen at seven at least. Theo was too much of a showman to not do something horrendously shocking.
“No dancing for me.”
Seeing that he was trapped here until someone moved or he got irritated enough to start shoving people and not really wanting to go back to a winking Theo, Liam relaxed against the wall. This seemed to be taken as an invitation because the tall handsome guy was suddenly leaning on a shoulder against it, facing him; still a polite distance away to not be pushy but obvious interest evident in his expression.
“Not a dancer huh?”
Liam laughed a little at that, “No I dance, just not going to try the whole bar counter dancing tonight. I’m just here as the DD.” Then because he was stuck and bored he asked, “What about you?”
The smile widened, as if asking a simple question was a confirmation in interest.
“My kind of dancing is more for behind doors.” This was followed with an almost self conscious eye brow waggle that had Liam snorting with an attempted to hide his laughter.
“Does that mean you are a stripper?” When all he got was a dramatic wink, Liam could only laugh harder. Of course. Of course it’d be a stripper. There was pause as the man took a long drink out of his glass, the smell of bitter beer reaching Liam with the new close proximity before he spoke.
“I’m Daniel by the way.” Liam nodded in greeting, eyes down on a finger nail he was picking at, “Liam.” This was followed by another shorter drink pause.
“Would it bother you? To date a stripper?” At this Liam looked up to grin widely, opening his mouth to answer when a new voice rudely interrupted.
“If it does, how we got together is going to become an even more awkward story.”
Theo’s expression was pleasant, the charming mask that gets bar maids to get appear out of thin air. Even his tone was easy going and smooth. Liam, though, could see the tension as hazel eyes flickered at the distance between him and this Daniel guy.  The taller man didn’t move away from Liam as suddenly as one would expect when confronted with a possible significant other. Instead he slowly took in Theo in all of his Theo glory. Seeing this taking of inventory, Liam saw Theo open his mouth and jumped in before something rude was said.
“You weren’t even a stripper when that happened.”
Theo looked shocked, mockingly placing a hand on his chest as the constantly moving crowd pushed him closer towards them. Liam felt a little trapped between the two.
“How can you say that? I thought it all started with a twenty dollar private bare-all lap dance Liam!” At this several heads turned to take the two of them in; Daniel’s face was a bit scandalize, “You only paid him twenty dollars! That’s insultingly cheap!”
Definitely feeling trapped Liam scowled at them both, “It was all I had and we weren’t together because of that!”
Theo smirked at the heat flaring over Liam’s cheeks. Daniel seemed stuck though, draining his glass before pointing at him. His cheeks were even redder.
“Were you the stripper? Because I’d be okay with that.”
Liam squinted, thinking something was misinterpreted and not sure where. “I wasn’t the stripper but thanks I guess?” This was also the wrong reply because the man was suddenly leaning towards Liam’s space, face intent.
Only to scramble backwards when Theo easily slid between them. It was insane how smooth he made it look, smile more sharp than easy as he folded his arms across his chest like some thug body guard.
“Nope, my puppy was most definitely not the stripper.” Liam’s face spasmed in an ugly grimace at the term, muttering “Your puppy?”
Before Theo could do more than grin, Daniel was leaning forward so he could look at both of them, “Wait, I thought you guys were, like, in the past tense stage.” Liam could feel the hard look the chimera was giving him even as he was rapidly shaking his head.
“I never said anything!” He knew that if this kept going where it was going, as most cliche moments tended to go, the night out was going to end with hurt feelings and a misunderstanding that was going to ruin the ‘what I plan to do to you later’ that Liam refused to miss because of a drunk stripper. Reaching out he clutched Theo’s shirt in a hand.
“This is totally my person.”
Daniel’s brow furrowed, “Like your boyfriend?” When Liam glared he tried again “Partner?” when that got a resounding no he just looked at them “Fuck buddy?”
Theo sighed loudly, “Look it doesn’t matter, he is not available and neither am I. So just go get another drink.” Then he was shoving Liam, hard, through the crowd presumably towards their friends. Liam let himself get pushed until they were back next to a much more drunk Mason and a sober but giggling Corey.
“Guys, the dancing starts soon!”
Ignoring the surrounding cheers at Mason’s shout, Liam turned to see Theo frowning at him.
“What?” He knew of course, but having the discussion here in a crowded smelly bar was far from ideal. Theo’s hand was still between his shoulder blades, sliding down his spine before the tips of his fingers curl over the top of his jeans. Using the hold, he pulled Liam back against him to hiss  “Past tense? Your person? I’m trying real hard here Dunbar, to not get irritated.”
Squirming like a caught child, Liam wiggled until the hot fingers retracted their grip, allowing him to turn around to look at the chimera. Who was frowning at him.
“Look, is this the best place to have this conversation?” When that only got him narrowed eyes he sighed heavily “It’s just that they all sound so..” unable to find the word he shrugged.
“Committed? Too exclusive?” Theo’s words were sharply hissed, almost lost in the raised noise as the first dance slot started. It was almost funny, if not for the hurt the chimera was trying to hide, that they were having a relationship moment while “Sweet Cherry Pie” was roaring all around them. Neither of them took notice of the super drunk  guy getting helped onto the cleared bar counter.
Running a hand through his hair while trying to think of the words, Liam took the moment to grab Theo’s wrist and shove their way through the crowd until they were in a relatively empty corner. Breathing a little easier at not having so many bodies constantly jostling into them. Keeping his hold on the chimera, Liam pressed close so that he didn’t have to shout.
“How about not exclusive enough?” When he saw Theo’s eyes widen - mouth dropping open a little - he continued almost brutally, “How about nothing seems permanent enough or accurate enough? Why does a title even matter Theo, when we both know that it changes nothing. We still feel the way we feel and saying boyfriend or whatever isn’t going to change that. Fuck man, if it makes you happy then yeah..yeah, just say whatever you want okay? I’ll roll with it.”
He hadn’t realized how much closer he had gotten until he stopped talking; lips almost brushing, his fist clutching the side of Theo’s shirt tight enough to stretch the material. Liam felt angry; at having to explain himself, at where he had to do it, at stupid drunk Daniel who had to be a stripper.
Now, as the song ended and the bar occupants burst into applause, Liam lifted a lip in a silent snarl before yanking Theo into a bruising kiss. Who responded instantly, arms wrapping around Liam’s waist in a tight grip, head tilting for better access.
It only ended when Corey appeared, red faced and grinning manically “Theo you’re up! Make out later!” then pulling them apart, dragging them both back towards the bar where Mason was excitedly shouting words that made no sense. Liam painfully hit the counter as the two practically threw the chimera up onto the makeshift stage. In the corner behind, a older woman was doing an announcement for the next song.
Mason slung an arm around Liam’s shoulders, shouting painfully into his ear “Is this not the best ever!”
Gently shoving his friend into his boyfriends waiting arms, Liam turned back to watch as Theo slowly stood up; the simple action of his body straightening up receiving a ridiculously loud response from the crowd. He rolled his eyes, the reaction people got when Theo decided to be ‘on’ was stupid. If only they knew that he slept with his socks on no matter what. And that a lot of them had animal designs on them.
Even on the night of their pizza making attempt Theo had been wearing purple socks with kangaroos on them. Boxing kangaroos. As in they were wearing boxing gloves. Liam snorted at the memory.
As if hearing his thoughts, the chimera looked at him as Def Leppard blared out into the crowd. A slow smirk, lips looking just a tad too puffy to be natural, formed as the singing started.
As if a switched a flipped, Theo eased his way down the bar, feet smooth as he pulled out some cash and bent over - his backside purposefully towards the approving crowd - as he whispered something to a bartender. She grinned and went to get something as he spun around.
Even now Liam felt his throat get thick as Theo danced on the bar. It wasn’t as erotic as usual; movements kept quick and short with the small width of the counter. Still, as the song hit its peak the crowd was in full scream and the chimera used a side slide to end up in front of some ecstatic men - a hip thrust towards their faces enough to send them into liquor fueled hysterics as the former stripper grinned wickedly and crawled away.
Liam watched as Theo used the position to reach the end of the bar - somehow avoiding a few brave soul’s spanking hands - before standing up. Using a couple feet at the end of the bar short running before sliding forward on his knees just as the woman thrust out two bottles of alcohol.
Just as he reached where they were at in the counter line, thumbs covering the tops of the bottles, Theo met Liam’s eyes.
And blew him a kiss.
Before aggressively shaking the bottles and aiming the openings at them. He had to give it Theo, Liam thought distantly as his, Corey, and Mason’s along with several surrounding people faces were sprayed with alcohol just as the final “Pour some sugar on me!” rang out through the air. Theo knew how to finish with a bang.
As the song ended and there were shouts of ‘encore’ and ‘one more time’ Liam kept his eyes slitted as the liquid dripped down his face. Next to him Corey and Mason were basking in the glow of having gotten the ‘final’ moment from a performer. Watching as the chimera thanked the bartender for helping before walking over and sliding off the counter in front of him. There were more cat calls, and someone nearby even reached out to touch the chimera; something Liam easily blocked with a swat.
Theo didn’t notice though; he was entirely focused on Liam, as if he hadn’t just spent the last three minutes dancing on a counter for room full of gay men. As if he wasn’t still the sole attention of several of those men. Nope, Liam watched as Theo reached him, hands coming up so that his thumbs could gently wipe the alcohol from Liam’s eyes. It was a tender gesture; something that wasn’t usually done in public.
When they were mostly clear he opened them up more to see a soft smile on the chimera’s face, hands sliding down to rest on Liam’s shoulders. It was a nice moment, almost romantic movie style, until the softness melted into deviance that caused panic to burst in Liam’s chest.
Theo leaned back, voice hollering out into the space above.
“This is my teacher! Who wants to see him up there next?”
This was answered with space rapidly appearing around them as feet were stamped and voices raised. Liam scowled at his three friends who were howling with everyone else. Glaring as the older bar lady gestured with a hand for him to come up on the stage, Liam sent Theo a last glare that promised pain before stalking towards the bar.
When he reached the edge the woman was leaning forwards shouting “That okay with you sweetheart?”
He paused before an idea came to mind. Mirroring her stance he smiled winningly at her.
“I know there’s a tradition but can I request a song?”
When he told her, she laughed before nodding and turning away. Giving her a moment to fiddle with the iPod that was hooked up to the surround system, Liam hopped up onto the bar, facing outwards. Lopsidedly grinning he motioned for his little group to gather closer.
Theo was understandably suspicious but willing, stopping in-between Liam’s legs; not touching but hovering close. Mason was hanging off Corey with happy curiosity.
“You’re all coming up with me.”
Laughing, a hand absently brushing down Theo’s forearm, Liam explained “You all know this dance, so stop bitching and get up here.”
The bar manager was back, grinning as she gestured for them to get up on the stage before speaking into a microphone. Once it was announce the four boys were up on the crowded counter.
Theo burst out laughing, along with half the bar, when ‘Jump On It’ came on. Despite being drunk Mason giggled helplessly as they all put their hands on their hips, reenacting the Fresh Prince of Bel Air dance, with the beat. When it came to the jumping around in a circle Corey had to forgo having an arm in the air, opting to keep his boyfriend upright.
It was short and fun; burning off some of the lust that Theo’s number had caused. By the time they were off the bar and heading towards the door to start the part of the night were they detox Mason.
Walking to Liam’s Bronco, Theo surprised him again when the chimera grabbed his hand, fingers entwining. Looking towards him from the corner of his eye, he saw an content smile on his face. Liam tightened the hold.
It wasn’t until the other two were safely enclosed in the back seat, several bags in Mason’s hands in case he decided to hurl, that Theo answered. Pulling him into a blind spot near the back of the vehicle where prying eyes couldn’t see Theo used the hold to bring Liam in close; lips brushing over neck before stopping against ear.
“I’m okay with Yours and Mine.”
It took Liam a minute to get past the sensation to realize what Theo was saying. When he did, he tried to keep the smile off his face as he dug into a pocket with his free hand. Theo watched as Liam grinned at him, hand coming out of the pocket to hold up a very crumpled twenty dollar bill.
“So I heard that you coming home with me would only be twenty bucks…”
Even later, after they dropped their friends off. After they went to Theo’s apartment. And even much, much later when clothes had come off and words laced with promise and love was etched into skin with lips and teeth. When twenty bucks laid forgotten on a counter that would hold two set of keys.
Liam could still hear Theo’s laughter.
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