#except gnosis he can go die in a hole
foxgirlplushie · 9 months
Literally there are three debuffer operators, Pramanix, Shamare, and Gnosis. Why. HG the people demand answers
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 2, 2021: 12:48 pm:
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“... this is not the time to come to the United States, we need the time to put in place an immigration process (inaudible mumbling) people can be treated humanely”
The thing is, USA was founded on immigration, nearly 250 years ago.
The Biden Administration says USA has not figured out how to do humane immigration yet.
I suppose there is still some time to figure out how to do humane immigration. Maybe they will get started on that soon. Psaki does not say that any policy making will be done, what she said was, they need more time. The message is that there is no time, I was wrong with initial statement about supposing there was some time.
By deduction, according to the Biden administration, the past two-hundred-fifty years or so, has all been inhumane migration policy and process, the foundation on which USA was born.
Biden says he wants to buy a vowel.
(V = B)
Vanna White and Pat Say Jack are selling ampersands on a competing syndicated game show.
1:33 pm:
If you studied this account, then you can easily read that episode of Beat the Clock.
It’s guest, contestants, stupid human tricks, host, studio audience, advertised product prizes and announcer, wardrobe... the whole thing, contains a language that spells out instructions to use rectally holstered nitrous oxide gas as weapon, to “clean the country”, while capturing the children at “the mouse hole”, Disneyland. It further spells out that those who try to use a typewriter to contact a big brother (police) are to be killed. There are instructions to use Thompson Machine guns and baseball bats for rounding up victims into a bottleneck trap where they are killed.
That is only one episode, of only one game show.
Joe Biden wants to buy a vowel. He needs time, he says. 250 years was not enough to create a Home of the Brave, Land of the Free.
It’s the home of the Captive Ignorant, and land of the Week Cowards.
Home of the Tyrants, Land of the Dictators.
Home of the Dead, Land of the not quite Dead yet.
1:57 pm:
Vowels = A; E; I; O; U; and sometimes Y.
Vowels = a; e; i; o; u; and sometimes y.
“AE, I O U.” is a complete sentence.
Arts & Entertainment, I owe you.
You could do a Cracker Jack Decoder Ring decode on it, see where it leads.
I don’t want to do that at the moment.
Gnosis is in here somewhere:
“I before E, except after C” is bullshit Gnosis, it was put into circulation to help keep people stupid, it never works, is a lie, part of the Russian Mother Hoax SDA nanny British Still training, was mainstreamed.
Biden wants to by a Vowel ...
Y is the one he is looking for.
A “splitter”. Has one input, binary output.
Backwards, it channels two inputs into a single, bottle-necked, output.
Biden is looking for “A Loaner”. (study this account to learn about the “Loaner Sword”)
The Psaki Tweet is about buying time, in a game show, so it’s a Vowel where V = B, a “Loaner Sword w/loaded Bowel”
(I’m on the Left today, poised to run the Jesus Gauntlet soon, I have no help, people will die, either I will be killed, or I will defend, and others will be killed when I begin to run the Jesus Gauntlet. There are no helpful people, I will be outnumbered by about 125,000:1. The Gauntlet includes a mandated bottleneck is part of the Jesus Gauntlet, specially designed, all worked out more than three months ago, is in place, I know it’s there, the Gauntlet makers at Biden HQ put it there, so they have the advantage of a highly controlled environment in the Bottleneck. I have the advantage once confined within it, that’s how I roll)
Biden buys a Vowel, on a loaner, at the Bottleneck.
“AE, I O U.”
That is out in the open.
The Y, is what is hidden.
I suggest nsa put their big boy pants on, the Y is not there for me, it’s there for nsa. - - -
2:11 pm:
nsa should learn everything there is to know about “Roll Reversal” acting technique. Soon.
The entire premise of contemporary terror scenario is based on Roll Reversal.
Extreme complication.
There is a stake out. nsa is watching activity at a location, trying figure out W T actual F is going on.
The terror bastards are connected to the nsa leadership, they know exactly where the stake out is happening, who the individuals are, what equipment they have, who and what the focus of the investigation is, and, they also know the names and address, personal contact information of the nsa extended family, and more. They had all of that information before the airplane they rode in, landed at the airport, because SAG is TSA, and also is ATC, and also is Port Authority, ATF, DHS, and FEMA.
That is how they know so much ahead of time.
The terror takes advantage of the stake out with use of Roll Reversal actor/terror/assassin special operatives.
So, while nsa has listening capability, SAG has better equipment.
SAG assassin will knock on the door where a subject of investigation lives. They are dressed in some kind of special attire, could be a Gumby costume, or a business suit, or any thing that is not just regular street clothes.
That person knocks at the door, knowing that nsa is listening, the door opens, and that is when Roll Reversal begins. The assassin at the door says: “Why are you wearing a Gumby costume?” to the person that opened the door, who is wearing some appropriate clothing for lounging at home.
That, and some more supportive dialogue is spoken by the one that knocked at the door wearing the Gumby costume. The one who lives there is being gassed with nitrous at the door at the same time, and no matter what that person says right then, all the nsa stakeout people are going to hear is an offensive statement, like “get the fuck out of my house you asshole!”.
There is enough confusion and time to kill the victim, who lives there, then take off the Gumby suit, and put it onto the dead victim, and in that five minutes of activity, the assassin becomes the victim, takes the place of the one who lives there, clothing is switched. The assassin is wearing comfortable lounging attire beneath the Gumby suit.
At the end of five minutes, there is a dead person wearing a Gumby suit, and a person who claims to live at that house wearing comfortable clothing that is expected to be worn by someone at home.
The stake out celebrates that the subject was able to defend against the Gumby.
The stake out members are killed at the celebration dinner, and awards ceremony they have for doing great detective work, by the real Gumby, Pokey, and the contents of many books where the Gumby crew picked up some friends, D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers show up at the police academy awards banquet, they bring Alice hidden inside of a decorative cake, at Wonderland, for takeover of their whole ship.
Don‘t forget that one of the first things Alice does, is she looks into a mirror. That, is planted symbolic Roll Reversal jargon that goes back a long way, so when I said contemporary terror scenarios, I mean the kind that began with invent of electronic broadcast and recording technology.
Look into a mirror and you see a reversed image of the self.
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the (insert the words of a marked victim here) of them all?”
The terror pirates become the marked victim before the victim is killed, and they do that intentionally while knowing the public safety people are watching them do it.
That is a simple Roll Reversal, a standard one, for simple targeted marks, it works when you consider that the entire stake out neighborhood is fogged with nitrous oxide/Medazolam gas mixture before the Gumby shows up at the victim/subject’s door, and Gumby’s crew has better, more advanced surveillance equipment than does the nsa stake out.
3:22 pm:
Do reversal on the reversal, put the pirate ship into the bottle:
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You have to put the whole fleet of pirate ships into separate bottles:
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Otherwise they use this kind of thing when they capture the nsa:
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It’s not like it has not been going on for centuries, it’s that no one likes to think about it, that the Christians might not be all that great and innocent after all. It’s much easier to look at Muslim goat farmers who drive old Toyota trucks in the desert.
3:41 pm:
“I before E except after C”
“Eye beef or Eeeee, accept aft, or sea”
♣ “Choose to take one for the team, or we toss you overboard, Laddy”
♦ “But why?”
It’s the vowel Biden is looking for. I’ve been playing this game my whole life, I am not taking one for the team, I am not going overboard.
Those are the rules.
The Y goes off into another direction also. Only they know what way it goes. It’s all prearranged. The Gauntlet is set, the actors have rehearsed their lines, done dress rehearsal many times, are prepared.
They have nitrous gas, medazolam gas, “Boutique airborne gasses”, ones that produce symptoms such as sea sickness symptoms, laxative symptoms, vertigo symptoms, long term exposure makes a rash, itching, blurry vision... many symptoms, they have advantage if knowing of presence of the gas, while either knowing and using wind speed and direction, or with a controlled environment where the air conditioning is directed in favor of optimum result and minimal risk to pirates.
If nsa has not done their own research with medazolam, that is a big mistake.
It’s not possible to remember what happened while exposed to medazolam gas. not even the murderous pirate can remember what they did when they kill in bulk.
The pirates took over the hospitals, they have access to all of the surgical grade anesthetic gasses, in bulk, and all obtained above board, not in the alley.
Truck loads of gasses. Freight train cars filled with anesthetic gasses, releasing as it goes along the tracks, with wind speed and direction used as a timing device, while on the way to the mill.
The propane truck you see, may not be filled with propane.
Five and ten gallon tanks fit into the trunk of a car, releasing along the freeway, on a Jesus Gauntlet, makes the car you are driving begin to suddenly accelerate because nitrous oxide is rocket fuel.
Pedestrian pirates hang around at places where dangerous curves and other difficult traffic conditions already exist. When the government leaders and news media Fauci fans, When “The Burk’s of the Hathaway in the Shire”, say “Flatten the Curve” they are saying “Flatulate at Dead Man‘s Curve”, there is one in every town. It means to do freeway fogging at the known dangerous traffic conditions.They also use the “Round-a-Bout” circular intersections to say the same thing in the Twitter news.
It makes people either crash, or pull over to see what is wrong with the car, or pull in to a service station COVID Take Test Center, or, it make a speeding ticket waiting to happen when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are stalking the victims from the Freeway median with RADAR gun.
I learned all of this the hard way, so you won‘t have to when I enplane and spell it all out, but no one will send any help, they still trying to figure out how to spell Ceiling, Receive, and Receipt.
There is a town called Ashland Oregon at I-5 Exit 19.
There, is the center of all things Shakespearean. They have a theater there that is dedicated to only Shakespeare plays. The place is famous for providing free broadband Optical Highspeed Internet to every inhabitant, Gnome Chompsky is the city’s unadvertised mascot, it’s the heart of everything “Democrat” in Oregon. Ashland is famous for Birkenstock Sandals worn with socks, where they are called “Jesus Sandals”. It’s OK to wear them in Ashland, with socks, but anywhere else, is a one way ticket to the Jesus Gauntlet.
Deborah Birkenstock's, with socks.
It’s a signature artifact that was left behind in real time, of the Twitter Time Warp terror, when the current Twitter feed time line, a time line that is more than ten years old, was first presented in Oregon as Beta Twitter, Donald Trump was president in Oregon in 2008, Joe Biden was already president, in 2008, when viewed from Oregon on Beta Twitter. Fauci, Burk, all of Corona Virus, those two Red Cross navy hospital boat stories, and most of what we see on twitter today, already took place in Oregon in 2008 and there about, at a time before the 2009 public national roll out of Twitter. They played the same time line from all of the networks as is presented now, on fast forward, at a rate of about ten years of Twitter time line presented within two years.
I was a Beta Twitter Verified Account holder at the time. They kicked me out when I used the platform to try to reach some help in a failed national security situation in Oregon that remains a failure today.
Nancy Sinatra, and Patricia Arquette were among the first to come to my home to find out why I was exposing truth on Beta Twitter.
Hillary Clinton was not far behind those two, and she wound up with a big hole in her tongue from a red hot poker heated with a Thermite welder by her thugs in my front yard. It all went sideways when they tried to poke me with it.
Birkenstock's with socks is a Ashland Oregon artifact left behind from that time.
I-5, Exit 19 Shakespeare Capital of Oregon, Ashland.
Teva Sandals are another of the “Jesus Sandals” where it marks a victim simply by wearing the sandals. Those are TV and Audio entertainment sponsored murder hit identifier tools, they go back a long way.
In Oregon, you need specific acceptable products. Some examples are simple ones... for watering your lawn or garden, you need a “Fan nozzle” for the hose, any other kind of nozzle is “Forbidden“, you will marked for takeout if seen using anything other than a “Fan nozzle”. Evert household is required to have a cleaning supplies container:
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Has to be that kind, and the supplies in it are also specific.
It has to be stored under the kitchen sink, no where else is allowed.
There used to be people who came door to door to make sure everyone complied with “The Rules”.
You must keep a small plastic grocery shopping bag on the kitchen counter top for your trash, no kitchen trash cans allowed. Those door to door people were checking to see the contents of the trash in the bag.
They took away all of the kitchen sharp knives, only butter knives were allowed.
They took away peoples tools, anything sharp was taken by those people in around 1997-1998.
They came with Thompson machine guns to do the checking for what they called “Contraband”, which could be a steak knife, or the wrong nozzle for the garden hose, or the wrong place where the cleaning supplies are stored.
You need this kind of garden water can. Any other kind is “Forbidden“.
The families were instructed to simply be outside, to water the garden, when told to do so. Presumably that was done when national security investigated terror reports that were coming in, so, when they arrive, all they see is people enjoying a fine spring day, doing some gardening.
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There are hundreds of specific items that people of Oregon were forced to have, and unlimited things that were “Forbidden“ and taken away by the Thompson brigade. Those people later became Pacific Power Corporation, and wound up taking over the entire Rocky Mountain Power Corporation.
I always defended when those people came to my house. My family was held in captivity as a result, they would have killed all of us, but I have useful skills that I was forced to perform design and technical drawings for them, some of that work is on Boeing airplanes in the cockpit instrument clusters, and signage throughout the airplanes.
I designed a lot of guitars and guitar parts for Dean Zelinsky, Zakk Wylde, and Eastwood Guitars while held captive at gunpoint, literally at gun point while doing design work.
“Do what we say, or we kill your children“
I already had seen hundreds of students killed at the schools, so I did what they asked me to do.
Much of the Walgreen‘s Pharmacy signage was created at my house while held captive. I created the Tesla Logo,
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Those are some of the designs I was forced to create.
The Christian terror machine is way bigger than anyone will recognize. Public Safety personnel are always standing right on top of the thing they are looking for, always, right on top of Mt. Everest, they see a pebble on the ground, and begin investigating the pebble, when it’s the mountain they are standing on that is the source of the terror.
Don‘t let that Saudi Oil fool you, that is a rebranded British Petroleum product label.
Don‘t be fooled by the Huawei label, that is Hong Kong and Hollywood in bed with together, is not China. Hong Kong is Little London.
5:52 pm:
My makeshift Blue-Tooth detection meter is pegged, is flatlined with solid and continuous tone, is loud. There are terror bastards communicating nearby wide open and continuous.
7:36 pm:
Those machine gun wielding terror soldiers who took over Boeing and became Pacific Power Corporation, who held me and my family captive and forced me to make graphic designs, technical drawings, and invent a whole bunch of products, had this in 1998:
Seagate FreeAgent Desk external hard drive. I think the one they had, in 1998, was three terabytes.
This one shown is 1.5 terabytes.
These were not publicly available until around 2008, ten years later, but that is the thing that I had to transfer the files to after creating the art. I was not allowed to keep any of the work I did, and they took the hard drive away with each machine gun visit.
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The terror army is ten years ahead of everyone else with the technology they have, because they hijacked all of the major technology innovators, they hold back the emerging technology, especially to stay ten years ahead of global security agencies.The new tech is kept secret, used by the pirates. While US military is left behind with old tech, the terror bastards have tech advantage, they have stuff that no one outside of their club has seen before, and don’t even know that such tech exists. You have to keep in mind that US Military contracts the equipment needs they have to civilian technology innovators to develop what they need, so, when the hijacked companies are approached, they don‘t provide the latest whiz bang tech to the US Military, yet they go ahead and develop next level technology to keep for themselves.
nsa is ten years behind the enemy. Write that down with your Brother Typewriter, so you don‘t forget when the medazolam kicks in.
9:14 pm:
I took a walk to the mailbox, I did not go outside at all yesterday.
It’s 35 degrees and quiet.
There was a bright flash of light, as lightning looks, was on the ground about at where the I-5 freeway onramp 66 is at, where the ODOT Maintenance yard is about one and one half miles north east from here. There was There was a bright flash of light, as lightning looks, was on the ground about at where the I-5 freeway onramp 66 is at, where the ODOT Maintenance yard is about one and one half miles north east from here. There was no noise associated with the bright flash.
There is some familiar terror communication done with a rope light at the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer. The message is “Serpent”, or “Chinese Dragon“, or perhaps “Sea Serpent”. I suppose it could be a “Welsh Dragon”, if so, that could be a Shane Welsh signature, from SDA Green Jello terror cell. I thought he was dead, but could have healed from his wounds. Shane looks similar to Marylin Manson without makeup, and dresses in GQ sort of clothes, usually walks with a cane, but no limp. It’s all been done many times before, so, the same terrorist is there announcing a signature with a rope light arrangement as is there from time to time. There are many signature statements made by many terror soldiers or terror cells to remember, I know of a few identities, but hardly any names of the individuals who use items arranged a particular way to say who they are. All of the terrorists go to the same church, so they are all informed about signature terror cell statements made with ordinary objects. I know of one individual who leaves a empty wine bottle on a picnic table if a table is available, if no table, then a table will be arranged somehow, with the empty wine bottle on it, so others know that Rod was there, who has an accomplice he calls Norton.
Shane Welsh and his accomplice Zachary White are both experienced and highly skilled computer hackers who have written some of the bugs that are installed into the Google Gmail, and more. They specialize in tiny little computer bugs that are used in association to non computer related things that are done by the county courts terror cell. They also specialize in installing invisible key stroke recorders, where everything a person types is sent to Google or Centurylink, or others. Value Added Malware, is what they do.
It’s notable that at the very instant that I did a Bing search for the Seagate FreeAgent Desk Hard Drive, with Shane Welsh in mind, I received a text message from Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon. Part of the significance is with a collage class called “Help Desk”, where Shane and Zack both got their hacking training from twenty years ago, and, that FreeAgent disk is a Encryption specific disk called FreeAgent Desk. I know there does not seem to be much connection to anything, but they are pirates, and the thing is called “Sea Gate Desk“. Do math. Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon has been trying to kill me with each visit there for about six years, I have killed all of the fake doctors and staff in defense over that time frame, and now, there are no remaining original staff at the Pain Specialists. I keep trying to get national security to follow me there to see what happens, but no one will send any help. It’s more likely that the investigative people would trust the terror bastards that run the Pain Center of Southern Oregon, try to set up shop inside the place, and that is not going to work, they are walking into a den of lions that look like little mice. It’s a fools folly when it comes to US national security. Pain Specialists closes at 4:00 pm most days, yet the text came at 7:08 pm. The previous phone message they left was on a Sunday... it’s a “doctors office”, they are not famous for working on Sundays or “after hours” (after Owe’rs).The text came from the wrong phone number: 888-513-2443, it’s supposed to be: 541-779-5228. The whole place has changed to new management as of around September or October 2020 when Paul Leppert, the last remaining terror doctor there, was killed in defense, it’s documented on this account somewhere. Shane and Zack run with a heavy gal by the name of Katie, who I have seen wearing a nurse outfit at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon. She is a murderous terror soldier the same as all of them are. All of the real doctors have been dead for twenty years, and now all of the replacement fake terror soldier doctors are all dead, but no one is interested in sending any help of the caliber that is required, US Military caliber is required for solving problems in Oregon, given that the entire population of the state has all been killed and replaced with Canadians.
Zachary White is presumed to have been killed in defense a few months ago along with Shane Welsh. I don‘t get a death certificate sent to me when I defend myself, so, I really have no way of knowing that a terrorist survived being run through with a sword, or loses a limb, or eye, or other body part while I was defending. Zach White should not be confused with Zakk Wylde, that is a different terror soldier. Zack White is about 45 years old, white, about 6′ 0″ tall, has short auburn or light brown hair, has a prominent mole on his cheek, is about 185 pounds, does not drive a car, rides a bicycle, last known address is the eastern most corner (nearest to the freeway of that corner) house at A St. and Beacon Dr., used to live near at the nearest house to the sewage treatment plant that is over by All Sports Park side of town. Zack is known for having “Partner” experimental surgery victims, the experiments that did not work, Zack  has access to those kind of victims. They don‘t look like human beings anymore by the time Zachary White is given one of them. I have one of his old vehicles in my front yard, a Datsun Truck, 1985 I think. He dropped it off here about 17 years ago and it’s been parked here since.
There is a terror cell that uses two orange cones as their signature. I am pretty sure that they are from the house on Monument Drive, a single tax lot, with two houses on it, a log truck parks there, lots of junk in the front yard, is owned by one of the County Judges. Specifically the house directly across Monument is the one that uses two orange cones as a signature marker when they do take out work. That is about 1000 feet away from where that flash of light came from, best guess.
The mail contained more Carpenters Union mail. This one has the fake logo on it, is fake at least as far as a temporary arrangement to say a message. My read on it now is that the Carpenters Union in Los Angeles is in league with the Google/YouTube Logo BHM terror event I looked at yesterday. The contents of the envelope look authentic, but could be fake.
My electric bill is enormous, that came today also.
A advertisement from Gentle Dental was also in the mailbox: 541-299-9116 to scheduled a fast and painless extermination and cleaning.
There are new lighting conditions across Russell Road from Chapman’s, where a very bright red light was installed about three years ago, it’s one of many red lights that have been placed around the area. The red lights serve as camouflage for sniper red laser light at random times. The mark gets used to seeing the existence of a red light in the distance, it becomes a normal thing to see, then, they shut that off one day, and a sniper takes position there were the red light is known to be at, so, when the sniper’s laser is activated, there is nothing out of the ordinary if the mark happens to see the red light in the distance. The change in lighting there is a additional porch light, or other glow of a lightbulb in a place where usually there has been only the red light. So, over time, three additional white, incandescent looking bulbs have been placed there near that red light, to the left, from my view.
Around here, every tiny lightbulb is a communication tool, even if there are no microphone transmitters hidden in them. Even small solar garden lights say something simply by being there.
The telescope at Monroe’s that has been pointing at my gate from about fifty feet away has been turned about 15 degrees counter clockwise, is level, points at nothing specific, as I step through the gate, it’s pointing at me. Before, it was pointed at my gate lock. no one ever uses the telescope, it’s an expensive looking thing, is outside in all weather, gets turned on it’s tripod on occasion, rarely changes location.
I see no changes in the Monroe yard for about two weeks. Before that, many changes happening daily, and that Google assassin that I photographed had been there for a few months. The only noticeable change I can see in the dark is that rope light. Two nights ago, a wall mounted lantern was being used as communication to others from the Monroe Surveillance Trailer, where for the past three years or so, there has been someone stationed at the trailer waiting to take a shot at me as I walk by, or to come into my house as I am at the mailbox.
That trailer was put there by people I recognized as people who are scouts at the Walmart parking lot. A older white man in his sixties, white hair, big red late model Dual wheel crew cab pick up with 5th wheel towing capability. The trailer is a 5th wheel style, modern, with pop-outs, about 35 feet.
Two trash cans remain at the corner from Monday trash day, a small one from Freeberg, and a large one from Deitrick. Both are black, or dark grey, there is 20 feet between the two, the larger one is placed at a optimum shooting position, where there is illusion, and range considerations toward my driveway. Terror soldiers get inside of the trash cans to shoot at me from time to time.
That’s all for mail run.
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