#except id i have to interact with ppl for long periods of time
A perk of feeling like you don't belong nowhere is that going anywhere is such a relief,. An issue? Lemme gtfo to a random place, the freedom of going elsewhere will heal me.
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fall2017ugc111 · 7 years
Monotheism notes
- An anomaly in ancient society. - Previously: polytheistic society = society where there are many gods. People can choose their gods and switch. Eg. Egypt. - But Monotheism = only one god in society but cannot switch God. Only successful in one society- Israel. - All the same people, just different time periods, different terms. - Nomadic for much of their existence and so their ID cannot be related to any geographical location. - Abraham came from one of the Mesopotamian city states. - But have no mention of him anywhere other than from Hebrew scriptures. So is he actually real? - City of Ur had great political chaos, so their deity has failed them and there is a need for a new god. - Yahweh was a desert god who demanded to be the only god to be worshipped by Abraham. - Attractive promise of a child (Isaac) since Abraham was old and needed a son.  - Major Jewish belief: prophets-> communicate Yahweh’s beliefs via a particular context. - Have punishments if expectations are not met -> Prophets warns people of this. - Many prophets shared with Christianity. - Amos: not concerned with specific forms of religious worship. More interested in social justice and communal rls. Rare in the ancient world for that to be the emphasis. - For him, if you do not treat the less fortunate in your society well, you cannot enjoy what you have selfishly made for yourself. - Kingdom of Israel exist while Amos was alive, and was conquered by Assyrians. - For next 700 years, Israel ppl lived as refugees and exiles due to conquest by different people. - Law =/= political or official leader system. Is more of law of social norms and conduct, an expected way for Jewish ppl to behave. - Very comprehensive law and specific law code that governs behaviour in every step of the day. - Becomes an external marker of who you are -> ppl know you are worshippers of Yahweh due to the way you behave. - Have a cultural and religious ID that connects ppl across multiple communities. But, no political ID as Israel was not a country of its own. - Jewish community is isolated due to their culture differing from others. No interaction. - There has been a long time of anti-sematic sentiments even in the past due to their great difference in way of life. - Abraham’s story did not become written down until 600s. - From excepts of Genesis: - Yahweh promise at the start then gives expectations. - He seems to be a combination of Egyptian and Mesopotamian Gods. - Both have supernatural conception similar to Isaac who is supernaturally conceived from Yahweh. - Hebrew has no vowels and Yahweh = “I am”. - None negotiable: Must circumcise males. - But, it is irreversible and lets fellow Jews have something in common -> allows communal ID. - Females were seen as naturally circumcised -> they cannot be branded similar to men. But, God only protects the circumcised -> male biased? - May have to do with ancient perception of sexuality -> men are more sexual and women can control themselves better. - Males considered head of family and passes on the seed -> so long promise is given to them, it carries through for everyone else. - Why are Abraham and Sarah chosen? - Unwavering loyalty and potential faithfulness -> according to text. - Also, he is NOT made a king, he is just an ordinary person. - Promise of land and child is attractive to Abraham -> Yahweh’s promise fits the needs of the person he speaks to. - Also, gives Yahweh more credibility, a symbol of power -> can allow Abraham to have Isaac even at an old age. - Abraham and Sarah CHOOSE their God, not the opposite way. - Stories give ppl hope that things will be better. - Note: Genesis with Abraham meeting Yahweh was recorded first before the creation of men by God in the bible. - Jews and Christians alike separates the creation of people with the introduction of God to men (through Abraham’s first meeting).
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